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Von Kármán wrote of Tsien, "At the age of 36, he was an undisputed genius whose work was providing an enormous impetus to advances in high-speed aerodynamics and jet propulsion."<ref name="2008poy">{{cite journal |url = http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_generic.jsp?channel=awst&id=news/aw010708p1.xml |title = Qian Xuesen Laid Foundation For Space Rise in China |last1 = Perrett |first1 = Bradley |date = {{Date|2008-01-06|dmy}} |journal = Aviation Week and Space Technology |volume = 168 |number = 1 |archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20110521055346/http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_generic.jsp?channel=awst&id=news%2Faw010708p1.xml |archive-date = 2011-05-21 |url-status = dead |access-date = {{Date|2015-02-02|dmy}} }}</ref> During this time, he worked on designing an intercontinental space plane, which would later inspire the [[X-20 Dyna-Soar]], a precursor to the American [[Space Shuttle]].
Von Kármán wrote of Tsien, "At the age of 36, he was an undisputed genius whose work was providing an enormous impetus to advances in high-speed aerodynamics and jet propulsion." During this time, he worked on designing an intercontinental space plane, which would later inspire the X-20 Dyna-Soar, a precursor to the American Space Shuttle.
冯·卡门在提到钱学森时写道: “在他36岁的时候,他是一个无可争议的天才,他的工作为高速空气动力学和喷气推进技术的发展提供了巨大的动力。”<ref name="2008poy">{{cite journal |url = http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_generic.jsp?channel=awst&id=news/aw010708p1.xml |title = Qian Xuesen Laid Foundation For Space Rise in China |last1 = Perrett |first1 = Bradley |date = {{Date|2008-01-06|dmy}} |journal = Aviation Week and Space Technology |volume = 168 |number = 1 |archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20110521055346/http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_generic.jsp?channel=awst&id=news%2Faw010708p1.xml |archive-date = 2011-05-21 |url-status = dead |access-date = {{Date|2015-02-02|dmy}} }}</ref>在此期间,他致力于设计一种洲际航天飞机,它是美国航天飞机的前身,并为后来X-20 Dyna-Soar的生产带来了灵感。
冯·卡门在提到钱学森时写道: “在他36岁的时候,他是一个无可争议的天才,他的工作为高速空气动力学和喷气推进技术的发展提供了巨大的动力。”<ref name="2008poy">{{cite journal |url = http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_generic.jsp?channel=awst&id=news/aw010708p1.xml |title = Qian Xuesen Laid Foundation For Space Rise in China |last1 = Perrett |first1 = Bradley |date = {{Date|2008-01-06|dmy}} |journal = Aviation Week and Space Technology |volume = 168 |number = 1 |archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20110521055346/http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_generic.jsp?channel=awst&id=news%2Faw010708p1.xml |archive-date = 2011-05-21 |url-status = dead |access-date = {{Date|2015-02-02|dmy}} }}</ref>在此期间,他致力于设计一种洲际航天飞机,它是美国航天飞机的前身,并为后来X-20 Dyna-Soar的生产带来了灵感。
钱学森娶了著名歌剧演员蒋英,她是蒋百里和他的妻子:日本护士SatôYato的女儿。蒋百里是国民党领导人蒋介石的军事战略家和顾问。钱学森夫妇于1947年9月14日在上海结婚,育有两个孩子;他们的儿子钱永刚(又称Yucon Tsien)<ref>{{cite web |url = https://dl.library.ucla.edu/islandora/object/edu.ucla.library.specialCollections.latimes:4566 |title = California Institute of Technology scientist, Dr. Hsue-shen Tsien with his family onboard SS President Cleveland, 1955 |publisher = Los Angeles Times Photographic Archive |access-date = 2019-03-24 }}</ref>) 于1948年10月13日出生在波士顿<ref>Chang (1995), p.&nbsp;141.</ref> while their daughter [[Qian Yongzhen]] (钱永真) was born in early 1950<ref>Chang (1995), p.&nbsp;153.</ref> ,而他们的女儿钱永珍则出生于1950年初,当时全家住在加州帕萨迪纳。 
Tsien married [[Jiang Ying (musician)|Jiang Ying]] (蒋英), a famed opera singer and the daughter of [[Jiang Baili]] (蒋百里) and his wife, Japanese nurse Satô Yato. The elder Jiang was a military strategist and adviser to [[Kuomintang]] leader [[Chiang Kai-shek]]. The Tsiens were married on 14 September 1947<ref>Chang (1995), p.&nbsp;139.</ref> in [[Shanghai]], and had two children; their son [[Qian Yonggang]] (钱永刚, also known as Yucon Tsien<ref>{{cite web |url = https://dl.library.ucla.edu/islandora/object/edu.ucla.library.specialCollections.latimes:4566 |title = California Institute of Technology scientist, Dr. Hsue-shen Tsien with his family onboard SS President Cleveland, 1955 |publisher = Los Angeles Times Photographic Archive |access-date = 2019-03-24 }}</ref>) was born in [[Boston]] on 13 October 1948,<ref>Chang (1995), p.&nbsp;141.</ref> while their daughter [[Qian Yongzhen]] (钱永真) was born in early 1950<ref>Chang (1995), p.&nbsp;153.</ref> when the family was residing in [[Pasadena, California|Pasadena]], California.
Tsien married Jiang Ying (蒋英), a famed opera singer and the daughter of Jiang Baili (蒋百里) and his wife, Japanese nurse Satô Yato. The elder Jiang was a military strategist and adviser to Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai-shek. The Tsiens were married on 14 September 1947 in Shanghai, and had two children; their son Qian Yonggang (钱永刚, also known as Yucon Tsien) was born in Boston on 13 October 1948, while their daughter Qian Yongzhen (钱永真) was born in early 1950 when the family was residing in Pasadena, California.
婚礼后不久,钱学森回到美国,在麻省理工任教<ref>Chang (1995), pp.&nbsp;139–140.</ref> 。1947年12月,蒋英赴美与他团聚。1949年,在冯·卡门的推荐下,钱学森成为加州理工学院喷气推进教授。<ref name="caltech2">{{cite web |url = https://www.caltech.edu/about/history |title = GALCIT History }}{{dead link |date=December 2017 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref>
钱学森娶了著名歌剧演员蒋英,她是蒋百里和他的妻子:日本护士SatôYato的女儿。蒋百里是国民党领导人蒋介石的军事战略家和顾问。钱学森夫妇于1947年9月14日在上海结婚,育有两个孩子;他们的儿子钱永刚(又称Yucon Tsien)于1948年10月13日出生在波士顿,而他们的女儿钱永珍则出生于1950年初,当时全家住在加州帕萨迪纳。 
1947年,钱学森获得美国永久居民许可证<ref name="MJ550913" />。曾有传言指出,1949年,尽管他不能获得公民身份,但他仍申请加入美国国籍。但此事除了少数人的回忆<ref name="autogenerated57" /> t,没有其他官方证据表明钱学森曾试图申请加入美国国籍。多年后,他的妻子蒋英在接受凤凰卫视采访时明确表示,钱学森从未申请加入美国国籍。<ref>{{cite web |url = http://v.ifeng.com/history/renwujingdian//201202/18b53c55-2072-4e66-90d8-5cea9450fd38.shtml |script-title = zh:2012-02-18我的中国心 天籁美音——蒋英 |trans-title = My Chinese Heart heavenly tone: Jiang Ying |date = {{Date|2012-02-18|dmy}} |author = 凤凰卫视 |publisher = 凤凰网/凤凰视频 |access-date = {{Date|2015-02-02|dmy}} |language = zh }}</ref>
Shortly after his wedding, Tsien returned to America to take up a teaching position at MIT. Jiang Ying would join him in December 1947.<ref>Chang (1995), pp.&nbsp;139–140.</ref> In 1949, with the recommendation of von Kármán, Tsien became Robert H. Goddard Professor of Jet Propulsion at Caltech.<ref name="caltech2">{{cite web |url = https://www.caltech.edu/about/history |title = GALCIT History }}{{dead link |date=December 2017 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref>
Shortly after his wedding, Tsien returned to America to take up a teaching position at MIT. Jiang Ying would join him in December 1947. In 1949, with the recommendation of von Kármán, Tsien became Robert H. Goddard Professor of Jet Propulsion at Caltech.
=== 软禁 ===
In 1947, Tsien was granted a permanent resident permit,<ref name="MJ550913" /> and in 1949, he applied for naturalization, although he could not obtain citizenship.<ref name="autogenerated57" /> Except for the memories of a few individuals,<ref name="autogenerated57" /> there is no other official proof indicating that Tsien had tried to apply for naturalization. Years later, his wife Jiang Ying said in an interview with [[Phoenix Television]] that Tsien did not apply for naturalization.<ref>{{cite web |url = http://v.ifeng.com/history/renwujingdian//201202/18b53c55-2072-4e66-90d8-5cea9450fd38.shtml |script-title = zh:2012-02-18我的中国心 天籁美音——蒋英 |trans-title = My Chinese Heart heavenly tone: Jiang Ying |date = {{Date|2012-02-18|dmy}} |author = 凤凰卫视 |publisher = 凤凰网/凤凰视频 |access-date = {{Date|2015-02-02|dmy}} |language = zh }}</ref>
In 1947, Tsien was granted a permanent resident permit,
20世纪40年代早期,美国陆军情报局已经相信钱学森是共产主义者,但是他参加机密研究的证书并没有被吊销<ref>Chang (1995), p.&nbsp;158.</ref> 。然而,1950年6月6日,他参加机密研究的证书被吊销,同时钱学森受到联邦调查局的审问。两周后,钱学森宣布他将辞去加州理工学院的工作,回到由毛泽东领导的中国共产党治理的中国。<ref name="caltech1" /><ref>Chang (1995), pp.&nbsp;149–150.</ref>
--[[用户:CecileLi|CecileLi]]([[用户讨论:CecileLi|讨论]])  【审校】此处无格式的英文和翻译不完整 补充: In 1947, Tsien was granted a permanent resident permit, and in 1949, he applied for naturalization, although he could not obtain citizenship.Except for the memories of a few individuals,there is no other official proof indicating that Tsien had tried to apply for naturalization. Years later, his wife Jiang Ying said in an interview with Phoenix Television that Tsien did not apply for naturalization.
--[[用户:CecileLi|CecileLi]]([[用户讨论:CecileLi|讨论]])  【审校】补充翻译:1947年,钱学森获得美国永久居民许可证。曾有传言指出,1949年,尽管他不能获得公民身份,但他仍申请加入美国国籍。但此事除了少数人的回忆,没有其他官方证据表明钱学森曾试图申请加入美国国籍。多年后,他的妻子蒋英在接受凤凰卫视采访时明确表示,钱学森从未申请加入美国国籍。
同年8月,钱学森与当时的海军副部长丹·A·金博尔(Dan A. Kimball)就这个问题进行了交谈,钱学森与金博尔有私交。钱学森告诉他这些指控后,金博尔回应说,“见鬼,我不认为你是共产主义者”。钱学森暗示,他仍然打算离开美国,并说“我是中国人,我不想制造杀死我同胞的武器,就这么简单。”金博尔接着说,“但我不会让你回中国的。”<ref>{{harvnb|Ryan|Summerlin|1968|p=215}}</ref>
=== Detention软禁 ===
By the early 1940s, US Army Intelligence was already aware of allegations that Tsien was a Communist, but his security clearance was not suspended.<ref>Chang (1995), p.&nbsp;158.</ref> However, on 6 June 1950, his security clearance was revoked and Tsien was questioned by the FBI. Two weeks later Tsien announced that he would be resigning from Caltech and returning to China, which by then was effectively governed by the Communist Party of China led by [[Mao Zedong]].<ref name="caltech1" /><ref>Chang (1995), pp.&nbsp;149–150.</ref>
在负责安排钱学森回中国的公司向美国海关透露,钱学森随身物品中有一些文件标有“机密”或“秘密”字样后,美国官员从帕萨迪纳的一个仓库里查获了这些文件。美国移民和规划局于8月25日发出逮捕令。钱学森称,这些加盖安全章的文件大多是自己写的,分类已经过时,并补充说,“有一些图纸和对数表等,可能被人误认为是代码。”<ref>Chang (1995), p.&nbsp;157.</ref>材料中包括一本剪贴簿,上面有对那些被控从事原子间谍活动的人进行审判的新闻剪报,比如克劳斯·福克斯。<ref>Chang (1995), p.&nbsp;160.</ref> 随后对这些文件的检查表明,这些文件中没有任何机密材料。<ref name="MJ550913" />对韦恩鲍姆的审判于8月30日开始,弗兰克·奥本海默和帕森斯都出庭作不利于他的证明。韦恩鲍姆被判犯有伪证罪,判处4年徒刑。钱学森于1950年9月6日被羁押问话。
By the early 1940s, US Army Intelligence was already aware of allegations that Tsien was a Communist, but his security clearance was not suspended. However, on 6 June 1950, his security clearance was revoked and Tsien was questioned by the FBI. Two weeks later Tsien announced that he would be resigning from Caltech and returning to China, which by then was effectively governed by the Communist Party of China led by Mao Zedong.
在加州理工学院期间,钱学森曾秘密参加了与J.罗伯特·奥本海默的弟弟弗兰克·奥本海默、杰克·帕森斯和弗兰克·玛丽娜的会议,这些会议是由俄罗斯出生的犹太化学家西德尼·温鲍姆组织的,并被称为帕萨迪纳共产党的122专业单位。<ref>[[Ray Monk]], ''Robert Oppenheimer: A Life Inside the Center'' [[Random House]] {{ISBN|978-0-385-50407-2}} (2012)</ref> 对温鲍姆的审判于8月30日开始,弗兰克·奥本海默和帕森斯都作证指控温鲍姆。温鲍姆被判伪证罪,判处四年有期徒刑<ref>Chang (1995), p.&nbsp;159.</ref> 。钱学森于1950年9月6日被拘留审问<ref name="MJ550913" />,并在特米那岛(终端岛)拘留了两周。特米那岛(终端岛)是美国联邦监狱,靠近洛杉矶和长滩港。
In August, Tsien had a conversation on the subject with the then [[Under Secretary of the Navy]] [[Dan A. Kimball]], whom Tsien knew on a personal basis. After Tsien told him of the allegations, Kimball responded, "Hell, I don't think you're a Communist", at which point Tsien indicated that he still intended to leave the country, saying "I'm Chinese. I don't want to build weapons to kill my countrymen. It's that simple." Kimball then said, "I won't let you out of the country."<ref>{{harvnb|Ryan|Summerlin|1968|p=215}}</ref>
In August, Tsien had a conversation on the subject with the then Under Secretary of the Navy Dan A. Kimball, whom Tsien knew on a personal basis. After Tsien told him of the allegations, Kimball responded, "Hell, I don't think you're a Communist", at which point Tsien indicated that he still intended to leave the country, saying "I'm Chinese. I don't want to build weapons to kill my countrymen. It's that simple." Kimball then said, "I won't let you out of the country."
同年8月,钱学森与当时的海军副部长丹·A·金博尔(Dan A. Kimball)就这个问题进行了交谈,钱学森与金博尔有私交。钱学森告诉他这些指控后,金博尔回应说,“见鬼,我不认为你是共产主义者”。钱学森暗示,他仍然打算离开美国,并说“我是中国人,我不想制造杀死我同胞的武器,就这么简单。”金博尔接着说,“但我不会让你回中国的。”
After the firm in charge of arranging Tsien's move back to China tipped off U.S. Customs that some of the papers encountered among his possessions were marked "Secret" or "Confidential," U.S. officials seized them from a Pasadena warehouse. The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service issued a warrant for Tsien's arrest on 25 August. Tsien claimed that the security-stamped documents were mostly written by himself and had outdated classifications, adding that, "There were some drawings and logarithm tables, etc., which someone might have mistaken for codes."<ref>Chang (1995), p.&nbsp;157.</ref> Included in the material was a scrapbook with news clippings about the trials of those charged with atomic espionage, such as [[Klaus Fuchs]].<ref>Chang (1995), p.&nbsp;160.</ref> Subsequent examination of the documents showed they contained no classified material.<ref name="MJ550913" />
After the firm in charge of arranging Tsien's move back to China tipped off U.S. Customs that some of the papers encountered among his possessions were marked "Secret" or "Confidential," U.S. officials seized them from a Pasadena warehouse. The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service issued a warrant for Tsien's arrest on 25 August. Tsien claimed that the security-stamped documents were mostly written by himself and had outdated classifications, adding that, "There were some drawings and logarithm tables, etc., which someone might have mistaken for codes." Included in the material was a scrapbook with news clippings about the trials of those charged with atomic espionage, such as Klaus Fuchs. Subsequent examination of the documents showed they contained no classified material.  Weinbaum's trial commenced on 30 August and both Frank Oppenheimer and Parsons testified against him. Weinbaum was convicted of perjury and sentenced to four years. Tsien was taken into custody on 6 September 1950 for questioning
While at Caltech, Tsien had secretly attended meetings with J. Robert Oppenheimer's brother [[Frank Oppenheimer]], [[John Whiteside Parsons|Jack Parsons]], and [[Frank Malina]] that were organized by the Russian-born Jewish chemist Sidney Weinbaum and called Professional Unit 122 of the Pasadena Communist Party.<ref>[[Ray Monk]], ''Robert Oppenheimer: A Life Inside the Center'' [[Random House]] {{ISBN|978-0-385-50407-2}} (2012)</ref>  Weinbaum's trial commenced on 30 August and both Frank Oppenheimer and Parsons testified against him.<ref>[[George Pendle]], ''Strange Angel: The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons'' [[Mariner Books]] (2006) {{ISBN|0-297-84853-4}} p.&nbsp;291.</ref> Weinbaum was convicted of perjury and sentenced to four years.<ref>Chang (1995), p.&nbsp;159.</ref> Tsien was taken into custody on 6 September 1950 for questioning<ref name="MJ550913" /> and for two weeks detained at [[Federal Correctional Institution, Terminal Island|Terminal Island]], a low-security United States federal prison near the ports of Los Angeles and [[Long Beach, California|Long Beach]].
--[[用户:CecileLi|CecileLi]]([[用户讨论:CecileLi|讨论]])  【审校】此处缺无格式的英文和翻译 补充:
While at Caltech, Tsien had secretly attended meetings with J. Robert Oppenheimer's brother Frank Oppenheimer, Jack Parsons, and Frank Malina that were organized by the Russian-born Jewish chemist Sidney Weinbaum and called Professional Unit 122 of the Pasadena Communist Party. Weinbaum's trial commenced on 30 August and both Frank Oppenheimer and Parsons testified against him.Weinbaum was convicted of perjury and sentenced to four years. Tsien was taken into custody on 6 September 1950 for questioning and for two weeks detained at Terminal Island, a low-security United States federal prison near the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.
On 26 April 1951, Tsien was declared subject to deportation and forbidden from leaving Los Angeles County without permission, effectively placing him under house arrest.
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When Tsien had returned from China with his new bride in 1947, he had answered "no" on an immigration questionnaire that asked if he ever had been a member of an organization advocating overthrow of the U.S. Government by force. This, together with an American [[CPUSA|Communist Party]] document from 1938 with Tsien's name on it, was used to argue that Tsien was a national security threat. Prosecutors also cited a cross-examination session where Tsien said, "I owe allegiance to the people of China" and would "certainly not" let the United States government make his decision for him as to whom he would owe allegiance to in the event of a conflict between the U.S. and communist China.<ref>{{harvnb|Ryan|Summerlin|1968|pp=113, 115}}</ref>
1947年,当钱学森带着他的新娘从中国返回美国时,他在一份询问他是否曾是一个鼓吹以武力推翻美国政府的组织的成员的移民调查问卷中回答“不”。这一问卷与1938年的一份美国[CPUSA |共产党]]文件上面写着钱学森的名字,被居心叵测的人利用以试图证明钱学森是一个对美国国家安全的威胁。检方还引述了一次盘问环节中钱学森的话,“我对中国人民有效忠义务”,如果美国和共产主义中国发生冲突,他“肯定不会”让美国政府替他决定他该效忠哪一个国家。<ref>{{harvnb|Ryan|Summerlin|1968|pp=113, 115}}</ref>
1947年,当钱学森带着他的新娘从中国返回美国时,他在一份询问他是否曾是一个鼓吹以武力推翻美国政府的组织的成员的移民调查问卷中回答“不”。这一问卷与1938年的一份美国[CPUSA |共产党]]文件上面写着钱学森的名字,被居心叵测的人利用以试图证明钱学森是一个对美国国家安全的威胁。检方还引述了一次盘问环节中钱学森的话,“我对中国人民有效忠义务”,如果美国和共产主义中国发生冲突,他“肯定不会”让美国政府替他决定他该效忠哪一个国家。
During this time, Tsien wrote Engineering Cybernetics, which was published by McGraw Hill in 1954. The book deals with the practice of stabilizing servomechanisms. In its 18 chapters, it considers non-interacting controls of many-variable systems, control design by perturbation theory, and von Neumann's theory of error control (chapter 18). Ezra Krendel reviewed the book, stating that it is "difficult to overstate the value of Tsien's book to those interested in the overall theory of complex control systems." Evidently, Tsien's approach is primarily practical, as Krendel notes that for servomechanisms, the "usual linear design criterion of stability is inadequate and other criteria arising from the physics of the problem must be used."
在此期间,钱学森撰写了《工程控制论》 ,并于1954年由麦格劳 · 希尔出版社出版。这本书论述了稳定伺服机构的实践。在这本书的18章中,它考虑了多变量系统的非相互作用控制、摄动理论的控制设计和 von Neumann 的错误控制理论(第18章)。埃兹拉 · 克伦德尔评论了这本书,指出“对于那些对复杂控制系统的整体理论感兴趣的人来说,很难夸大钱永健这本书的价值。”显然,钱的方法主要是实用的,正如克伦德尔指出,对于伺服机构,“通常的线性稳定性设计标准是不够的,必须使用从其他物理问题中产生的标准。”
在此期间,钱学森撰写了《工程控制论》 ,并于1954年由麦格劳 · 希尔出版社出版。这本书论述了稳定伺服机构的实践。在这本书的18章中,它考虑了多变量系统的非相互作用控制、摄动理论的控制设计和 von Neumann 的错误控制理论(第18章)。埃兹拉·克伦德尔评论了这本书,指出“对于那些对复杂控制系统的整体理论感兴趣的人来说,很难夸大钱永健这本书的价值。”显然,钱的方法主要是实用的,正如克伦德尔指出,对于伺服机构,“通常的线性稳定性设计标准是不够的,必须使用从其他物理问题中产生的标准。”
On 26 April 1951, Tsien was declared subject to deportation and forbidden from leaving [[Los Angeles County, California|Los Angeles County]] without permission, effectively placing him under [[house arrest]].<ref>{{harvnb|Ryan|Summerlin|1968|p=141}}</ref>
Qian became the subject of five years of secret diplomacy and negotiation between the U.S. and China. During this time, he lived under constant surveillance with the permission to teach without any classified research duties. Qian arrived at Hong Kong on 8 October 1955 and entered China via the Kowloon–Canton Railway later that day.
During this time, Tsien wrote ''Engineering Cybernetics'', which was published by [[McGraw Hill]] in 1954. The book deals with the practice of stabilizing [[servomechanism]]s. In its 18 chapters, it considers non-interacting controls of many-variable systems, control design by [[perturbation theory]], and [[John von Neumann|von Neumann]]'s theory of [[error control]] (chapter 18). Ezra Krendel reviewed<ref>Ezra Krendel (1955) "Review of Engineering Cybernetics", [[Journal of the Franklin Institute]] 259(4): 367</ref> the book, stating that it is "difficult to overstate the value of Tsien's book to those interested in the overall theory of complex [[control system]]s." Evidently, Tsien's approach is primarily practical, as Krendel notes that for servomechanisms, the "usual linear design criterion of stability is inadequate and other criteria arising from the physics of the problem must be used."
在这期间,钱学森写了《工程控制论》,1954年由[[McGraw-Hill]]出版。这本书论述了稳定[[伺服机构]]的实践。在其18章中,它考虑了许多变量系统的非交互控制,[[微扰理论]]的控制设计,以及[[约翰.冯.诺依曼]]的[[误差控制]理论(第18章)。埃兹拉·克伦德尔回顾了《富兰克林学院学报》这本书<ref>Ezra Krendel (1955) "Review of Engineering Cybernetics", [[Journal of the Franklin Institute]] 259(4): 367</ref> ,指出“对于那些对复杂[[控制系统]]整体理论感兴趣的人来说,很难夸大钱学森的书的价值。”显然,钱学森的方法主要是实用的,正如克伦德尔指出的,对于伺服机构,“通常的线性稳定性设计准则是不充分的,必须使用由其它物理问题的性质产生的其他准则。”  
Under Secretary Kimball, who had tried for several years to keep Qian in the U.S., commented on his treatment: "It was the stupidest thing this country ever did. He was no more a Communist than I was, and we forced him to go."
几年来一直试图让钱学森留在美国的金博尔副国务卿评论了他的遭遇: “这是这个国家做过的最愚蠢的事情。他和我一样不是共产主义者,我们却强迫他离开。”
几年来一直试图让钱学森留在美国的金博尔副国务卿评论了他的遭遇: “这是这个国家做过的最愚蠢的事情。他和我一样不是共产主义者,我们却强迫他离开。”
