

模板:关于 模板:Primary sources 模板:主要来源

The twelve leverage points to intervene in a system were proposed by Donella Meadows, a scientist and system analyst focused on environmental limits to economic growth.[1]

“干预系统的十二个杠杆点”是由Donella Meadows提出的,他是一位科学家和系统分析员,专注于环境对经济增长的限制。[2]

The twelve leverage points to intervene in a system were proposed by Donella Meadows, a scientist and system analyst focused on environmental limits to economic growth.

这十二个杠杆点介入一个系统是由 Donella Meadows 提出的,他是一个专注于环境对经济增长的限制的科学家和系统分析家。

History 历史

The leverage points, first published in 1997, were inspired by Meadows' attendance at a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) meeting in the early 1990s, where she realized a very large new system was being proposed but the mechanisms to manage it were ineffective.

The leverage points, first published in 1997, were inspired by Meadows' attendance at a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) meeting in the early 1990s, where she realized a very large new system was being proposed but the mechanisms to manage it were ineffective.

1997年首次发表的杠杆观点是受到 Meadows 在1990年代初参加北美自由贸易协定会议的启发,当时她意识到正在提出一个非常大的新系统,但管理该系统的机制是无效的。

Meadows, who worked in the field of systems analysis, proposed a scale of places to intervene in a system. Awareness and manipulation of these levers is an aspect of self-organization and can lead to collective intelligence.


Meadows, who worked in the field of systems analysis, proposed a scale of places to intervene in a system. Awareness and manipulation of these levers is an aspect of self-organization and can lead to collective intelligence.


Her observations are often cited in energy economics, green economics and human development theory.


Her observations are often cited in energy economics, green economics and human development theory.


She started with the observation that there are levers, or places within a complex system (such as a firm, a city, an economy, a living being, an ecosystem, an ecoregion) where a "small shift in one thing can produce big changes in everything" (compare: constraint in the sense of Theory of Constraints).


She started with the observation that there are levers, or places within a complex system (such as a firm, a city, an economy, a living being, an ecosystem, an ecoregion) where a "small shift in one thing can produce big changes in everything" (compare: constraint in the sense of Theory of Constraints).

她首先观察到,在一个复杂系统中存在一些杠杆或地方(如公司、城市、经济、生命体、生态系统、生态区) ,“一件事的一个小小改变可以引起一切的大变化”(比较: 限制理论意义上的约束)。

She claimed we need to know about these shifts, where they are and how to use them. She said most people know where these points are instinctively, but tend to adjust them in the wrong direction. This understanding would help solve global problems such as unemployment, hunger, economic stagnation, pollution, resources depletion, and conservation issues.

She claimed we need to know about these shifts, where they are and how to use them. She said most people know where these points are instinctively, but tend to adjust them in the wrong direction. This understanding would help solve global problems such as unemployment, hunger, economic stagnation, pollution, resources depletion, and conservation issues.


Meadows started with a 9-point list of such places, and expanded it to a list of twelve leverage points with explanation and examples, for systems in general.

Meadows started with a 9-point list of such places, and expanded it to a list of twelve leverage points with explanation and examples, for systems in general.


She describes a system as being in a certain state, and containing a stock, with inflows (amounts coming into the system) and outflows (amounts going out of the system). At a given time, the system is in a certain perceived state. There may also be a goal for the system to be in a certain state. The difference between the current state and the goal is the discrepancy.


She describes a system as being in a certain state, and containing a stock, with inflows (amounts coming into the system) and outflows (amounts going out of the system). At a given time, the system is in a certain perceived state. There may also be a goal for the system to be in a certain state. The difference between the current state and the goal is the discrepancy.


{{quote|For example, one might consider a lake or reservoir, which contains a certain amount of water. The inflows are the amount of water coming from rivers, rainfall, drainage from nearby soils, and waste water from a local industrial plant. The outflows might be the amount of water used up for irrigation of nearby cornfield, water taken by that local plant to operate as well as the local camping site, water evaporating in the atmosphere, and trickling surplus water when the reservoir is full.

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Leverage points to intervene in a system利用点来干预系统

The following are in increasing order of effectiveness.

The following are in increasing order of effectiveness.


12. Constants, parameters, numbers (such as subsidies, taxes, standards) 12常量、参数、数字(如补贴、税收、标准)

Parameters are points of lowest leverage effects. Though they are the most clearly perceived among all leverages, they rarely change behaviors and therefore have little long-term effect.

Parameters are points of lowest leverage effects. Though they are the most clearly perceived among all leverages, they rarely change behaviors and therefore have little long-term effect.


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11. The size of buffers and other stabilizing stocks, relative to their flows 11. 相对于它们的流量,缓冲和其他稳定库存的大小,

A buffer's ability to stabilize a system is important when the stock amount is much higher than the potential amount of inflows or outflows. In the lake, the water is the buffer: if there's a lot more of it than inflow/outflow, the system stays stable.

A buffer's ability to stabilize a system is important when the stock amount is much higher than the potential amount of inflows or outflows. In the lake, the water is the buffer: if there's a lot more of it than inflow/outflow, the system stays stable.

当库存量远远高于潜在的流入或流出量时,缓冲区稳定系统的能力非常重要。在湖泊中,水是缓冲器: 如果有比流入/流出更多的水,系统就会保持稳定。

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Buffers can improve a system, but they are often physical entities whose size is critical and can't be changed easily.

Buffers can improve a system, but they are often physical entities whose size is critical and can't be changed easily.


10. Structure of material stocks and flows (such as transport network, population age structures)10物质储备和流动结构(如运输网络、人口年龄结构)

A system's structure may have enormous effect on operations, but may be difficult or prohibitively expensive to change. Fluctuations, limitations, and bottlenecks may be easier to address.


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9. Length of delays, relative to the rate of system changes 9相对于系统变化率的延迟长度

Information received too quickly or too late can cause over- or underreaction, even oscillations.


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8. Strength of negative feedback loops, relative to the effect they are trying to correct against 8 相对于他们试图纠正的效果,负反馈循环的强度

A negative feedback loop slows down a process, tending to promote stability. The loop will keep the stock near the goal, thanks to parameters, accuracy and speed of information feedback, and size of correcting flows.

A negative feedback loop slows down a process, tending to promote stability. The loop will keep the stock near the goal, thanks to parameters, accuracy and speed of information feedback, and size of correcting flows.


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7. Gain around driving positive feedback loops 7 驱动正反馈回路的增益

A positive feedback loop speeds up a process. Meadows indicates that in most cases, it is preferable to slow down a positive loop, rather than speeding up a negative one.

A positive feedback loop speeds up a process. Meadows indicates that in most cases, it is preferable to slow down a positive loop, rather than speeding up a negative one.

一个正反馈循环加速了一个过程。梅多斯Meadows 指出,在大多数情况下,最好放慢一个积极的循环,而不是加快一个消极的循环。

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6. Structure of information flow (who does and does not have access to what kinds of information) 6 信息流的结构(谁有权和无权访问哪些类型的信息)

Information flow is neither a parameter, nor a reinforcing or slowing loop, but a loop that delivers new information. It is cheaper and easier to change information flows than it is to change structure.

Information flow is neither a parameter, nor a reinforcing or slowing loop, but a loop that delivers new information. It is cheaper and easier to change information flows than it is to change structure.


For example, a monthly public report of water pollution level, especially nearby the industrial release, could have a lot of effect on people's opinions regarding the industry, and lead to changes in the waste water level of pollution.

For example, a monthly public report of water pollution level, especially nearby the industrial release, could have a lot of effect on people's opinions regarding the industry, and lead to changes in the waste water level of pollution.


5. Rules of the system (such as incentives, punishment, constraints) 5 制度规则(如激励、惩罚、约束)

Pay attention to rules, and to who makes them.

Pay attention to rules, and to who makes them.


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4. Power to add, change, evolve, or self-organize system structure 4 添加、更改、发展或自组织系统结构的权力

Self-organization describes a system's ability to change itself by creating new structures, adding new negative and positive feedback loops, promoting new information flows, or making new rules.


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3. Goal of the system 3 系统的目标

Changing goals changes every item listed above: parameters, feedback loops, information and self-organization.


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2. Mindset or paradigm that the system — its goals, structure, rules, delays, parameters — arises from 2 系统的目标、结构、规则、延迟、参数产生的心态或范式

A societal paradigm is an idea, a shared unstated assumption, or a system of thought that is the foundation of complex social structures. Paradigms are very hard to change, but there are no limits to paradigm change. Meadows indicates paradigms might be changed by repeatedly and consistently pointing out anomalies and failures in the current paradigm to those with open minds.

A societal paradigm is an idea, a shared unstated assumption, or a system of thought that is the foundation of complex social structures. Paradigms are very hard to change, but there are no limits to paradigm change. Meadows indicates paradigms might be changed by repeatedly and consistently pointing out anomalies and failures in the current paradigm to those with open minds.


A current paradigm is "Nature is a stock of resources to be converted to human purpose". What might happen to the lake were this collective idea changed ?

A current paradigm is "Nature is a stock of resources to be converted to human purpose". What might happen to the lake were this collective idea changed ?


1. Power to transcend paradigms 1 超越范式的力量

Transcending paradigms may go beyond challenging fundamental assumptions, into the realm of changing the values and priorities that lead to the assumptions, and being able to choose among value sets at will.


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See also 请参阅


  1. Meadows, Donella (2008). Thinking in Systems: A Primer. Chelsea Green Publishing. p. 145–165. ISBN 978-1-60358-055-7. 
  2. Meadows, Donella (2008). Thinking in Systems: A Primer. Chelsea Green Publishing. p. 145–165. ISBN 978-1-60358-055-7. 

模板:Systems science


Category:Futures studies

类别: 未来研究

Category:Systems theory

范畴: 系统论

Category:Theory of constraints

类别: 限制理论

This page was moved from wikipedia:en:Twelve leverage points. Its edit history can be viewed at 系统中的12个杠杆点/edithistory
