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观点演化动力学(Opinion Dynamics),也叫意见动力学,着眼于网络内部的互动,以及这些互动如何可能导致变化——通常是在两种对立意见之间,例如投票给左翼或右翼政党。这些模型创建连续的"更新"轮次,每轮结束后意见都会发生变化。"当然,在使用模型作为指导探索的框架和过于字面地解释这一点之间有一条细线,"Galesic说。"它们不应该被视为对人类和人类社会的直接描述——当然,人类不是生活在晶格中的粒子!"但这些模型似乎确实产生了类似于现实世界的观点传播模式。Galesic继续说道,"这些非常简单的模型已经找到了一种仅使用几个参数来推导这些模式的方法。

Opinion-dynamics models look at interactions within networks and how these are likely to cause change – usually between two opposing opinions such as voting for a left or right wing political party. The models create successive rounds of “updates” with opinions shifting after each round. “There is of course a fine line between using a model as a framework to guide your exploration and interpreting this too literally,” says Galesic. “They shouldn’t be taken as a direct description of humans and human society – of course humans are not particles living in crystal lattices!” But the models do seem to produce patterns of opinion spread that resemble the real world. Galesic continues, “These very simple models have found a way to derive these patterns using only a few parameters.”




Voter model



Clifford, Peter; Aidan W Sudbury (1973). “A Model for Spatial Conflict”. Biometrika.

Galam model


Galam S. Minority opinion spreading in random geometry [J]. The European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, 2002, 25(4):403-406.

Gekle S, Peliti L, Galam S. Opinion dynamics in a three-choice system [J]. The European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, 2005, 45(4):569-575.

social impact theory


Latané B. The psychology of social impact.[J]. American Psychologist, 1981, 36(4):343-356.

Sznajd model


Sznajdweron K. Sznajd model and its applications [J]. Acta Physica Polonica, 2005, 36(8):2537-2547.

SANTO FORTUNATO. THE SZNAJD CONSENSUS MODEL WITH CONTINUOUS OPINIONS [J]. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2005, 16(01):17-24.

Bounded confidence model


Black R. Continuous opinion dynamics under bounded confidence: A survey[J]. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2007, 18(12):1819-1838.

Weisbuch G. Bounded confidence and social networks [J]. European Physical Journal B, 2004, 38(2):339-343.

Deffuant model


Guillaume Deffuant, David Neau, Frederic Amblard, et al. Mixing beliefs among interacting agents [J]. Advances in Complex Systems, 2000, 3(01n04):87-98.

Hegselmann-Krause model


Hegselmann R, Krause U. Opinion Dynamics and Bounded Confidence Models, Analysis and Simulation [J]. Journal of Artificial Societies & Social Simulation, 2002, 5(3):2.

Ising model


Jiang L L, Hua D Y, Zhu J F, et al. Opinion dynamics on directed small-world networks [J]. European Physical Journal B, 2008, 65(2):251-255.

Cultural model


Axelrod R. The Dissemination of Culture: A Model with Local Convergence and Global Polarization [J]. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1997, 41(2):203-226.

Lanchier N. Opinion dynamics with confidence threshold: an alternative to the Axelrod model [J]. Latin American Journal of Probability & Mathematical Statistics, 2012, 7(1):1-18.



Ghaderi J, Srikant R. Opinion dynamics in social networks: A local interaction game with stubborn agents[C]// American Control Conference. IEEE, 2012:1982-1987.


社交网络上的谣言传播 Rumor spread in social network
社会学习数学建模 Mathematical models of social learning
投票者模型 voter model
帕金森定理 Parkinson's law
帕金森琐碎定理 Law of triviality
Sznajd模型 Sznajd model
Galam模型 Galam model
社会影响理论 Social impact theory
有界置信模型 Bounded confidence model
Deffuant模型 Deffuant model
HK模型 Hegselmann-Krause model
Cultural model


The physics of public opinion

