

模板:Infobox software

Swarm is the name of an open-source agent-based modeling simulation package, useful for simulating the interaction of agents (social or biological) and their emergent collective behaviour. Swarm was initially developed at the Santa Fe Institute in the mid-1990s, and since 1999 has been maintained by the non-profit Swarm Development Group. Also known as the Swarm Simulation System,[1] it is available for free [2] and use, covered by the GNU General Public License.[3]

Swarm is the name of an open-source agent-based modeling simulation package, useful for simulating the interaction of agents (social or biological) and their emergent collective behaviour. Swarm was initially developed at the Santa Fe Institute in the mid-1990s, and since 1999 has been maintained by the non-profit Swarm Development Group. Also known as the Swarm Simulation System,Swarm it is available for free download Software main page downloads and use, covered by the GNU General Public License.GNU General Public License

Swarm 是一个基于开源代理的建模仿真软件包的名称,用于模拟代理(社会或生物)之间的相互作用及其涌现的集体行为。Swarm 最初于20世纪90年代中期在圣菲研究所开发,自1999年以来一直由非营利性的 Swarm 开发集团维护。也被称为 Swarm Simulation System,Swarm 可以免费下载软件主页,并且可以下载和使用,包括 GNU 通用公共许可协议

Early development work on Swarm was completed by Chris Langton (SFI), Roger Burkhart (John Deere), Nelson Minar (SFI), Manor Askenazi (SFI), Glen Ropella (SFI), Marcus Daniels (SFI), and Alex Lancaster (SFI). Since that time, many hundreds of people around the world have contributed to the continued open source development of the suite of Swarm ABM tools.

Early development work on Swarm was completed by Chris Langton (SFI), Roger Burkhart (John Deere), Nelson Minar (SFI), Manor Askenazi (SFI), Glen Ropella (SFI), Marcus Daniels (SFI), and Alex Lancaster (SFI). Since that time, many hundreds of people around the world have contributed to the continued open source development of the suite of Swarm ABM tools.

Swarm 的早期开发工作由 Chris Langton (SFI)、 Roger Burkhart (John Deere)、 Nelson Minar (SFI)、 Manor Askenazi (SFI)、 Glen Ropella (SFI)、 Marcus Daniels (SFI)和 Alex Lancaster (SFI)完成。从那时起,世界各地数百人为 Swarm ABM 工具套件的持续开源开发做出了贡献。



= 应用程序 =

Scientific applications

Agent-based modeling seeks to replicate these complexities and adaptations in computational environments where these interactive emergent behaviors can be analyzed multi-dimensionally. By defining and assigning agencies reflective of prescribed behaviors, known or estimated, to active software agents in a computer simulation, scientists can approximate experimental results not possible in natural temporal frameworks.

Agent-based modeling seeks to replicate these complexities and adaptations in computational environments where these interactive emergent behaviors can be analyzed multi-dimensionally. By defining and assigning agencies reflective of prescribed behaviors, known or estimated, to active software agents in a computer simulation, scientists can approximate experimental results not possible in natural temporal frameworks.

基于 agent 的建模试图在计算环境中复制这些复杂性和适应性,在这些环境中,这些交互的涌现行为可以被多维分析。通过定义和分配机构反映规定的行为,已知或估计,积极的软件代理在一个计算机模拟,科学家可以近似的实验结果不可能在自然时间框架。

Swarm and other agent-based modeling platforms afford scientists the opportunity to conduct and visualize experiments in these synthetic macro and microenvironments for testing scientific theories, natural data sets, and other analyses while free of pressing constraints like time, volume, hazards, or many other parameters.

Swarm and other agent-based modeling platforms afford scientists the opportunity to conduct and visualize experiments in these synthetic macro and microenvironments for testing scientific theories, natural data sets, and other analyses while free of pressing constraints like time, volume, hazards, or many other parameters.

Swarm 和其他基于 agent 的建模平台为科学家提供了在这些综合宏观和微观环境中进行和可视化实验的机会,以测试科学理论、自然数据集和其他分析,同时不受时间、数量、危险或许多其他参数等紧迫约束。

Commercial applications

Agent-based models have been used since the mid-1990s to solve a variety of business and technology problems. Examples of applications include:

In these and other applications, the system of interest is simulated by capturing the behavior of individual agents and their interconnections. Agent-based modeling tools can be used to test how changes in individual behaviors will affect the overall, emergent system behavior.

Agent-based models have been used since the mid-1990s to solve a variety of business and technology problems. Examples of applications include:

  • supply chain optimization and logistics;
  • modeling of consumer behavior, including word of mouth and social network effects;
  • distributed computing;
  • workforce management;
  • traffic management; and
  • portfolio management.

In these and other applications, the system of interest is simulated by capturing the behavior of individual agents and their interconnections. Agent-based modeling tools can be used to test how changes in individual behaviors will affect the overall, emergent system behavior.


  • 供应链优化和物流;
  • 消费者行为建模,包括口碑和社会网络效应;
  • 分布式计算管理;
  • 劳动力管理;
  • 交通管理;
  • 投资组合管理。在这些和其他应用程序中,感兴趣的系统通过捕获单个代理的行为及其相互连接来模拟。基于 agent 的建模工具可以用来测试个体行为的变化将如何影响整体的、紧急的系统行为。

See also

  • Agent-based social simulation
  • Repast
  • NetLogo
  • Sugarscape
  • GAMA

= = = =

  • 基于代理的社交模拟
  • 就餐
  • NetLogo
  • Sugarscape
  • GAMA


External links

  • Swarm Homepage

= 外部链接 =

  • Swarm Homepage

模板:Collective animal behaviour

Category:Agent-based software Category:Scientific simulation software Category:Emergence

类别: 基于 agent 的软件类别: 科学/模拟软体类别: 涌现

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