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添加2,346字节 、 2020年7月14日 (二) 16:28
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* The interactions are [[non-linear]]: small changes in inputs, physical interactions or stimuli can cause large effects or very significant changes in outputs
* The interactions are [[non-linear]]: small changes in inputs, physical interactions or stimuli can cause large effects or very significant changes in outputs
* 组件间相互作用是'''非线性(Non-linear)'''的:输入、物理相互作用或刺激的微小变化可能会导致较大的影响,或使得输出发生非常显著的变化;
* 组件间相互作用是'''非线性(Non-linear)'''的:系统输入、组件间的物理相互作用或刺激的微小变化都可能会导致较大的影响,或使得输出发生非常显著的变化;
* Interactions are primarily but not exclusively with immediate neighbours and the nature of the influence is modulated
* Interactions are primarily but not exclusively with immediate neighbours and the nature of the influence is modulated
* 相互作用以及受影响性质的调整主要但不仅限于其直接邻居;
* Any interaction can feed back onto itself directly or after a number of intervening stages. Such feedback can vary in quality.  This is known as ''recurrency''
* Any interaction can feed back onto itself directly or after a number of intervening stages. Such feedback can vary in quality.  This is known as ''recurrency''
* 任何交互都可以直接或在多个干预阶段之后间接反馈到自身,此类反馈的质量可能会有所不同。这种现象称为'''重复发生(Recurrency)''';
* The overall behavior of the system of elements is not predicted by the behavior of the individual elements  
* The overall behavior of the system of elements is not predicted by the behavior of the individual elements  
* 元素系统的整体行为无法通过单个元素的行为来预测;
* Such systems may be open and it may be difficult or impossible to define system boundaries
* Such systems may be open and it may be difficult or impossible to define system boundaries
* 这样的系统可能是开放的,这使得我们很难或不可能定义系统的边界;
* Complex systems operate under [[Non-equilibrium thermodynamics|far from equilibrium]] conditions. There has to be a constant flow of energy to maintain the organization of the system
* Complex systems operate under [[Non-equilibrium thermodynamics|far from equilibrium]] conditions. There has to be a constant flow of energy to maintain the organization of the system
* 复杂系统在远非平衡的条件下运行,必须要有恒定的能量流来维持系统的组织;
* Complex systems have a history. They evolve and their past is co-responsible for their present behaviour
* Complex systems have a history. They evolve and their past is co-responsible for their present behaviour
* 复杂系统具有历史信息,它们不断演化发展,其历史信息对现在的系统行为具有一定的影响;
* Elements in the system may be ignorant of the behaviour of the system as a whole, responding only to the information or physical stimuli available to them locally
* Elements in the system may be ignorant of the behaviour of the system as a whole, responding only to the information or physical stimuli available to them locally
* 系统中的某个元素可能并不了解整个系统的行为,因此会仅对本地可用的信息或物理刺激做出响应。
      第106行: 第119行:  
Robert Axelrod & Michael D. Cohen identify a series of key terms from a modeling perspective:
Robert Axelrod & Michael D. Cohen identify a series of key terms from a modeling perspective:
从建模的角度来看,Robert Axelrod 和迈克尔·科恩确定了一系列关键术语:
从建模的角度来看,罗伯特·阿克塞尔罗德(Robert Axelrod)和迈克尔·科恩(Michael D. Cohen)还确定了一系列关键术语:
* '''Strategy''', a conditional action pattern that indicates what to do in which circumstances
* '''Strategy''', a conditional action pattern that indicates what to do in which circumstances
* '''策略(Strategy)''':一种有条件的行为模式,指示系统在什么情况下该做什么;
* '''Artifact''', a material resource that has definite location and can respond to the action of agents
* '''Artifact''', a material resource that has definite location and can respond to the action of agents
* '''工件(Artifact)''' ''(这里的专有名词的翻译有待商榷)'':一种具有确定位置并可以响应代理行为的物质资源;
* '''Agent''', a collection of properties, strategies & capabilities for interacting with artifacts & other agents
* '''Agent''', a collection of properties, strategies & capabilities for interacting with artifacts & other agents
* '''主体(Agent)''':用于与工件和其他代理进行交互的属性,策略和功能的集合;
* '''Population''', a collection of agents, or, in some situations, collections of strategies
* '''Population''', a collection of agents, or, in some situations, collections of strategies
* '''群体(Population)''':代理的集合,或在某些情况下,策略的集合;
* '''System''', a larger collection, including one or more populations of agents and possibly also artifacts
* '''System''', a larger collection, including one or more populations of agents and possibly also artifacts
* '''系统(System)''':是一个较大的集合,包括一个或多个代理群体,可能还包括工件(artifacts);
* '''Type''', all the agents (or strategies) in a population that have some characteristic in common
* '''Type''', all the agents (or strategies) in a population that have some characteristic in common
* '''类型(Type)''':总体中具有某些共同特征的所有主体(或策略);
* '''Variety''', the diversity of types within a population or system
* '''Variety''', the diversity of types within a population or system
* '''种类(Variety)''':种群或系统中类型的多样性;
* '''Interaction pattern''', the recurring regularities of contact among types within a system
* '''Interaction pattern''', the recurring regularities of contact among types within a system
* '''交互模式(Interaction pattern)''':系统内类型之间的重复接触规律;
* '''Space (physical)''', location in geographical space & time of agents and artifacts
* '''Space (physical)''', location in geographical space & time of agents and artifacts
* '''空间(物理)(Space (physical))''':地理空间中的位置以及代理和人工制品的时间;
* '''Space (conceptual)''', "location" in a set of categories structured so that "nearby" agents will tend to interact
* '''Space (conceptual)''', "location" in a set of categories structured so that "nearby" agents will tend to interact
* '''空间(概念)(Space (conceptual))''':“位置”在一组结构合理的类别中,以便“附近”的代理进行交互;
* '''Selection''', processes that lead to an increase or decrease in the frequency of various types of agent or strategies
* '''Selection''', processes that lead to an increase or decrease in the frequency of various types of agent or strategies
* '''选择(Selection)''':导致各种类型的代理或策略发生频率增加或减少的过程;
* '''Success criteria''' or '''performance measures''', a "score" used by an agent or designer in attributing credit in the selection of relatively successful (or unsuccessful) strategies or agents
* '''Success criteria''' or '''performance measures''', a "score" used by an agent or designer in attributing credit in the selection of relatively successful (or unsuccessful) strategies or agents
* '''成功标准(Success criteria)''' 或 '''评价指标(performance measures)''':指评价代理或设计者在选择相对成功(或不成功)的策略或代理时的“分数”。
      第138行: 第175行:  
Turner and Baker synthesized the characteristics of complex adaptive systems from the literature and tested these characteristics in the context of creativity and innovation. Each of these eight characteristics had been shown to be present in the creativity and innovative processes:
Turner and Baker synthesized the characteristics of complex adaptive systems from the literature and tested these characteristics in the context of creativity and innovation. Each of these eight characteristics had been shown to be present in the creativity and innovative processes:
* '''Path dependent:''' Systems tend to be sensitive to their initial conditions. The same force might affect systems differently.<ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Lindberg | first1 = C. | last2 = Schneider | first2 = M. | year = 2013 | title = Combating infections at Maine Medical Center: Insights into complexity-informed leadership from positive deviance | url = | journal = Leadership | volume = 9 | issue = 2| pages = 229–253 | doi = 10.1177/1742715012468784 }}</ref>
* '''Path dependent:''' Systems tend to be sensitive to their initial conditions. The same force might affect systems differently.<ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Lindberg | first1 = C. | last2 = Schneider | first2 = M. | year = 2013 | title = Combating infections at Maine Medical Center: Insights into complexity-informed leadership from positive deviance | url = | journal = Leadership | volume = 9 | issue = 2| pages = 229–253 | doi = 10.1177/1742715012468784 }}</ref>

