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[[随机图]]的Erdős–Rényi 模型是由Paul Erdős和Alfréd Rényi于1959年发表的论文《随机图论》中首次提出的,Gilbert 在他的论文《随机图论》中独立定义了这一模型。<ref name ="On Random Graphs">[[Paul Erdős|Erdős, P.]] [[Alfréd Rényi|Rényi, A]] (1959) "On Random Graphs I" in Publ. Math. Debrecen 6, p.&nbsp;290&ndash;297 [http://www.renyi.hu/~p_erdos/1959-11.pdf]</ref><ref name = "Random graphs">{{citation |last= Gilbert |first= E. N. |authorlink=Edgar Gilbert|year=1959 |title=Random graphs |journal=Annals of Mathematical Statistics |volume= 30|issue= 4 |pages=1141–1144|doi=10.1214/aoms/1177706098 |doi-access=free }}.</ref>
[[随机图]]的Erdős–Rényi 模型是由Paul Erdős和Alfréd Rényi于1959年发表的论文《随机图论》中首次提出的,Gilbert 在他的论文《随机图论》中独立定义了这一模型。<ref name ="On Random Graphs">[[Paul Erdős|Erdős, P.]] [[Alfréd Rényi|Rényi, A]] (1959) "On Random Graphs I" in Publ. Math. Debrecen 6, p.&nbsp;290&ndash;297 [http://www.renyi.hu/~p_erdos/1959-11.pdf]</ref><ref name = "Random graphs">{{citation |last= Gilbert |first= E. N. |authorlink=Edgar Gilbert|year=1959 |title=Random graphs |journal=Annals of Mathematical Statistics |volume= 30|issue= 4 |pages=1141–1144|doi=10.1214/aoms/1177706098 |doi-access=free }}.</ref>
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*'''[[空腔法]] Cavity Method'''
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*'''[[复杂网络]] Complex Network'''
*'''Dual-phase Evolution'''
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* [[ER随机图模型]]
*'''[[指数随机图模型]] Exponential Random Graph Model'''
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*'''[[图论]] Graph Theory'''
*'''相互依存图 Interdependent Networks'''
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*'''[[网络科学]] Network Science'''
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*'''[[渗流]] Percolation'''
*'''[[渗流理论]] Percolation Theory'''
*'''[[渗流理论]] Percolation Theory'''
*'''[[正则图]] Regular Graph'''
*'''[[正则图]] Regular Graph'''
*'''[[无标度网络]] Scale Free Network'''
*'''[[半线性相应]] Semilinear Response'''
*'''[[半线性相应]] Semilinear Response'''
*'''[[随机块体模型]] Stochastic Block Model'''
*'''[[随机块体模型]] Stochastic Block Model'''

