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== Emergent evolution ==
==涌现进化 Emergent evolution ==
=== Early roots ===
===早期根源 Early roots ===
The issue of how change in nature 'emerged' can be found in classical Greek thought -  order coming out of chaos and whether by chance or necessity. [[Aristotle]] spoke of wholes that were greater than the sum of their parts because of emergent properties. The second-century anatomist and physiologist [[Galen]] also distinguished between the resultant and emergent qualities of wholes. (Reid, p.&nbsp;72)<ref name=Reid />
The issue of how change in nature 'emerged' can be found in classical Greek thought -  order coming out of chaos and whether by chance or necessity. [[Aristotle]] spoke of wholes that were greater than the sum of their parts because of emergent properties. The second-century anatomist and physiologist [[Galen]] also distinguished between the resultant and emergent qualities of wholes. (Reid, p.&nbsp;72)<ref name=Reid />
关于自然界的变化如何 "出现" 的问题可以在古典希腊思想中找到 - 从混沌中产生秩序,以及是偶然还是必然。[[Aristotle]]谈到,由于涌现的特性,整体大于部分之和。二世纪的解剖学家和生理学家[[Galen]]也区分了整体的结果性和涌现性。(Reid, p. 72)<ref name=Reid />。
关于自然界的变化如何 "出现" 的问题可以在古典希腊思想中找到 - 从混沌中产生秩序,以及是偶然还是必然。亚里士多德谈到,由于涌现的特性,整体大于部分之和。2世纪的解剖学家和生理学家盖伦也区分了整体的结果性和涌现性。(Reid, p. 72)<ref name=Reid />。
[[Hegel]] spoke of the revolutionary progression of life from non-living to conscious and then to the spiritual and Kant perceived that simple parts of an organism interact to produce a progressively complex series of emergences of functional forms, a distinction that carried over to [[John Stuart Mill]] (1843), who stated that even chemical compounds have novel features that cannot be predicted from their elements. [Reid, p.&nbsp;72]<ref name=Reid />
[[Hegel]] spoke of the revolutionary progression of life from non-living to conscious and then to the spiritual and Kant perceived that simple parts of an organism interact to produce a progressively complex series of emergences of functional forms, a distinction that carried over to [[John Stuart Mill]] (1843), who stated that even chemical compounds have novel features that cannot be predicted from their elements. [Reid, p.&nbsp;72]<ref name=Reid />
[[Hegel]]谈到了生命从非生命到有意识再到精神的革命性进展,康德 Kant 则认为有机体的简单部分相互作用,产生了一系列逐渐复杂的功能形式的出现,这种区别延续到[[John Stuart Mill]](1843),他指出,即使是化学化合物也有无法从元素中预测的新特征。Reid,p.&nbsp;72]<ref name=Reid />。
黑格尔谈到了生命从非生命到有意识再到精神的革命性进程,康德则认为有机体的简单部分相互作用,产生了一系列逐渐复杂的功能形式的出现。这种区别延续到约翰·密尔(1843),他指出,即使是化学化合物也有无法从元素中预测的新特征。Reid,p.&nbsp;72]<ref name=Reid />。
The idea of an emergent quality that was something new in nature was further taken up by [[George Henry Lewes]] (1874–1875), who again noted, as with Galen earlier, that these evolutionary "emergent" qualities are distinguishable from adaptive, additive "resultants." [[Henry Drummond (evangelist)|Henry Drummond]] in ''The Descent of Man'' (1894) stated that emergence can be seen in the fact that the laws of nature are different for the organic or vital compared to the inertial inorganic realm.
The idea of an emergent quality that was something new in nature was further taken up by [[George Henry Lewes]] (1874–1875), who again noted, as with Galen earlier, that these evolutionary "emergent" qualities are distinguishable from adaptive, additive "resultants." [[Henry Drummond (evangelist)|Henry Drummond]] in ''The Descent of Man'' (1894) stated that emergence can be seen in the fact that the laws of nature are different for the organic or vital compared to the inertial inorganic realm.
[[George Henry Lewes]](1874-1875)进一步提出了自然界中的新事物乃是一种涌现特征的观点,他再次指出,与前面的盖伦一样,这些进化的 "涌现 "特质与适应性、加成性的 "结果 "是有区别的。[[Henry Drummond (evangelist)|Henry Drummond]]在 ''人类的后裔''(1894)中指出,涌现性可以看出,自然规律对于有机界或生命界来说,与惯性的无机界相比是不同的。
乔治·刘易斯 George Henry Lewes(1874-1875)进一步提出了自然界中的新事物乃是一种涌现的观点。与前面的盖伦一样,他再次指出,这些进化的 "涌现 "特质与适应性、加成性的“结果”是有区别的。[[Henry Drummond (evangelist)|Henry Drummond]]在 《人类的后裔》(1894)中指出,自然规律对于有机界或生命界来说,与惯性的无机界相比是不同的,涌现就在这之中体现出来。
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Reid 后来出版了《生物学的涌现 Biological Emergences》(2007年)一书,提出了关于在进化中如何产生涌现新事物的理论。马西莫·皮格利乌奇 Massimo Pigliucci 认为:"Robert Reid 所著的《生物学的涌现》是对正在进行的关于进化论地位的争论的一个有趣的贡献,但很难把好的东西和比较可疑的说法分开。" Pigliucci 指出,书中一个可疑的说法是,自然选择在进化中没有作用。生物学家亚历山大·巴佳耶夫 Alexander Badyaev 对该书进行了积极的评论,他评论说 "这本书成功地引起了人们对进化过程中一个未被充分认识的方面的关注"。其他人则批评了 Reid 关于涌现和进化的非正统观点。生物学家 塞缪尔·谢纳 Samuel Scheiner 说 "Reid 的表述既是对进化论的讽刺,又严重过时"。
Reid 后来出版了《生物学的涌现 Biological Emergences》(2007年)一书,提出了关于在进化中如何产生涌现新事物的理论。马西莫·皮格利乌奇 Massimo Pigliucci 认为:"Robert Reid 所著的《生物学的涌现》是对正在进行的关于进化论地位的争论的一个有趣的贡献,但很难把好的东西和比较可疑的说法分开。" Pigliucci 指出,书中一个可疑的说法是,自然选择在进化中没有作用。生物学家亚历山大·巴佳耶夫 Alexander Badyaev 对该书进行了积极的评论,他评论说 "这本书成功地引起了人们对进化过程中一个未被充分认识的方面的关注"。其他人则批评了 Reid 关于涌现和进化的非正统观点。生物学家 塞缪尔·谢纳 Samuel Scheiner 说 "Reid 的表述既是对进化论的讽刺,又严重过时"。
==See also==
==See also==

