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==Introduction of Swarma Club==

Swarma Club, formally initiated in 2007, is an informal organization of investigators who enjoy scientific research. They cherish the spirits of equality, openness, and demonstration. They promote the inter-disciplinary communications and cooperation. They aim to build an "institute without fence" in China.


Let apple hit my head! (Eureka)



Interpretation: this is the apple hitting on the head of Newton, representing the feeling of scientific discovery.


Creating a niche for free communications of ideas, hatching original scientific discovery.

===Brief History===

In 2003, Dr. Jiang Zhang, the founder of the club built a website named Swarma club, to propagate the complexity sciences, and promote inter-disciplinary cooperation. Five years later, the activities went off-line from online, and the club become a real one for academic communication. In 2014, the first start-up project "colorful cloud" which trying to build an AI weather reporter is bred. All of the major members of the start-up are from the club. In 2015, the first formal symposium focusing on attention science is held in Nanjing university. In the same year, the first book entitled with "the acme of science - an informal introduction of artificial intelligence" is published. In the august of the same year, the off-line volunteer organization is formed. In 2016, the second book named "Stepping into 2050: attention, internet, and artificial intelligence" is published. In the October of 2016, the symposium on "Network, geometry, and machine learning" jointly organized by Kai-feng foundation, one of the famous non-official foundation, and the Swarma Club is held. In the end of 2016, the second start-up project "Swarma AI Campus" aiming at the education and training of artificial intelligence is founded.


====Public lectures====

We invite scholars in various backgrounds to give public talks almost once a month. The topics cover artificial intelligence, statistical physics, complex systems, biology, sociology, etc.

====Reading Groups ====

The reading groups are organized by topics which are selected by the active members and the Swarma scientists. Once a reading group with a given topic is present, the group will continue for about 2 or 3 months. And the reading activity is held twice a month. Reading groups can make intensive discussions on specific topics, therefore, they can breed innovative results, for example, scientific papers, prototypes of products, or reports. “Colorful cloud” App is made in the reading group of Deep Learning, and the book "Stepping into 2050" is also made during the activities of the reading group of Collective Attention.Past group reading, please see here:[http://www.swarma.org/swarma/huodong.php?bankuai_id=14]

====Symposium ====

We also organize symposiums almost once a year. For example, the symposium of "Attention Science" which is held in 2015, Nanjing. And also we held the symposium "Network, Geometry, and Machine Learning" which is supported by the Kaifeng funding in 2016.


All the members are grouped into scientists, volunteers, and fans. Swarma scientists are recommended by at least two old members of Swarma scientists and selected by all of them. The new member will be rejected if one old member disagree.

Volunteers are self-recommended and managed by the council.

===Organization ===

The club is managed by the council. The council is headed by the president. The current president is Dr. Jiang Zhang.

==Appendix ==

===Swarma Scientists===

There are 40 swarma scientists in total. All of them are young Chinese scientists all around the world. We list 6 swarma scientists in below.

====Yi-Zhuang(Everett) You ====


PhD. in condensed matter physics, Tsinghua university, Post doc in physics department, San Babara campus, California University. Research interests: quantum many body systems, quantum field theory, collective behaviors, quantum information, and artificial intelligence.

====Pan Zhang====


PhD. in statistical physics, associate research fellow in institute of theoretical physics, China academy of sciences. Research interests: statistical physics and complex systems, application problems of statistical physics in networks and computer sciences.

====Ling-fei Wu====


PhD. in communication, Hong Kong city university, Post doc in knowledge lab, Chicago university. Research interests: attention dynamics and knowledge production.

====Jiang Zhang ====


Associate professor in the school of systems science, Beijing Normal University, PhD in management science and technology, Consulting scholars of Ali research institute and Tencent research institute, founder and president of Swarma Club, founder of Swarma AI Campus. Research interests include artificial intelligence, computational social science, and complex systems.

====Yan-ran Li ====


1st-year PhD student of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her research interests mainly lie in deep learning and natural language generation.

====Zi-jun Jia ====


PhD candidate of intelligent control in Beijing Jiaotong University, and joint PhD of artificial intelligence lab in MIT, pre-chief scientist and product VP in Turing Robot Inc. Her research focus on intelligent control, artificial neural network, and robotics.


====Stepping into 2050: attention, Internet, and Artificial Intelligence ====

*Swarma club: Stepping into 2050: attention, the Internet, and Artificial Intelligence, Posts & Telecom Press,2016


The main idea of this book is that our attention flow is an important resource for machines because all the products and programs are made for the use by human beings. The topics of the book cover: artificial intelligence, Internet, psychology, and computer games.

====The Acme of Science: an informal introduction of Artificial Intelligence ====

*Swarma Club: The Acme of Science: an informal introduction of Artificial Intelligence, Posts & Telecom Press,2015


This book gives a chief introduction of the histories and developments of artificial intelligence for the public. It also contains rich topics of AI covered by the discussions in Swarma club, for example, Godel incomplete theorem, Kolmogorov complexity, Deep Learning, and Swarm Intelligence.

==== Deep Thinking: Where Machine Intelligence Ends and Human Creativity Begins ====

* Deep Thinking: Where Machine Intelligence Ends and Human Creativity Begins, China Renmin University Press, 2018


*Swarma Club translated Garry Kasparov's Deep Thinking by crowdsource. In this breakthrough book, Kasparov reveals his astonishing side of the story for the first time. He describes how it felt to strategize against an implacable, untiring opponent with the whole world watching, and recounts the history of machine intelligence through the microcosm of chess, considered by generations of scientific pioneers to be a key to unlocking the secrets of human and machine cognition.

===Incubations ===

====Colorful clouds AI reporter ====

Colorful clouds AI reporter is an APP on cellular phones which can give personalized and exact weather report for hours. This project is incubated by the reading group of deep learning, Swarma club in 2014. All the members of this project is almost from the active members in the club, and the head of the team, Xing-yuan Yuan, is the core member of the club, who is also the former engineer in Alibaba Inc.


Recently, this team develop another AI application called “colorful cloud translator”, which can make immediate translation between Chinese and English.


====Swarma AI Campus ====

This is a startup project initiated by Dr. Jiang Zhang, the president of the Swarma Club, in the end of 2016. This startup focuses on the education of artificial intelligence. All the core members of the team are from the club. Two kinds of classes of AI are provided. One is the course of “AI vision” which provides the general picture of the development of AI, and build an off-line environment for communications between students. The others are called “AI geeks” which include a bunch of online courses in techniques, such as, natural language processing, deep learning, etc.


===Big events ===


===WeChat Groups ===

There are about 10 active wechat groups, most of them are around specific scientific topics.

====Swarma Translation group ====


Swama Translation team was founded in June, 2016. In the beginning, translating articles from Complex Digest was our main task. With the development of the translation team, our translation target and types also widened,including latest AI knowledge and information in article, video and books. Welcome to the translation team if you are interested in AI, science or translation.


Ying Qin
Swarma Core volunteer, professional translator and interpreter.

====Natural language Processing Groups ====


Natural Language Processing Group was born from a reading group of Natural Language Processing in the Era of Deep Learning. The group focuses on the both academic and practical topics in the field of natural language processing, i.e., the frontier applications of deep learning in machine translation, dialogue generation, and knowledge inference.


Yanran Li
Swarma Scientist, 1st-year PhD student of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her research interests mainly lie in deep learning and natural language generation.

====Computer Vision Groups ====


We are an organization focused on computer vision,We make friends, often organize paper sharing and activities.


Chao Ding
Focus on Computer Vision, studied in Russia, Msc in General Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision. Founder & CEO of AIcvs, which is committed to using AI and IoT to improve offline retail.

====Computational society Groups ====


The Computational Society Group of Swarma was founded in March, 2016. The topics for discussion include but not limit to problems related to the basic theories of social sciences, complex systems and sciences, social computing and dynamic cyber behavior analysis. It aims to help group members to communicate with passion, to study with interests and to explore the truth with enthusiasm. The group will try its best to make sure that group members are able to enjoy their free, equal, open and comprehensive talking.


De-hua Gao
Doctor of management science, a teacher in university. Study interests: computational society, routines of organization, and modelling and simulation for complex systems.

Xiao Wang
Doctor in automation institute, China Academy of Sciences, Head of Parallel Lab., institute of intelligent industries in Qing Dao.

====Knowledge Management Groups ====


The dimension / perspectives involve the software tools of Knowledge Management and their methodology, the techniques on Attention Channeling & Personal Productivity, even some philosophy behind the tools and methods. Despite the open-ended discussion atomsphere, however, there is a Main Thread: How to establish, sustain and automate the Personal / Team Workflow of [Information Gathering & Organizing -> Inputting -> Outputting -> Seeking Feedback], with all kinds of tools and approaches, guided by any possible theories or philosophies——in order to boost productivity for both individuals and teams.


Di Wu
Core Volunteer of Swarma Club, Educational / Training Software Product Manager, Personal Knowledge Management & Knowledge Collaboration Product Observer, seeking for practical methods of thought / consensus visualization, specialized in online training via all kinds of ICT tools.

====Intelligent Control Groups ====


This group focus on intelligent control theory, artificial neural network, robotics, design and development of embedded control systems. We share knowledge, softwares, data, methods in this group.


Zi-jun Jia
Swarma Scientist, PhD candidate of intelligent control in Beijing Jiaotong University, and joint PhD of artificial intelligence lab in MIT, pre-chief scientist and product VP in Turing Robot Inc.

==Way of joining ==

WeChat Public Account:swarma_org

[[File:集智俱乐部.jpg|200px|right|thumb|Scanning Qr Code,following the Swarma Club]]

Official Website:http://www.swarma.org

QQ Group:292641157

E-mail List:swarm-agents@groups.google.com

Swarma Club douban Group:http://www.douban.com/group/swarmagents/

Swarma Club douban Station:http://site.douban.com/swarmagents/

