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In mathematics, one can consider the scaling properties of a [[function (mathematics)|function]] or [[curve]] {{math|''f'' (''x'')}} under rescalings of the variable {{mvar|x}}.  That is, one is interested in the shape of {{math|''f'' (''λx'')}} for some scale factor {{mvar|λ}}, which can be taken to be a length or size rescaling. The requirement for  {{math|''f'' (''x'')}} to be invariant under all rescalings is usually taken to be
:<math>f(\lambda x)=\lambda^{\Delta}f(x)</math>
for some choice of exponent {{mvar|Δ}}, and for all dilations {{mvar|λ}}. This is equivalent to {{mvar|f}} &nbsp;being a [[homogeneous function]] of degree {{mvar|Δ}}.
在数学中,我们会考虑函数或曲线在变量{{mvar|x}}重新标度下的标度性质。也就是说,人们对某些标度因子{{mvar|λ}} 对应下{{math|''f'' (''λx'')}}的形状感兴趣,这些标度因子可以被视为长度或大小的重新标度。对于某些选择的指数{{mvar|Δ}}和所有的膨胀{{mvar|λ}},要求{{math|''f'' (''x'')}} 在所有重新标度下保持不变需要满足:
在数学中,我们会考虑函数或曲线在变量{{mvar|x}}重新标度下的标度性质。也就是说,人们对某些标度因子{{mvar|λ}} 对应下{{math|''f'' (''λx'')}}的形状感兴趣,这些标度因子可以被视为长度或大小的重新标度。对于某些选择的指数{{mvar|Δ}}和所有的膨胀{{mvar|λ}},要求{{math|''f'' (''x'')}} 在所有重新标度下保持不变需要满足:
<math>f(\lambda x)=\lambda^{\Delta}f(x)</math>
<math>f(\lambda x)=\lambda^{\Delta}f(x)</math>
这等价于{{mvar|f}} 是一个次数为{{mvar|Δ}}的齐次函数。
这等价于{{mvar|f}} 是一个次数为{{mvar|Δ}}的齐次函数。
Examples of scale-invariant functions are the [[monomial]]s <math>f(x)=x^n</math>, for which {{math|Δ {{=}} ''n''}}, in that clearly
其中 {{math|Δ {{=}} ''n''}},且有:
许多标变函数的实例是单项式:<math>f(x)=x^n</math>,其中 {{math|Δ {{=}} ''n''}},且有:
<math>f(\lambda x) = (\lambda x)^n = \lambda^n f(x)~.</math>
<math>f(\lambda x) = (\lambda x)^n = \lambda^n f(x)~.</math>
An example of a scale-invariant curve is the [[logarithmic spiral]], a kind of curve that often appears in nature. In [[polar coordinates]] {{math|(''r'', ''θ'')}}, the spiral can be written as
一个标度不变曲线的例子是'''Logarithmic Spiral 对数螺线(等角螺线)''',这是一种在自然界中经常出现的曲线。在极坐标系中,螺旋线可以写成
一个标度不变曲线的例子是'''Logarithmic Spiral 对数螺线(等角螺线)''',这是一种在自然界中经常出现的曲线。在极坐标系中,螺旋线可以写成
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:<math>\theta = \frac{1}{b} \ln(r/a)~.</math>
:<math>\theta = \frac{1}{b} \ln(r/a)~.</math>
Allowing for rotations of the curve, it is invariant under all rescalings {{mvar|λ}}; that is, {{math|''θ''(''λr'')}} is identical to a rotated version of {{math|''θ''(''r'')}}.
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Thus, for example, the [[Koch curve]] scales with {{math|∆ {{=}} 1}}, but the scaling holds only for values of {{math|''λ'' {{=}} 1/3<sup>''n''</sup>}} for integer {{mvar|n}}. In addition, the Koch curve scales not only at the origin, but, in a certain sense, "everywhere": miniature copies of itself can be found all along the curve.
因此,以{{math|∆ {{=}} 1}}的'''Koch Curve 科赫雪花'''缩放为例,但是该缩放只适用于{{math|''λ'' {{=}} 1/3<sup>''n''</sup>}},({{mvar|n}}为整数)的值。此外,科赫雪花不仅在初始点,而且在某种意义上,在整条曲线上都可以找到其“缩影”。
因此,以{{math|∆ {{=}} 1}}的'''Koch Curve 科赫雪花'''缩放为例,但是该缩放只适用于{{math|''λ'' {{=}} 1/3<sup>''n''</sup>}},({{mvar|n}}为整数)的值。此外,科赫雪花不仅在初始点,而且在某种意义上,在整条曲线上都可以找到其“缩影”。
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If {{math|''P''(''f'' )}} is the [[expectation value|average, expected]] power at frequency {{mvar|f }}, then noise scales as
:<math>P(f) = \lambda^{-\Delta} P(\lambda f)</math>
with {{mvar|Δ}} = 0  for [[white noise]],  {{mvar|Δ}} = −1  for [[pink noise]], and  {{mvar|Δ}} = −2  for [[Brownian noise]] (and more generally, [[Brownian motion]]).
If  is the average, expected power at frequency , then noise scales as
:P(f) = \lambda^{-\Delta} P(\lambda f)
with  = 0  for white noise,  = −1  for pink noise, and  = −2  for Brownian noise (and more generally, Brownian motion).
如果{{math|''P''(''f'' )}}是频率{{mvar|f }}处的平均期望幂,那么噪声依下式标度变化:
如果{{math|''P''(''f'' )}}是频率{{mvar|f }}处的平均期望幂,那么噪声依下式标度变化:
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<math>\text{var}\,(Y) = a[\text{E}\,(Y)]^p</math>,
<math>\text{var}\,(Y) = a[\text{E}\,(Y)]^p</math>,
其中a和p是正常数。这种方差-均值的幂律关系在物理学文献中称为'''Fluctuation Scaling 涨落标度'''<ref name="Eisler2008">Eisler, Z.; Bartos, I.; Kertész, J. (2008). "Fluctuation scaling in complex systems: Taylor's law and beyond". ''Adv Phys''. '''57''' (1): 89–142. arXiv:0708.2053. Bibcode:2008AdPhy..57...89E. doi:10.1080/00018730801893043. S2CID 119608542.</ref>,在生态学文献中称为'''Taylor's Law 泰勒定律'''<ref name="Kendal2011a">{{cite journal |last1=Kendal |first1=W. S. |last2=Jørgensen |first2=B. |year=2011 |title=Taylor's power law and fluctuation scaling explained by a central-limit-like convergence |journal=Phys. Rev. E |volume=83 |issue=6 |pages=066115 |doi=10.1103/PhysRevE.83.066115 |pmid=21797449 |bibcode = 2011PhRvE..83f6115K }}</ref>。
其中a和p是正常数。这种方差-均值的幂律关系在物理学文献中称为'''Fluctuation Scaling 涨落标度'''<ref name="Eisler2008">Eisler, Z.; Bartos, I.; Kertész, J. (2008). "Fluctuation scaling in complex systems: Taylor's law and beyond". ''Adv Phys''. '''57''' (1): 89–142. arXiv:0708.2053. Bibcode:2008AdPhy..57...89E. doi:10.1080/00018730801893043. S2CID 119608542.</ref>,在生态学文献中称为'''Taylor's Law 泰勒定律'''<ref name="Kendal2011a">{{cite journal |last1=Kendal |first1=W. S. |last2=Jørgensen |first2=B. |year=2011 |title=Taylor's power law and fluctuation scaling explained by a central-limit-like convergence |journal=Phys. Rev. E |volume=83 |issue=6 |pages=066115 |doi=10.1103/PhysRevE.83.066115 |pmid=21797449 |bibcode = 2011PhRvE..83f6115K }}</ref>。
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经典场论一般用依赖于坐标''x'' 的场或场集 φ 来描述。然后通过求解 φ 的微分方程来确定有效的场构型,这些方程被称为场方程。
经典场论一般用依赖于坐标''x'' 的场或场集 φ 来描述。然后通过求解 φ 的微分方程来确定有效的场构型,这些方程被称为场方程。
For a theory to be scale-invariant, its field equations should be invariant under a rescaling of the coordinates, combined with some specified rescaling of the fields,
:<math>x\rightarrow\lambda x~,</math>
<math>x\rightarrow\lambda x~,</math>,
<math>x\rightarrow\lambda x~</math>,
参数 {{mvar|Δ}} 称为场的'''Scaling Dimension 标度维数''',其大小取决于所考虑的理论。如果理论中没有固定长度的标度,标度不变性通常会成立。相反,如果存在固定的长度标度,则表明理论不具有标度不变性。
参数 {{mvar|Δ}} 称为场的'''Scaling Dimension 标度维数''',其大小取决于所考虑的理论。如果理论中没有固定长度的标度,标度不变性通常会成立。相反,如果存在固定的长度标度,则表明理论不具有标度不变性。
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For a particular field configuration,  ''φ''(''x''),  to be scale-invariant, we require that
:<math>\varphi(x)=\lambda^{-\Delta}\varphi(\lambda x)</math>
<math>\varphi(x)=\lambda^{-\Delta}\varphi(\lambda x)</math>
<math>\varphi(x)=\lambda^{-\Delta}\varphi(\lambda x)</math>
where ''Δ'' is, again, the [[scaling dimension]] of the field.
其中 {{mvar|Δ}} 是场的标度维数。
其中 {{mvar|Δ}} 是场的标度维数。
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标度不变的经典场论的一个实例是没有电荷和电流的电磁学。场是电场和磁场,'''E'''('''x''',''t'') 和 '''B'''('''x''',''t''),而它们的场方程是麦克斯韦方程组。
标度不变的经典场论的一个实例是没有电荷和电流的电磁学。场是电场和磁场,'''E'''('''x''',''t'') 和 '''B'''('''x''',''t''),而它们的场方程是麦克斯韦方程组。
With no charges or currents, [[electromagnetic field#Light as an electromagnetic disturbance|these field equations]] take the form of [[wave equation]]s
:<math>\nabla^2 \mathbf{E} = \frac{1}{c^2} \frac{\partial^2 \mathbf{E}}{\partial t^2}</math>
:<math>\nabla^2\mathbf{B} = \frac{1}{c^2} \frac{\partial^2 \mathbf{B}}{\partial t^2}</math>
where ''c'' is the speed of light.
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其中 c 是光速。
其中 c 是光速。
These field equations are invariant under the transformation
:<math>x\rightarrow\lambda x,</math>
:<math>t\rightarrow\lambda t.</math>
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<math>t\rightarrow\lambda t.</math>。
<math>t\rightarrow\lambda t.</math>。
Moreover, given solutions of Maxwell's equations, '''E'''('''x''', ''t'') and '''B'''('''x''', ''t''),  it holds that
'''E'''(λ'''x''', λ''t'') and '''B'''(λ'''x''', λ''t'')  are also solutions.
此外,已知'''E'''('''x''', ''t'')和'''B'''('''x''', ''t'')是麦克斯韦方程组的解,则可以认为'''E'''(λ'''x''', λ''t'')和'''B'''(λ'''x''', λ''t'')也是解。
此外,已知'''E'''('''x''', ''t'')和'''B'''('''x''', ''t'')是麦克斯韦方程组的解,则可以认为'''E'''(λ'''x''', λ''t'')和'''B'''(λ'''x''', λ''t'')也是解。
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标度不变经典场论的另一个例子是无质量标量场(注意名称“标量”与标度不变性无关)。标量场{{math|''φ''('''''x''''', ''t'')}}是一组空间变量 '''''x''''' 和一个时间变量 {{mvar|t}} 的函数。
标度不变经典场论的另一个例子是无质量标量场(注意名称“标量”与标度不变性无关)。标量场{{math|''φ''('''''x''''', ''t'')}}是一组空间变量 '''''x''''' 和一个时间变量 {{mvar|t}} 的函数。
Consider first the linear theory. Like the electromagnetic field equations above, the equation of motion for this theory is also a wave equation,
:<math>\frac{1}{c^2} \frac{\partial^2 \varphi}{\partial t^2}-\nabla^2 \varphi = 0,</math>
and is invariant under the transformation
:<math>x\rightarrow\lambda x,</math>
:<math>t\rightarrow\lambda t.</math>
<math>\frac{1}{c^2} \frac{\partial^2 \varphi}{\partial t^2}-\nabla^2 \varphi = 0,</math>,
<math>\frac{1}{c^2} \frac{\partial^2 \varphi}{\partial t^2}-\nabla^2 \varphi = 0</math>,
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<math>t\rightarrow\lambda t.</math>。
<math>t\rightarrow\lambda t.</math>。
The name massless refers to the absence of a term <math>\propto m^2\varphi</math> in the field equation. Such a term is often referred to as a `mass' term, and would break the invariance under the above transformation. In [[relativistic field theory|relativistic field theories]], a mass-scale, {{mvar|m}}  is physically equivalent to a fixed length scale through
and so it should not be surprising that massive scalar field theory is ''not'' scale-invariant.
无质量是指在场方程中没有<math>\propto m^2\varphi</math>项。这一项通常称为“质量”项,它会破坏上述变换下的不变性。在'''Relativistic Field Theories 相对论场理论'''中,质量标度{{mvar|m}}在物理上等同于一个固定的长度标度:
无质量是指在场方程中没有<math>\propto m^2\varphi</math>项。这一项通常称为“质量”项,它会破坏上述变换下的不变性。在'''Relativistic Field Theories 相对论场理论'''中,质量标度{{mvar|m}}在物理上等同于一个固定的长度标度:
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====φ<sup>4</sup>  理论====
====φ<sup>4</sup>  理论====
The field equations in the examples above are all [[linear]] in the fields, which has meant that the [[scaling dimension]], {{mvar|Δ}}, has not been so important. However, one usually requires that the scalar field [[action (physics)|action]] is dimensionless, and this fixes the [[scaling dimension]] of {{mvar|φ}}. In particular,
where {{mvar|D}} is the combined number of spatial and time dimensions.
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Given this scaling dimension for {{mvar|φ}}, there are certain nonlinear modifications of massless scalar field theory which are also scale-invariant. One example is massless [[Phi to the fourth|φ<sup>4</sup> theory]] for {{mvar|D}}=4. The field equation is
:<math>\frac{1}{c^2} \frac{\partial^2 \varphi}{\partial t^2}-\nabla^2 \varphi+g\varphi^3=0.</math>。
已知φ的标度维数,则无质量标量场理论的某些非线性修正也是标度不变的。例如,{{mvar|D}}=4的无质量'''φ<sup>4</sup>theory φ<sup>4</sup>理论'''。场方程是:
已知φ的标度维数,则无质量标量场理论的某些非线性修正也是标度不变的。例如,{{mvar|D}}=4的无质量'''φ<sup>4</sup>theory φ<sup>4</sup>理论'''。场方程是:
<math>\frac{1}{c^2} \frac{\partial^2 \varphi}{\partial t^2}-\nabla^2 \varphi+g\varphi^3=0.</math>。
<math>\frac{1}{c^2} \frac{\partial^2 \varphi}{\partial t^2}-\nabla^2 \varphi+g\varphi^3=0.</math>。
(Note that the name {{mvar|φ}}<sup>4</sup> derives from the form of the [[Phi to the fourth#The Lagrangian|Lagrangian]], which contains the fourth power of {{mvar|φ}}.
When {{mvar|D}}=4 (e.g. three spatial dimensions and one time dimension), the scalar field scaling dimension is {{mvar|Δ}}=1. The field equation is then invariant under the transformation
:<math>x\rightarrow\lambda x,</math>
:<math>t\rightarrow\lambda t,</math>
:<math>\varphi (x)\rightarrow\lambda^{-1}\varphi(x).</math>
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:<math>\varphi (x)\rightarrow\lambda^{-1}\varphi(x).</math>
:<math>\varphi (x)\rightarrow\lambda^{-1}\varphi(x).</math>
The key point is that the parameter {{mvar|g}} must be dimensionless, otherwise one introduces a fixed length scale into the theory: For  {{mvar|φ}}<sup>4</sup>  theory, this is only the case in {{mvar|D}}=4.
Note that under these transformations the argument of the function {{mvar|φ}} is unchanged.
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The scale-dependence of a [[quantum field theory]] (QFT) is characterised by the way its [[coupling constant|coupling parameters]] depend on the energy-scale of a given physical process. This energy dependence is described by the [[renormalization group]], and is encoded in the [[beta-function]]s of the theory.
量子场论(QFT)的标度依赖性的特征是其耦合参数依赖于给定物理过程的能量标度。这种能量依赖由重正化群描述,并编码在理论的'''Beta-function β函数'''中。
量子场论(QFT)的标度依赖性的特征是其耦合参数依赖于给定物理过程的能量标度。这种能量依赖由重正化群描述,并编码在理论的'''Beta-function β函数'''中。
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Scale-invariant QFTs are almost always invariant under the full [[conformal symmetry]], and the study of such QFTs is [[conformal field theory]] (CFT). [[operator (physics)|Operators]] in a CFT have a well-defined [[scaling dimension]], analogous to the [[scaling dimension]], ''∆'', of a classical field discussed above. However, the scaling dimensions of operators in a CFT typically differ from those of the fields in the corresponding classical theory. The additional contributions appearing in the CFT are known as [[anomalous scaling dimension]]s.
在完全共形对称条件下,标度不变的量子场论几乎总是不变的,对此类量子场论的研究就是共形场论(CFT)。共形场论中的算子具有定义明确的标度维数,类似于前面所讨论的经典场标度维数 ''∆''。然而,共形场论中算子的标度维数与经典理论中场的标度维数不同。在共形场论中出现的附加贡献称做'''Anomalous Scaling Dimensions 异常标度维数'''。
在完全共形对称条件下,标度不变的量子场论几乎总是不变的,对此类量子场论的研究就是共形场论(CFT)。共形场论中的算子具有定义明确的标度维数,类似于前面所讨论的经典场标度维数 ''∆''。然而,共形场论中算子的标度维数与经典理论中场的标度维数不同。在共形场论中出现的附加贡献称做'''Anomalous Scaling Dimensions 异常标度维数'''。
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=== 标度与共形异常===
=== 标度与共形异常===
The φ<sup>4</sup> theory example above demonstrates that the coupling parameters of a quantum field theory can be scale-dependent even if the corresponding classical field theory is scale-invariant (or conformally invariant). If this is the case, the classical scale (or conformal) invariance is said to be [[conformal anomaly|anomalous]]. A classically scale invariant field theory, where scale invariance is broken by quantum effects, provides an explication of the nearly exponential expansion of the early universe called [[Inflation (cosmology)|cosmic inflation]], as long as the theory can be studied through [[perturbation theory]].
上面的φ<sup>4</sup>理论例子表明,量子场论的耦合参数可以是标度依赖的,即使相应的经典场论是标度不变(或共形不变)。如果是这种情况,则称经典标度(或共形)不变性为异常。经典的标度不变场论,当量子效应打破其中的标度不变性,可以为接近指数级膨胀的早期宇宙提供了一种解释,即为'''Cosmic Inflation 宇宙膨胀''',只要该理论可以通过'''Perturbation Theory 微扰理论'''研究<ref name=":1">{{cite journal|last=Salvio, Strumia|title=Agravity|journal=JHEP  |volume=2014 |issue=6|pages=080|date=2014-03-17|url=http://inspirehep.net/record/1286134|arxiv = 1403.4226|bibcode = 2014JHEP...06..080S|doi=10.1007/JHEP06(2014)080}}</ref>。
上面的φ<sup>4</sup>理论例子表明,量子场论的耦合参数可以是标度依赖的,即使相应的经典场论是标度不变(或共形不变)。如果是这种情况,则称经典标度(或共形)不变性为异常。经典的标度不变场论,当量子效应打破其中的标度不变性,可以为接近指数级膨胀的早期宇宙提供了一种解释,即为'''Cosmic Inflation 宇宙膨胀''',只要该理论可以通过'''Perturbation Theory 微扰理论'''研究<ref name=":1">{{cite journal|last=Salvio, Strumia|title=Agravity|journal=JHEP  |volume=2014 |issue=6|pages=080|date=2014-03-17|url=http://inspirehep.net/record/1286134|arxiv = 1403.4226|bibcode = 2014JHEP...06..080S|doi=10.1007/JHEP06(2014)080}}</ref>。
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