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删除1,374字节 、 2021年11月6日 (六) 09:36
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在受限制的三体问题中,<ref name="Barrow-Green1997"/>一个质量可忽略不计的天体(“小行星”)在两个质量巨大的天体的影响下运动。由于质量可忽略不计,小行星对这两个质量巨大的天体所施加的力可忽略不计,因此可以可以用两个物体的运动来描述,对该系统进行分析。通常这种两体运动被认为是由围绕质心的圆形轨道组成的,并且假定小行星在圆形轨道所定义的平面内运动。
In the restricted three-body problem,[3] a body of negligible mass (the "planetoid") moves under the influence of two massive bodies. Having negligible mass, the force that the planetoid exerts on the two massive bodies may be neglected, and the system can be analysed and can therefore be described in terms of a two-body motion. Usually this two-body motion is taken to consist of circular orbits around the center of mass, and the planetoid is assumed to move in the plane defined by the circular orbits.
The restricted three-body problem is easier to analyze theoretically than the full problem. It is of practical interest as well since it accurately describes many real-world problems, the most important example being the Earth–Moon–Sun system. For these reasons, it has occupied an important role in the historical development of the three-body problem.
Mathematically, the problem is stated as follows. Let {\displaystyle m_{1,2}} {\displaystyle m_{1,2}} be the masses of the two massive bodies, with (planar) coordinates {\displaystyle (x_{1},y_{1})} (x_{1},y_{1}) and {\displaystyle (x_{2},y_{2})} (x_{2},y_{2}), and let {\displaystyle (x,y)} (x,y) be the coordinates of the planetoid. For simplicity, choose units such that the distance between the two massive bodies, as well as the gravitational constant, are both equal to {\displaystyle 1} 1. Then, the motion of the planetoid is given by
在数学的表述上,设<math>m_{1,2}</math>为两个大质量天体的质量,二维平面坐标<math>(x_1, y_1)</math>和<math>(x_2, y_2)</math>分别为小行星的坐标。简单起见,选择的单位应该要确保两大质量天体的距离和重力常数都等于1。则小行星的运动可以用公式描述为:
在数学的表述上,设<math>m_{1,2}</math>为两个大质量天体的质量,二维平面坐标<math>(x_1, y_1)</math>和<math>(x_2, y_2)</math>分别为小行星的坐标。简单起见,选择的单位应该要确保两大质量天体的距离和重力常数都等于1。则小行星的运动可以用公式描述为:
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其中<math>r_i = \sqrt{(x - x_i)^2 + (y - y_i)^2}</math>,在这种形式下,运动方程通过坐标具有明确的时间依赖性<math>x_i(t), y_i(t)</math>。但可以通过转换为旋转参考系来消除这种时间相关性,从而简化了后续的分析。
其中<math>r_i = \sqrt{(x - x_i)^2 + (y - y_i)^2}</math>,在这种形式下,运动方程通过坐标具有明确的时间依赖性<math>x_i(t), y_i(t)</math>。但可以通过转换为旋转参考系来消除这种时间相关性,从而简化了后续的分析。

