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= = 死亡 = = 1954年6月8日,在他位于威姆斯洛 Adlington Road 43号的家中,图灵的管家发现了他的尸体。他前一天去世,享年41岁。氰化物中毒被确定为死因。当他的尸体被发现时,一个吃了一半的苹果躺在他的床边,尽管这个苹果没有被检测出氰化物,但人们推测这是图灵服用致命剂量的方式。审讯确定他是自杀的。安德鲁•霍奇斯和另一位传记作家大卫•利维特都推测,图灵是在重演华特•迪士尼(Walt Disney)电影《白雪公主和七个小矮人(1937)中的一个场景,这是他最喜欢的童话故事。两人都指出,(用莱维特的话说)他“特别喜欢看到邪恶皇后把苹果浸入有毒的水中的场景”。图灵的遗体于1954年6月12日在 Woking Crematorium 火化,他的骨灰撒在火葬场的花园里,就像他父亲那样。
= = 死亡 = = 1954年6月8日,在他位于威姆斯洛 Adlington Road 43号的家中,图灵的管家发现了他的尸体。他前一天去世,享年41岁。氰化物中毒被确定为死因。当他的尸体被发现时,一个吃了一半的苹果躺在他的床边,尽管这个苹果没有被检测出氰化物,但人们推测这是图灵服用致命剂量的方式。审讯确定他是自杀的。安德鲁•霍奇斯和另一位传记作家大卫•利维特都推测,图灵是在重演华特•迪士尼(Walt Disney)电影《白雪公主和七个小矮人(1937)中的一个场景,这是他最喜欢的童话故事。两人都指出,(用莱维特的话说)他“特别喜欢看到邪恶皇后把苹果浸入有毒的水中的场景”。图灵的遗体于1954年6月12日在 Woking Crematorium 火化,他的骨灰撒在火葬场的花园里,就像他父亲那样。
Philosopher [[Jack Copeland]] has questioned various aspects of the coroner's historical verdict. He suggested an alternative explanation for the cause of Turing's death: the accidental inhalation of cyanide fumes from an apparatus used to [[electroplating|electroplate]] gold onto spoons. The [[potassium cyanide]] was used to [[Gold#Commercial chemistry|dissolve the gold]]. Turing had such an apparatus set up in his tiny spare room. Copeland noted that the autopsy findings were more consistent with inhalation than with ingestion of the poison. Turing also habitually ate an apple before going to bed, and it was not unusual for the apple to be discarded half-eaten.<ref name="Copeland">{{cite news | first = Roland | last = Pease | title = Alan Turing: Inquest's suicide verdict 'not supportable' | url = https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-18561092 | work = [[BBC News]] | date = 23 June 2012 | access-date = 23 June 2012 | quote = We have&nbsp;... been recreating the narrative of Turing's life, and we have recreated him as an unhappy young man who committed suicide. But the evidence is not there. | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20120623101625/http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-18561092 | archive-date = 23 June 2012 | url-status = live }}</ref> Furthermore, Turing had reportedly borne his legal setbacks and hormone treatment (which had been discontinued a year previously) "with good humour" and had shown no sign of despondency prior to his death. He even set down a list of tasks that he intended to complete upon returning to his office after the holiday weekend.<ref name="Copeland" /> Turing's mother believed that the ingestion was accidental, resulting from her son's careless storage of laboratory chemicals.<ref>{{cite web |url=https://www.christies.com/lotfinder/lot_details.aspx?intObjectID=5685694 |title=TURING, Ethel Sara (1881–1976, mother of Alan Turing). Series of 11 autograph letters to Robin Gandy, Guilford, 28 July 1954 – 11 June 1971 (most before 1959), altogether 29 pages, 8vo (2 letters dated 17 May and 26 May 1955 incomplete, lacking continuation leaves, occasional light soiling) |website=christies.com |access-date=6 February 2019 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190207015923/https://www.christies.com/lotfinder/lot_details.aspx?intObjectID=5685694 |archive-date=7 February 2019 |url-status=live }}</ref> Biographer Andrew Hodges theorised that Turing arranged the delivery of the equipment to deliberately allow his mother [[plausible deniability]] with regard to any suicide claims.<ref>{{Harvnb|Hodges|1983|pp=488, 489}}</ref>[[File:Alan Turing OBE.jpg|thumb|Turing's OBE currently held in [[Sherborne School]] archives|链接=Special:FilePath/Alan_Turing_OBE.jpg]]哲学家杰克 · 科普兰对验尸官的历史裁决提出了各种各样的质疑。对于图灵的死因,他提出了另一种解释: 一个用于电镀金子的器具意外吸入了氰化物烟雾到勺子上。氰化钾是用来溶解黄金的。图灵在他狭小的空余房间里安装了这样一台仪器。科普兰指出,尸检结果更符合吸入而不是摄入毒药。图灵还习惯在睡觉前吃一个苹果,吃了一半就丢弃这个苹果并不罕见。此外,据报道,图灵“幽默地”承受了法律上的挫折和激素治疗(一年前已经停止) ,而且在他去世之前没有显示出任何沮丧的迹象。他甚至列出了一个任务清单,打算在假日周末回到办公室后完成这些任务。图灵的母亲认为,由于儿子粗心地储存了实验室化学品,图灵的摄入是意外的。传记作家 Andrew Hodges 提出理论,图灵安排了这些设备的交付,故意让他的母亲对任何自杀的声明有似是而非的否认。
Philosopher [[Jack Copeland]] has questioned various aspects of the coroner's historical verdict. He suggested an alternative explanation for the cause of Turing's death: the accidental inhalation of cyanide fumes from an apparatus used to [[electroplating|electroplate]] gold onto spoons. The [[potassium cyanide]] was used to [[Gold#Commercial chemistry|dissolve the gold]]. Turing had such an apparatus set up in his tiny spare room. Copeland noted that the autopsy findings were more consistent with inhalation than with ingestion of the poison. Turing also habitually ate an apple before going to bed, and it was not unusual for the apple to be discarded half-eaten.<ref name="Copeland">{{cite news | first = Roland | last = Pease | title = Alan Turing: Inquest's suicide verdict 'not supportable' | url = https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-18561092 | work = [[BBC News]] | date = 23 June 2012 | access-date = 23 June 2012 | quote = We have&nbsp;... been recreating the narrative of Turing's life, and we have recreated him as an unhappy young man who committed suicide. But the evidence is not there. | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20120623101625/http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-18561092 | archive-date = 23 June 2012 | url-status = live }}</ref> Furthermore, Turing had reportedly borne his legal setbacks and hormone treatment (which had been discontinued a year previously) "with good humour" and had shown no sign of despondency prior to his death. He even set down a list of tasks that he intended to complete upon returning to his office after the holiday weekend.<ref name="Copeland" /> Turing's mother believed that the ingestion was accidental, resulting from her son's careless storage of laboratory chemicals.<ref>{{cite web |url=https://www.christies.com/lotfinder/lot_details.aspx?intObjectID=5685694 |title=TURING, Ethel Sara (1881–1976, mother of Alan Turing). Series of 11 autograph letters to Robin Gandy, Guilford, 28 July 1954 – 11 June 1971 (most before 1959), altogether 29 pages, 8vo (2 letters dated 17 May and 26 May 1955 incomplete, lacking continuation leaves, occasional light soiling) |website=christies.com |access-date=6 February 2019 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190207015923/https://www.christies.com/lotfinder/lot_details.aspx?intObjectID=5685694 |archive-date=7 February 2019 |url-status=live }}</ref> Biographer Andrew Hodges theorised that Turing arranged the delivery of the equipment to deliberately allow his mother [[plausible deniability]] with regard to any suicide claims.<ref>{{Harvnb|Hodges|1983|pp=488, 489}}</ref>[[File:Alan Turing OBE.jpg|thumb|Turing's OBE currently held in [[Sherborne School]] archives|链接=Special:FilePath/Alan_Turing_OBE.jpg]]哲学家杰克 · 科普兰对验尸官的历史裁决提出了各种各样的质疑。对于图灵的死因,他提出了另一种解释: 一个用于电镀金子的器具意外吸入了氰化物烟雾到勺子上。氰化钾是用来溶解黄金的。图灵在他狭小的空余房间里安装了这样一台仪器。科普兰指出,尸检结果更符合吸入而不是摄入毒药。图灵还习惯在睡觉前吃一个苹果,吃了一半就丢弃这个苹果并不罕见。此外,据报道,图灵“幽默地”承受了法律上的挫折和激素治疗(一年前已经停止) ,而且在他去世之前没有显示出任何沮丧的迹象。他甚至列出了一个任务清单,打算在假日周末回到办公室后完成这些任务。图灵的母亲认为,由于儿子粗心地储存了实验室化学品,图灵的摄入是意外的。传记作家 Andrew Hodges 提出理论,图灵安排了这些设备的交付,故意让他的母亲对任何自杀的声明有似是而非的否认。
第312行: 第310行:  
有人认为,可能是图灵对算命的信仰导致了他的沮丧情绪。年轻时,图灵曾被算命师告知他将成为一个天才。1954年5月中旬,在他去世前不久,图灵在与格林鲍姆一家一起去海上圣安内斯的一日游中再次决定咨询算命师。根据格林鲍姆夫妇的女儿芭芭拉的说法: 但那是一个阳光明媚的日子,艾伦心情愉快,我们就去了... ... 然后他觉得去黑潭的快乐海滩是个好主意。我们找到了一个算命师的帐篷,艾伦说他想进去,所以我们就在附近等他回来... ... 这张阳光明媚的面孔已经缩成了一张苍白、颤抖、惊恐的脸。发生了一些事情。我们不知道算命先生是怎么说的,但是他显然非常不开心。我想那可能是我们听说他自杀之前最后一次见到他。
有人认为,可能是图灵对算命的信仰导致了他的沮丧情绪。年轻时,图灵曾被算命师告知他将成为一个天才。1954年5月中旬,在他去世前不久,图灵在与格林鲍姆一家一起去海上圣安内斯的一日游中再次决定咨询算命师。根据格林鲍姆夫妇的女儿芭芭拉的说法: 但那是一个阳光明媚的日子,艾伦心情愉快,我们就去了... ... 然后他觉得去黑潭的快乐海滩是个好主意。我们找到了一个算命师的帐篷,艾伦说他想进去,所以我们就在附近等他回来... ... 这张阳光明媚的面孔已经缩成了一张苍白、颤抖、惊恐的脸。发生了一些事情。我们不知道算命先生是怎么说的,但是他显然非常不开心。我想那可能是我们听说他自杀之前最后一次见到他。
===Government apology and pardon===
===Government apology and pardon===
{{anchor|Government apology and pardon support}} In August 2009, British programmer [[John Graham-Cumming]] started a petition urging the British government to apologise for Turing's prosecution as a homosexual.<ref>{{Cite book |title=Thousands call for Turing apology |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8226509.stm |work=BBC News |date=31 August 2009 |access-date=31 August 2009 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20090831100747/http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8226509.stm |archive-date=31 August 2009 |url-status=live }}</ref><ref>{{Cite book|title=Petition seeks apology for Enigma code-breaker Turing |url=http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/europe/09/01/alan.turing.petition/index.html |publisher=CNN |date=1 September 2009 |access-date=1 September 2009 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20091005081407/http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/europe/09/01/alan.turing.petition/index.html |archive-date=5 October 2009 |url-status=live }}</ref> The petition received more than 30,000 signatures.<ref name="PMapology">{{cite news | title = PM's apology to codebreaker Alan Turing: we were inhumane | url = https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/sep/11/pm-apology-to-alan-turing | work = The Guardian | location = UK | date = 11 September 2009 | first = Caroline | last = Davies | access-date = 10 December 2016 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20170204085908/https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/sep/11/pm-apology-to-alan-turing | archive-date = 4 February 2017 | url-status = live }}</ref><ref>The petition was only open to UK citizens.</ref> The Prime Minister, [[Gordon Brown]], acknowledged the petition, releasing a statement on 10 September 2009 apologising and describing the treatment of Turing as "appalling":<ref name="PMapology" /><ref name="PM-apology">{{cite news | url = http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8249792.stm | title = PM apology after Turing petition | date = 11 September 2009 | work = BBC News | access-date = 11 September 2009 | archive-url = https://www.webcitation.org/67yu9WGUa?url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8249792.stm | archive-date = 27 May 2012 | url-status = live }}</ref>{{blockquote|Thousands of people have come together to demand justice for Alan Turing and recognition of the appalling way he was treated. While Turing was dealt with under the law of the time and we can't put the clock back, his treatment was of course utterly unfair and I am pleased to have the chance to say how deeply sorry I and we all are for what happened to him&nbsp;... So on behalf of the British government, and all those who live freely thanks to Alan's work I am very proud to say: we're sorry, you deserved so much better.<ref name="PMapology"/><ref>[http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~ian/TuringApology.html Full text of the Prime Minister's apology] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20121109124247/http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~ian/TuringApology.html |date=9 November 2012 }}.</ref>}}In August 2009, British programmer John Graham-Cumming started a petition urging the British government to apologise for Turing's prosecution as a homosexual. The petition received more than 30,000 signatures.The petition was only open to UK citizens. The Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, acknowledged the petition, releasing a statement on 10 September 2009 apologising and describing the treatment of Turing as "appalling":
In August 2009, British programmer John Graham-Cumming started a petition urging the British government to apologise for Turing's prosecution as a homosexual. The petition received more than 30,000 signatures.The petition was only open to UK citizens. The Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, acknowledged the petition, releasing a statement on 10 September 2009 apologising and describing the treatment of Turing as "appalling":Thousands of people have come together to demand justice for Alan Turing and recognition of the appalling way he was treated. While Turing was dealt with under the law of the time and we can't put the clock back, his treatment was of course utterly unfair and I am pleased to have the chance to say how deeply sorry I and we all are for what happened to him&amp;nbsp;... So on behalf of the British government, and all those who live freely thanks to Alan's work I am very proud to say: we're sorry, you deserved so much better.
2009年8月,英国程序员 John Graham-Cumming · 图灵发起请愿,敦促英国政府为图灵作为同性恋被起诉一事道歉。请愿书收到了超过30000个签名。请愿书只对英国公民开放。英国首相戈登 · 布朗承认了这份请愿书,并于2009年9月10日发表了一份声明,对图灵受到的待遇表示道歉,并称其“骇人听闻”:成千上万的人聚集在一起,要求为艾伦·图灵伸张正义,并承认他受到的可怕待遇。虽然图灵是根据当时的法律处理的,我们不能让时间倒流,但他的待遇当然是完全不公平的,我很高兴有机会对发生在他身上的事情表示深深的歉意,我们大家都很抱歉;因此,我代表英国政府,以及所有因艾伦的工作而自由生活的人们,非常自豪地说:我们很抱歉,你应该得到更好的待遇。
In December 2011, William Jones and his Member of Parliament, [[John Leech (politician)|John Leech]], created an [[e-petition]]<ref name="PardonPetition">{{cite web | title = Grant a pardon to Alan Turing | url = https://submissions.epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/23526 | date = 6 December 2011 | url-status=dead | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20120110183548/http://submissions.epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/23526 | archive-date = 10 January 2012 | df = dmy-all }}</ref> requesting that the British government [[pardon]] Turing for his conviction of "gross indecency":<ref name="BBBCPardon">{{cite news | title = Petition to pardon computer pioneer Alan Turing started | url = https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-16061279 | date = 6 December 2011 | work = BBC News | access-date = 21 June 2018 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180619135127/https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-16061279 | archive-date = 19 June 2018 | url-status = live }}</ref>{{blockquote|We ask the HM Government to grant a pardon to Alan Turing for the conviction of "gross indecency". In 1952, he was convicted of "gross indecency" with another man and was forced to undergo so-called "organo-therapy"—chemical castration. Two years later, he killed himself with cyanide, aged just 41. Alan Turing was driven to a terrible despair and early death by the nation he'd done so much to save. This remains a shame on the British government and British history. A pardon can go some way to healing this damage. It may act as an apology to many of the other gay men, not as well-known as Alan Turing, who were subjected to these laws.<ref name="PardonPetition" />}}2011年12月,威廉 · 琼斯和他的议员约翰 · 利奇发起了一项电子请愿活动,要求英国政府赦免图灵的“严重猥亵”罪:
2009年8月,英国程序员 John Graham-Cumming · 图灵发起请愿,敦促英国政府为图灵作为同性恋被起诉一事道歉。请愿书收到了超过30000个签名。请愿书只对英国公民开放。英国首相戈登 · 布朗承认了这份请愿书,并于2009年9月10日发表了一份声明,对图灵受到的待遇表示道歉,并称其“骇人听闻”:
In December 2011, William Jones and his Member of Parliament, [[John Leech (politician)|John Leech]], created an [[e-petition]]<ref name="PardonPetition">{{cite web | title = Grant a pardon to Alan Turing | url = https://submissions.epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/23526 | date = 6 December 2011 | url-status=dead | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20120110183548/http://submissions.epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/23526 | archive-date = 10 January 2012 | df = dmy-all }}</ref> requesting that the British government [[pardon]] Turing for his conviction of "gross indecency":<ref name="BBBCPardon">{{cite news | title = Petition to pardon computer pioneer Alan Turing started | url = https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-16061279 | date = 6 December 2011 | work = BBC News | access-date = 21 June 2018 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20180619135127/https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-16061279 | archive-date = 19 June 2018 | url-status = live }}</ref>{{blockquote|We ask the HM Government to grant a pardon to Alan Turing for the conviction of "gross indecency". In 1952, he was convicted of "gross indecency" with another man and was forced to undergo so-called "organo-therapy"—chemical castration. Two years later, he killed himself with cyanide, aged just 41. Alan Turing was driven to a terrible despair and early death by the nation he'd done so much to save. This remains a shame on the British government and British history. A pardon can go some way to healing this damage. It may act as an apology to many of the other gay men, not as well-known as Alan Turing, who were subjected to these laws.<ref name="PardonPetition" />}}In December 2011, William Jones and his Member of Parliament, John Leech, created an e-petition requesting that the British government pardon Turing for his conviction of "gross indecency":
2011年12月,威廉 · 琼斯和他的议员约翰 · 利奇发起了一项电子请愿活动,要求英国政府赦免图灵的“严重猥亵”罪:
The petition gathered over 37,000 signatures,<ref name="PardonPetition" /><ref name="turingindependent24dec2013">{{cite news |url=https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/alan-turing-gets-his-royal-pardon-for-gross-indecency--61-years-after-he-poisoned-himself-9023116.html |title=Alan Turing gets his royal pardon for 'gross indecency'&nbsp;– 61 years after he poisoned himself |work=The Independent |date=23 December 2013 |author=Wright, Oliver |location=London |access-date=21 August 2017 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131224035745/http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/alan-turing-gets-his-royal-pardon-for-gross-indecency--61-years-after-he-poisoned-himself-9023116.html |archive-date=24 December 2013 |url-status=live }}</ref> and was submitted to Parliament by the Manchester MP [[John Leech (politician)|John Leech]] but the request was discouraged by Justice Minister [[Tom McNally, Baron McNally#Political career|Lord McNally]], who said:<ref name="PardonPetitionDiscouraged">{{cite web |title=Government rejects a pardon for computer genius Alan Turing |url=https://www.theguardian.com/uk/the-northerner/2012/feb/07/alan-turing-pardon-lord-mcnally-lord-sharkey-computers |date=7 February 2012 |last=Wainwright |first=Martin |work=The Guardian |access-date=10 December 2016 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170204091026/https://www.theguardian.com/uk/the-northerner/2012/feb/07/alan-turing-pardon-lord-mcnally-lord-sharkey-computers |archive-date=4 February 2017 |url-status=live }}</ref>{{blockquote|A posthumous pardon was not considered appropriate as Alan Turing was properly convicted of what at the time was a criminal offence. He would have known that his offence was against the law and that he would be prosecuted. It is tragic that Alan Turing was convicted of an offence that now seems both cruel and absurd—particularly poignant given his outstanding contribution to the war effort. However, the law at the time required a prosecution and, as such, long-standing policy has been to accept that such convictions took place and, rather than trying to alter the historical context and to put right what cannot be put right, ensure instead that we never again return to those times.<ref>{{cite web |url=https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201212/ldhansrd/text/120202w0001.htm |title=hansard |publisher=Parliament of the United Kingdom |date=2 February 2012 |access-date=29 August 2017 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170706132556/https://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201212/ldhansrd/text/120202w0001.htm |archive-date=6 July 2017 |url-status=live }}</ref>}}The petition gathered over 37,000 signatures, and was submitted to Parliament by the Manchester MP John Leech but the request was discouraged by Justice Minister Lord McNally, who said:
The petition gathered over 37,000 signatures,<ref name="PardonPetition" /><ref name="turingindependent24dec2013">{{cite news |url=https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/alan-turing-gets-his-royal-pardon-for-gross-indecency--61-years-after-he-poisoned-himself-9023116.html |title=Alan Turing gets his royal pardon for 'gross indecency'&nbsp;– 61 years after he poisoned himself |work=The Independent |date=23 December 2013 |author=Wright, Oliver |location=London |access-date=21 August 2017 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131224035745/http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/alan-turing-gets-his-royal-pardon-for-gross-indecency--61-years-after-he-poisoned-himself-9023116.html |archive-date=24 December 2013 |url-status=live }}</ref> and was submitted to Parliament by the Manchester MP [[John Leech (politician)|John Leech]] but the request was discouraged by Justice Minister [[Tom McNally, Baron McNally#Political career|Lord McNally]], who said:<ref name="PardonPetitionDiscouraged">{{cite web |title=Government rejects a pardon for computer genius Alan Turing |url=https://www.theguardian.com/uk/the-northerner/2012/feb/07/alan-turing-pardon-lord-mcnally-lord-sharkey-computers |date=7 February 2012 |last=Wainwright |first=Martin |work=The Guardian |access-date=10 December 2016 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170204091026/https://www.theguardian.com/uk/the-northerner/2012/feb/07/alan-turing-pardon-lord-mcnally-lord-sharkey-computers |archive-date=4 February 2017 |url-status=live }}</ref>{{blockquote|A posthumous pardon was not considered appropriate as Alan Turing was properly convicted of what at the time was a criminal offence. He would have known that his offence was against the law and that he would be prosecuted. It is tragic that Alan Turing was convicted of an offence that now seems both cruel and absurd—particularly poignant given his outstanding contribution to the war effort. However, the law at the time required a prosecution and, as such, long-standing policy has been to accept that such convictions took place and, rather than trying to alter the historical context and to put right what cannot be put right, ensure instead that we never again return to those times.<ref>{{cite web |url=https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201212/ldhansrd/text/120202w0001.htm |title=hansard |publisher=Parliament of the United Kingdom |date=2 February 2012 |access-date=29 August 2017 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170706132556/https://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201212/ldhansrd/text/120202w0001.htm |archive-date=6 July 2017 |url-status=live }}</ref>}}这份请愿书收集了超过37000个签名,由曼彻斯特议员约翰 · 利奇提交给议会,但是司法部长麦克纳利勋爵不同意这一请求,他说:
这份请愿书收集了超过37000个签名,由曼彻斯特议员约翰 · 利奇提交给议会,但是司法部长麦克纳利勋爵不同意这一请求,他说:
[[John Leech (politician)|John Leech]], the MP for [[Manchester Withington (UK Parliament constituency)|Manchester Withington]] (2005–15), submitted several bills to Parliament<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.politics.co.uk/news/2013/12/24/better-late-than-never-alan-turing-is-finally-pardoned|title=Better late than never, Alan Turing is finally pardoned|first=Alex|last=Stevenson|date=24 December 2013|publisher=politics.co.uk|access-date=25 September 2016|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160816015157/http://www.politics.co.uk/news/2013/12/24/better-late-than-never-alan-turing-is-finally-pardoned|archive-date=16 August 2016|url-status=live}}</ref> and led a high-profile campaign to secure the pardon. Leech made the case in the House of Commons that Turing's contribution to the war made him a national hero and that it was "ultimately just embarrassing" that the conviction still stood.<ref name="Fitzgerald">{{cite web|url=http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/alan-turings-court-convictions-go-11931942|title=Alan Turing's court convictions go on display for the first time|first=Todd|last=Fitzgerald|date=24 September 2016|publisher=manchestereveningnews.co.uk|access-date=25 September 2016|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160925151625/http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/alan-turings-court-convictions-go-11931942|archive-date=25 September 2016|url-status=live}}</ref> Leech continued to take the bill through Parliament and campaigned for several years, gaining the public support of numerous leading scientists, including [[Stephen Hawking]].<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/manchester-codebreaker-alan-turing-pardoned-6442836|title=Alan Turing pardoned by The Queen for his 'unjust and discriminatory' conviction for homosexuality|last=Britton|first=Paul|work=Manchester Evening News|date=24 December 2013|access-date=24 June 2018|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180624204418/https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/manchester-codebreaker-alan-turing-pardoned-6442836|archive-date=24 June 2018|url-status=live}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-16833621|title=MP calls for pardon for computer pioneer Alan Turing|date=1 February 2012|work=BBC News|access-date=25 September 2016|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160702135251/http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-16833621|archive-date=2 July 2016|url-status=live}}</ref>  At the British premiere of a film based on Turing's life, ''[[The Imitation Game]]'', the producers thanked Leech for bringing the topic to public attention and securing Turing's pardon.<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://www.libdemvoice.org/my-proudest-day-as-a-liberal-democrat-43430.html|title=My proudest day as a Liberal Democrat|work=Liberal Democrat Voice|access-date=24 June 2018|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180624204354/https://www.libdemvoice.org/my-proudest-day-as-a-liberal-democrat-43430.html|archive-date=24 June 2018|url-status=live}}</ref> Leech is now regularly described as the "architect" of Turing's pardon and subsequently the Alan Turing Law which went on to secure pardons for 75,000 other men and women convicted of similar crimes.<ref>{{Cite web |url=https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/manchester-computer-pioneer-alan-turing-16585966 |title=Manchester computer pioneer Alan Turing announced as face of new £50 note |date=15 July 2019 |access-date=19 July 2019 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190719082039/https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/manchester-computer-pioneer-alan-turing-16585966 |archive-date=19 July 2019 |url-status=live }}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://outnewsglobal.com/john-leech-secures-historic-deal-with-government-on-alan-turing-law/|title=John Leech secures historic deal with Government on 'Alan Turing Law'|date=20 October 2016|website=outnewsglobal.com}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/jul/15/alan-turing-to-feature-on-new-50-note|title=Alan Turing to feature on new £50 banknote|editor-first1=Larry|editor-last1=Elliott|editor-first2=Josh|editor-last2=Halliday|date=15 July 2019|via=www.theguardian.com}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/tory-minister-refuses-apologise-killing-9108424|title=Tory refuses to apologise for 'killing bad law' pardoning thousands of gay men|first=Dan|last=Bloom|date=23 October 2016|website=mirror}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.dunfermlinepress.com/news/national-news/17771381.alan-turings-fearless-approach-problems-intellectual-curiosity-praised/|title=Alan Turing's 'fearless approach to problems and intellectual curiosity' praised|website=Dunfermline Press}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://thetab.com/uk/manchester/2017/01/31/alan-turing-law-finally-pardons-thousands-unfairly-convicted-25615|title=The Alan Turing Law finally pardons thousands of unfairly convicted gay and bisexual men|date=31 January 2017|website=University of Manchester}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://qnews.com.au/bank-of-england-honours-alan-turing-on-50-note/|title=Bank of England honours Alan Turing on £50 note|date=15 July 2019|website=QNews}}</ref>
[[John Leech (politician)|John Leech]], the MP for [[Manchester Withington (UK Parliament constituency)|Manchester Withington]] (2005–15), submitted several bills to Parliament<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.politics.co.uk/news/2013/12/24/better-late-than-never-alan-turing-is-finally-pardoned|title=Better late than never, Alan Turing is finally pardoned|first=Alex|last=Stevenson|date=24 December 2013|publisher=politics.co.uk|access-date=25 September 2016|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160816015157/http://www.politics.co.uk/news/2013/12/24/better-late-than-never-alan-turing-is-finally-pardoned|archive-date=16 August 2016|url-status=live}}</ref> and led a high-profile campaign to secure the pardon. Leech made the case in the House of Commons that Turing's contribution to the war made him a national hero and that it was "ultimately just embarrassing" that the conviction still stood.<ref name="Fitzgerald">{{cite web|url=http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/alan-turings-court-convictions-go-11931942|title=Alan Turing's court convictions go on display for the first time|first=Todd|last=Fitzgerald|date=24 September 2016|publisher=manchestereveningnews.co.uk|access-date=25 September 2016|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160925151625/http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/alan-turings-court-convictions-go-11931942|archive-date=25 September 2016|url-status=live}}</ref> Leech continued to take the bill through Parliament and campaigned for several years, gaining the public support of numerous leading scientists, including [[Stephen Hawking]].<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/manchester-codebreaker-alan-turing-pardoned-6442836|title=Alan Turing pardoned by The Queen for his 'unjust and discriminatory' conviction for homosexuality|last=Britton|first=Paul|work=Manchester Evening News|date=24 December 2013|access-date=24 June 2018|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180624204418/https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/manchester-codebreaker-alan-turing-pardoned-6442836|archive-date=24 June 2018|url-status=live}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-16833621|title=MP calls for pardon for computer pioneer Alan Turing|date=1 February 2012|work=BBC News|access-date=25 September 2016|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160702135251/http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-16833621|archive-date=2 July 2016|url-status=live}}</ref>  At the British premiere of a film based on Turing's life, ''[[The Imitation Game]]'', the producers thanked Leech for bringing the topic to public attention and securing Turing's pardon.<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://www.libdemvoice.org/my-proudest-day-as-a-liberal-democrat-43430.html|title=My proudest day as a Liberal Democrat|work=Liberal Democrat Voice|access-date=24 June 2018|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180624204354/https://www.libdemvoice.org/my-proudest-day-as-a-liberal-democrat-43430.html|archive-date=24 June 2018|url-status=live}}</ref> Leech is now regularly described as the "architect" of Turing's pardon and subsequently the Alan Turing Law which went on to secure pardons for 75,000 other men and women convicted of similar crimes.<ref>{{Cite web |url=https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/manchester-computer-pioneer-alan-turing-16585966 |title=Manchester computer pioneer Alan Turing announced as face of new £50 note |date=15 July 2019 |access-date=19 July 2019 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190719082039/https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/manchester-computer-pioneer-alan-turing-16585966 |archive-date=19 July 2019 |url-status=live }}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://outnewsglobal.com/john-leech-secures-historic-deal-with-government-on-alan-turing-law/|title=John Leech secures historic deal with Government on 'Alan Turing Law'|date=20 October 2016|website=outnewsglobal.com}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/jul/15/alan-turing-to-feature-on-new-50-note|title=Alan Turing to feature on new £50 banknote|editor-first1=Larry|editor-last1=Elliott|editor-first2=Josh|editor-last2=Halliday|date=15 July 2019|via=www.theguardian.com}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/tory-minister-refuses-apologise-killing-9108424|title=Tory refuses to apologise for 'killing bad law' pardoning thousands of gay men|first=Dan|last=Bloom|date=23 October 2016|website=mirror}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.dunfermlinepress.com/news/national-news/17771381.alan-turings-fearless-approach-problems-intellectual-curiosity-praised/|title=Alan Turing's 'fearless approach to problems and intellectual curiosity' praised|website=Dunfermline Press}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://thetab.com/uk/manchester/2017/01/31/alan-turing-law-finally-pardons-thousands-unfairly-convicted-25615|title=The Alan Turing Law finally pardons thousands of unfairly convicted gay and bisexual men|date=31 January 2017|website=University of Manchester}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://qnews.com.au/bank-of-england-honours-alan-turing-on-50-note/|title=Bank of England honours Alan Turing on £50 note|date=15 July 2019|website=QNews}}</ref>
John Leech, the MP for Manchester Withington (2005–15), submitted several bills to Parliament and led a high-profile campaign to secure the pardon. Leech made the case in the House of Commons that Turing's contribution to the war made him a national hero and that it was "ultimately just embarrassing" that the conviction still stood. Leech continued to take the bill through Parliament and campaigned for several years, gaining the public support of numerous leading scientists, including Stephen Hawking.  At the British premiere of a film based on Turing's life, The Imitation Game, the producers thanked Leech for bringing the topic to public attention and securing Turing's pardon. Leech is now regularly described as the "architect" of Turing's pardon and subsequently the Alan Turing Law which went on to secure pardons for 75,000 other men and women convicted of similar crimes.
曼彻斯特威辛顿(英国国会选区)议员 John Leech (2005-15)向议会提交了几项法案,并领导了一场引人注目的运动以确保赦免。利奇在《英国下议院表示,图灵对战争的贡献使他成为了一个民族英雄,而且他的信念仍然存在,这“最终只是令人尴尬”。利奇继续在议会通过该法案,并进行了数年的竞选活动,赢得了包括斯蒂芬 · 霍金在内的众多顶尖科学家的公众支持。在一部根据图灵生平改编的电影---- 《模仿游戏的英国首映式上,制片人感谢 Leech 将这个话题引入公众视野,并确保了图灵的赦免。利奇现在经常被描述为图灵赦免和随后的阿兰图灵法案的“设计师”,该法案确保了对其他75000名被判定犯有类似罪行的男女的赦免。
曼彻斯特威辛顿(英国国会选区)议员 John Leech (2005-15)向议会提交了几项法案,并领导了一场引人注目的运动以确保赦免。利奇在《英国下议院表示,图灵对战争的贡献使他成为了一个民族英雄,而且他的信念仍然存在,这“最终只是令人尴尬”。利奇继续在议会通过该法案,并进行了数年的竞选活动,赢得了包括斯蒂芬 · 霍金在内的众多顶尖科学家的公众支持。在一部根据图灵生平改编的电影---- 《模仿游戏的英国首映式上,制片人感谢 Leech 将这个话题引入公众视野,并确保了图灵的赦免。利奇现在经常被描述为图灵赦免和随后的阿兰图灵法案的“设计师”,该法案确保了对其他75000名被判定犯有类似罪行的男女的赦免。
On 26 July 2012, a bill was introduced in the [[British House of Lords|House of Lords]] to grant a statutory pardon to Turing for offences under section 11 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885, of which he was convicted on 31 March 1952.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2012-13/alanturingstatutorypardon.html |title=Bill |publisher=Parliament of the United Kingdom |date=26 July 2012 |access-date=31 October 2013 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131102040318/http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2012-13/alanturingstatutorypardon.html |archive-date=2 November 2013 |url-status=live }}</ref> Late in the year in a letter to ''[[The Daily Telegraph]]'', the physicist Stephen Hawking and 10 other signatories including the [[Astronomer Royal]] [[Martin Rees, Baron Rees of Ludlow|Lord Rees]], [[List of presidents of the Royal Society|President of the Royal Society]] Sir [[Paul Nurse]], [[Jean Barker, Baroness Trumpington|Lady Trumpington]] (who worked for Turing during the war) and [[John Sharkey, Baron Sharkey|Lord Sharkey]] (the bill's sponsor) called on Prime Minister [[David Cameron]] to act on the pardon request.<ref>Pearse, Damian, [https://www.theguardian.com/science/2012/dec/14/alan-turing-pardon-stephen-hawking "Alan Turing should be pardoned, argue Stephen Hawking and top scientists"] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170204090812/https://www.theguardian.com/science/2012/dec/14/alan-turing-pardon-stephen-hawking |date=4 February 2017 }}, ''The Guardian'', 13 December 2012. Retrieved 15 December 2012.</ref> The government indicated it would support the bill,<ref name="turingguardian19july2013">{{cite news|url=https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/jul/19/enigma-codebreaker-alan-turing-posthumous-pardon|title=Enigma codebreaker Alan Turing to be given posthumous pardon|work=The Guardian|date=19 July 2013|author=Watt, Nicholas|location=London|access-date=10 December 2016|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170104124001/https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/jul/19/enigma-codebreaker-alan-turing-posthumous-pardon|archive-date=4 January 2017|url-status=live}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.v3.co.uk/v3-uk/news/2302744/alan-turing-pardon-moves-a-step-closer|title=Alan Turing pardon sails through House of Lords|last=Worth|first=Dan|date=30 October 2013|publisher=V3|access-date=24 December 2013|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131224114746/http://www.v3.co.uk/v3-uk/news/2302744/alan-turing-pardon-moves-a-step-closer|archive-date=24 December 2013|url-status=live}}</ref><ref>{{cite web | title =Alan Turing (Statutory Pardon) Bill | url =http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2013-14/alanturingstatutorypardon.html | access-date =20 July 2013 | archive-url =https://web.archive.org/web/20130705084023/http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2013-14/alanturingstatutorypardon.html | archive-date =5 July 2013 | url-status =live }}</ref> and it passed its third reading in the House of Lords in October.<ref name="turingpinknewsdec2013">{{cite news|url=http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2013/12/02/lib-dem-mp-john-leech-disappointed-at-delay-to-alan-turing-pardon-bill|title=Lib Dem MP John Leech disappointed at delay to Alan Turing pardon bill|newspaper=Pink News|date=2 December 2013|author=Roberts, Scott|access-date=24 December 2013|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131225050250/http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2013/12/02/lib-dem-mp-john-leech-disappointed-at-delay-to-alan-turing-pardon-bill|archive-date=25 December 2013|url-status=live}}</ref>
On 26 July 2012, a bill was introduced in the [[British House of Lords|House of Lords]] to grant a statutory pardon to Turing for offences under section 11 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885, of which he was convicted on 31 March 1952.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2012-13/alanturingstatutorypardon.html |title=Bill |publisher=Parliament of the United Kingdom |date=26 July 2012 |access-date=31 October 2013 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131102040318/http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2012-13/alanturingstatutorypardon.html |archive-date=2 November 2013 |url-status=live }}</ref> Late in the year in a letter to ''[[The Daily Telegraph]]'', the physicist Stephen Hawking and 10 other signatories including the [[Astronomer Royal]] [[Martin Rees, Baron Rees of Ludlow|Lord Rees]], [[List of presidents of the Royal Society|President of the Royal Society]] Sir [[Paul Nurse]], [[Jean Barker, Baroness Trumpington|Lady Trumpington]] (who worked for Turing during the war) and [[John Sharkey, Baron Sharkey|Lord Sharkey]] (the bill's sponsor) called on Prime Minister [[David Cameron]] to act on the pardon request.<ref>Pearse, Damian, [https://www.theguardian.com/science/2012/dec/14/alan-turing-pardon-stephen-hawking "Alan Turing should be pardoned, argue Stephen Hawking and top scientists"] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170204090812/https://www.theguardian.com/science/2012/dec/14/alan-turing-pardon-stephen-hawking |date=4 February 2017 }}, ''The Guardian'', 13 December 2012. Retrieved 15 December 2012.</ref> Pearse, Damian, "Alan Turing should be pardoned, argue Stephen Hawking and top scientists" , The Guardian, 13 December 2012. Retrieved 15 December 2012. The government indicated it would support the bill,<ref name="turingguardian19july2013">{{cite news|url=https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/jul/19/enigma-codebreaker-alan-turing-posthumous-pardon|title=Enigma codebreaker Alan Turing to be given posthumous pardon|work=The Guardian|date=19 July 2013|author=Watt, Nicholas|location=London|access-date=10 December 2016|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170104124001/https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/jul/19/enigma-codebreaker-alan-turing-posthumous-pardon|archive-date=4 January 2017|url-status=live}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.v3.co.uk/v3-uk/news/2302744/alan-turing-pardon-moves-a-step-closer|title=Alan Turing pardon sails through House of Lords|last=Worth|first=Dan|date=30 October 2013|publisher=V3|access-date=24 December 2013|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131224114746/http://www.v3.co.uk/v3-uk/news/2302744/alan-turing-pardon-moves-a-step-closer|archive-date=24 December 2013|url-status=live}}</ref><ref>{{cite web | title =Alan Turing (Statutory Pardon) Bill | url =http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2013-14/alanturingstatutorypardon.html | access-date =20 July 2013 | archive-url =https://web.archive.org/web/20130705084023/http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2013-14/alanturingstatutorypardon.html | archive-date =5 July 2013 | url-status =live }}</ref> and it passed its third reading in the House of Lords in October.<ref name="turingpinknewsdec2013">{{cite news|url=http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2013/12/02/lib-dem-mp-john-leech-disappointed-at-delay-to-alan-turing-pardon-bill|title=Lib Dem MP John Leech disappointed at delay to Alan Turing pardon bill|newspaper=Pink News|date=2 December 2013|author=Roberts, Scott|access-date=24 December 2013|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131225050250/http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2013/12/02/lib-dem-mp-john-leech-disappointed-at-delay-to-alan-turing-pardon-bill|archive-date=25 December 2013|url-status=live}}</ref>
On 26 July 2012, a bill was introduced in the House of Lords to grant a statutory pardon to Turing for offences under section 11 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885, of which he was convicted on 31 March 1952. Late in the year in a letter to The Daily Telegraph, the physicist Stephen Hawking and 10 other signatories including the Astronomer Royal Lord Rees, President of the Royal Society Sir Paul Nurse, Lady Trumpington (who worked for Turing during the war) and Lord Sharkey (the bill's sponsor) called on Prime Minister David Cameron to act on the pardon request.Pearse, Damian, "Alan Turing should be pardoned, argue Stephen Hawking and top scientists" , The Guardian, 13 December 2012. Retrieved 15 December 2012. The government indicated it would support the bill, and it passed its third reading in the House of Lords in October.
2012年7月26日,上议院提交了一项法案,根据《1885年刑事修正法令11条对图灵的罪行给予法定赦免,图灵于1952年3月31日被判有罪。今年年底,物理学家斯蒂芬 · 霍金和其他10位签名者,包括每日电讯报皇家天文学家勋爵 Rees,皇家学会主席 Paul Nurse 爵士,战时为图灵工作的 Trumpington 女士,以及法案的发起人 Sharkey 勋爵,在一封信中呼吁首相 David Cameron 对赦免请求采取行动。皮尔斯,达米安,“斯蒂芬 · 霍金和顶尖科学家认为,阿兰 · 图灵应该被赦免”,《卫报》 ,2012年12月13日。2012年12月15日。政府表示将支持该法案,并于10月在上议院通过了三读。
2012年7月26日,上议院提交了一项法案,根据《1885年刑事修正法令11条对图灵的罪行给予法定赦免,图灵于1952年3月31日被判有罪。今年年底,物理学家斯蒂芬 · 霍金和其他10位签名者,包括每日电讯报皇家天文学家勋爵 Rees,皇家学会主席 Paul Nurse 爵士,战时为图灵工作的 Trumpington 女士,以及法案的发起人 Sharkey 勋爵,在一封信中呼吁首相 David Cameron 对赦免请求采取行动。皮尔斯,达米安,“斯蒂芬 · 霍金和顶尖科学家认为,阿兰 · 图灵应该被赦免”,《卫报》 ,2012年12月13日。2012年12月15日。政府表示将支持该法案,并于10月在上议院通过了三读。
At the bill's second reading in the [[House of Commons of the United Kingdom|House of Commons]] on 29 November 2013, Conservative MP [[Christopher Chope]] objected to the bill, delaying its passage. The bill was due to return to the House of Commons on 28 February 2014,<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2013/12/02/lib-dem-mp-john-leech-disappointed-at-delay-to-alan-turing-pardon-bill/|title=Lib Dem MP John Leech disappointed at delay to Alan Turing pardon bill|last=Roberts|first=Scott|date=2 December 2013|work=PinkNews|access-date=20 June 2018|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180612210914/https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2013/12/02/lib-dem-mp-john-leech-disappointed-at-delay-to-alan-turing-pardon-bill/|archive-date=12 June 2018|url-status=live}}</ref> but before the bill could be debated in the House of Commons,<ref>{{cite web | title =Alan Turing (Statutory Pardon) Bill | url =http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2013-14/alanturingstatutorypardon.html | access-date =24 December 2013 | archive-url =https://web.archive.org/web/20131102040315/http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2013-14/alanturingstatutorypardon.html | archive-date =2 November 2013 | url-status =live }}</ref> the government elected to proceed under the [[royal prerogative of mercy]]. On 24 December 2013, [[Queen Elizabeth II]] signed a pardon for Turing's conviction for "gross indecency", with immediate effect.<ref name="turingpardon24dec2013">{{cite web |url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/history/world-war-two/10536246/Alan-Turing-granted-Royal-pardon-by-the-Queen.html |title=Alan Turing granted Royal pardon by the Queen |last=Swinford |first=Steven |date=23 December 2013 |work=The Daily Telegraph |access-date=5 April 2018 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180502103553/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/history/world-war-two/10536246/Alan-Turing-granted-Royal-pardon-by-the-Queen.html |archive-date=2 May 2018 |url-status=dead }}</ref> Announcing the pardon, Lord Chancellor [[Chris Grayling]] said Turing deserved to be "remembered and recognised for his fantastic contribution to the war effort" and not for his later criminal conviction.<ref name="turingindependent24dec2013" /><ref name="BBC-pardon24Dec">{{cite news|title=Royal pardon for codebreaker Alan Turing|url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-25495315|access-date=24 December 2013|work=BBC News|date=24 December 2013|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131224002121/http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-25495315|archive-date=24 December 2013|url-status=live}}</ref> The Queen officially pronounced Turing pardoned in August 2014.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.advocate.com/world/2014/08/22/queens-decree-alan-turing-now-officially-pardoned|title=With Queen's Decree, Alan Turing Is Now Officially Pardoned|date=22 August 2014|publisher=Advocate.com|access-date=1 November 2014|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20141101212528/http://www.advocate.com/world/2014/08/22/queens-decree-alan-turing-now-officially-pardoned|archive-date=1 November 2014|url-status=live}}</ref> The Queen's action is only the fourth royal pardon granted since the conclusion of the Second World War.<ref>Pardoned: Alan Turing, Computing patriarch. ''Time'' Magazine, vol. 183, no. 1, 13 January 2014, p.&nbsp;14. Retrieved 6 January 2014.</ref> Pardons are normally granted only when the person is technically innocent, and a request has been made by the family or other interested party; neither condition was met in regard to Turing's conviction.<ref name="grauniad">{{Cite news | last =Davies | first =Caroline | title = Codebreaker Turing is given posthumous royal pardon | newspaper =The Guardian | location =London | pages =1, 6 | date =24 December 2013 }}</ref>
At the bill's second reading in the [[House of Commons of the United Kingdom|House of Commons]] on 29 November 2013, Conservative MP [[Christopher Chope]] objected to the bill, delaying its passage. The bill was due to return to the House of Commons on 28 February 2014,<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2013/12/02/lib-dem-mp-john-leech-disappointed-at-delay-to-alan-turing-pardon-bill/|title=Lib Dem MP John Leech disappointed at delay to Alan Turing pardon bill|last=Roberts|first=Scott|date=2 December 2013|work=PinkNews|access-date=20 June 2018|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180612210914/https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2013/12/02/lib-dem-mp-john-leech-disappointed-at-delay-to-alan-turing-pardon-bill/|archive-date=12 June 2018|url-status=live}}</ref> but before the bill could be debated in the House of Commons,<ref>{{cite web | title =Alan Turing (Statutory Pardon) Bill | url =http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2013-14/alanturingstatutorypardon.html | access-date =24 December 2013 | archive-url =https://web.archive.org/web/20131102040315/http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2013-14/alanturingstatutorypardon.html | archive-date =2 November 2013 | url-status =live }}</ref> the government elected to proceed under the [[royal prerogative of mercy]]. On 24 December 2013, [[Queen Elizabeth II]] signed a pardon for Turing's conviction for "gross indecency", with immediate effect.<ref name="turingpardon24dec2013">{{cite web |url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/history/world-war-two/10536246/Alan-Turing-granted-Royal-pardon-by-the-Queen.html |title=Alan Turing granted Royal pardon by the Queen |last=Swinford |first=Steven |date=23 December 2013 |work=The Daily Telegraph |access-date=5 April 2018 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180502103553/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/history/world-war-two/10536246/Alan-Turing-granted-Royal-pardon-by-the-Queen.html |archive-date=2 May 2018 |url-status=dead }}</ref> Announcing the pardon, Lord Chancellor [[Chris Grayling]] said Turing deserved to be "remembered and recognised for his fantastic contribution to the war effort" and not for his later criminal conviction.<ref name="turingindependent24dec2013" /><ref name="BBC-pardon24Dec">{{cite news|title=Royal pardon for codebreaker Alan Turing|url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-25495315|access-date=24 December 2013|work=BBC News|date=24 December 2013|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131224002121/http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-25495315|archive-date=24 December 2013|url-status=live}}</ref> The Queen officially pronounced Turing pardoned in August 2014.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.advocate.com/world/2014/08/22/queens-decree-alan-turing-now-officially-pardoned|title=With Queen's Decree, Alan Turing Is Now Officially Pardoned|date=22 August 2014|publisher=Advocate.com|access-date=1 November 2014|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20141101212528/http://www.advocate.com/world/2014/08/22/queens-decree-alan-turing-now-officially-pardoned|archive-date=1 November 2014|url-status=live}}</ref> The Queen's action is only the fourth royal pardon granted since the conclusion of the Second World War.<ref>Pardoned: Alan Turing, Computing patriarch. ''Time'' Magazine, vol. 183, no. 1, 13 January 2014, p.&nbsp;14. Retrieved 6 January 2014.</ref> Pardoned: Alan Turing, Computing patriarch. Time Magazine, vol. 183, no. 1, 13 January 2014, p. 14. Retrieved 6 January 2014. Pardons are normally granted only when the person is technically innocent, and a request has been made by the family or other interested party; neither condition was met in regard to Turing's conviction.<ref name="grauniad">{{Cite news | last =Davies | first =Caroline | title = Codebreaker Turing is given posthumous royal pardon | newspaper =The Guardian | location =London | pages =1, 6 | date =24 December 2013 }}</ref>
At the bill's second reading in the House of Commons on 29 November 2013, Conservative MP Christopher Chope objected to the bill, delaying its passage. The bill was due to return to the House of Commons on 28 February 2014, but before the bill could be debated in the House of Commons, the government elected to proceed under the royal prerogative of mercy. On 24 December 2013, Queen Elizabeth II signed a pardon for Turing's conviction for "gross indecency", with immediate effect. Announcing the pardon, Lord Chancellor Chris Grayling said Turing deserved to be "remembered and recognised for his fantastic contribution to the war effort" and not for his later criminal conviction. The Queen officially pronounced Turing pardoned in August 2014. The Queen's action is only the fourth royal pardon granted since the conclusion of the Second World War.Pardoned: Alan Turing, Computing patriarch. Time Magazine, vol. 183, no. 1, 13 January 2014, p. 14. Retrieved 6 January 2014. Pardons are normally granted only when the person is technically innocent, and a request has been made by the family or other interested party; neither condition was met in regard to Turing's conviction.
2013年11月29日,该法案在英国下议院进行二读,保守党议员克里斯多福·乔普反对该法案,延迟了其通过。该法案原定于2014年2月28日返回英国下议院,但在该法案可能在英国下议院辩论之前,政府选择在皇家特权宽恕下继续进行。2013年12月24日,伊丽莎白二世签署了一项赦免令,赦免图灵的“严重猥亵罪”,并立即生效。大法官克里斯 · 格雷林在宣布赦免时说,图灵应该“因为他对战争的杰出贡献而被人们铭记和认可”,而不是因为他后来的刑事定罪。2014年8月,女王正式宣布图灵获得赦免。女王的行动是第二次世界大战结束以来第四次皇家赦免。原谅: 阿兰 · 图灵,计算机领袖。时代杂志,第一卷。183号,不。1, 13 January 2014, p. 14.2014年1月6日。特赦通常只有在当事人在技术上是无辜的,而且家人或其他利益相关方已经提出请求的情况下才会被批准; 对于图灵的定罪,这两个条件都没有满足。
2013年11月29日,该法案在英国下议院进行二读,保守党议员克里斯多福·乔普反对该法案,延迟了其通过。该法案原定于2014年2月28日返回英国下议院,但在该法案可能在英国下议院辩论之前,政府选择在皇家特权宽恕下继续进行。2013年12月24日,伊丽莎白二世签署了一项赦免令,赦免图灵的“严重猥亵罪”,并立即生效。大法官克里斯 · 格雷林在宣布赦免时说,图灵应该“因为他对战争的杰出贡献而被人们铭记和认可”,而不是因为他后来的刑事定罪。2014年8月,女王正式宣布图灵获得赦免。女王的行动是第二次世界大战结束以来第四次皇家赦免。原谅: 阿兰 · 图灵,计算机领袖。时代杂志,第一卷。183号,不。1, 13 January 2014, p. 14.2014年1月6日。特赦通常只有在当事人在技术上是无辜的,而且家人或其他利益相关方已经提出请求的情况下才会被批准; 对于图灵的定罪,这两个条件都没有满足。
In September 2016, the government announced its intention to expand this retroactive exoneration to other men convicted of similar historical indecency offences, in what was described as an "[[Alan Turing law]]".<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37436417|title=Government 'committed' to Alan Turing gay pardon law|date=22 September 2016|work=BBC News|access-date=22 September 2016|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160922041224/http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37436417|archive-date=22 September 2016|url-status=live}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/theresa-may-committed-to-introducing-alan-turing-law-and-pardon-gay-men-convicted-of-outdated-crimes-a7320851.html|title=Theresa May committed to introducing the 'Alan Turing Law'|last=Cowburn|first=Ashley|date=21 September 2016|website=The Independent|access-date=22 September 2016|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160922133219/http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/theresa-may-committed-to-introducing-alan-turing-law-and-pardon-gay-men-convicted-of-outdated-crimes-a7320851.html|archive-date=22 September 2016|url-status=live}}</ref> The [[Alan Turing law]] is now an informal term for the law in the United Kingdom, contained in the [[Policing and Crime Act 2017]], which serves as an [[amnesty law]] to retroactively pardon men who were cautioned or convicted under historical legislation that outlawed homosexual acts. The law applies in England and Wales.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2017/3/section/182/data.htm|title=Policing and Crime Act 2017|first=Expert|last=Participation|publisher=Government of the United Kingdom|access-date=6 February 2019|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190305145933/http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2017/3/section/182/data.htm|archive-date=5 March 2019|url-status=live}}</ref>
In September 2016, the government announced its intention to expand this retroactive exoneration to other men convicted of similar historical indecency offences, in what was described as an "[[Alan Turing law]]".<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37436417|title=Government 'committed' to Alan Turing gay pardon law|date=22 September 2016|work=BBC News|access-date=22 September 2016|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160922041224/http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37436417|archive-date=22 September 2016|url-status=live}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/theresa-may-committed-to-introducing-alan-turing-law-and-pardon-gay-men-convicted-of-outdated-crimes-a7320851.html|title=Theresa May committed to introducing the 'Alan Turing Law'|last=Cowburn|first=Ashley|date=21 September 2016|website=The Independent|access-date=22 September 2016|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160922133219/http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/theresa-may-committed-to-introducing-alan-turing-law-and-pardon-gay-men-convicted-of-outdated-crimes-a7320851.html|archive-date=22 September 2016|url-status=live}}</ref> The [[Alan Turing law]] is now an informal term for the law in the United Kingdom, contained in the [[Policing and Crime Act 2017]], which serves as an [[amnesty law]] to retroactively pardon men who were cautioned or convicted under historical legislation that outlawed homosexual acts. The law applies in England and Wales.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2017/3/section/182/data.htm|title=Policing and Crime Act 2017|first=Expert|last=Participation|publisher=Government of the United Kingdom|access-date=6 February 2019|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190305145933/http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2017/3/section/182/data.htm|archive-date=5 March 2019|url-status=live}}</ref>
In September 2016, the government announced its intention to expand this retroactive exoneration to other men convicted of similar historical indecency offences, in what was described as an "Alan Turing law". The Alan Turing law is now an informal term for the law in the United Kingdom, contained in the Policing and Crime Act 2017, which serves as an amnesty law to retroactively pardon men who were cautioned or convicted under historical legislation that outlawed homosexual acts. The law applies in England and Wales.
2016年9月,政府宣布打算将这种追溯性免罪扩大到其他被判犯有类似历史猥亵罪的男子,这项法律被称为“阿兰 · 图灵法”。阿兰 · 图灵法现在是英国法律的一个非正式术语,载于《2017年警务和犯罪法》 ,该法是一项大赦法,旨在追溯赦免那些根据历史立法被警告或定罪的男子,这些立法禁止同性恋行为。这项法律适用于英格兰和威尔士。
2016年9月,政府宣布打算将这种追溯性免罪扩大到其他被判犯有类似历史猥亵罪的男子,这项法律被称为“阿兰 · 图灵法”。阿兰 · 图灵法现在是英国法律的一个非正式术语,载于《2017年警务和犯罪法》 ,该法是一项大赦法,旨在追溯赦免那些根据历史立法被警告或定罪的男子,这些立法禁止同性恋行为。这项法律适用于英格兰和威尔士。
第352行: 第346行:  
[[File:Alan Turing Building 1.jpg|thumb|The [[Alan Turing Building]] at the University of Manchester in 2008|链接=Special:FilePath/Alan_Turing_Building_1.jpg]]Turing was appointed an officer of the [[Order of the British Empire]] in 1946.<ref name="thegazette.co.uk" /> He was also elected a [[List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1951|Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS)]] in 1951.<ref name="frs" />
[[File:Alan Turing Building 1.jpg|thumb|The [[Alan Turing Building]] at the University of Manchester in 2008|链接=Special:FilePath/Alan_Turing_Building_1.jpg]]Turing was appointed an officer of the [[Order of the British Empire]] in 1946.<ref name="thegazette.co.uk" /> He was also elected a [[List of Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 1951|Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS)]] in 1951.<ref name="frs" />
Turing was appointed an officer of the Order of the British Empire in 1946. He was also elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) in 1951.
Turing has been honoured in various ways in [[Manchester]], the city where he worked towards the end of his life. In 1994, a stretch of the [[A6010 road]] (the [[Manchester]] city intermediate ring road) was named "Alan Turing Way". A bridge carrying this road was widened, and carries the name Alan Turing Bridge. A [[Alan Turing Memorial|statue of Turing]] was unveiled in Manchester on 23 June 2001 in [[Sackville Park]], between the University of Manchester building on Whitworth Street and [[Canal Street, Manchester|Canal Street]]. The memorial statue depicts the "father of computer science" sitting on a bench at a central position in the park. Turing is shown holding an apple. The cast bronze bench carries in relief the text 'Alan Mathison Turing 1912–1954', and the motto 'Founder of Computer Science' as it could appear if encoded by an [[Enigma machine]]: 'IEKYF ROMSI ADXUO KVKZC GUBJ'. However, the meaning of the coded message is disputed, as the 'u' in 'computer' matches up with the 'u' in 'ADXUO'. As a letter encoded by an enigma machine cannot appear as itself, the actual message behind the code is uncertain.<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://benosteen.wordpress.com/2010/09/23/what-does-the-code-on-the-alan-turing-memorial-actually-say/|title=What does the code on the Alan Turing Memorial actually say?|date=23 September 2010|work=Random Hacks|access-date=28 June 2018|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180628125202/https://benosteen.wordpress.com/2010/09/23/what-does-the-code-on-the-alan-turing-memorial-actually-say/|archive-date=28 June 2018|url-status=live}}</ref>[[File:Sackville Park Turing plaque.jpg|thumb|right|Turing memorial statue plaque in [[Sackville Park]], Manchester|链接=Special:FilePath/Sackville_Park_Turing_plaque.jpg]]A plaque at the statue's feet reads 'Father of computer science, mathematician, logician, wartime codebreaker, victim of prejudice'. There is also a [[Bertrand Russell]] quotation: "Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty—a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture." The sculptor buried his own old [[Amstrad]] computer under the [[plinth]] as a tribute to "the godfather of all modern computers".<ref name="computerburied">{{cite news | url=http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/computer-buried-in-tribute-to-genius-1186583 | title=Computer buried in tribute to genius | work=Manchester Evening News | date=17 February 2007 | access-date=7 December 2014 | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131104022559/http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/computer-buried-in-tribute-to-genius-1186583 | archive-date=4 November 2013 | url-status=live }}</ref>
Turing has been honoured in various ways in [[Manchester]], the city where he worked towards the end of his life. In 1994, a stretch of the [[A6010 road]] (the [[Manchester]] city intermediate ring road) was named "Alan Turing Way". A bridge carrying this road was widened, and carries the name Alan Turing Bridge. A [[Alan Turing Memorial|statue of Turing]] was unveiled in Manchester on 23 June 2001 in [[Sackville Park]], between the University of Manchester building on Whitworth Street and [[Canal Street, Manchester|Canal Street]]. The memorial statue depicts the "father of computer science" sitting on a bench at a central position in the park. Turing is shown holding an apple. The cast bronze bench carries in relief the text 'Alan Mathison Turing 1912–1954', and the motto 'Founder of Computer Science' as it could appear if encoded by an [[Enigma machine]]: 'IEKYF ROMSI ADXUO KVKZC GUBJ'. However, the meaning of the coded message is disputed, as the 'u' in 'computer' matches up with the 'u' in 'ADXUO'. As a letter encoded by an enigma machine cannot appear as itself, the actual message behind the code is uncertain.<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://benosteen.wordpress.com/2010/09/23/what-does-the-code-on-the-alan-turing-memorial-actually-say/|title=What does the code on the Alan Turing Memorial actually say?|date=23 September 2010|work=Random Hacks|access-date=28 June 2018|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180628125202/https://benosteen.wordpress.com/2010/09/23/what-does-the-code-on-the-alan-turing-memorial-actually-say/|archive-date=28 June 2018|url-status=live}}</ref>[[File:Sackville Park Turing plaque.jpg|thumb|right|Turing memorial statue plaque in [[Sackville Park]], Manchester|链接=Special:FilePath/Sackville_Park_Turing_plaque.jpg]]A plaque at the statue's feet reads 'Father of computer science, mathematician, logician, wartime codebreaker, victim of prejudice'. There is also a [[Bertrand Russell]] quotation: "Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty—a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture." The sculptor buried his own old [[Amstrad]] computer under the [[plinth]] as a tribute to "the godfather of all modern computers".<ref name="computerburied">{{cite news | url=http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/computer-buried-in-tribute-to-genius-1186583 | title=Computer buried in tribute to genius | work=Manchester Evening News | date=17 February 2007 | access-date=7 December 2014 | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131104022559/http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/computer-buried-in-tribute-to-genius-1186583 | archive-date=4 November 2013 | url-status=live }}</ref>
Turing has been honoured in various ways in Manchester, the city where he worked towards the end of his life. In 1994, a stretch of the A6010 road (the Manchester city intermediate ring road) was named "Alan Turing Way". A bridge carrying this road was widened, and carries the name Alan Turing Bridge. A statue of Turing was unveiled in Manchester on 23 June 2001 in Sackville Park, between the University of Manchester building on Whitworth Street and Canal Street. The memorial statue depicts the "father of computer science" sitting on a bench at a central position in the park. Turing is shown holding an apple. The cast bronze bench carries in relief the text 'Alan Mathison Turing 1912–1954', and the motto 'Founder of Computer Science' as it could appear if encoded by an Enigma machine: 'IEKYF ROMSI ADXUO KVKZC GUBJ'. However, the meaning of the coded message is disputed, as the 'u' in 'computer' matches up with the 'u' in 'ADXUO'. As a letter encoded by an enigma machine cannot appear as itself, the actual message behind the code is uncertain.
图灵在曼彻斯特以各种方式获得了荣誉,他在这座城市工作直到生命的尽头。1994年,一段 a6010公路(曼彻斯特市中环线)被命名为“阿兰 · 图灵路”。一座承载着这条道路的桥梁被拓宽了,桥名为阿兰 · 图灵桥。图灵的雕像于2001年6月23日在 Sackville Park 揭幕,位于 Whitworth Street and Canal Street 的曼彻斯特大学大楼之间。纪念雕像描绘了“计算机科学之父”坐在公园中央的长椅上。图灵手里拿着一个苹果。铸造的青铜长凳上浮雕着文字‘艾伦·图灵1912-1954’,还有座右铭‘计算机科学的创始人’,如果用英格玛机器进行编码的话: IEKYF ROMSI ADXUO kvkkzc GUBJ’。然而,编码信息的含义是有争议的,因为“ computer”中的“ u”与“ adxeo”中的“ u”匹配。由于一封由英格玛密码机编码的信件不能以本身的形式出现,因此密码背后的真实信息是不确定的。
A plaque at the statue's feet reads 'Father of computer science, mathematician, logician, wartime codebreaker, victim of prejudice'. There is also a Bertrand Russell quotation: "Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty—a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture." The sculptor buried his own old Amstrad computer under the plinth as a tribute to "the godfather of all modern computers".
雕像脚下的一块牌匾上写着“计算机科学之父、数学家、逻辑学家、战时密码破译者、偏见的受害者”。还有一句伯特兰·罗素: “正确地看待数学,它不仅拥有真理,而且拥有至高无上的美ーー一种冷峻的美,就像雕塑一样。”雕塑家把他自己的老 Amstrad 电脑埋在底座下,以此向“现代电脑之父”致敬。
图灵在曼彻斯特以各种方式获得了荣誉,他在这座城市工作直到生命的尽头。1994年,一段 a6010公路(曼彻斯特市中环线)被命名为“阿兰 · 图灵路”。一座承载着这条道路的桥梁被拓宽了,桥名为阿兰 · 图灵桥。图灵的雕像于2001年6月23日在 Sackville Park 揭幕,位于 Whitworth Street and Canal Street 的曼彻斯特大学大楼之间。纪念雕像描绘了“计算机科学之父”坐在公园中央的长椅上。图灵手里拿着一个苹果。铸造的青铜长凳上浮雕着文字‘艾伦·图灵1912-1954’,还有座右铭‘计算机科学的创始人’,如果用英格玛机器进行编码的话: ‘ IEKYF ROMSI ADXUO kvkkzc GUBJ’。然而,编码信息的含义是有争议的,因为“ computer”中的“ u”与“ adxeo”中的“ u”匹配。由于一封由英格玛密码机编码的信件不能以本身的形式出现,因此密码背后的真实信息是不确定的。雕像脚下的一块牌匾上写着“计算机科学之父、数学家、逻辑学家、战时密码破译者、偏见的受害者”。还有一句伯特兰·罗素: “正确地看待数学,它不仅拥有真理,而且拥有至高无上的美ーー一种冷峻的美,就像雕塑一样。”雕塑家把他自己的老 Amstrad 电脑埋在底座下,以此向“现代电脑之父”致敬。
In 1999, ''[[Time (magazine)|Time]]'' magazine named Turing as one of the [[Time 100: The Most Important People of the Century|100 Most Important People of the 20th century]] and stated, "The fact remains that everyone who taps at a keyboard, opening a spreadsheet or a word-processing program, is working on an incarnation of a Turing machine."<ref name="AFP" />
In 1999, ''[[Time (magazine)|Time]]'' magazine named Turing as one of the [[Time 100: The Most Important People of the Century|100 Most Important People of the 20th century]] and stated, "The fact remains that everyone who taps at a keyboard, opening a spreadsheet or a word-processing program, is working on an incarnation of a Turing machine."<ref name="AFP" />
In 1999, Time magazine named Turing as one of the 100 Most Important People of the 20th century and stated, "The fact remains that everyone who taps at a keyboard, opening a spreadsheet or a word-processing program, is working on an incarnation of a Turing machine."
1999年,《时代》(Time)杂志将图灵评为20世纪最重要的100人之一,并表示: “事实上,每个敲击键盘、打开电子表格或文字处理程序的人,都在开发图灵机的化身。”
1999年,《时代》(Time)杂志将图灵评为20世纪最重要的100人之一,并表示: “事实上,每个敲击键盘、打开电子表格或文字处理程序的人,都在开发图灵机的化身。”
A blue plaque was unveiled at King's College on the centenary of his birth on 23 June 2012 and is now installed at the college's Keynes Building on King's Parade.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.kings.cam.ac.uk/news/2012/turing-plaque.html|title=Blue plaque to commemorate Alan Turing|publisher=King's College, Cambridge|access-date=8 December 2018|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181207025216/http://www.kings.cam.ac.uk/news/2012/turing-plaque.html|archive-date=7 December 2018|url-status=live}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.kings.cam.ac.uk/news/2012/turing-plaque-fixed-place.html|title=Turing plaque fixed in place|publisher=[[King's College, Cambridge]]|access-date=8 December 2018|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181209124354/http://www.kings.cam.ac.uk/news/2012/turing-plaque-fixed-place.html|archive-date=9 December 2018|url-status=live}}</ref>
A blue plaque was unveiled at King's College on the centenary of his birth on 23 June 2012 and is now installed at the college's Keynes Building on King's Parade.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.kings.cam.ac.uk/news/2012/turing-plaque.html|title=Blue plaque to commemorate Alan Turing|publisher=King's College, Cambridge|access-date=8 December 2018|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181207025216/http://www.kings.cam.ac.uk/news/2012/turing-plaque.html|archive-date=7 December 2018|url-status=live}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.kings.cam.ac.uk/news/2012/turing-plaque-fixed-place.html|title=Turing plaque fixed in place|publisher=[[King's College, Cambridge]]|access-date=8 December 2018|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181209124354/http://www.kings.cam.ac.uk/news/2012/turing-plaque-fixed-place.html|archive-date=9 December 2018|url-status=live}}</ref>
A blue plaque was unveiled at King's College on the centenary of his birth on 23 June 2012 and is now installed at the college's Keynes Building on King's Parade.
2012年6月23日,为了纪念他的百年诞辰,一块蓝色的牌匾在国王学院揭幕,现已安放在国王游行的 Keynes Building。
2012年6月23日,为了纪念他的百年诞辰,一块蓝色的牌匾在国王学院揭幕,现已安放在国王游行的 Keynes Building。
On 25 March 2021, the [[Bank of England]] publicly unveiled the design for a new [[Bank of England £50 note|£50 note]], featuring Turing's portrait, before its official issue on 23 June, Turing's birthday. Turing was selected as the new face of the note in 2019 following a public nomination process.<ref>{{cite news |last1=Pylas |first1=Pan |title=WWII codebreaker Alan Turing honored on new UK bank note |url=https://apnews.com/article/world-news-england-jane-austen-london-winston-churchill-d965076529b70fc8dbb020d364d88176 |access-date=25 March 2021 |work=AP News |agency=[[Associated Press]] |date=25 March 2021}}</ref>
On 25 March 2021, the [[Bank of England]] publicly unveiled the design for a new [[Bank of England £50 note|£50 note]], featuring Turing's portrait, before its official issue on 23 June, Turing's birthday. Turing was selected as the new face of the note in 2019 following a public nomination process.<ref>{{cite news |last1=Pylas |first1=Pan |title=WWII codebreaker Alan Turing honored on new UK bank note |url=https://apnews.com/article/world-news-england-jane-austen-london-winston-churchill-d965076529b70fc8dbb020d364d88176 |access-date=25 March 2021 |work=AP News |agency=[[Associated Press]] |date=25 March 2021}}</ref>
On 25 March 2021, the Bank of England publicly unveiled the design for a new £50 note, featuring Turing's portrait, before its official issue on 23 June, Turing's birthday. Turing was selected as the new face of the note in 2019 following a public nomination process.
===Centenary celebrations===
===Centenary celebrations===
{{main|Alan Turing Year}}To mark the 100th anniversary of Turing's birth, the Turing Centenary Advisory Committee (TCAC) co-ordinated the [[Alan Turing Year]], a year-long programme of events around the world honouring Turing's life and achievements. The TCAC, chaired by [[S. Barry Cooper]] with Turing's nephew Sir John Dermot Turing acting as Honorary President, worked with the University of Manchester faculty members and a broad spectrum of people from Cambridge University and [[Bletchley Park]]. {{-}}
{{main|Alan Turing Year}}To mark the 100th anniversary of Turing's birth, the Turing Centenary Advisory Committee (TCAC) co-ordinated the [[Alan Turing Year]], a year-long programme of events around the world honouring Turing's life and achievements. The TCAC, chaired by [[S. Barry Cooper]] with Turing's nephew Sir John Dermot Turing acting as Honorary President, worked with the University of Manchester faculty members and a broad spectrum of people from Cambridge University and [[Bletchley Park]].  
To mark the 100th anniversary of Turing's birth, the Turing Centenary Advisory Committee (TCAC) co-ordinated the Alan Turing Year, a year-long programme of events around the world honouring Turing's life and achievements. The TCAC, chaired by S. Barry Cooper with Turing's nephew Sir John Dermot Turing acting as Honorary President, worked with the University of Manchester faculty members and a broad spectrum of people from Cambridge University and Bletchley Park.
为纪念图灵诞辰100周年,图灵百周年纪念顾问委员会(TCAC)举办了为期一年的「图灵年」活动,在世界各地举办活动,向图灵的一生和成就致敬。由 s. Barry Cooper 担任主席,图灵的侄子 John Dermot Turing 爵士担任荣誉主席,与曼彻斯特大学的教职员工以及剑桥大学和 Bletchley Park 的广泛人士一起工作。
为纪念图灵诞辰100周年,图灵百周年纪念顾问委员会(TCAC)举办了为期一年的「图灵年」活动,在世界各地举办活动,向图灵的一生和成就致敬。由 s. Barry Cooper 担任主席,图灵的侄子 John Dermot Turing 爵士担任荣誉主席,与曼彻斯特大学的教职员工以及剑桥大学和 Bletchley Park 的广泛人士一起工作。
===Steel sculpture controversy===
===Steel sculpture controversy===
In May 2020 it was reported by ''[[Gay Star News]]'' that a {{convert|12|foot|adj=on}} high steel sculpture, to honour Turing, designed by Sir [[Antony Gormley]], was planned to be installed at [[King's College, Cambridge]]. [[Historic England]], however, was quoted as saying that the abstract work of 19 steel slabs "... would be at odds with the existing character of the College. This would result in harm, of a less than substantial nature, to the significance of the [[listed building]]s and landscape, and by extension the conservation area."<ref>{{Cite web |url=https://www.gaystarnews.com/article/heritage-watchdog-objects-to-statue-of-gay-hero-alan-turing-at-kings-college-cambridge/ |title=Heritage watchdog objects to statue of gay hero Alan Turing at Kings College Cambridge |first=Tris |last=Reid-Smith |date=1 May 2020 |website=Gay Star News |access-date=8 May 2020}}</ref>
In May 2020 it was reported by ''[[Gay Star News]]'' that a {{convert|12|foot|adj=on}} high steel sculpture, to honour Turing, designed by Sir [[Antony Gormley]], was planned to be installed at [[King's College, Cambridge]]. [[Historic England]], however, was quoted as saying that the abstract work of 19 steel slabs "... would be at odds with the existing character of the College. This would result in harm, of a less than substantial nature, to the significance of the [[listed building]]s and landscape, and by extension the conservation area."<ref>{{Cite web |url=https://www.gaystarnews.com/article/heritage-watchdog-objects-to-statue-of-gay-hero-alan-turing-at-kings-college-cambridge/ |title=Heritage watchdog objects to statue of gay hero Alan Turing at Kings College Cambridge |first=Tris |last=Reid-Smith |date=1 May 2020 |website=Gay Star News |access-date=8 May 2020}}</ref>
In May 2020 it was reported by Gay Star News that a  high steel sculpture, to honour Turing, designed by Sir Antony Gormley, was planned to be installed at King's College, Cambridge. Historic England, however, was quoted as saying that the abstract work of 19 steel slabs "... would be at odds with the existing character of the College. This would result in harm, of a less than substantial nature, to the significance of the listed buildings and landscape, and by extension the conservation area."
2020年5月,据《同志之星新闻》报道,为了纪念图灵,安东尼 · 葛姆雷爵士设计了一座高大的钢制雕塑,计划安装在剑桥国王学院。历史上的英格兰,然而,援引说,抽象的工作,19钢板“ ... 将与现有的学院性质不一致。这将对所列建筑物和景观的重要性造成损害,并扩大保护区的范围。”
2020年5月,据《同志之星新闻》报道,为了纪念图灵,安东尼 · 葛姆雷爵士设计了一座高大的钢制雕塑,计划安装在剑桥国王学院。历史上的英格兰,然而,援引说,抽象的工作,19钢板“ ... 将与现有的学院性质不一致。这将对所列建筑物和景观的重要性造成损害,并扩大保护区的范围。”

