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=== 缩小的世界 ===
=== 缩小的世界 ===
Theories on optimal design of cities, city traffic flows, neighborhoods, and demographics were in vogue after [[World War I]]. These{{Citation needed|date=January 2010}}<!--What does statism have to do with this? Has some paranoic Libertarian been at work even here? ... Formally, I'm requesting a citation for the claim that the Karinthy story is connected to "statism" in city design.--> conjectures were expanded in 1929 by [[Hungary|Hungarian]] author [[Frigyes Karinthy]], who published a volume of short stories titled ''Everything is Different.'' One of these pieces was titled "Chains," or "Chain-Links." The story investigated{{snd}} in abstract, conceptual, and fictional terms{{snd}} many of the problems that would captivate future generations of mathematicians, sociologists, and physicists within the field of network theory.<ref name=newman>Newman, Mark, Albert-László Barabási, and Duncan J. Watts. 2006. ''The Structure and Dynamics of Networks.'' Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.</ref><ref name=bara/> Due to technological advances in communications and travel, friendship networks could grow larger and span greater distances. In particular, Karinthy believed that the modern world was 'shrinking' due to this ever-increasing connectedness of human beings. He posited that despite great physical distances between the globe's individuals, the growing density of human networks made the actual social distance far smaller.<ref name=":0">[https://djjr-courses.wdfiles.com/local--files/soc180%3Akarinthy-chain-links/Karinthy-Chain-Links_1929.pdf Karinthy, Frigyes. (1929) "Chain Links."]</ref>
关于城市的优化设计、城市交通流、邻里关系和人口统计学的理论在第一次世界大战后颇为流行。这些猜想在1929年被匈牙利作家Frigyes Karinthy扩展,他出版了一卷题为《万物皆不同》短篇小说。其中一篇题为 "链",或 "链接",这个故事以抽象、概念和虚构的方式研究了许多问题,这些问题吸引了众多未来几代网络理论领域的数学家、社会学家和物理学家。<ref name="newman" /><ref name="bara" />由于通信和旅行方面的技术进步,友谊网络可以变得更大,跨越更远的距离。特别是,卡林西认为,人类的这种不断增加的联系,导致现代世界正在 "缩小"。他认为,尽管全球个人之间有很大的物理距离,但人类网络的密度不断增加,使得实际的社会距离大大缩小。<ref name=":0" />
关于城市的优化设计、城市交通流、邻里关系和人口统计学的理论在第一次世界大战后颇为流行。这些猜想在1929年被匈牙利作家Frigyes Karinthy扩展,他出版了一卷题为《万物皆不同》短篇小说。其中一篇题为 "链",或 "链接",这个故事以抽象、概念和虚构的方式研究了许多问题,这些问题吸引了众多未来几代网络理论领域的数学家、社会学家和物理学家。<ref name="newman">Newman, Mark, Albert-László Barabási, and Duncan J. Watts. 2006. ''The Structure and Dynamics of Networks.'' Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.</ref><ref name="bara">[http://www.nd.edu/~alb/ Barabási, Albert-László] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20050304041427/http://www.nd.edu/~alb/ |date=2005-03-04 }}. 2003. ''[http://www.nd.edu/%7Enetworks/Linked/index.html Linked: How Everything is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and Everyday Life.] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20070103151518/http://www.nd.edu/%7Enetworks/Linked/index.html |date=2007-01-03 }}'' New York: Plume.</ref>由于通信和旅行方面的技术进步,友谊网络可以变得更大,跨越更远的距离。特别是,卡林西认为,人类的这种不断增加的联系,导致现代世界正在 "缩小"。他认为,尽管全球个人之间有很大的物理距离,但人类网络的密度不断增加,使得实际的社会距离大大缩小。<ref name=":0">[https://djjr-courses.wdfiles.com/local--files/soc180%3Akarinthy-chain-links/Karinthy-Chain-Links_1929.pdf Karinthy, Frigyes. (1929) "Chain Links."]</ref>
As a result of this hypothesis, Karinthy's characters believed that any two individuals could be connected through at most five acquaintances. In his story, the characters create a game out of this notion. He wrote:
<blockquote>''“在这次讨论中产生了一个奇妙的游戏。我们中的一个人建议做以下实验,以证明地球上的人口现在比以前更接近。我们应该从地球上的15亿居民中选择任何一个人——任何人,在任何地方。他和我们打赌,用不超过五个人,其中一个是个人熟人,除了个人熟人网络外,他可以不使用任何东西与被选中的人取得联系<ref name="karinthy">Karinthy, Frigyes. ''Chain-Links.'' Translated from Hungarian and annotated by Adam Makkai and Enikö Jankó.</ref> 。”''</blockquote>
这一思想直接和间接地影响了大量早期的社会网络思想。卡林西被认为是 "六度分隔 "这一概念的提出者<ref name="bara" />。与此相关的理论有三度影响理论(The theory of [[three degrees of influence]] )是由Nicholas A. Christakis 和 James H. Fowler提出的,这个类似的理论提出链接的质量远远大于其存在(质量高的一个关系远远大于众多低质量的关系)。
<blockquote>A fascinating game grew out of this discussion. One of us suggested performing the following experiment to prove that the population of the Earth is closer together now than they have ever been before. We should select any person from the 1.5 billion inhabitants of the Earth – anyone, anywhere at all. He bet us that, using no more than ''five'' individuals, one of whom is a personal acquaintance, he could contact the selected individual using nothing except the network of personal acquaintances.<ref name=karinthy>Karinthy, Frigyes. ''Chain-Links.'' Translated from Hungarian and annotated by Adam Makkai and Enikö Jankó.</ref></blockquote>
在这次讨论中产生了一个奇妙的游戏。我们中的一个人建议做以下实验,以证明地球上的人口现在比以前更接近。我们应该从地球上的15亿居民中选择任何一个人——任何人,在任何地方。他和我们打赌,用不超过五个人,其中一个是个人熟人,除了个人熟人网络外,他可以不使用任何东西与被选中的人取得联系<ref name="karinthy" /> 。
This idea both directly and indirectly influenced a great deal of early thought on [[social network]]s. Karinthy has been regarded as the originator of the notion of six degrees of separation.<ref name=bara>[http://www.nd.edu/~alb/ Barabási, Albert-László] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20050304041427/http://www.nd.edu/~alb/ |date=2005-03-04 }}. 2003. ''[http://www.nd.edu/%7Enetworks/Linked/index.html Linked: How Everything is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and Everyday Life.] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20070103151518/http://www.nd.edu/%7Enetworks/Linked/index.html |date=2007-01-03 }}'' New York: Plume.</ref>
这一思想直接和间接地影响了大量早期的社会网络思想。卡林西被认为是 "六度分隔 "这一概念的提出者<ref name="bara" />
A related theory deals with the quality of connections, rather than their existence. The theory of [[three degrees of influence]] was created by Nicholas A. Christakis and James H. Fowler.{{Citation needed|date = July 2016}}
与此相关的理论有三度影响理论(The theory of [[three degrees of influence]] )是由Nicholas A. Christakis 和 James H. Fowler提出的,这个类似的理论提出链接的质量远远大于其存在(质量高的一个关系远远大于众多低质量的关系)。
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{{Main|Small-world experiment}}
{{Main|Small-world experiment}}
Michael Gurevich conducted seminal work in his empirical study of the structure of social networks in his 1961 [[Massachusetts Institute of Technology]] PhD dissertation under [[Ithiel de Sola Pool]].<ref name=":1">Gurevich, M (1961) The Social Structure of Acquaintanceship Networks, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press</ref> Mathematician [[Manfred Kochen]], an Austrian who had been involved in urban design, extrapolated these empirical results in a mathematical manuscript, ''[[Contacts and Influences]]'',<ref name=":2">de Sola Pool, Ithiel, Kochen, Manfred (1978–1979)."Contacts and influence." ''Social Networks'' 1(1): 42</ref> concluding that in a U.S.-sized population without social structure, "it is practically certain that any two individuals can contact one another by means of at most two intermediaries. In a [socially] structured population it is less likely but still seems probable. And perhaps for the whole world's population, probably only one more bridging individual should be needed." They subsequently constructed [[Monte Carlo method|Monte Carlo]] simulations based on Gurevich's data, which recognized that both weak and strong acquaintance links are needed to model social structure. The simulations, carried out on the relatively limited computers of 1973, were nonetheless able to predict that a more realistic three degrees of separation existed across the U.S. population, foreshadowing the findings of American psychologist [[Stanley Milgram]].{{Citation needed|date = July 2016}}
迈克尔-古雷维奇Michael Gurevich师从[[Ithiel de Sola Pool]]<ref name=":1" />,在1961年麻省理工学院的博士论文中对社会网络结构进行了开创性的研究。<ref name=":1" />数学家[[Manfred Kochen]] 是以为从事城市设计的奥地利人,在一份数学手稿《接触和影响》''[[Contacts and Influences]]''<ref name=":2" /> 中也提出了类似的推断:在一个没有社会结构的,有美国人口规模的群体中,"实际上可以肯定,任何两个人可以通过最多两个中间人的方式互相接触。而在一个有'''社会结构的'''人口中,这种可能性较小,但似乎仍有可能。对于整个世界的人口来说,可能只需要多一个搭桥的个体"。他们随后根据古列维奇的数据构建了蒙特卡洛模拟,该模拟认识到弱的和强的熟人联系都需要建立社会结构模型。在1973年相对有限的计算机上进行的模拟,仍然能够预测美国人口中存在更现实的三度分隔,这预示着美国心理学家斯[[Stanley Milgram]]的发现。
迈克尔-古雷维奇Michael Gurevich师从[[Ithiel de Sola Pool]]<ref name=":1">Gurevich, M (1961) The Social Structure of Acquaintanceship Networks, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press</ref>,在1961年麻省理工学院的博士论文中对社会网络结构进行了开创性的研究。<ref name=":1" />数学家[[Manfred Kochen]] 是以为从事城市设计的奥地利人,在一份数学手稿《接触和影响》''[[Contacts and Influences]]''<ref name=":2">de Sola Pool, Ithiel, Kochen, Manfred (1978–1979)."Contacts and influence." ''Social Networks'' 1(1): 42</ref> 中也提出了类似的推断:在一个没有社会结构的,有美国人口规模的群体中,"实际上可以肯定,任何两个人可以通过最多两个中间人的方式互相接触。而在一个有'''社会结构的'''人口中,这种可能性较小,但似乎仍有可能。对于整个世界的人口来说,可能只需要多一个搭桥的个体"。他们随后根据古列维奇的数据构建了蒙特卡洛模拟,该模拟认识到弱的和强的熟人联系都需要建立社会结构模型。在1973年相对有限的计算机上进行的模拟,仍然能够预测美国人口中存在更现实的三度分隔,这预示着美国心理学家斯[[Stanley Milgram]]的发现。
米尔格拉姆Milgram在美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市的哈佛大学继续进行古雷维奇的熟人网络实验。并且在20世纪50年代初在巴黎大学访问,与科琴Kochen和德索拉-波尔de Sola Pool合作了手稿《接触与影响''Contacts and Influences''》<ref name=":3">de Sola Pool, Ithiel, Kochen, Manfred (1978–1979)."Contacts and Influence." ''Social Networks'' 1(1): 5–51</ref>。他们未发表的手稿在学术界流传了20多年,然后于1978年出版。正式阐明了社会网络的机制,并探讨了这些机制的数学后果(包括连接程度)。这份手稿留下了许多关于网络的重要问题没有解决,其中之一就是实际社会网络中的分离度数量。米尔格拉姆从巴黎回来后接受了这一挑战,并且在大众科学杂志《今日心理学Psychology Today》上的《小世界问题The Small World Problem》 <ref name="Stanley Milgram 1968">{{cite journal | last1 = Milgram | first1 = Stanley | year = 1967 | title = The Small World Problem | url = | journal = Psychology Today | volume = 2 | issue = | pages = 60–67 }}</ref> 中报道了这些实验,两年后在《社会测量学Sociometry》上出现了该论文更严格的版本。<ref name=":4">Travers, Jeffrey, and Stanley Milgram, [http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~mkearns/teaching/NetworkedLife/travers_milgram.pdf "An Experimental Study of the Small World Problem"], Sociometry 32(4, Dec. 1969):425–443</ref>《今日心理学''Psychology Today'' 》的文章为这些实验带来了巨大的宣传,在许多形成性工作被遗忘很久后,这些实验今天仍然广为人知。
Milgram continued Gurevich's experiments in acquaintanceship networks at [[Harvard University]] in Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S. Kochen and de Sola Pool's manuscript, ''Contacts and Influences'',<ref name=":3">de Sola Pool, Ithiel, Kochen, Manfred (1978–1979)."Contacts and Influence." ''Social Networks'' 1(1): 5–51</ref> was conceived while both were working at the [[University of Paris]] in the early 1950s, during a time when Milgram visited and collaborated in their research. Their unpublished manuscript circulated among academics for over 20 years before publication in 1978. It formally articulated the mechanics of social networks, and explored the mathematical consequences of these (including the degree of connectedness). The manuscript left many significant questions about networks unresolved, and one of these was the number of degrees of separation in actual social networks. Milgram took up the challenge on his return from [[Paris]], leading to the experiments reported in ''The Small World Problem'' <ref name="Stanley Milgram 1968">{{cite journal | last1 = Milgram | first1 = Stanley | year = 1967 | title = The Small World Problem | url = | journal = Psychology Today | volume = 2 | issue = | pages = 60–67 }}</ref> in popular science journal ''[[Psychology Today]]'', with a more rigorous version of the paper appearing in [[Social Psychology Quarterly|Sociometry]] two years later.<ref name=":4">Travers, Jeffrey, and Stanley Milgram, [http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~mkearns/teaching/NetworkedLife/travers_milgram.pdf "An Experimental Study of the Small World Problem"], Sociometry 32(4, Dec. 1969):425–443</ref> The ''Psychology Today'' article generated enormous publicity for the experiments, which are well known today, long after much of the formative work has been forgotten.
米尔格拉姆Milgram在美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市的哈佛大学继续进行古雷维奇的熟人网络实验。并且在20世纪50年代初在巴黎大学访问,与科琴Kochen和德索拉-波尔de Sola Pool合作了手稿《接触与影响''Contacts and Influences''》<ref name=":3" />。他们未发表的手稿在学术界流传了20多年,然后于1978年出版。正式阐明了社会网络的机制,并探讨了这些机制的数学后果(包括连接程度)。这份手稿留下了许多关于网络的重要问题没有解决,其中之一就是实际社会网络中的分离度数量。米尔格拉姆从巴黎回来后接受了这一挑战,并且在大众科学杂志《今日心理学Psychology Today》上的《小世界问题The Small World Problem》 <ref name="Stanley Milgram 1968" /> 中报道了这些实验,两年后在《社会测量学Sociometry》上出现了该论文更严格的版本。<ref name=":4" />《今日心理学''Psychology Today'' 》的文章为这些实验带来了巨大的宣传,在许多形成性工作被遗忘很久后,这些实验今天仍然广为人知。
米尔格拉姆在1967年与 de Sola Pool 和 Kochen 研究的 "小世界问题 "而进行的一组实验变得有名<ref name="Stanley Milgram 1968" />。数学家Benoit Mandelbrot出生于华沙,在波兰和法国长大,他知道统计学家的经验法则,也是de Sola Pool、Kochen和Milgram在50年代初在巴黎大学的同事(Kochen把Mandelbrot带到高级研究所和后来在美国的IBM工作)。这个研究圈子对人类网络的相互关联性和 "社会资本 "非常着迷。米尔格拉姆的研究结果显示,在美国,人们似乎平均有大约三个友谊联系,而没有推测全球联系。其实他实际上从未使用过 "'''六度分隔''' "一词。由于《今日心理学》的文章对这些实验进行了广泛的宣传,使得米尔格拉姆、科亨和卡林西都被错误地认为是六度分离这个概念的的起源。说到"六度分隔 "一词最有可能的普及者是约翰-瓜雷 [[John Guare]],他将 "6 "这个数值归结为马可尼 [[Guglielmo Marconi|Marconi]].<ref name="SDS-R-01">{{cite web |url=http://www.aaa.si.edu/exhibitions/peggy-bacon|title= The concept of Six degrees of separation stretches back to Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi |accessdate=16 July 2012 }}</ref>
Milgram's article made famous<ref name="Stanley Milgram 1968" /> his 1967 set of experiments to investigate de Sola Pool and Kochen's "small world problem." Mathematician [[Benoit Mandelbrot]], born in [[Warsaw]], growing up in [[Poland]] then [[France]], was aware of the Statist [[rule of thumb]], and was also a colleague of de Sola Pool, Kochen and Milgram at the University of Paris during the early 1950s (Kochen brought Mandelbrot to work at the Institute for Advanced Study and later IBM in the U.S.). This circle of researchers was fascinated by the interconnectedness and "social capital" of human networks. Milgram's study results showed that people in the [[United States]] seemed to be connected by approximately three friendship links, on average, without speculating on global linkages; he never actually used the term "six degrees of separation." Since the ''Psychology Today'' article gave the experiments wide publicity, Milgram, Kochen, and [[Karinthy]] all had been incorrectly attributed as the origin of the notion of six degrees; the most likely popularizer of the term "six degrees of separation" would be [[John Guare]], who attributed the value '6' to [[Guglielmo Marconi|Marconi]].<ref name=SDS-R-01>{{cite web |url=http://www.aaa.si.edu/exhibitions/peggy-bacon|title= The concept of Six degrees of separation stretches back to Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi |accessdate=16 July 2012 }}</ref>
米尔格拉姆在1967年与 de Sola Pool 和 Kochen 研究的 "小世界问题 "而进行的一组实验变得有名<ref name="Stanley Milgram 1968" />。数学家Benoit Mandelbrot出生于华沙,在波兰和法国长大,他知道统计学家的经验法则,也是de Sola Pool、Kochen和Milgram在50年代初在巴黎大学的同事(Kochen把Mandelbrot带到高级研究所和后来在美国的IBM工作)。这个研究圈子对人类网络的相互关联性和 "社会资本 "非常着迷。米尔格拉姆的研究结果显示,在美国,人们似乎平均有大约三个友谊联系,而没有推测全球联系。其实他实际上从未使用过 "'''六度分隔''' "一词。由于《今日心理学》的文章对这些实验进行了广泛的宣传,使得米尔格拉姆、科亨和卡林西都被错误地认为是六度分离这个概念的的起源。说到"六度分隔 "一词最有可能的普及者是约翰-瓜雷 [[John Guare]],他将 "6 "这个数值归结为马可尼 [[Guglielmo Marconi|Marconi]].<ref name="SDS-R-01" />。
=== 继续研究:小世界项目 ===
2003年,哥伦比亚大学对互联网电子邮件用户的社会联系进行了类似的实验。他们的工作被命名为 "哥伦比亚小世界项目",包括24,163条电子邮件链,目标是传递到分布在13个国家的18个目标。<ref name="dodds">Dodds, Muhamad, Watts (2003)."Small World Project," Science Magazine. pp.827-829, 8 August 2003 https://www.sciencemag.org/content/301/5634/827</ref>有10万人注册,但只有384(0.4%)封邮件送达到了最终目标。在成功的邮件链中,虽然长度较短的邮件链比较常见,但有些邮件链只经过7、8、9或10步就送达到了目标。Dodds等人指出,参与者(他们都是志愿者)强烈地偏向于现有的互联网用户模式,基于职业关系的联系要比家庭或朋友关系中的联系强得多。作者指出,"缺乏兴趣 "是造成高流失率的主要因素,这一发现与早期研究一致。<ref name="kleinfeld">{{cite web|url=http://www.stat.cmu.edu/~fienberg/Stat36-835/Kleinfeld_SWP.pdf|title=The Small World Problem|publisher=[[Society (journal)|Society (Springer)]], Social Science and Public Policy|author=[[Judith Kleinfeld|Judith S. Kleinfeld]], [[University of Alaska Fairbanks]]|date=January–February 2002}}</ref>
=== 继续研究:小世界项目 ===
In 2003, [[Columbia University]] conducted an analogous experiment on social connectedness amongst Internet email users. Their effort was named the Columbia Small World Project, and included 24,163 e-mail chains, aimed at 18 targets from 13 countries.<ref name="dodds">Dodds, Muhamad, Watts (2003)."Small World Project," Science Magazine. pp.827-829, 8 August 2003 https://www.sciencemag.org/content/301/5634/827</ref> Almost 100,000 people registered, but only 384 (0.4%) reached the final target. Amongst the successful chains, while shorter lengths were more common some reached their target after only 7, 8, 9 or 10 steps. Dodds et al. noted that participants (all of whom volunteers) were strongly biased towards existing models of Internet users{{#tag:ref|"More than half of all participants resided in North America and were middle class, professional, college educated, and Christian, reflecting commonly held notions of the Internet-using population"<ref name="dodds"/>|group=Note}} and that connectedness based on professional ties was much stronger than those within families or friendships. The authors cite "lack of interest" as the predominating factor in the high attrition rate,{{#tag:ref|"suggesting lack of interest ... was the main reason" for the "extremely low completion rate"<ref name="dodds"/>|group=Note}} a finding consistent with earlier studies.<ref name="kleinfeld">{{cite web|url=http://www.stat.cmu.edu/~fienberg/Stat36-835/Kleinfeld_SWP.pdf|title=The Small World Problem|publisher=[[Society (journal)|Society (Springer)]], Social Science and Public Policy|author=[[Judith Kleinfeld|Judith S. Kleinfeld]], [[University of Alaska Fairbanks]]|date=January–February 2002}}</ref>
2003年,哥伦比亚大学对互联网电子邮件用户的社会联系进行了类似的实验。他们的工作被命名为 "哥伦比亚小世界项目",包括24,163条电子邮件链,目标是传递到分布在13个国家的18个目标。<ref name="dodds" />有10万人注册,但只有384(0.4%)封邮件送达达到了最终目标。在成功的邮件链中,虽然长度较短的邮件链比较常见,但有些邮件链只经过7、8、9或10步就达到了目标。Dodds等人指出,参与者(他们都是志愿者)强烈地偏向于现有的互联网用户模式,基于职业关系的联系要比家庭或朋友关系中的联系强得多。作者指出,"缺乏兴趣 "是造成高流失率的主要因素,这一发现与早期研究一致。<ref name="kleinfeld" />
然而,反对者认为,米尔格拉姆的实验并没有证明这种联系,而 "六度 "的说法也被斥为 "学术界的城市神话"。此外,孤立的人类群体的存在,例如科鲁博人和其他巴西本地人口,将使该假设的解释失效。
然而,反对者认为,米尔格拉姆的实验并没有证明这种联系,而 "六度 "的说法也被斥为 "学术界的城市神话"。此外,孤立的人类群体的存在,例如科鲁博人和其他巴西本地人口,将倾向于使对该假设的最严格解释失效。
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In 2001, [[Duncan Watts]], a professor at [[Columbia University]], attempted to recreate Milgram's experiment on the Internet, using an e-mail message as the "package" that needed to be delivered, with 48,000 senders and 19 targets (in 157 countries). Watts found that the average (though not maximum) number of intermediaries was around six.<ref name=":5">{{cite journal |author=Duncan J Watts, Steven H Strogatz |year=1998 |title=Collective dynamics of 'small-world' networks |journal=Nature |pages=440–442 |doi=10.1038/30918 |pmid=9623998 |volume=393 |issue=6684|bibcode=1998Natur.393..440W |s2cid=4429113 }}</ref>
2001年,哥伦比亚大学的教授邓肯-瓦茨(Duncan Watts)试图在互联网上重现米尔格拉姆的实验,用电子邮件作为需要传递的 "包裹",有48000个发送者和19个目标(在157个国家)。瓦特发现,中间人的平均数(虽然不是最大值)大约是6个。<ref name=":5" />
2001年,哥伦比亚大学的教授邓肯-瓦茨(Duncan Watts)试图在互联网上重现米尔格拉姆的实验,用电子邮件作为需要传递的 "包裹",有48000个发送者和19个目标(在157个国家)。瓦特发现,中间人的平均数(虽然不是最大值)大约是6个。<ref name=":5">{{cite journal |author=Duncan J Watts, Steven H Strogatz |year=1998 |title=Collective dynamics of 'small-world' networks |journal=Nature |pages=440–442 |doi=10.1038/30918 |pmid=9623998 |volume=393 |issue=6684|bibcode=1998Natur.393..440W |s2cid=4429113 }}</ref>
A 2007 study by [[Jure Leskovec]] and [[Eric Horvitz]] examined a data set of instant messages composed of 30 billion conversations among 240 million people. They found the average path length among Microsoft Messenger users to be 6.<ref name=":6">{{cite journal| arxiv=0803.0939| title=Planetary-Scale Views on an Instant-Messaging Network| author=Jure Leskovec and Eric Horvitz|date=June 2007| bibcode=2008arXiv0803.0939L}}</ref>It has been suggested by some commentators<ref name=":7">{{cite web|url=http://www.masternewmedia.org/news/2006/03/20/the_power_of_open_participatory.htm|title=The Power Of Open Participatory Media And Why Mass Media Must Be Abandoned|author=Robin Good|work=Robin Good's Master New Media}}</ref> that interlocking networks of computer mediated lateral communication could diffuse single messages to all interested users worldwide as per the 6 degrees of separation principle via Information Routing Groups, which are networks specifically designed to exploit this principle and lateral diffusion.
Jure Leskovec和Eric Horvitz在2007年的一项研究中检查了一个由2.4亿人之间的300亿次对话组成的即时信息数据集。他们发现微软Messenger用户的平均路径长度为6<ref name=":6">{{cite journal| arxiv=0803.0939| title=Planetary-Scale Views on an Instant-Messaging Network| author=Jure Leskovec and Eric Horvitz|date=June 2007| bibcode=2008arXiv0803.0939L}}</ref>。一些评论家<ref name=":7">{{cite web|url=http://www.masternewmedia.org/news/2006/03/20/the_power_of_open_participatory.htm|title=The Power Of Open Participatory Media And Why Mass Media Must Be Abandoned|author=Robin Good|work=Robin Good's Master New Media}}</ref>提出,以计算机为媒介的横向交流的连锁网络可以按照6度分隔原则,通过信息路由组(Information Routing Groups)向全世界所有感兴趣的用户扩散单一信息,信息路由组是专门为利用这一原则和横向扩散而设计的网络。
Jure Leskovec和Eric Horvitz在2007年的一项研究中检查了一个由2.4亿人之间的300亿次对话组成的即时信息数据集。他们发现微软Messenger用户的平均路径长度为6<ref name=":6" />。一些评论家<ref name=":7" />提出,以计算机为媒介的横向交流的连锁网络可以按照6度分隔原则,通过信息路由组(Information Routing Groups)向全世界所有感兴趣的用户扩散单一信息,信息路由组是专门为利用这一原则和横向扩散而设计的网络。
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Bakhshandeh et al.<ref name=":8">Reza Bakhshandeh, Mehdi Samadi, Zohreh Azimifar, Jonathan Schaeffer, "[http://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/SOCS/SOCS11/paper/view/4031 Degrees of Separation in Social Networks]", Fourth Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search, 2011</ref> have addressed the search problem of identifying the degree of separation between two users in social networks such as Twitter. They have introduced new search techniques to provide optimal or near optimal solutions. The experiments are performed using Twitter, and they show an improvement of several orders of magnitude over greedy approaches. Their optimal algorithm finds an average degree of separation of 3.43 between two random Twitter users, requiring an average of only 67 requests for information over the Internet to Twitter. A near-optimal solution of length 3.88 can be found by making an average of 13.3 requests.
Bakhshandeh等人<ref name=":8">Reza Bakhshandeh, Mehdi Samadi, Zohreh Azimifar, Jonathan Schaeffer, "[http://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/SOCS/SOCS11/paper/view/4031 Degrees of Separation in Social Networks]", Fourth Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search, 2011</ref>解决了识别Twitter等社交网络中两个用户之间的分离度的搜索问题。他们引入了新的搜索技术来提供最优或接近最优的解决方案。实验是使用Twitter进行的,他们显示出比贪婪的方法有几个数量级的改进。他们的最优算法在两个随机的Twitter用户之间找到了3.43的平均分离度,平均只需要通过互联网向Twitter提出67次信息请求。通过平均13.3次请求,可以找到一个长度为3.88的近乎最佳的解决方案。
Bakhshandeh等人<ref name=":8" />解决了识别Twitter等社交网络中两个用户之间的分离度的搜索问题。他们引入了新的搜索技术来提供最优或接近最优的解决方案。实验是使用Twitter进行的,他们显示出比贪婪的方法有几个数量级的改进。他们的最优算法在两个随机的Twitter用户之间找到了3.43的平均分离度,平均只需要通过互联网向Twitter提出67次信息请求。通过平均13.3次请求,可以找到一个长度为3.88的近乎最佳的解决方案。
No longer limited strictly to academic or philosophical thinking, the notion of six degrees recently has become influential throughout popular culture. Further advances in communication technology – and particularly the Internet – have drawn great attention to social networks and human interconnectedness. As a result, many popular media sources have addressed the term. The following provide a brief outline of the ways such ideas have shaped popular culture.
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American playwright John Guare wrote a play in 1990 and released a 1993 film that popularized it; it is Guare's most widely known work. The play ruminates upon the idea that any two individuals are connected by at most five others. As one of the characters states:
American playwright John Guare wrote a play in 1990 and released a 1993 film that popularized it; it is Guare's most widely known work. The play ruminates upon the idea that any two individuals are connected by at most five others. As one of the characters states:
美国剧作家约翰-瓜尔(John Guare)在1990年写了一出戏,并在1993年发行了一部电影,将其推广开来;这是瓜尔最广为人知的作品。该剧反思了这样一个观点:任何两个人最多被另外五个人联系起来。正如其中一个人物所说。
美国剧作家约翰-瓜尔(John Guare)在1990年写了一出戏,并在1993年发行了一部电影,将其推广开来;这是瓜尔最广为人知的作品。该剧反思了这样一个观点:任何两个人最多被另外五个人联系起来。正如其中一个人物所说:
I read somewhere that everybody on this planet is separated by only six other people. Six degrees of separation between us and everyone else on this planet. The President of the United States, a gondolier in Venice, just fill in the names. I find it A) extremely comforting that we're so close, and B) like Chinese water torture that we're so close because you have to find the right six people to make the right connection... I am bound to everyone on this planet by a trail of six people
我在某个地方读到,这个星球上的每个人都只与其他六个人相隔。我们和这个星球上的其他人之间有六度的距离。美国总统,威尼斯的一个贡多拉人,只要填上名字就可以了。我把它命名为A)我们如此接近,让人感到非常欣慰;并且命名为B)我们如此接近,就像中国的水刑,因为你必须找到合适的六个人,才能建立正确的联系... 我和这个星球上的每一个人都是由六个人的足迹联系在一起的。
Guare, in interviews, attributed his awareness of the "six degrees" to Marconi. Although this idea had been circulating in various forms for decades, it is Guare's piece that is most responsible for popularizing the phrase "six degrees of separation." Following Guare's lead, many future television and film sources would later incorporate the notion into their stories.
<blockquote>''“我在某个地方读到,这个星球上的每个人都只与其他六个人相隔。我们和这个星球上的其他人之间有六度的距离。美国总统,威尼斯的一个贡多拉人,只要填上名字就可以了。我把它命名为A)我们如此接近,让人感到非常欣慰;并且命名为B)我们如此接近,就像中国的水刑,因为你必须找到合适的六个人,才能建立正确的联系... 我和这个星球上的每一个人都是由六个人的足迹联系在一起的。”''</blockquote>
瓜尔在接受采访时,将他对 "六度 "的认识归功于马可尼。尽管这个想法已经以各种形式流传了几十年,但对普及 "六度分隔 "这一短语负有最大责任的还是瓜尔的作品。在瓜尔的带领下,许多未来的电视和电影资料后来都将这个概念纳入他们的故事中。
[[J. J. Abrams]], the executive producer of television series [[Six Degrees (TV series)|''Six Degrees'']] and [[Lost (TV series)|''Lost'']], played the role of Doug in the film adaptation of this play. Many of the play's themes are apparent in his television shows (see below).
瓜尔在接受采访时,将他对 "六度 "的认识归功于马可尼Marconi。尽管这个想法已经以各种形式流传了几十年,但对普及 "六度分隔 "这一短语负有最大责任的还是瓜尔的作品。在瓜尔的带领下,许多未来的电视和电影资料后来都将这个概念纳入他们的故事中。
The game "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" was invented as a play on the concept: the goal is to link any actor to Kevin Bacon through no more than six connections, where two actors are connected if they have appeared in a movie or commercial together. It was created by three students at Albright College in Pennsylvania, who came up with the concept while watching Footloose. On September 13, 2012, Google made it possible to search for any given actor's 'Bacon Number' through their search engine.
游戏 "凯文-培根的六度 "是作为一个概念的游戏而发明的:目标是通过不超过六种联系将任何演员与凯文-培根联系起来,其中两个演员如果一起出现在电影或广告中就会被联系起来。它是由宾夕法尼亚州奥尔布赖特学院的三名学生创造的,他们在观看《Footloose》时想出了这个概念。2012年9月13日,谷歌使通过其搜索引擎搜索任何特定演员的 "培根号码 "成为可能。
游戏 "凯文-培根的六度 "是作为一个概念的游戏而发明的:目标是通过不超过六种联系将任何演员与凯文-培根Kevin Bacon联系起来,其中两个演员如果一起出现在电影或广告中就会被联系起来。它是由宾夕法尼亚州奥尔布赖特学院的三名学生创造的,他们在观看《Footloose》时想出了这个概念。2012年9月13日,谷歌使通过其搜索引擎搜索任何特定演员的 "培根号码 "成为可能。
Upon the arrival of the 4G mobile network in the United Kingdom, Kevin Bacon appears in several commercials for the EE Network in which he links himself to several well known celebrities and TV shows in the UK.
游戏 "凯文-培根六度"<ref name="Futon Critic 07-13-15">{{cite web|last1=staff|title=SIX DEGREES OF EVERYTHING (TRUTV) Premieres Tuesday, August 18|url=http://www.thefutoncritic.com/devwatch/six-degrees-of-everything/|accessdate=August 12, 2015|website=[[Futon Critic]]|date=July 13, 2015}}</ref>是作为对这一概念的发挥而发明的:目标是通过不超过六种联系将任何演员与凯文-培根联系起来,其中两个演员如果一起出现在电影或广告中就会被联系起来。它是由宾夕法尼亚州奥尔布赖特学院的三名学生创造的,<ref>[https://www.pcworld.com/article/2028714/any-two-web-pages-are-separated-by-just-19-clicks-study-finds.html /any two web pages are separated by just 19 clicks study finds]</ref>他们在观看《Footloose》时想出了这个概念。2012年9月13日,谷歌使通过他们的搜索引擎搜索任何特定演员的 "培根号码 "成为可能<ref>[https://www.sixdegreesofwikipedia.com/blog/search-results-analysis Insights On Hitler And More From The First 500,000 Searches] by Jacob Wenger, March 14, 2018 (Searches with the same start and end page were not included in this average, and neither were articles in which no connection was found.)</ref>。
The game "[[Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon]]"<ref name="Futon Critic 07-13-15">{{cite web|last1=staff|title=SIX DEGREES OF EVERYTHING (TRUTV) Premieres Tuesday, August 18|url=http://www.thefutoncritic.com/devwatch/six-degrees-of-everything/|accessdate=August 12, 2015|website=[[Futon Critic]]|date=July 13, 2015}}</ref> was invented as a play on the concept: the goal is to link any actor to [[Kevin Bacon]] through no more than six connections, where two actors are connected if they have appeared in a movie or commercial together. It was created by three students at [[Albright College]] in Pennsylvania, who came up with the concept while watching [[Footloose (1984 film)|''Footloose'']]. On September 13, 2012, Google made it possible to search for any given actor's 'Bacon Number' through their search engine.
游戏 "凯文-培根六度"<ref name="Futon Critic 07-13-15" />是作为对这一概念的发挥而发明的:目标是通过不超过六种联系将任何演员与凯文-培根联系起来,其中两个演员如果一起出现在电影或广告中就会被联系起来。它是由宾夕法尼亚州奥尔布赖特学院的三名学生创造的,<ref>[https://www.pcworld.com/article/2028714/any-two-web-pages-are-separated-by-just-19-clicks-study-finds.html /any two web pages are separated by just 19 clicks study finds]</ref>他们在观看《Footloose》时想出了这个概念。2012年9月13日,谷歌使通过他们的搜索引擎搜索任何特定演员的 "培根号码 "成为可能<ref>[https://www.sixdegreesofwikipedia.com/blog/search-results-analysis Insights On Hitler And More From The First 500,000 Searches] by Jacob Wenger, March 14, 2018 (Searches with the same start and end page were not included in this average, and neither were articles in which no connection was found.)</ref>。
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An early version involved former world Heavyweight boxing champion, John L. Sullivan, in which people would ask others to "shake the hand that shook the hand that shook the hand that shook the hand of 'the great John L.'"<ref name=":9">{{cite web|url=http://abc.go.com/primetime/sixdegrees/index.html|title=ABC TV Shows, Specials & Movies - ABC.com|work=ABC}}</ref>
早期的版本涉及前世界重量级拳击冠军约翰-L-沙利文,人们会要求其他人 "与握过'伟大的约翰-L'的手的人握手"。<ref name=":9" />
早期的版本涉及前世界重量级拳击冠军约翰-L-沙利文John L. Sullivan,人们会要求其他人 "与握过'伟大的约翰-L'的手的人握手"。<ref name=":9">{{cite web|url=http://abc.go.com/primetime/sixdegrees/index.html|title=ABC TV Shows, Specials & Movies - ABC.com|work=ABC}}</ref>
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* ·       The Oscar-winning film [[Babel (film)|''Babel'']] is based on the concept of Six Degrees of Separation. The lives of all of the characters were intimately intertwined, although they did not know each other and lived thousands of miles from each other. ·       奥斯卡获奖影片《巴别塔》是基于 "六度分隔 "的概念。所有人物的生活都紧密地交织在一起,尽管他们互不相识,而且彼此生活在千里之外。  ·       [[Six Degrees of Separation (film)|''Six Degrees of Separation'']] is a 1993 drama film featuring [[Will Smith]], [[Donald Sutherland]], and [[Stockard Channing]].  ·       《六度分隔》是一部1993年的剧情片,由威尔·史密斯、唐纳德·萨瑟兰和斯托克德·钱宁主演。
* 奥斯卡获奖影片《巴别塔 [[Babel (film)|''Babel'']] 》是基于 "六度分隔 "的概念。所有人物的生活都紧密地交织在一起,尽管他们互不相识,而且彼此生活在千里之外。 
* 《六度分隔[[Six Degrees of Separation (film)|''Six Degrees of Separation'']] 》是一部1993年的剧情片,由威尔·史密斯、唐纳德·萨瑟兰和斯托克德·钱宁主演。
====游戏   ====
* ·       One of the achievements in the video game ''[[Brütal Legend]]'' is called "Six Degrees of Schafer," after the concept and [[Tim Schafer]], who was presumably in the handful of players to have the achievement as of the game's release. A player can only obtain this achievement by playing online with someone who already has it, further paralleling it to the concept. ·       电子游戏《Brütal Legend》中的一项成就被称为 "Six Degrees of Schafer",是以这个概念和Tim Schafer命名的,他大概是在游戏发布时拥有该成就的少数玩家中的一员。玩家只能通过与已经拥有该成就的人进行在线游戏来获得该成就,进一步将其与该概念相提并论。 ·       One of the merits in the video game [[Torn (online text game)|Torn City]] is called “domino.” The merit requires you to attack a person online who already has the merit.  ·       电子游戏《撕裂的城市》中的一项成就被称为 "多米诺"。该成就要求你在网上攻击一个已经拥有该成就的人。
* 电子游戏《Brütal Legend》中的一项成就被称为 "Six Degrees of Schafer",是以这个概念和Tim Schafer命名的,他大概是在游戏发布时拥有该成就的少数玩家中的一员。玩家只能通过与已经拥有该成就的人进行在线游戏来获得该成就,进一步将其与该概念相提并论。        
* 电子游戏《撕裂的城市[[Torn (online text game)|Torn City]]》中的一项成就被称为 "多米诺domino"。该成就要求你在网上攻击一个已经拥有该成就的人。
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*· Joined-Up Thinking and Connectoscope by Stevyn Colgan are trivia books based upon the idea of "Six Degrees" of information; that everything is connected. 斯蒂文-科尔根(Stevyn Colgan)的《联合思考》(Join-Up Thinking)和《连接镜》(Connectoscope)是基于 "六度 "信息理念的小册子,即一切都有联系。
*斯蒂文-科尔根Stevyn Colgan的《联合思考Join-Up Thinking》和《连接镜Connectoscope》是基于 "六度 "信息理念的小册子,即一切都有联系。
      第188行: 第146行:  
* No Doubt的歌曲《Full Circle》的中心主题是处理六度分隔的问题。 <br />"Six Degrees of Separation "是美国乡村歌手米兰达-兰伯特(Miranda Lambert)2016年双专辑《The Weight of These Wings》的第二张唱片《The Heart》中的第10首歌曲。它是总的第22首歌曲。  "Six Degrees of Separation "是The Script第三张专辑《#3》中的第二首歌曲。  "Six Degrees "是Scouting for Girls的专辑《The Light Between Us》中的第六首歌曲。  Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence》是进步摇滚乐队Dream Theater 2002年的一张专辑。  英国前卫摇滚乐队Arena在2011年发行了一张名为《七度分离》的专辑。  Nessun grado di separazione是意大利歌手Francesca Michielin在2016年演唱的歌曲。这首歌的英语和意大利语双语版本名为 "No Degree of Separation",代表意大利参加了在瑞典斯德哥尔摩举行的2016年欧洲电视歌唱大赛。
* No Doubt的歌曲《Full Circle》的中心主题是处理六度分隔的问题。  
* "Six Degrees of Separation "是美国乡村歌手米兰达-兰伯特(Miranda Lambert)2016年双专辑《The Weight of These Wings》的第二张唱片《The Heart》中的第10首歌曲。它是总的第22首歌曲。  "Six Degrees of Separation "是The Script第三张专辑《#3》中的第二首歌曲。   
* "Six Degrees "是Scouting for Girls的专辑《The Light Between Us》中的第六首歌曲。   
* 《Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence》是进步摇滚乐队Dream Theater 2002年的一张专辑。   
* 英国前卫摇滚乐队Arena在2011年发行了一张名为《七度分离》的专辑。   
* Nessun grado di separazione是意大利歌手Francesca Michielin在2016年演唱的歌曲。这首歌的英语和意大利语双语版本名为 "No Degree of Separation",代表意大利参加了在瑞典斯德哥尔摩举行的2016年欧洲电视歌唱大赛。
====电视节目   ====
* ·       [[Six Degrees (TV series)|''Six Degrees'']] is a 2006 television series on [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] in the US. The show details the experiences of six [[New York City|New Yorkers]] who go about their lives without realizing they are affecting each other, and gradually meet one another. ·       《六度》是美国ABC电视台2006年的一部电视连续剧。该节目详细介绍了六个纽约人的经历,他们在没有意识到自己正在影响对方的情况下进行生活,并逐渐认识了彼此。 ·       ''Connected: The Power of Six Degrees'' is a 2008 television episode on the [[Science Channel]] in the US and abroad.  ·       《连接:六度的力量》是2008年美国和国外科学频道的一集电视节目[27] 。  ·       [[Lonely Planet Six Degrees|''Lonely Planet Six Degrees'']] is a TV travel show that uses the "six degrees of separation" concept: the hosts, Asha Gill and [[Toby Amies]], explore various cities through its people, by following certain personalities of the city around and being introduced by them to other personalities.  ·       《孤独星球六度空间》是一档采用 "六度分隔 "概念的电视旅游节目:主持人阿莎·吉尔和托比·阿米斯通过城市中的人探索各个城市,他们跟随城市中的某些人物到处走动,并由他们介绍给其他人物。  ·       The television program [[Lost (TV series)|''Lost'']] explores the idea of six degrees of separation, as almost all the characters have randomly met each other before the crash or someone the other characters know.  ·       电视节目《迷失》(Lost)探讨了六度分隔的概念,因为几乎所有的角色在坠机前都随机见过对方,或者其他角色认识的人。  ·       The [[Woestijnvis]] production [[Man Bijt Hond|''Man Bijt Hond'']], broadcast on [[Flanders|Flemish]] TV, features a weekly section ''Dossier Costers'', in which a worldwide event from the past week is linked to Gustaaf Costers, an ordinary Flemish citizen, in six steps.  ·       弗拉芒电视台播出的Woestijnvis制作的《Man Bijt Hond》每周都有一个Dossier Costers栏目,在这个栏目中,过去一周的世界性事件与普通弗拉芒公民Gustaaf Costers的关系分六个步骤。  ·       [[Six Degrees of Martina McBride|''Six Degrees of Martina McBride'']] is a [[television pilot]] wherein six aspiring country singers from America's smallest towns tried to connect themselves to [[Martina McBride]] in under six points of human connection. Those who made it from "Nowhere to [[Nashville, Tennessee|Nashville]] to New York," got both a shot at a studio session with McBride and a record deal with [[SONY BMG]]. It was not picked up as a series.  ·       《玛蒂娜·麦克布莱德的六度》是一个电视试播节目,来自美国最小城镇的六位有抱负的乡村歌手试图在六点人际关系下将自己与玛蒂娜-麦克布莱德联系起来。那些从 "无名之地到纳什维尔再到纽约 "的人,都有机会在录音室与麦克布赖德进行交流,并获得与SONY BMG的唱片合约。它没有被选为一个系列。  ·       "[[Six Degrees of Separation (Battlestar Galactica)|Six Degrees of Separation]]" is an episode of the [[Battlestar Galactica (2004 TV series)|reimagined ''Battlestar Galactica'' series]].  ·        "六度分隔 "是重新设计的《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》系列的一集。  ·       The Israeli TV program ''Cultural Attache'', presented by [[Dov Alfon]], is based on the concept of Six Degrees of Separation. The first guest is asked to name a cultural figure with which he has an unexpected connection, and this person is interviewed and gives yet another name as connection, till the 6th person on the show, who is then asked about a possible connection to the first guest. Such connection is found in about 50% of the interviews.  ·       由多夫·阿方主持的以色列电视节目《文化随员》以 "六度分隔 "的概念为基础。第一位嘉宾被要求说出一个与他有意外联系的文化人物,这个人在接受采访时又给出了另一个名字作为联系,直到节目中的第6个人,然后他被问及与第一位嘉宾的可能联系。这种联系在大约50%的采访中被发现。 ·       [[Six Degrees of Everything|''Six Degrees of Everything'']] is a comedy series starring [[Benny Fine]] and [[Rafi Fine]] where they illustrate that everything in the world is connected by a six-degree separation.  ·       《万物六度》是一个喜剧系列,由本尼·费恩和拉菲·费恩主演,他们说明世界上的一切都以六度之差相连。 ·       [[Jorden runt på 6 steg|''Jorden runt på 6 steg'']] is a three-episode infotainment series produced by [[Nexiko Media]] which aired in Swedish [[Kanal 5 (Sweden)|Kanal 5]] in 2015. For each episode, hosts [[Filip Hammar and Fredrik Wikingsson]] selected one random person (in [[Bolivia]], [[Nepal]] and [[Senegal]]) and traced their relationships to three respective celebrities: [[Leif G. W. Persson]], [[Gordon Ramsay]] and [[Buzz Aldrin]] within a week of travelling. They reached Persson within seven steps, and Ramsay and Aldrin within six steps. The second season features [[Michael Bolton]], [[Jeremy Clarkson]], [[Pamela Anderson]], and [[Charlie Sheen]].  ·       《Jorden runt på 6 steg》是由Nexiko Media制作的三集信息娱乐节目,于2015年在瑞典Kanal 5播出。每一集,主持人菲利普·哈马尔和弗雷德里克·维金森随机选择一个人(在玻利维亚、尼泊尔和塞内加尔),并追溯他们与三位名人的关系。Leif G. W. Persson、Gordon Ramsay和Buzz Aldrin在旅行的一个星期内。他们在七步之内到达佩尔森,而拉姆塞和奥尔德林则在六步之内。第二季有迈克尔·波顿、杰里米·克拉克森、帕米拉·安德森和查理·辛。  ·       [[Jorden rundt på seks steg|''Jorden rundt på seks steg'']] is an ongoing Norwegian TV-series produced by NRK. In each episode, a pair of Norwegian celebrities are placed in one of the world's most remote areas and from there, asked to get in touch with a certain celebrity through a chain of six people. They are usually successful: In Season 1, three out of six pairs managed to get to their chosen celebrity in six steps; two of the pairs managed it in seven, and one pair managed it in five. In Season 2, all six pairs reached their target in six steps.  ·       《Jorden rundt på seks steg》是挪威国家广播公司(NRK)正在制作的一个电视系列节目。在每集节目中,一对挪威名人被安排在世界最偏远的地区之一,并从那里被要求通过六人链与某位名人取得联系。他们通常是成功的。在第一季中,六对组合中的三对在六个步骤中成功地找到了他们所选择的名人;其中两对在七个步骤中成功,一对在五个步骤中成功。在第二季中,所有六对都在六步之内到达了他们的目标。
* 《六度》是美国ABC电视台2006年的一部电视连续剧。该节目详细介绍了六个纽约人的经历,他们在没有意识到自己正在影响对方的情况下进行生活,并逐渐认识了彼此。             
* 《连接:六度的力量''Connected: The Power of Six Degrees'' 》是2008年美国和国外科学频道的一集电视节目。    
* 《孤独星球六度空间》是一档采用 "六度分隔 "概念的电视旅游节目:主持人阿莎·吉尔和托比·阿米斯通过城市中的人探索各个城市,他们跟随城市中的某些人物到处走动,并由他们介绍给其他人物。       
* 电视节目《迷失Lost》探讨了六度分隔的概念,因为几乎所有的角色在坠机前都随机见过对方,或者其他角色认识的人。
* 弗拉芒电视台播出的Woestijnvis制作的《Man Bijt Hond》每周都有一个Dossier Costers栏目,在这个栏目中,过去一周的世界性事件与普通弗拉芒公民Gustaaf Costers的关系分六个步骤。     
* 《玛蒂娜·麦克布莱德的六度》是一个电视试播节目,来自美国最小城镇的六位有抱负的乡村歌手试图在六点人际关系下将自己与玛蒂娜-麦克布莱德联系起来。那些从 "无名之地到纳什维尔再到纽约 "的人,都有机会在录音室与麦克布赖德进行交流,并获得与SONY BMG的唱片合约。     
*  "六度分隔 "是重新设计的《太空堡垒卡拉狄加[[Battlestar Galactica (2004 TV series)|eimagined ''Battlestar Galactica'' series]]》系列的一集。
* 由多夫·阿方主持的以色列电视节目《文化随员》以 "六度分隔 "的概念为基础。第一位嘉宾被要求说出一个与他有意外联系的文化人物,这个人在接受采访时又给出了另一个名字作为联系,直到节目中的第6个人,然后他被问及与第一位嘉宾的可能联系。这种联系在大约50%的采访中被发现。  
* 《万物六度》是一个喜剧系列,由本尼·费恩和拉菲·费恩主演,他们说明世界上的一切都以六度之差相连。      
* 《Jorden runt på 6 steg》是由Nexiko Media制作的三集信息娱乐节目,于2015年在瑞典Kanal 5播出。每一集,主持人菲利普·哈马尔和弗雷德里克·维金森随机选择一个人(在玻利维亚、尼泊尔和塞内加尔),并追溯他们与三位名人的关系。Leif G. W. Persson、Gordon Ramsay和Buzz Aldrin在旅行的一个星期内。他们在七步之内到达佩尔森,而拉姆塞和奥尔德林则在六步之内。第二季有迈克尔·波顿、杰里米·克拉克森、帕米拉·安德森和查理·辛。     
* 《Jorden rundt på seks steg》是挪威国家广播公司(NRK)正在制作的一个电视系列节目。在每集节目中,一对挪威名人被安排在世界最偏远的地区之一,并从那里被要求通过六人链与某位名人取得联系。他们通常是成功的。在第一季中,六对组合中的三对在六个步骤中成功地找到了他们所选择的名人;其中两对在七个步骤中成功,一对在五个步骤中成功。在第二季中,所有六对都在六步之内到达了他们的目标。
==== 互联网 ====
==== 互联网 ====
In 2013, Hungarian physicist Albert-László Barabási discovered that, on average, there are 19 degrees of separation between any two web pages.
In late February 2018, the website www.SixDegreesOfWikipedia.com was published by Jacob Wenger. This site takes any two Wikipedia articles and finds the various hyperlink paths that interconnect the two in the fewest clicks. It then shows each of the steps that were taken to do so and also presents a graphical display of the connections. On March 14, 2018, the site stated that among searches up to that date (~half a million), there have been an average separation of 3.0190°. From these, the number of searches that required six or more degrees was 1.417 percent. It also stated that searches with no connection found was 1.07%, and this was attributed to certain articles being dead ends or having very few links. (Wenger's open source code is available on GitHub, and this enabled other sites to copy the concept, such as degreesofwikipedia.com.)
2013年,匈牙利物理学家Albert-László Barabási发现,平均而言,任何两个网页之间有19度的间隔。<ref>{{cite web|title=Facebook says there are only 3.57 degrees of separation|url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2016/02/04/facebook-says-there-are-actually-357-degrees-of-separation/|accessdate=4 February 2016}}</ref>
2013年,匈牙利物理学家Albert-László Barabási发现,平均而言,任何两个网页之间有19度的间隔。<ref>{{cite web|title=Facebook says there are only 3.57 degrees of separation|url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2016/02/04/facebook-says-there-are-actually-357-degrees-of-separation/|accessdate=4 February 2016}}</ref>
==== 维基百科的六度 ====
==== 维基百科的六度 ====
In late February 2018, the website www.SixDegreesOfWikipedia.com was published by Jacob Wenger. This site takes any two Wikipedia articles and finds the various hyperlink paths that interconnect the two in the fewest clicks. It then shows each of the steps that were taken to do so and also presents a graphical display of the connections. On March 14, 2018, the site stated that among searches up to that date (~half a million), there have been an average separation of 3.0190°. From these, the number of searches that required six or more degrees was 1.417 percent. It also stated that searches with no connection found was 1.07%, and this was attributed to certain articles being dead ends or having very few links. (Wenger's open source code is available on GitHub, and this enabled other sites to copy the concept, such as degreesofwikipedia.com.)
2018年2月底,雅各布-温格Jacob Wenger.发布网站<nowiki/>https://www.sixdegreesofwikipedia.com/<nowiki/>,该网站以任何两篇维基百科文章为例,以最少的点击次数找到将两者相互连接的各种超链接路径。然后,它显示了为此所采取的每一个步骤,还以图形的方式展示了这些连接。2018年3月14日,该网站表示,在截至该日的搜索中(约50万),平均分离度为3.0190。另外,需要六个或更多度数的搜索数量约有1.417%。它还说,没有找到任何联系的搜索约为1.07%,这归因于某些文章是死胡同或者链接很少。<ref name=":10">{{cite book |last1=Kirkpatrick |first1=David |title=The Facebook Effect: The Inside Story of the Company That Is Connecting the World | publisher = Simon & Schuster
A Facebook platform application named "Six Degrees" was developed by Karl Bunyan, which calculates the degrees of separation between people. It had over 5.8 million users, as seen from the group's page. The average separation for all users of the application is 5.73 degrees, whereas the maximum degree of separation is 12. The application has a "Search for Connections" window to input any name of a Facebook user, to which it then shows the chain of connections. In June 2009, Bunyan shut down the application, presumably due to issues with Facebook's caching policy; specifically, the policy prohibited the storing of friend lists for more than 24 hours, which would have made the application inaccurate. A new version of the application became available at Six Degrees after Karl Bunyan gave permission to a group of developers led by Todd Chaffee to re-develop the application based on Facebook's revised policy on caching data.
| year = 2010 | isbn = 978-1439102121 |title-link=The Facebook Effect }}</ref>(温格的开放源代码可以在GitHub上找到,这使得其他网站可以复制这个概念,比如degreeofwikipedia.com。)
2018年2月底,网站www.SixDegreesOfWikipedia.com,由雅各布-温格发布。该网站以任何两篇维基百科文章为例,以最少的点击次数找到将两者相互连接的各种超链接路径。然后,它显示了为此所采取的每一个步骤,还以图形的方式展示了这些连接。2018年3月14日,该网站表示,在截至该日的搜索中(约50万),平均分离度为3.0190°。从这些中,需要六个或更多度数的搜索数量为1.417%。它还说,没有找到任何联系的搜索是1.07%,这归因于某些文章是死胡同或者链接很少。<ref name=":10" />(温格的开放源代码可以在GitHub上找到,这使得其他网站可以复制这个概念,比如degreeofwikipedia.com。)
卡尔-班扬开发了一个名为 "六度 "的Facebook平台应用程序,计算人与人之间的分离程度。从该小组的页面上看,它有超过580万用户。该应用程序所有用户的平均分离度为5.73度,而最大分离度为12度。该应用程序有一个 "搜索连接 "窗口,可以输入Facebook用户的任何名字,然后显示其连接链。2009年6月,布尼恩关闭了该应用程序,可能是由于Facebook的缓存政策问题;具体而言,该政策禁止储存朋友名单超过24小时,这将使该应用程序不准确。在卡尔-班扬允许托德-查菲领导的一组开发人员根据Facebook修改后的数据缓存政策重新开发该应用程序后,该应用程序的新版本在六度空间开始使用。
==== 脸书 Facebook ====
==== Facebook ====
Facebook 的最初版本扎克伯格在一个黑客马拉松((Facebook Developers Garage London hackathon) 上建立的。
The initial version of the application was built at a Facebook Developers Garage London hackathon with Mark Zuckerberg in attendance.
卡尔-班扬Karl Bunyan<ref name=":11">{{cite journal|last1=boyd|first1=d. m|last2=Ellison|first2=N. B|title=Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship.|journal=Computer-Mediated|volume=13 | issue = 1 |pages=210–230|doi=10.1111/j.1083-6101.2007.00393.x|year=2007|doi-access=free}}</ref>开发了一个名为 "六度 "的Facebook平台应用程序,计算人与人之间的分离程度。从该小组的页面上看,它有超过580万用户。该应用程序所有用户的平均分离度为5.73度,而最大分离度为12度。该应用程序有一个 "搜索连接 "窗口,可以输入Facebook用户的任何名字,然后显示其连接链。2009年6月,布尼恩关闭了该应用程序,可能是由于Facebook的缓存政策问题;具体而言,该政策禁止储存朋友名单超过24小时,这将使该应用程序不准确。在卡尔-班扬允许托德-查菲领导的一组开发人员根据Facebook修改后的数据缓存政策重新开发该应用程序后,该应用程序的新版本在六度空间开始使用。
A [[Facebook]] platform application named "Six Degrees" was developed by Karl Bunyan<ref name=":11">{{cite journal|last1=boyd|first1=d. m|last2=Ellison|first2=N. B|title=Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship.|journal=Computer-Mediated|volume=13 | issue = 1 |pages=210–230|doi=10.1111/j.1083-6101.2007.00393.x|year=2007|doi-access=free}}</ref>, which calculates the degrees of separation between people. It had over 5.8 million users, as seen from the group's page. The average separation for all users of the application is 5.73 degrees, whereas the maximum degree of separation is 12. The application has a "Search for Connections" window to input any name of a [[Facebook]] user, to which it then shows the chain of connections. In June 2009, Bunyan shut down the application, presumably due to issues with Facebook's caching policy; specifically, the policy prohibited the storing of friend lists for more than 24 hours, which would have made the application inaccurate. A new version of the application became available at Six Degrees after Karl Bunyan gave permission to a group of developers led by Todd Chaffee to re-develop the application based on Facebook's revised policy on caching data.
雅虎小世界实验(Yahoo! Research Small World Experiment )一直在进行一项实验,每个拥有Facebook账户的人都可以参与其中。根据研究页面,这项研究有可能解决仍未解决的六度分隔理论。
Yahoo! Research Small World Experiment has been conducting an experiment and everyone with a Facebook account can take part in it. According to the research page, this research has the potential of resolving the still unresolved theory of six degrees of separation.
The initial version of the application was built at a Facebook Developers Garage London [[hackathon]] with [[Mark Zuckerberg]] in attendance.
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Facebook's data team released two papers in November 2011 which document that amongst all Facebook users at the time of research (721 million users with 69 billion friendship links) there is an average distance of 4.74. It was also found that 99.91% of Facebook users were interconnected, forming a large connected component
一个名为 "六度 "的Facebook平台应用是由卡尔-布尼恩开发的,它计算人与人之间的分离程度。从该小组的页面上看,它有超过580万用户。该应用程序所有用户的平均分离度为5.73度,而最大分离度为12度。该应用程序有一个 "搜索连接 "窗口,可以输入Facebook用户的任何名字,然后显示其连接链。2009年6月,Bunyan关闭了该应用程序,可能是由于Facebook的缓存政策问题;具体而言,该政策禁止储存朋友名单超过24小时,这将使该应用程序不准确。<ref name=":11" /> 在Karl Bunyan允许Todd Chaffee领导的一组开发人员根据Facebook修订的缓存数据政策重新开发该应用程序后,该应用程序的新版本在六度空间可用。
Facebook的数据团队在2011年11月发布了两篇论文,其中记录了在研究时的所有Facebook用户中(7.21亿用户,690亿条友谊链接),平均距离为4.74。<ref name="SDS-T-01">{{cite news|url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/facebook/8906693/Facebook-cuts-six-degrees-of-separation-to-four.html|title=Facebook cuts six degrees of separation to four|work=Telegraph|accessdate=7 May 2012|first=Emma|last=Barnett|date=22 November 2011}}</ref><ref name="facebook2016" /> 研究还发现,99.91%的Facebook用户是相互联系的,形成了一个大的连接部分<ref>{{cite arXiv|eprint=1111.4570|title=Four Degrees of Separation|last=Backstrom|first=Lars |author2=Boldi, Paolo |author3=Rosa, Marco |author4=Ugander, Johan |author5=Vigna, Sebastiano|date=2011-11-19|class=cs.SI}}</ref> <ref>{{cite arXiv|eprint=1111.4503|title=The Anatomy of the Facebook Social Graph|last=Ugander|first=Johan|author2=Karrer, Brian |author3=Backstrom, Lars |author4= Marlow, Cameron |class=cs.SI|year=2011}}</ref>。据 Facebook 报道,2016年2月,这个数字降到了4.57,当时 Facebook 拥有16亿用户(约占世界人口的22%)。
Facebook reported that the distance had decreased to 4.57 in February 2016, when it had 1.6 billion users (about 22% of the world population).
Facebook 报道,2016年2月,这个数字降到了4.57,当时 Facebook 拥有16亿用户(约占世界人口的22%)。
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==== LinkedIn ====
==== 领英 LinkedIn ====
The [[LinkedIn]] professional networking site operates the degree of separation one is away from a person with which he or she wishes to communicate. On [[LinkedIn]], one's network is made up of 1st-degree, 2nd-degree, and 3rd-degree connections and fellow members of LinkedIn Groups. In addition, LinkedIn notifies the user how many connections they and any other user have in common.
The [[LinkedIn]] professional networking site operates the degree of separation one is away from a person with which he or she wishes to communicate. On [[LinkedIn]], one's network is made up of 1st-degree, 2nd-degree, and 3rd-degree connections and fellow members of LinkedIn Groups. In addition, LinkedIn notifies the user how many connections they and any other user have in common.
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SixDegrees.com was an early social-networking website that existed from 1997 to 2001. It allowed users to list friends, family members and acquaintances, send messages and post bulletin board items to people in their first, second, and third degrees, and see their connection to any other user on the site. At its height, it had 3,500,000 fully registered members. However, it was closed in 2000.
SixDegrees.com was an early social-networking website that existed from 1997 to 2001. It allowed users to list friends, family members and acquaintances, send messages and post bulletin board items to people in their first, second, and third degrees, and see their connection to any other user on the site. At its height, it had 3,500,000 fully registered members. However, it was closed in 2000.
LinkedIn 专业社交网站操作的是一个人与他或她希望与之交流的人之间的分离程度。在 LinkedIn 上,一个人的社交网络由第一学位、第二学位和第三学位的联系人和 LinkedIn 群组的成员组成。此外,LinkedIn 还会通知用户他们和其他用户有多少共同的连接。
LinkedIn 是一个精英社交网络,其设置将人与人的分离程度设置为一度。在 LinkedIn 上,一个人的社交网络由第一度、第二度和第三度的联系人和 LinkedIn 群组的成员组成。此外,LinkedIn 还会通知用户他们和其他用户有多少共同的连接。
==== SixDegrees.com ====
==== SixDegrees.com ====
[[SixDegrees.com]] was an early social-networking website that existed from 1997 to 2001. It allowed users to list friends, family members and acquaintances, send messages and post bulletin board items to people in their first, second, and third degrees, and see their connection to any other user on the site. At its height, it had 3,500,000 fully registered members.<ref name=":10">{{cite book |last1=Kirkpatrick |first1=David |title=The Facebook Effect: The Inside Story of the Company That Is Connecting the World | publisher = Simon & Schuster
| year = 2010 | isbn = 978-1439102121 |title-link=The Facebook Effect }}</ref> However, it was closed in 2000.
SixDegrees.com是一个早期的社会网络网站,从1997年到2001年一直存在。它允许用户列出朋友、家人和熟人,向他们的第一、第二和第三等级的人发送信息和发布公告板项目,并查看他们与网站上任何其他用户的联系。在其鼎盛时期,它有3,500,000名完全注册的成员。<ref name=":10" /> 然而,它在2000年被关闭了。
SixDegrees.com是一个早期的社会网络网站,从1997年到2001年一直存在。它允许用户列出朋友、家人和熟人,向他们的第一、第二和第三等级的人发送信息和发布公告板项目,并查看他们与网站上任何其他用户的联系。在其鼎盛时期,它有3,500,000名完全注册的成员。<ref name=":10" /> 然而,它在2000年被关闭了。
==== 推特 Twitter ====
==== Twitter ====
Users on Twitter can follow other users creating a network. According to a study of 5.2 billion such relationships by social media monitoring firm [[Sysomos]], the average distance on Twitter is 4.67. On average, about 50% of people on Twitter are only four steps away from each other, while nearly everyone is five steps or less away.<ref name=":12">Apr 30, 2010, [http://www.sysomos.com/insidetwitter/sixdegrees/ Six Degrees of Separation, Twitter Style], from [[Sysomos]].</ref>
推特上的用户可以关注其他用户,创建一个网络。根据社交媒体监测公司Sysomos对52亿这种关系的研究,Twitter上的平均距离是4.67。平均而言,Twitter上约有50%的人彼此之间只有四步之遥,而几乎所有人的距离都在五步以内<ref name=":12">Apr 30, 2010, [http://www.sysomos.com/insidetwitter/sixdegrees/ Six Degrees of Separation, Twitter Style], from [[Sysomos]].</ref> 。在另一项工作中,研究人员表明,Twitter中1500名随机用户的平均距离为3.435。他们用Twitter中所有的活跃用户来计算每对用户之间的距离
Mathematicians use an analogous notion of collaboration distance: two persons are linked if they are coauthors of an article. The collaboration distance with mathematician Paul Erdős is called the Erdős number. Erdős-Bacon numbers and Erdős-Bacon-Sabbath (EBS) numbers are further extensions of the same thinking.
推特上的用户可以关注其他用户,创建一个网络。根据社交媒体监测公司Sysomos对52亿这种关系的研究,Twitter上的平均距离是4.67。平均而言,Twitter上约有50%的人彼此之间只有四步之遥,而几乎所有人的距离都在五步以内<ref name=":12" /> 。
推特上的用户可以关注其他用户,形成一个网络。根据社交媒体监测公司Sysomos对52亿这种关系的研究,Twitter上的平均距离是4.67。平均而言,Twitter上约有50%的人彼此之间只有四步之遥,而几乎所有人的距离都在五步以内<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/collaborationDistance.html|title=MR: Collaboration Distance|work=ams.org}}</ref>。
Mathematicians use an analogous notion of collaboration distance: two persons are linked if they are coauthors of an article. The collaboration distance with mathematician Paul Erdős is called the Erdős number. Erdős-Bacon numbers and Erdős-Bacon-Sabbath (EBS) numbers are further extensions of the same thinking.
数学家们使用了一个类似的合作距离的概念: 如果两个人是一篇文章的合著者,那么他们就是连在一起的。数学家Paul Erdős 提出的这种合作距离称为 '''Erdős数''' '''Erdős number'''。'''Erdős-Bacon数 Erdős-Bacon numbers''' and '''Erdős-Bacon-Sabbath (EBS)''' 数都是是同一思想的进一步延伸。
数学家们使用了一个类似的合作距离的概念: 如果两个人是一篇文章的合著者,那么他们就是连在一起的。与数学家保罗 · 尔德的合作距离称为尔德数。Erd s-bacon 数字和 erd s-bacon-sabbath (EBS)数字是同一思想的进一步延伸。
In another work, researchers have shown that the average distance of 1,500 random users in Twitter is 3.435. They calculated the distance between each pair of users using all the active users in Twitter.
Watts and Strogatz showed that the average path length between two nodes in a random network is equal to , where = total nodes and = acquaintances per node. Thus if
Watts and Strogatz showed that the average path length between two nodes in a random network is equal to , where = total nodes and = acquaintances per node. Thus if
在另一项工作中,研究人员表明,Twitter中1500名随机用户的平均距离为3.435。他们用Twitter中所有的活跃用户来计算每对用户之间的距离[46] 。
Watts和Strogatz表明,随机网络中两个节点之间的平均路径长度等于 ,其中=总节点和=每个节点的熟人。因此,如果
Watts和Strogatz表明,随机网络中两个节点之间的平均路径长度等于 ,其中=总节点和=每个节点的熟人。因此,如果''N'' = 300,000,000 (90% 的美国人口) 和 ''K'' = 30 计算其分离度为 = 19.5 / 3.4 = 5.7。 如果 ''N'' = 6,000,000,000 (90% 的世界人口) 和 ''K'' = 30 ''那么分离度为'' = 22.5 / 3.4 = 6.6.
''N'' = 300,000,000 (90% of the US population) and ''K'' = 30 then ''Degrees of Separation'' = 19.5 / 3.4 = 5.7 and if ''N'' = 6,000,000,000 (90% of the World population) and ''K'' = 30 then ''Degrees of Separation'' = 22.5 / 3.4 = 6.6.
A 2007 article published in The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, by Jesse S. Michel from Michigan State University, applied Stanley Milgram's small world phenomenon (i.e., “small world problem”) to the field of I-O psychology through co-author publication linkages. Following six criteria, Scott Highhouse (Bowling Green State University professor and fellow of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology) was chosen as the target. Co-author publication linkages were determined for (1) top authors within the I-O community, (2) quasi-random faculty members of highly productive I-O programs in North America, and (3) publication trends of the target. Results suggest that the small world phenomenon is alive and well with mean linkages of 3.00 to top authors, mean linkages of 2.50 to quasi-random faculty members, and a relatively broad and non-repetitive set of co-author linkages for the target. The author then provided a series of implications and suggestions for future research
2007年,密歇根州立大学的Jesse S. Michel在《工业-组织心理学家》上发表了一篇文章,通过共同作者的出版联系,将Stanley Milgram的小世界现象(即 "小世界问题")应用于国际组织心理学领域。按照六个标准,Scott Highhouse(鲍林格林州立大学教授、工业与组织心理学会会员)被选为目标。共同作者的出版联系被确定为:(1) I-O社区的顶级作者;(2) 北美高产I-O项目的准随机教师;(3) 目标的出版趋势。结果表明,小世界现象依然存在,与顶级作者的平均联系为3.00,与准随机教员的平均联系为2.50,而目标人物的共同作者联系相对广泛且不重复。然后,作者提出了一系列对未来研究的影响和建议。
2007年,密歇根州立大学的Jesse S. Michel在《工业-组织心理学家》上发表了一篇文章,通过共同作者的出版联系,将Stanley Milgram的小世界现象(即 "小世界问题")应用于国际组织心理学领域。按照六个标准,Scott Highhouse(鲍林格林州立大学教授、工业与组织心理学会会员)被选为目标。共同作者的出版联系被确定为:(1) I-O社区的顶级作者;(2) 北美高产I-O项目的准随机教师;(3) 目标的出版趋势。结果表明,小世界现象依然存在,与顶级作者的平均联系为3.00,与准随机教员的平均联系为2.50,而目标人物的共同作者联系相对广泛且不重复。然后,作者提出了一系列对未来研究的影响和建议
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A 2007 article published in ''The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist''<ref name="Futon Critic 07-13-15" />, by Jesse S. Michel from Michigan State University, applied Stanley Milgram's small world phenomenon (i.e., “small world problem”) to the field of [[Industrial and organizational psychology|I-O psychology]] through co-author publication linkages. Following six criteria, Scott Highhouse (Bowling Green State University professor and fellow of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology) was chosen as the target. Co-author publication linkages were determined for (1) top authors within the I-O community, (2) quasi-random faculty members of highly productive I-O programs in North America, and (3) publication trends of the target. Results suggest that the small world phenomenon is alive and well with mean linkages of 3.00 to top authors, mean linkages of 2.50 to quasi-random faculty members, and a relatively broad and non-repetitive set of co-author linkages for the target. The author then provided a series of implications and suggestions for future research.
A 2007 article published in ''The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist''<ref name="Futon Critic 07-13-15" />, by Jesse S. Michel from Michigan State University, applied Stanley Milgram's small world phenomenon (i.e., “small world problem”) to the field of [[Industrial and organizational psychology|I-O psychology]] through co-author publication linkages. Following six criteria, Scott Highhouse (Bowling Green State University professor and fellow of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology) was chosen as the target. Co-author publication linkages were determined for (1) top authors within the I-O community, (2) quasi-random faculty members of highly productive I-O programs in North America, and (3) publication trends of the target. Results suggest that the small world phenomenon is alive and well with mean linkages of 3.00 to top authors, mean linkages of 2.50 to quasi-random faculty members, and a relatively broad and non-repetitive set of co-author linkages for the target. The author then provided a series of implications and suggestions for future research.
密歇根州立大学的Jesse S. Michel在2007年发表在《工业-组织心理学家》上的一篇文章[49],通过共同作者的出版物联系,将Stanley Milgram的小世界现象(即 "小世界问题")应用于I-O心理学领域。按照六个标准,Scott Highhouse(鲍林格林州立大学教授、工业与组织心理学会会员)被选为目标。共同作者的出版联系被确定为:(1) I-O社区的顶级作者;(2) 北美高产I-O项目的准随机教师;(3) 目标的出版趋势。结果表明,小世界现象依然存在,与顶级作者的平均联系为3.00,与准随机教员的平均联系为2.50,而目标人物的共同作者联系相对广泛且不重复。然后,作者提出了一系列对未来研究的影响和建议。
密歇根州立大学的Jesse S. Michel教授在2007年发表在《工业-组织心理学家''The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist''<ref name="Futon Critic 07-13-15" />》,通过共同作者的出版物联系,将Stanley Milgram的小世界现象(即 "小世界问题")应用于I-O心理学领域。按照六个标准,Scott Highhouse(鲍林格林州立大学教授、工业与组织心理学会会员)被选为目标。共同作者的出版联系被确定为:(1) I-O社区的顶级作者;(2) 北美高产I-O项目的准随机教师;(3) 目标的出版趋势。结果表明,小世界现象依然存在,与顶级作者的平均联系为3.00,与准随机教员的平均联系为2.50,而目标人物的共同作者联系相对广泛且不重复。然后,作者提出了一系列对未来研究的影响和建议。
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== 推荐阅读 ==
[[WS小世界模型 Watts–Strogatz model]]

