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添加2字节 、 2022年6月11日 (六) 20:07
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Power law distributions of event sizes are often seen in complex phenomena including earthquakes, [[phase transitions]], [[percolation]], forest fires, financial market fluctuations, avalanches in the [[game of life]] and a host of others (Bak, 1996). In some specific cases, this similarity appears to be more than superficial. For example, earthquake models incorporate local rules in which forces at one site are distributed to nearest neighbors without dissipation. This conservation of forces is similar to the conservation of probabilities in the critical branching model described above. This suggests that conservation of synaptic strengths, as reported in (Royer and Pare, 2003) could be a mechanism responsible for maintaining a network near the critical point. In a related idea, simulations indicate that networks can be kept nearly critical when the total sum of synaptic strengths hovers near a constant value (Hsu and Beggs, 2006). This could be accomplished through a mechanism like synaptic scaling (Turrigiano and Nelson, 2000), which has been observed experimentally. Finally, recently "burned" areas in forest fire models are refractory, while unburned areas are more likely to ignite. This balance of refractoriness and excitability combine to maintain the system near the critical point. Recent models of neuronal avalanches (Levina, Herrmann and Geisel, 2005) have suggested that short-term synaptic depression and facilitation may also serve to drive neuronal networks toward the critical point where avalanches occur. Thus, an understanding of power laws in diverse complex systems can suggest mechanisms that might underlie criticality in neuronal networks.   
Power law distributions of event sizes are often seen in complex phenomena including earthquakes, [[phase transitions]], [[percolation]], forest fires, financial market fluctuations, avalanches in the [[game of life]] and a host of others (Bak, 1996). In some specific cases, this similarity appears to be more than superficial. For example, earthquake models incorporate local rules in which forces at one site are distributed to nearest neighbors without dissipation. This conservation of forces is similar to the conservation of probabilities in the critical branching model described above. This suggests that conservation of synaptic strengths, as reported in (Royer and Pare, 2003) could be a mechanism responsible for maintaining a network near the critical point. In a related idea, simulations indicate that networks can be kept nearly critical when the total sum of synaptic strengths hovers near a constant value (Hsu and Beggs, 2006). This could be accomplished through a mechanism like synaptic scaling (Turrigiano and Nelson, 2000), which has been observed experimentally. Finally, recently "burned" areas in forest fire models are refractory, while unburned areas are more likely to ignite. This balance of refractoriness and excitability combine to maintain the system near the critical point. Recent models of neuronal avalanches (Levina, Herrmann and Geisel, 2005) have suggested that short-term synaptic depression and facilitation may also serve to drive neuronal networks toward the critical point where avalanches occur. Thus, an understanding of power laws in diverse complex systems can suggest mechanisms that might underlie criticality in neuronal networks.   
[[Image:Neonlatticeavalanche.gif‎|frame|220px|right|F8|Experimental observation of avalanche generation in a 2D lattice of capacitively-coupled neon lamps.]]
[[Image:Neon lattice avalanche.gif‎|frame|220px|right|F8|Experimental observation of avalanche generation in a 2D lattice of capacitively-coupled neon lamps.]]
A simple electronic model of avalanche generation consists of a two-dimensional array of neon lamps, each one connected to a resistor towards a global DC control voltage and capacitively coupled to its von Neumann neighbors. Neon lamps possess rich dynamical properties: as the applied voltage changes, the transition between the "on" and "off" phases is at the same time significantly hysteretic and stochastic (Dance, 1968). The system displays two phases, <math>I</math> and <math>II</math>, respectively characterized by low and high event rate and spatiotemporal order: the transition between them is strongly hysteretic, hence unequivocally first-order. Nevertheless, close to the spinal point of the <math>I\rightarrow II</math> transition, critical precursors emerge in the form of avalanches (Fig. 8) having the same scaling exponents characterizing neural activity, namely <math>\alpha\approx3/2</math> for size and <math>\alpha\approx2</math> for duration (Minati et al., 2016).
A simple electronic model of avalanche generation consists of a two-dimensional array of neon lamps, each one connected to a resistor towards a global DC control voltage and capacitively coupled to its von Neumann neighbors. Neon lamps possess rich dynamical properties: as the applied voltage changes, the transition between the "on" and "off" phases is at the same time significantly hysteretic and stochastic (Dance, 1968). The system displays two phases, <math>I</math> and <math>II</math>, respectively characterized by low and high event rate and spatiotemporal order: the transition between them is strongly hysteretic, hence unequivocally first-order. Nevertheless, close to the spinal point of the <math>I\rightarrow II</math> transition, critical precursors emerge in the form of avalanches (Fig. 8) having the same scaling exponents characterizing neural activity, namely <math>\alpha\approx3/2</math> for size and <math>\alpha\approx2</math> for duration (Minati et al., 2016).

