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[[涌现]]一直是[[复杂系统]]中的一个重要特性和研究对象,是许多关于[[复杂性]]本质以及宏微观组织之间关系讨论的核心概念<ref>Meehl P E, Sellars W. The concept of emergence[J]. Minnesota studies in the philosophy of science, 1956, 1239-252.</ref><ref name=":7">Holland J H. Emergence: From chaos to order[M]. OUP Oxford, 2000.</ref>。涌现可以简单理解为整体大于部分之和,即整体上展现出构成它的个体所不具备的新特性<ref>Anderson P W. More is different: broken symmetry and the nature of the hierarchical structure of science[J]. Science, 1972, 177(4047): 393-396.</ref>。尽管学者们在各个领域都指出存在涌现的现象<ref name=":7" /><ref>Holland, J.H. Hidden Order: How Adaptation Builds Complexity; Addison Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.: Boston, MA, USA, 1996.</ref>,如鸟类的[[群体行为]]<ref>Reynolds, C.W. Flocks, herds and schools: A distributed behavioral model. In Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Anaheim, CA, USA, 27–31 July 1987; pp. 25–34.</ref>,大脑中的[[意识]]形成,以及大语言模型的[[涌现]]能力<ref>Wei, J.; Tay, Y.; Bommasani, R.; Raffel, C.; Zoph, B.; Borgeaud, S.; Yogatama, D.; Bosma, M.; Zhou, D.; Metzler, D.; et al. Emergent abilities of large language models. arXiv 2022, arXiv:2206.07682.</ref>,但目前还没有对这一现象被普遍认可的统一理解。以往对涌现有很多定性的研究,如 Bedau et al<ref name=":9">Bedau, M.A. Weak emergence. Philos. Perspect. 1997, 11, 375–399. [CrossRef] </ref><ref>Bedau, M. Downward causation and the autonomy of weak emergence. Principia Int. J. Epistemol. 2002, 6, 5–50. </ref>对涌现进行了分类,可以将涌现分为名义涌现<ref name=":10">Harré, R. The Philosophies of Science; Oxford University Press: New York, NY, USA , 1985.</ref><ref name=":11">Baas, N.A. Emergence, hierarchies, and hyperstructures. In Artificial Life III, SFI Studies in the Science of Complexity, XVII; Routledge: Abingdon, UK, 1994; pp. 515–537.</ref>、弱涌现<ref name=":9" /><ref>Newman, D.V. Emergence and strange attractors. Philos. Sci. 1996, 63, 245–261. [CrossRef]</ref>与强涌现<ref name=":12">Kim, J. ‘Downward causation’ in emergentism and nonreductive physicalism. In Emergence or Reduction; Walter de Gruyter: Berlin, Germany, 1992; pp. 119–138. </ref><ref name=":13">O’Connor, T. Emergent properties. Am. Philos. Q. 1994, 31, 91–104</ref>。名义涌现可以理解为能被宏观层级的模式或过程所拥有,但不能被其微观层级的组件所拥有的属性<ref name=":10" /><ref name=":11" />。[[弱涌现]]是指宏观层面的属性或过程是通过单个组件之间以复杂的方式相互作用产生的,由于[[计算不可约性]]的原理,它们不能轻易地简化为微观层面的属性。对于弱涌现来说,其模式产生的原因可能来自微观和宏观两个层面<ref name=":12" /><ref name=":13" />。因此,涌现的因果关系可能与微观因果关系并存。而对于[[强涌现]]来说存在很多的争论,它指的是宏观层面的属性,原则上不能简化为微观层面的属性,包括个体之间的相互作用。此外,Jochen Fromm进一步将强涌现解释为[[向下因果]]的[[因果效应]]<ref>Fromm, J. Types and forms of emergence. arXiv 2005, arXiv:nlin/0506028</ref>。考虑一个包含三个不同尺度的系统:微观、介观和宏观。[[向下因果]]关系是指从宏观层面向介观层面或从介观层面向微观层面的[[因果力]]。然而,关于[[向下因果]]关系本身的概念存在许多争议<ref>Bedau, M.A.; Humphreys, P. Emergence: Contemporary Readings in Philosophy and Science; MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, USA, 2008. </ref><ref>Yurchenko, S.B. Can there be a synergistic core emerging in the brain hierarchy to control neural activity by downward causation? TechRxiv 2023 . [CrossRef] </ref>。
[[涌现]]一直是[[复杂系统]]中的一个重要特性和研究对象,是许多关于[[复杂性]]本质以及宏微观组织之间关系讨论的核心概念<ref>Meehl P E, Sellars W. The concept of emergence[J]. Minnesota studies in the philosophy of science, 1956, 1239-252.</ref><ref name=":7">Holland J H. Emergence: From chaos to order[M]. OUP Oxford, 2000.</ref>。涌现可以简单理解为整体大于部分之和,即整体上展现出构成它的个体所不具备的新特性<ref>Anderson P W. More is different: broken symmetry and the nature of the hierarchical structure of science[J]. Science, 1972, 177(4047): 393-396.</ref>。尽管学者们在各个领域都指出存在涌现的现象<ref name=":7" /><ref>Holland, J.H. Hidden Order: How Adaptation Builds Complexity; Addison Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.: Boston, MA, USA, 1996.</ref>,如鸟类的[[群体行为]]<ref>Reynolds, C.W. Flocks, herds and schools: A distributed behavioral model. In Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Anaheim, CA, USA, 27–31 July 1987; pp. 25–34.</ref>,大脑中的[[意识]]形成,以及大语言模型的[[涌现]]能力<ref>Wei, J.; Tay, Y.; Bommasani, R.; Raffel, C.; Zoph, B.; Borgeaud, S.; Yogatama, D.; Bosma, M.; Zhou, D.; Metzler, D.; et al. Emergent abilities of large language models. arXiv 2022, arXiv:2206.07682.</ref>,但目前还没有对这一现象被普遍认可的统一理解。以往对涌现有很多定性的研究,如 Bedau et al<ref name=":9">Bedau, M.A. Weak emergence. Philos. Perspect. 1997, 11, 375–399. [CrossRef] </ref><ref>Bedau, M. Downward causation and the autonomy of weak emergence. Principia Int. J. Epistemol. 2002, 6, 5–50. </ref>对涌现进行了分类,可以将涌现分为名义涌现<ref name=":10">Harré, R. The Philosophies of Science; Oxford University Press: New York, NY, USA , 1985.</ref><ref name=":11">Baas, N.A. Emergence, hierarchies, and hyperstructures. In Artificial Life III, SFI Studies in the Science of Complexity, XVII; Routledge: Abingdon, UK, 1994; pp. 515–537.</ref>、弱涌现<ref name=":9" /><ref>Newman, D.V. Emergence and strange attractors. Philos. Sci. 1996, 63, 245–261. [CrossRef]</ref>与强涌现<ref name=":12">Kim, J. ‘Downward causation’ in emergentism and nonreductive physicalism. In Emergence or Reduction; Walter de Gruyter: Berlin, Germany, 1992; pp. 119–138. </ref><ref name=":13">O’Connor, T. Emergent properties. Am. Philos. Q. 1994, 31, 91–104</ref>。名义涌现可以理解为能被宏观层级的模式或过程所拥有,但不能被其微观层级的组件所拥有的属性<ref name=":10" /><ref name=":11" />。[[弱涌现]]是指宏观层面的属性或过程是通过单个组件之间以复杂相互作用的方式产生,由于[[计算不可约性]]的原理,它们不能轻易地简化为微观层面的属性。对于弱涌现来说,其模式产生的原因可能来自微观和宏观两个层面<ref name=":12" /><ref name=":13" />。因此,涌现的因果关系可能与微观因果关系并存。而对于[[强涌现]]来说存在很多的争论,它指的是宏观层面的属性,原则上不能简化为微观层面的属性,包括个体之间的相互作用。此外,Jochen Fromm进一步将强涌现解释为[[向下因果]]的[[因果效应]]<ref>Fromm, J. Types and forms of emergence. arXiv 2005, arXiv:nlin/0506028</ref>。考虑一个包含三个不同尺度的系统:微观、介观和宏观。[[向下因果]]关系是指从宏观层面向介观层面或从介观层面向微观层面的[[因果力]]。然而,关于[[向下因果]]关系本身的概念存在许多争议<ref>Bedau, M.A.; Humphreys, P. Emergence: Contemporary Readings in Philosophy and Science; MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, USA, 2008. </ref><ref>Yurchenko, S.B. Can there be a synergistic core emerging in the brain hierarchy to control neural activity by downward causation? TechRxiv 2023 . [CrossRef] </ref>。

