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删除109字节 、 2024年9月9日 (星期一)
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The introduction of the do-operator makes EI distinct from other information metrics. The key difference is that EI is solely a function of the causal mechanism, which allows it to more precisely capture the essence of causality compared to other metrics like transfer entropy. However, this also means that EI requires knowledge of or access to the causal mechanism, which may be challenging if only observational data is available.
The introduction of the do-operator makes EI distinct from other information metrics. The key difference is that EI is solely a function of the causal mechanism, which allows it to more precisely capture the essence of causality compared to other metrics like transfer entropy. However, this also means that EI requires knowledge of or access to the causal mechanism, which may be challenging if only observational data is available.
==Why Intervene to Achieve a Uniform Distribution?==
在[[Erik Hoel]]的原始定义中,[[do操作]]是将因变量[math]X[/math]干预成了在其定义域[math]\mathcal{X}[/math]上的[[均匀分布]](也就是[[最大熵分布]])<ref name="hoel_2013">{{cite journal|last1=Hoel|first1=Erik P.|last2=Albantakis|first2=L.|last3=Tononi|first3=G.|title=Quantifying causal emergence shows that macro can beat micro|journal=Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences|volume=110|issue=49|page=19790–19795|year=2013|url=https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1314922110}}</ref><ref name="hoel_2017">{{cite journal|author1=Hoel, E.P.|title=When the Map Is Better Than the Territory|journal=Entropy|year=2017|volume=19|page=188|url=https://doi.org/10.3390/e19050188}}</ref>。那么, 为什么要干预成[[均匀分布]]呢?其它分布是否也可以?
In Erik Hoel's original definition, the ''do'' operation intervenes on the dependent variable X, transforming it into a uniform distribution over its domain X (which is also the maximum entropy distribution). So, why should we intervene to achieve a uniform distribution? Can other distributions be used?
Firstly, according to the previous section, the essence of the ''do'' operation is to allow the Effective Information (EI) to better describe the nature of the causal mechanism f. Therefore, it is necessary to sever the connection between the dependent variable X and other variables and change its distribution so that the EI metric becomes independent of the distribution of X.
这是因为,当[math]\mathcal{X}[/math]和[math]\mathcal{Y}[/math]都是有限可数集合的时候,因果机制[math]f\equiv Pr(Y=y|X=x)[/math]就成为了一个[math]\#(\mathcal{X})[/math]行[math]\#(\mathcal{Y})[/math]列的矩阵,我们可以展开EI的定义:{{NumBlk|:|
The reason for intervening to achieve a uniform distribution for the input variable is to more accurately characterize the properties of the causal mechanism.
This is because, when both X and Y are finite, countable sets, the causal mechanism f≡Pr(Y=y∣X=x) becomes a matrix with #(X) rows and #(Y) columns. We can expand the definition of EI:{{NumBlk|:|
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|{{EquationRef|1}}}}不难看出,最后得到的等式告诉我们,EI实际上由两项构成,第一项是因果机制矩阵每一行的负熵的平均值,第二项则是变量[math]Y[/math]的熵。 在第一项中,[math]X[/math]的概率分布[math]Pr(X=x)[/math]实际上起到了对每一行的熵求平均时候的权重的作用。只有当我们将该权重取为同样的数值的时候,才能够平等地对待因果机制矩阵中的每一个行,这时就恰好是将[math]X[/math]干预成均匀分布的时候。
It is easy to see that the final equation tells us that EI is actually composed of two terms: the first term is the average of the negative entropy of each row of the causal mechanism matrix, and the second term is the entropy of the variable Y. In the first term, the probability distribution Pr(X=x) of X acts as the weight when averaging the entropy of each row. Only when we set this weight to be the same value (i.e., intervene to make X uniformly distributed) can we treat each row of the causal mechanism matrix equally.
If the distribution is not uniform, some rows will be assigned a larger weight, while others will be given a smaller weight. This weight represents a certain "bias," which prevents the EI from reflecting the natural properties of the causal mechanism.
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根据[[Erik Hoel]]和[[Tononi]]等人的工作,要用[[均匀分布]]即[[最大熵分布]]下的熵值,即<math>\log N</math>来做分母对EI进行归一化,这里的[math]N[/math]为状态空间[math]\mathcal{X}[/math]中的状态的数量<ref name="hoel_2013" />。那么归一化后的EI便等于:
根据[[Erik Hoel]]和[[Tononi]]等人的工作,要用[[均匀分布]]即[[最大熵分布]]下的熵值,即<math>\log N</math>来做分母对EI进行归一化,这里的[math]N[/math]为状态空间[math]\mathcal{X}[/math]中的状态的数量<ref name="hoel_2013">{{cite journal|last1=Hoel|first1=Erik P.|last2=Albantakis|first2=L.|last3=Tononi|first3=G.|title=Quantifying causal emergence shows that macro can beat micro|journal=Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences|volume=110|issue=49|page=19790–19795|year=2013|url=https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1314922110}}</ref>。那么归一化后的EI便等于:

