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*Yuan, B.; Zhang, J. et al. [https://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/26/2/108 Emergence and Causality in Complex Systems: A Survey of Causal Emergence and Related Quantitative Studies]. ''Entropy'' 2024, ''26'', 108.
*Yuan, B.; Zhang, J. et al. [https://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/26/2/108 Emergence and Causality in Complex Systems: A Survey of Causal Emergence and Related Quantitative Studies]. ''Entropy'' 2024, ''26'', 108.
===Path Recommendation===
===Path Recommendation===
*The learning path of causal emergence outlined by Professor Zhang Jiang in the first season of the Causal Emergence Reading Club: https://pattern.swarma.org/article/153
*An causal emergence introductory path compiled by Professor Zhang Jiang based on the first five seasons of the Causal Emergence Reading Club: https://pattern.swarma.org/article/296
----This entry was written by [[Zhang Jiang]], and organized and reviewed by [[Zhang Jiang]], [[Yuan Bing]], [[Liu Kaiwei]], [[Yang Mingzhe]], and [[Wang Zhipeng]].
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'''The content of this entry is sourced from Wikipedia and public sources, and complies with the CC3.0 protocol.'''

