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由于Watts–Strogatz 模型的初始网络具有非随机的规则结构,它具有很高的聚集系数和平均路径长度。每次重新连接都可能在高度连接的集群之间创建一条捷径。随着重连接概率的增加,聚集系数的下降速度慢于平均路径长度。实际上,这使得网络的平均路径长度显著降低,而聚集系数只略微降低。更高的重连接概率<math>p</math>会导致更多的边重新连接,这实际上使Watts Strogatz模型趋于随机网络。
由于Watts–Strogatz 模型的初始网络具有非随机的规则结构,它具有很高的聚集系数和平均路径长度。每次重新连接都可能在高度连接的集群之间创建一条捷径。随着重连接概率的增加,聚集系数的下降速度慢于平均路径长度。实际上,这使得网络的平均路径长度显著降低,而聚集系数只略微降低。更高的重连接概率<math>p</math>会导致更多的边重新连接,这实际上使Watts Strogatz模型趋于随机网络。
====Mediation-driven attachment (MDA) model====
In the [[mediation-driven attachment model|mediation-driven attachment (MDA) model]] in which a new node coming with <math>m</math> edges picks an existing connected node at random and then connects itself not with that one but with <math>m</math> of its neighbors chosen also at random. The probability <math>\Pi(i)</math> that the node <math>i</math> of the existing node picked is
: <math> \Pi(i) = \frac{k_i} N \frac{ \sum_{j=1}^{k_i} \frac 1 {k_j} }{k_i}.</math>
The factor <math>\frac{\sum_{j=1}^{k_i}{\frac{1}{k_j}}}{k_i}</math> is the inverse of the harmonic mean
(IHM) of degrees of the <math>k_i</math> neighbors of a node <math>i</math>. Extensive numerical investigation suggest that for an approximately <math>m> 14</math> the mean IHM value in the large <math>N</math> limit becomes a constant which means <math>\Pi(i) \propto k_i</math>. It implies that the higher the
links (degree) a node has, the higher its chance of gaining more links since they can be
reached in a larger number of ways through mediators which essentially embodies the intuitive
idea of rich get richer mechanism (or the preferential attachment rule of the Barabasi–Albert model). Therefore, the MDA network can be seen to follow
the PA rule but in disguise.<ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Hassan | first1 = M. K. | last2 = Islam | first2 = Liana | last3 = Arefinul Haque | first3 = Syed | date = March 2017  | title = Degree distribution, rank-size distribution, and leadership persistence in mediation-driven attachment networks | doi = 10.1016/j.physa.2016.11.001 | journal = Physica A | volume = 469 | issue = | pages = 23–30 | arxiv = 1411.3444 | bibcode = 2017PhyA..469...23H }}</ref>
However,  for <math>m=1</math> it describes the winner takes it all mechanism as we find that almost <math>99\%</math> of the total nodes have degree one and one is super-rich in degree. As <math>m</math> value increases the disparity between the super rich and poor decreases and as <math>m>14</math> we find a transition from rich get super richer to rich get richer mechanism.
=== Barabási–Albert (BA) 优先链接模型 ===
=== Barabási–Albert (BA) 优先链接模型 ===

