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Content in a [[complex network]] can spread via two major methods: conserved spread and non-conserved spread.<ref>Newman, M., Barabási, A.-L., Watts, D.J. [eds.] (2006) The Structure and Dynamics of Networks. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.</ref>  In conserved spread, the total amount of content that enters a complex network remains constant as it passes through.  The model of conserved spread can best be represented by a pitcher containing a fixed amount of water being poured into a series of funnels connected by tubes.  Here, the pitcher represents the original source and the water is the content being spread.  The funnels and connecting tubing represent the nodes and the connections between nodes, respectively.  As the water passes from one funnel into another, the water disappears instantly from the funnel that was previously exposed to the water.  In non-conserved spread, the amount of content changes as it enters and passes through a complex network.  The model of non-conserved spread can best be represented by a continuously running faucet running through a series of funnels connected by tubes.  Here, the amount of water from the original source is infinite. Also, any funnels that have been exposed to the water continue to experience the water even as it passes into successive funnels.  The non-conserved model is the most suitable for explaining the transmission of most [[infectious diseases]].
Content in a [[complex network]] can spread via two major methods: conserved spread and non-conserved spread.<ref>Newman, M., Barabási, A.-L., Watts, D.J. [eds.] (2006) The Structure and Dynamics of Networks. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.</ref>  In conserved spread, the total amount of content that enters a complex network remains constant as it passes through.  The model of conserved spread can best be represented by a pitcher containing a fixed amount of water being poured into a series of funnels connected by tubes.  Here, the pitcher represents the original source and the water is the content being spread.  The funnels and connecting tubing represent the nodes and the connections between nodes, respectively.  As the water passes from one funnel into another, the water disappears instantly from the funnel that was previously exposed to the water.  In non-conserved spread, the amount of content changes as it enters and passes through a complex network.  The model of non-conserved spread can best be represented by a continuously running faucet running through a series of funnels connected by tubes.  Here, the amount of water from the original source is infinite. Also, any funnels that have been exposed to the water continue to experience the water even as it passes into successive funnels.  The non-conserved model is the most suitable for explaining the transmission of most [[infectious diseases]].
[[复杂网络]]中的内容主要通过两种方式传播:保守传播和非保守传播。<ref>Newman, M., Barabási, A.-L., Watts, D.J. [eds.] (2006) The Structure and Dynamics of Networks. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.</ref> 在保守传播中,进入复杂网络的内容总量在传播时保持不变。这个保守扩散的模型可以用一个大水罐来最好地描述,这个大水罐中有一定量的水被注入一系列由管子连接的漏斗中。在这里,水罐代表原始的水源,而水则是正在传播的内容。漏斗和连接管分别表示节点和节点之间的连接。当水从一个漏斗流到另一个漏斗时,水立即从先前的漏斗中消失。在非保守传播中,内容的数量在进入和通过复杂网络时发生变化。非保守扩散模型可以用一个连续运行的水龙头通过一系列由管子连接的漏斗来表示。在这里,来自原始水源的水量是无限的。而且,任何已经暴露在水里的漏斗,即使水已经进入连续的漏斗,也会继续接触水。非保守模型最适合解释大多数[[传染病]]的传播。
[[复杂网络]]中的内容主要通过两种方式传播:保守传播和非保守传播。<ref>Newman, M., Barabási, A.-L., Watts, D.J. [eds.] (2006) The Structure and Dynamics of Networks. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.</ref> 在保守传播中,进入复杂网络的内容总量在传播时保持不变。这个保守传播的模型可以用一个水罐来描述,这个水罐中有一定量的水被注入一系列由管子连接的漏斗中。在这里,水罐代表原始资源,而水则表示被传播的内容。漏斗和连接管分别表示节点和节点之间的连接。当水从一个漏斗流到另一个漏斗时,水立即从先前的漏斗中消失。在非保守传播中,内容的数量在进入和通过复杂网络时发生变化。非保守传播模型可以用一个持续流水的水龙头流过一系列由管子连接的漏斗来表示。在这里,来自原始水源的水量是无限的。而且,即使水已经进入下一个漏斗,任何之前已经接触过水的漏斗也会继续接触水。非保守模型最适合解释大多数[[传染病]]的传播。

