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模板:More citations needed Systemic design is an interdiscipline that joins systems thinking to design methodology,[1] integrating systems thinking and human-centred design, with the intention of helping designers cope with complex design projects. The recent challenges to design coming from the increased complexity caused by globalization, migration, and sustainability render traditional design methods insufficient. Designers need better ways to design responsibly and avoid unintended side effects. Systemic design intends to develop methodologies and approaches that help to integrate systems thinking with design towards sustainability at the environmental, social and economic levels. It is a pluralistic initiative where many different approaches are encouraged to thrive and where dialogue and organic development of new practices are central.[2]

Systemic design is an interdiscipline that joins systems thinking to design methodology,https://systemic-design.org/ integrating systems thinking and human-centred design, with the intention of helping designers cope with complex design projects. The recent challenges to design coming from the increased complexity caused by globalization, migration, and sustainability render traditional design methods insufficient. Designers need better ways to design responsibly and avoid unintended side effects. Systemic design intends to develop methodologies and approaches that help to integrate systems thinking with design towards sustainability at the environmental, social and economic levels. It is a pluralistic initiative where many different approaches are encouraged to thrive and where dialogue and organic development of new practices are central.

系统设计是一门跨学科的学科,它将系统思维与设计方法结合起来,将系统思维与以人为本的设计 https://Systemic-design.org/融为一体,旨在帮助设计师应对复杂的设计项目。最近的设计挑战来自全球化、迁移和可持续性带来的日益增加的复杂性,这使得传统的设计方法显得不足。设计师需要更好的方法来负责任地进行设计,避免意想不到的副作用。系统设计旨在制定方法和办法,帮助将系统思维与设计结合起来,以实现环境、社会和经济层面的可持续性。这是一个多元化的举措,鼓励采取许多不同的办法,对话和有机发展新的做法是其中的核心。

The systemic design dialogue is driven by the Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD) Symposia[3] resulting in published proceedings and several special issues on systemic design, for example in the scientific design research journal FORMakademisk.

The systemic design dialogue is driven by the Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD) Symposiahttps://rsdsymposium.org/ resulting in published proceedings and several special issues on systemic design, for example in the scientific design research journal FORMakademisk.

系统设计对话是由相关系统思考与设计(rSD)专题讨论会推动的, rsdsymposium.org/发表了系统设计方面的论文和一些特殊问题,例如发表在科学设计研究杂志 FORMakademisk 上的论文。

Academic groups

Systemic design is being developed within the design practice and through the Systemic Design Research Network, focusing on different aspects of the issue.[4] Different academic groups have been facing Systemic Design both in their teaching and researching activities:

  • Systems oriented design is an example of a systemic design approach being used at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design. Systems Oriented Design seeks to train the designers ability to cope with a larger degree of complexity and to take more responsibility for the consequences of their actions. Holistic perspectives, ethics and sustainability as well as cultural, organizational, economic, and technical considerations are central.[5]
  • At Politecnico di Torino, the Master of Science in Systemic Design is active and it is named after Aurelio Peccei, in that place didactics and research are growing up together.[6][7] This approach, put forward by Luigi Bistagnino, focuses on the relationship between the inputs and the outputs of a system, by viewing waste as a valuable resource.[8] Research on Systemic Design at Politecnico di Torino is now led by Silvia Barbero.
  • The Strategic Foresight and innovation master program at OCAD University [9] Toronto is a well known systemic design initiative led by Peter H. Jones. Emphasis is placed on teaching complex problem finding, framing and solving, to envision and develop sustainable futures.
  • At the National Institute of Design (NID) India there is a group of academics at the design department, established by late Prof M.P. Ranjan and now led by Praveen Nahar among many other faculty.[10] Systems Thinking and Design is part of the academic programme at NID, it involves the application of the systems approach towards complex issues and wicked problems from socio-cultural-economic-environmental perspective with high level of ambiguity, uncertainty and complexity.
  • Alex Ryan is leading a group of systemic designers at the Government of Alberta. [11] They combine systemic design and strategic foresight to redesign the policy development process in government.
  • At the University of Montreal, the Master's degree in Applied Science in Design, Design and Complexity (DESCO) [12] track focuses on design activities and aims to train students in complex thinking, so as to prepare them to act and think as true integrators, in contexts that are increasingly complex. Areas of focus include: sustainable design and eco-design, social design, project management, digital design, new technologies, innovation, strategic design, game design, interaction design, service design, experience design and collaborative design.

Systemic design is being developed within the design practice and through the Systemic Design Research Network, focusing on different aspects of the issue. Different academic groups have been facing Systemic Design both in their teaching and researching activities:

  • Systems oriented design is an example of a systemic design approach being used at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design. Systems Oriented Design seeks to train the designers ability to cope with a larger degree of complexity and to take more responsibility for the consequences of their actions. Holistic perspectives, ethics and sustainability as well as cultural, organizational, economic, and technical considerations are central.
  • At Politecnico di Torino, the Master of Science in Systemic Design is active and it is named after Aurelio Peccei, in that place didactics and research are growing up together.Barbero, S. (2016). Opportunities and challenges in teaching Systemic Design. The evolution of the Open Systems master courses at Politecnico di Torino. Proceedings of the 6th International Forum of Design as a Process, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, pp. 57-66. This approach, put forward by Luigi Bistagnino, focuses on the relationship between the inputs and the outputs of a system, by viewing waste as a valuable resource. Research on Systemic Design at Politecnico di Torino is now led by Silvia Barbero.
  • The Strategic Foresight and innovation master program at OCAD University Toronto is a well known systemic design initiative led by Peter H. Jones. Emphasis is placed on teaching complex problem finding, framing and solving, to envision and develop sustainable futures.
  • At the National Institute of Design (NID) India there is a group of academics at the design department, established by late Prof M.P. Ranjan and now led by Praveen Nahar among many other faculty. Systems Thinking and Design is part of the academic programme at NID, it involves the application of the systems approach towards complex issues and wicked problems from socio-cultural-economic-environmental perspective with high level of ambiguity, uncertainty and complexity.
  • Alex Ryan is leading a group of systemic designers at the Government of Alberta. They combine systemic design and strategic foresight to redesign the policy development process in government.
  • At the University of Montreal, the Master's degree in Applied Science in Design, Design and Complexity (DESCO) track focuses on design activities and aims to train students in complex thinking, so as to prepare them to act and think as true integrators, in contexts that are increasingly complex. Areas of focus include: sustainable design and eco-design, social design, project management, digital design, new technologies, innovation, strategic design, game design, interaction design, service design, experience design and collaborative design.


  • 系统导向设计是奥斯陆建筑与设计学院采用系统设计方法的一个例子。面向系统的设计旨在培养设计者应对更大程度复杂性的能力,并对其行为的后果承担更多的责任。整体观点、道德和可持续性以及文化、组织、经济和技术方面的考虑是核心。
  • 在都灵理工大学,系统设计理学硕士是活跃的,它是以奥雷里奥佩切命名的,在那里,教学和研究一起成长。Barbero,S. (2016)巴贝罗,S。系统设计教学的机遇与挑战。都灵理工大学开放系统硕士课程的演变。第六届国际设计过程论坛会议记录,巴伦西亚理工大学,巴伦西亚,第10页。57-66.这种方法,由 Luigi Bistagnino 提出,通过将浪费视为一种有价值的资源,关注于系统的输入和输出之间的关系。都灵理工大学系统设计的研究现在由 Silvia Barbero 领导。
  • 多伦多 OCAD 大学的战略预见和创新硕士项目是由 Peter H. Jones 领导的一个著名的系统设计项目。重点放在教学复杂的问题发现,框架和解决,设想和发展可持续的未来。
  • 在印度国家设计学院(National Institute of Design,NID) ,由已故的 M.P 教授建立了一个设计系学者小组。现在由 Praveen Nahar 和许多其他教员领导。系统思考与设计是 NID 学术课程的一部分,它涉及从社会文化经济环境的角度对复杂问题和邪恶问题应用系统方法,这些问题具有高度的模糊性、不确定性和复杂性。
  • Alex Ryan 是艾伯塔省政府系统设计师小组的负责人。它们将系统设计和战略预见相结合,重新设计政府的政策制定过程。
  • 在蒙特利尔大学,应用科学设计、设计和复杂性(DESCO)专业的硕士学位侧重于设计活动,旨在培养学生的复杂思维,以便让他们在日益复杂的环境中作为真正的整合者行动和思考。重点领域包括: 可持续设计和生态设计、社会设计、项目管理、数字设计、新技术、创新、战略设计、游戏设计、交互设计、服务设计、体验设计和协同设计。


From complexity theories to systemic design

From complexity theories to systemic design

= 历史 = = = = = 从复杂性理论到系统设计 = =

The theories about complexity help the management of an entire system and the suggested design approaches help the planning of different divergent elements. The complexity theories evolved on the basis that living systems continually draw upon external sources of energy and maintain a stable state of low entropy, on the basis of the General Systems Theory by Karl Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1968).[13] Some of the next rationales applied those theories also on artificial systems: complexity models of living systems address also productive models with their organizations and management, where the relationships between parts are more important than the parts themselves. Treating productive organizations as complex adaptive systems allows a new management model to emerge in economical, social and environmental benefits (Pisek and Wilson, 2001 [14]). In that field, Cluster Theory (Porter, 1990 [15]) evolved in more environmentally sensitive theories, like Industrial Ecology (Frosh and Gallopoulos, 1989 [16]) and Industrial Symbiosis (Chertow, 2000[17]). In 1994, Gunter Pauli and Heitor Gurgulino de Souza founded the research institute Zero Emission Research and Initiatives (ZERI),[18] starting from the idea that progress should embed respect for the environment and natural techniques that will allow production processes to be part of the ecosystem. The design thinking, as Buchanan (1992) said,[19] means the way to creatively and strategically reconfigure a design concept on a situation with systemic integration. This needs a strong inter- and trans-disciplinarity during the design phase (Fuller, 1981 [20]), with the increasing involvement of different disciplines including urban planning, public policy, business management and environmental sciences (Chertow et al., 2004 [21]). Systems and complexity theories and design thinking redesign a pretty new discipline: the Systemic Design, which is located as a human-centred systems-oriented design practice (Bistagnino, 2011;[22] Sevaldson, 2011;[23] Nelson and Stolterman, 2012;[24] Jones, 2014;[25] Toso at al., 2012 [26]).

The theories about complexity help the management of an entire system and the suggested design approaches help the planning of different divergent elements. The complexity theories evolved on the basis that living systems continually draw upon external sources of energy and maintain a stable state of low entropy, on the basis of the General Systems Theory by Karl Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1968).von Bertalanffy, K.L. (1968) General System theory: Foundations, Development, Applications, George Braziller, New York Some of the next rationales applied those theories also on artificial systems: complexity models of living systems address also productive models with their organizations and management, where the relationships between parts are more important than the parts themselves. Treating productive organizations as complex adaptive systems allows a new management model to emerge in economical, social and environmental benefits (Pisek and Wilson, 2001 Pisek, P.E. and Wilson, T. (2001) Complexity, Leadership, And Management In Healthcare Organizations, British Medical Journal, Vol.323, pp.746-749.). In that field, Cluster Theory (Porter, 1990 Porter, M.E. (1990) Competitive Advantage of Nations, Free Press, New York.) evolved in more environmentally sensitive theories, like Industrial Ecology (Frosh and Gallopoulos, 1989 Frosh, R.A. and Gallopoulos, N.E. (1989) Strategies for Manufacturing, Scientific American, Vol.3 No.189, pp.94-102. ) and Industrial Symbiosis (Chertow, 2000). In 1994, Gunter Pauli and Heitor Gurgulino de Souza founded the research institute Zero Emission Research and Initiatives (ZERI), starting from the idea that progress should embed respect for the environment and natural techniques that will allow production processes to be part of the ecosystem. The design thinking, as Buchanan (1992) said,Buchanan, R. (1992) Wicked Problems in Design Thinking, Design Issues, Vol.8 No.2, pp.5-21. means the way to creatively and strategically reconfigure a design concept on a situation with systemic integration. This needs a strong inter- and trans-disciplinarity during the design phase (Fuller, 1981 Fuller R.B. (1981), Critical Path, St. Martin’s Press, New York.), with the increasing involvement of different disciplines including urban planning, public policy, business management and environmental sciences (Chertow et al., 2004 Chertow, M. R., Ashton, W. and Kuppali, R. (2004) The Industrial Symbiosis Research Symposium at Yale: Advancing the Study of Industry and Environment, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, New Haven.). Systems and complexity theories and design thinking redesign a pretty new discipline: the Systemic Design, which is located as a human-centred systems-oriented design practice (Bistagnino, 2011;Bistagnino, L. (2011) Systemic Design: Designing the productive and environmental sustainability, 2nd ed., Slow Food, Bra. Sevaldson, 2011;Sevaldson, B. (2011). Gigamapping: Visualization for complexity and systems thinking in design. Proceedings of the Nordic Design Research Conference. Aalto University, Helsinki. Nelson and Stolterman, 2012;Nelson, H.G. and Stolterman, E. (2012). The design way: Intentional change in an unpredictable world, 2nd ed., MIT Press, Cambridge. Jones, 2014;Jones, P.H. (2014) ‘Systemic Design Principles for Complex Social Systems’, in Metcalf, G.S. (Eds.), Social Systems and Design, Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp.91-128. Toso at al., 2012 Toso D., Barbero S., Tamborrini P. (2012) Systemic Design: Beyond Ecodesign. Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, University of Hull, UK).

复杂性理论有助于整个系统的管理,所建议的设计方法有助于规划不同的发散要素。复杂性理论发展的基础是生命系统不断地利用外部能源并保持低熵的稳定状态,这是基于卡尔·路德维希·冯·贝塔郎非的一般系统理论(1968)。Von Bertalanffy K.L.(1968)一般系统理论: 基础,发展,应用,乔治 · 布拉西勒,纽约接下来的一些基本原理也将这些理论应用于人工系统: 生命系统的复杂性模型也解决了组织和管理中的生产模型,在这些模型中,部分之间的关系比部分本身更重要。将生产性组织视为复杂的适应性系统,可以在经济、社会和环境效益方面形成一种新的管理模式(Pisek and Wilson,2001 Pisek,P.E。和威尔逊,T (2001)复杂性,领导力,和管理在医疗保健组织,英国医学杂志,第323卷,746-749页。在这个领域,集群理论(波特,1990年波特,法学博士。(1990)《国家的竞争优势》 ,自由出版社,纽约。)在环境敏感性更高的理论中进化而来,比如工业生态学(Frosh and Gallopoulos,1989,Frosh,R.A. and Gallopoulos,N.E.)。(1989)《制造业战略》 ,《科学美国人》 ,第3卷第189期,第94-102页。)和工业共生(查托,2000)。1994年,Gunter Pauli 和 Heitor Gurgulino de Souza 创立了零排放研究和倡议(ZERI)研究机构,其出发点是进步应该包含对环境和自然技术的尊重,这将使生产过程成为生态系统的一部分。设计思维,正如 Buchanan (1992)所说,Buchanan,R。(1992)《设计思维中的邪恶问题,设计问题》 ,第8卷第2期,第5-21页。是指在系统集成的情况下,创造性地、战略性地重新配置设计概念的方法。这需要一个强大的跨学科和跨设计阶段(富勒,1981富勒 R.B。(1981) ,批判之路,圣马丁出版社,纽约。) ,随着不同学科的参与,包括城市规划,公共政策,企业管理和环境科学(查托等人,2004年查托,M。 ,阿什顿,W。和 Kuppali,R。(2004年)耶鲁大学工业共生研讨会: 推进工业和环境研究,耶鲁大学林业和环境研究学院,纽黑文).系统与复杂性理论和设计思维重新设计一个相当新的学科: 系统设计,作为一个以人为中心的系统导向设计实践(比斯塔尼诺,2011; Bistagnino,L. (2011)系统设计: 设计生产和环境的可持续性,第2版,慢食,文胸。Sevaldson,2011; Sevaldson,B.(2011).超级映射: 设计中复杂性和系统思维的可视化。北欧设计研究会议论文集。Aalto University, Helsinki.Nelson and Stolterman,2012; Nelson,H.G.和 Stolterman,E. (2012)。设计方法: 在一个不可预测的世界中有意识的改变,第2版,麻省理工学院出版社,剑桥。Jones 2014 Jones 公共卫生部。(2014)“复杂社会系统的系统设计原则”,梅特卡夫,G.S. 。(编辑。) ,《社会系统与设计》 ,施普林格出版社,柏林,第91-128页。Toso at al。 ,2012 Toso D. ,Barbero S. ,Tamborrini P. (2012)系统设计: 超越生态设计。第18届国际可持续发展研究年会赫尔大学)。

Systemic design today

Systemic design today

= = 今天的系统设计 = =

The contemporary debate on Systemic design started with the Relating Systems Thinking and Design Symposia series (RSD) [27] on the initiative of Birger Sevaldson at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design in 2012. Amongst the invited participants were Harold G. Nelson, Peter H. Jones and Alex Ryan. An initial meeting was held in Oslo to consolidate the possibility of building a future network. Other participants were Michael Hensel, Colleen Ponto and others. The RSD seminars started in the context of Systems Oriented Design (SOD). In 2013-14 a discussion was initiated by Birger Sevaldson questioning the framework of the new emerging network. The network changed its name to Systemic Design allowing it to grow more pluralistically while SOD could develop more specially. The Systemic Design Research Network was founded shortly after on the initiative of Peter H. Jones and with Harold Nelson, Alex Ryan and Birger Sevaldson as co-founders.[4]

The contemporary debate on Systemic design started with the Relating Systems Thinking and Design Symposia series (RSD) on the initiative of Birger Sevaldson at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design in 2012. Amongst the invited participants were Harold G. Nelson, Peter H. Jones and Alex Ryan. An initial meeting was held in Oslo to consolidate the possibility of building a future network. Other participants were Michael Hensel, Colleen Ponto and others. The RSD seminars started in the context of Systems Oriented Design (SOD). In 2013-14 a discussion was initiated by Birger Sevaldson questioning the framework of the new emerging network. The network changed its name to Systemic Design allowing it to grow more pluralistically while SOD could develop more specially. The Systemic Design Research Network was founded shortly after on the initiative of Peter H. Jones and with Harold Nelson, Alex Ryan and Birger Sevaldson as co-founders.

当代关于系统设计的争论始于2012年由 Birger Sevaldson 发起的关联系统思考与设计座谈会系列(rSD)的奥斯陆建筑与设计学院。受邀参加者包括哈罗德 · G · 纳尔逊、彼得 · H · 琼斯和亚历克斯 · 瑞恩。在奥斯陆举行了一次初步会议,以巩固建立未来网络的可能性。其他参与者包括 Michael Hensel,Colleen Ponto 和其他人。RSD 研讨会是在面向系统设计(SOD)的背景下开始的。2013年至2014年,Birger Sevaldson 发起了一场讨论,质疑新兴网络的框架。该网络改名为系统设计,允许其生长更多元化,而 SOD 可以发展更特殊。系统设计研究网络成立后不久的倡议彼得 H 琼斯和哈罗德纳尔逊,亚历克斯瑞安和伯格 Sevaldson 为联合创始人。

In recent years, numerous design projects have adopted a systemic approach. These focused on diverse topics including – but not limited to – food networks, industrial processes and water purification, revitalization of internal areas through art and tourism [28] and circular economy,[29] exhibition and fairs, social inclusion and marginalization.

In recent years, numerous design projects have adopted a systemic approach. These focused on diverse topics including – but not limited to – food networks, industrial processes and water purification, revitalization of internal areas through art and tourism and circular economy, exhibition and fairs, social inclusion and marginalization.

近年来,许多设计项目都采取了系统的方法。这些活动侧重于不同的主题,包括但不限于: 粮食网络、工业进程和水净化、通过艺术和旅游以及循环经济振兴内部地区、展览和博览会、社会包容和边缘化。


Systems thinking in design has a long history with people like Christpher Alexander, Horst Rittel, Russl Ackoff, Bela Banathy, Ranulph Glanville, M.P.Ranjan, Harold Nelson and others. Also the main systems theories and models were known and applied in design since their beginning. Despite this Systems Thinking has never become mainstream in design. The reasons for this might be that the prescribed techniques and approaches were too technical and did not fit well to an organic design process.[30]

Systems thinking in design has a long history with people like Christpher Alexander, Horst Rittel, Russl Ackoff, Bela Banathy, Ranulph Glanville, M.P.Ranjan, Harold Nelson and others. Also the main systems theories and models were known and applied in design since their beginning. Despite this Systems Thinking has never become mainstream in design. The reasons for this might be that the prescribed techniques and approaches were too technical and did not fit well to an organic design process.

= = 背景 = = 设计中的系统思维与克里斯托弗 · 亚历山大、霍斯特 · 里特尔、拉斯尔 · 阿科夫、贝拉 · 巴纳西、雷诺夫·格兰维尔、 M.P.Ranjan、哈罗德 · 纳尔逊等人有着悠久的历史。主要的系统理论和模型从一开始就被认识并应用于设计中。尽管如此,系统思维从未成为设计的主流。其原因可能是规定的技术和方法过于技术性,不适合有机设计过程。

The systemic design initiative is addressing this problem by seeking new connections and relations between systems thinking and designerly ways of working.

The systemic design initiative is addressing this problem by seeking new connections and relations between systems thinking and designerly ways of working.



  1. https://systemic-design.org/
  2. Bistagnino, Luigi; Peruccio, Pier Paolo (2014). Michalos, Alexander C.. ed. Design, an overview. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Springer. pp. 1582–1585. ISBN 978-94-007-0754-2. 
  3. https://rsdsymposium.org/
  4. 4.0 4.1 "Systemic Design Research Network « Systemic Design". systemic-design.net. Archived from the original on 19 April 2018. Retrieved 18 April 2018.
  5. "The Oslo School of Architecture and Design". aho.no. Archived from the original on 11 April 2018. Retrieved 18 April 2018.
  6. Barbero, S. (2016). Opportunities and challenges in teaching Systemic Design. The evolution of the Open Systems master courses at Politecnico di Torino. Proceedings of the 6th International Forum of Design as a Process, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, pp. 57-66.
  7. Peruccio, Pier Paolo; Menzardi, Paola; Vrenna, Maurizio (2019). "Transdisciplinary knowledge: A systemic approach to design education". Proceedings of DRS Learn X Design 2019: Insider Knowledge: 17–23. doi:10.21606/learnxdesign.2019.13064. ISBN 9781912294008. S2CID 214038886. Archived from the original on 2021-09-30. Retrieved 2021-09-30.
  8. "systemicdesign.org | Systemic Design in simple words". Archived from the original on 2017-03-28. Retrieved 2017-03-27.
  9. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2017-05-01. Retrieved 2017-03-27.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  10. "Teaching Systemic Design « Systemic Design". systemic-design.net. Archived from the original on 19 April 2018. Retrieved 18 April 2018.
  11. Ryan, Alex (3 April 2016). "The Alberta CoLab Story". medium.com. Archived from the original on 19 April 2018. Retrieved 18 April 2018.
  12. "Maîtrise en aménagement, option Design et complexité - Université de Montréal - Guide d'admission". Archived from the original on 2021-01-20. Retrieved 2019-02-28.
  13. von Bertalanffy, K.L. (1968) General System theory: Foundations, Development, Applications, George Braziller, New York
  14. Pisek, P.E. and Wilson, T. (2001) Complexity, Leadership, And Management In Healthcare Organizations, British Medical Journal, Vol.323, pp.746-749.
  15. Porter, M.E. (1990) Competitive Advantage of Nations, Free Press, New York.
  16. Frosh, R.A. and Gallopoulos, N.E. (1989) Strategies for Manufacturing, Scientific American, Vol.3 No.189, pp.94-102.
  17. Chertow, Marian R. (2000). "INDUSTRIAL SYMBIOSIS: Literature and Taxonomy". Annual Review of Energy and the Environment. 25: 313–337. doi:10.1146/annurev.energy.25.1.313.
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External links


  • Systemic Design overview

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