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Pareto principle applied to community fundraising

Pareto principle applied to community fundraising


The Pareto principle (also known as the 80/20 rule, the law of the vital few, or the principle of factor sparsity) states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

The Pareto principle (also known as the 80/20 rule, the law of the vital few, or the principle of factor sparsity) states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

帕累托原则 Pareto Principle(又称80/20原则、极重要的少数原则或因素稀缺原则)引用错误:没有找到与</ref>对应的<ref>标签</ref></ref></ref>news|url=https://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/03/business/03juran.html%7Ctitle=Joseph Juran, 103, Pioneer in Quality Control, Dies|last1=Bunkley|first1=Nick|date=March 3, 2008|work=New York Times|accessdate=25 January 2018|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20170906182706/http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/03/business/03juran.html%7Carchivedate=September 6, 2017}}</ref>[1]指出,对于许多事件,大约80%的影响来自20%的原因[2]

suggested the principle and named it after Italian  , who noted the 80/20 connection while at the University of Lausanne in 1896. In his first work, Cours d'économie politique, Pareto showed that approximately 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population. The Pareto principle is only tangentially related to Pareto efficiency. Pareto developed both concepts in the context of the distribution of income and wealth among the population.

Management consultant Joseph M. Juran suggested the principle and named it after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who noted the 80/20 connection while at the University of Lausanne in 1896. In his first work, Cours d'économie politique, Pareto showed that approximately 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population. The Pareto principle is only tangentially related to Pareto efficiency. Pareto developed both concepts in the context of the distribution of income and wealth among the population.

管理顾问Joseph M. Juran提出了这个原则,并以意大利经济学家维尔弗雷多·帕累托Vilfredo Pareto名字命名,他在1896年在洛桑大学提出80/20关系。帕累托在他的第一部著作《政治经济学》中指出,意大利约80% 的土地为20% 的人口所拥有。帕累托原则与帕累托最优的相关性不大。这两个概念是帕累托在人口的收入和财富分配的背景下提出来的。

Mathematically, the 80/20 rule is roughly followed by a distribution (also known as a ) for a particular set of parameters, and many natural phenomena have been shown empirically to exhibit such a distribution. It is an axiom of business management that "80% of sales come from 20% of clients".

Mathematically, the 80/20 rule is roughly followed by a power law distribution (also known as a Pareto distribution) for a particular set of parameters, and many natural phenomena have been shown empirically to exhibit such a distribution. It is an axiom of business management that "80% of sales come from 20% of clients".

在数学上,帕累托原则大致遵循对应了一组特定参数的 幂律分布 Power Lawpower law Distribution(也称为 帕累托分布 Pareto DistributionPareto distribution) ,实验证明,许多自然现象也都呈现这样的分布[3]。“80%的销售额来自20%的客户”是一条公认的商业管理法则[4]

In economics


The original observation was in connection with population and wealth. Pareto noticed that approximately 80% of Italy's land was owned by 20% of the population. He then carried out surveys on a variety of other countries and found to his surprise that a similar distribution applied.

The original observation was in connection with population and wealth. Pareto noticed that approximately 80% of Italy's land was owned by 20% of the population. He then carried out surveys on a variety of other countries and found to his surprise that a similar distribution applied.


A chart that gave the inequality a very visible and comprehensible form, the so-called "champagne glass" effect,was contained in the 1992 United Nations Development Program Report, which showed that distribution of global income is very uneven, with the richest 20% of the world's population controlling 82.7% of the world's income. Still, the Gini index of the world shows that nations have wealth distributions that vary greatly.

A chart that gave the inequality a very visible and comprehensible form, the so-called "champagne glass" effect, was contained in the 1992 United Nations Development Program Report, which showed that distribution of global income is very uneven, with the richest 20% of the world's population controlling 82.7% of the world's income. Still, the Gini index of the world shows that nations have wealth distributions that vary greatly.

1992年《联合国开发计划署报告》中的一张图表以非常浅显易懂的形式呈现了这种不平等,即所谓的 "香槟酒杯 "效应[6]。 该图表显示:全球收入分配非常不均衡,世界上最富有的20%人口控制着82.7%的收入[7]。而且,世界上的基尼系数显示,各个国家内部的财富分配差异也很大。

Distribution of world GDP, 1989 Distribution of world GDP, 1989
+ 世界 GDP 分布,1989年[8]
Quintile of population Quintile of population 五分之一人口 Income Income 收入
Richest 20% Richest 20%


82.70% 82.70% 82.70%
Second 20% Second 20%


11.75% 11.75% 11.75%
Third 20% Third 20%


2.30% 2.30% 2.30%
Fourth 20% Fourth 20%


1.85% 1.85% 1.85%
Poorest 20% Poorest 20%


1.40% 1.40% 1.40%

The Pareto principle also could be seen as applying to taxation. In the US, the top 20% of earners have paid roughly 80-90% of Federal income taxes in 2000 and 2006,and again in 2018.

The Pareto principle also could be seen as applying to taxation. In the US, the top 20% of earners have paid roughly 80-90% of Federal income taxes in 2000 and 2006, and again in 2018.

帕累托原则也被认为适用于税收。在美国,收入最高的20%的人在2000年和2006年[9] 就缴纳了大约80%-90%的联邦所得税,在2018年也是如此[10]

However, it is important to note that while there have been associations of such with meritocracy, the principle should not be confused with further reaching implications. As Alessandro Pluchino at the University of Catania in Italy points out, other attributes do not necessarily correlate. Using talent as an example, he and other researchers state, “The maximum success never coincides with the maximum talent, and vice-versa,” and that such factors are the result of chance.

However, it is important to note that while there have been associations of such with meritocracy, the principle should not be confused with further reaching implications. As Alessandro Pluchino at the University of Catania in Italy points out, other attributes do not necessarily correlate. Using talent as an example, he and other researchers state, “The maximum success never coincides with the maximum talent, and vice-versa,” and that such factors are the result of chance.

然而,必须指出的是,虽然有人把帕累托原则与精英政治联系起来,但这一原则其实不应与进一步的影响混为一谈。正如意大利卡塔尼亚大学的 Alessandro Pluchino 指出,其他属性并不一定相互关联。他和其他研究人员指出,以天赋为例,“最大的成功从来都不等同于最大的天赋,反之亦然。”这样的因素是偶然的结果[11]

The physicist Victor Yakovenko of the University of Maryland, College Park and AC Silva analyzed income data from the US Internal Revenue Service from 1983 to 2001, and found that the income distribution among the upper class (1–3% of the population) follows Pareto's principle.

The physicist Victor Yakovenko of the University of Maryland, College Park and AC Silva analyzed income data from the US Internal Revenue Service from 1983 to 2001, and found that the income distribution among the upper class (1–3% of the population) follows Pareto's principle.

马里兰大学学院帕克分校的物理学家Victor Yakovenko和AC Silva分析了美国国税局1983年到2001年的收入数据,发现上层阶级(占总人口的1-3%)的收入分配遵循帕累托原则[12]

In computing


In computer science the Pareto principle can be applied to optimization efforts. For example, Microsoft noted that by fixing the top 20% of the most-reported bugs, 80% of the related errors and crashes in a given system would be eliminated. Lowell Arthur expressed that "20 percent of the code has 80 percent of the errors. Find them, fix them!" It was also discovered that in general the 80% of a certain piece of software can be written in 20% of the total allocated time. Conversely, the hardest 20% of the code takes 80% of the time. This factor is usually a part of COCOMO estimating for software coding.

In computer science the Pareto principle can be applied to optimization efforts. For example, Microsoft noted that by fixing the top 20% of the most-reported bugs, 80% of the related errors and crashes in a given system would be eliminated. Lowell Arthur expressed that "20 percent of the code has 80 percent of the errors. Find them, fix them!" It was also discovered that in general the 80% of a certain piece of software can be written in 20% of the total allocated time. Conversely, the hardest 20% of the code takes 80% of the time. This factor is usually a part of COCOMO estimating for software coding.

在计算机科学中,帕累托原则可以应用于优化工作[13]。例如,微软指出,通过修复前20%的报告最多的错误,可以消除给定系统中80%的相关错误和崩溃[14]。Lowell Arthur表示“20%的代码有80%的错误,找到并修复它们!”[15]人们还发现,一般来说,某个软件的80%可以在总分配时间的20%内编写完毕。相反,最难的20%的代码占用了80%的时间。这个因素通常是为软件编码中构造性成本模型COCOMO估算的一部分。

In sports


It has been inferred that the Pareto principle applies to athletic training, where roughly 20% of the exercises and habits have 80% of the impact, and the trainee should not focus so much on a varied training. This does not necessarily mean that having a healthy diet or going to the gym are not important, but they are not as significant as the key activities. It is also important to note this 80/20 rule has yet to be scientifically tested in controlled studies of athletic training.

It has been inferred that the Pareto principle applies to athletic training, where roughly 20% of the exercises and habits have 80% of the impact, and the trainee should not focus so much on a varied training. This does not necessarily mean that having a healthy diet or going to the gym are not important, but they are not as significant as the key activities. It is also important to note this 80/20 rule has yet to be scientifically tested in controlled studies of athletic training.


In baseball, the Pareto principle has been perceived in Wins Above Replacement (an attempt to combine multiple statistics to determine a player's overall importance to a team). "15% of all the players last year produced 85% of the total wins with the other 85% of the players creating 15% of the wins. The Pareto principle holds up pretty soundly when it is applied to baseball."

In baseball, the Pareto principle has been perceived in Wins Above Replacement (an attempt to combine multiple statistics to determine a player's overall importance to a team). "15% of all the players last year produced 85% of the total wins with the other 85% of the players creating 15% of the wins. The Pareto principle holds up pretty soundly when it is applied to baseball."

在棒球比赛中,帕累托原则也体现在Wins Above Replacement(试图结合多种统计数据来确定一个球员对一个球队的整体重要性)中。“去年15%的球员创造了85%的总胜利,其他85%的球员创造了15%的胜利。帕累托原则在棒球比赛中得到了充分体现。”[17]

Occupational health and safety


Occupational health and safety professionals use the Pareto principle to underline the importance of hazard prioritization. Assuming 20% of the hazards account for 80% of the injuries, and by categorizing hazards, safety professionals can target those 20% of the hazards that cause 80% of the injuries or accidents. Alternatively, if hazards are addressed in random order, a safety professional is more likely to fix one of the 80% of hazards that account only for some fraction of the remaining 20% of injuries.

Occupational health and safety professionals use the Pareto principle to underline the importance of hazard prioritization. Assuming 20% of the hazards account for 80% of the injuries, and by categorizing hazards, safety professionals can target those 20% of the hazards that cause 80% of the injuries or accidents. Alternatively, if hazards are addressed in random order, a safety professional is more likely to fix one of the 80% of hazards that account only for some fraction of the remaining 20% of injuries.


Aside from ensuring efficient accident prevention practices, the Pareto principle also ensures hazards are addressed in an economical order, because the technique ensures the utilized resources are best used to prevent the most accidents.

Aside from ensuring efficient accident prevention practices, the Pareto principle also ensures hazards are addressed in an economical order, because the technique ensures the utilized resources are best used to prevent the most accidents.


Other applications


The Pareto principle has many applications in quality control where it was first created. It is the basis for the Pareto chart, one of the key tools used in total quality control and Six Sigma techniques. The Pareto principle serves as a baseline for ABC-analysis and XYZ-analysis, widely used in logistics and procurement for the purpose of optimizing stock of goods, as well as costs of keeping and replenishing that stock.



In engineering control theory, such as for electromechanical energy converters, the 80/20 principle applies to optimization efforts.[13]

In engineering control theory, such as for electromechanical energy converters, the 80/20 principle applies to optimization efforts.


The law of the few can be also seen in betting, where it is said that with 20% effort you can match the accuracy of 80% of the bettors.[21]


In the systems science discipline, Joshua M. Epstein and Robert Axtell created an agent-based simulation model called Sugarscape, from a decentralized modeling approach, based on individual behavior rules defined for each agent in the economy. Wealth distribution and Pareto's 80/20 principle became emergent in their results, which suggests the principle is a collective consequence of these individual rules.[22]

In the systems science discipline, Joshua M. Epstein and Robert Axtell created an agent-based simulation model called Sugarscape, from a decentralized modeling approach, based on individual behavior rules defined for each agent in the economy. Wealth distribution and Pareto's 80/20 principle became emergent in their results, which suggests the principle is a collective consequence of these individual rules.

在系统科学领域,Joshua M.Epstein和Robert Axtell用分散建模方法,创建了一个名为Sugarscape的基于代理的仿真模型,该模型基于为经济中每个代理人定义的个人行为规则。财富分配原则和帕累托原则在仿真的结果中突现,表明这一原则是这些个人规则的集体结果[22]

In health care in the United States, in one instance 20% of patients have been found to use 80% of health care resources.

In health care in the United States, in one instance 20% of patients have been found to use 80% of health care resources.


Some cases of super-spreading conform to the 20/80 rule, where approximately 20% of infected individuals are responsible for 80% of transmissions, although super-spreading can still be said to occur when super-spreaders account for a higher or lower percentage of transmissions. In epidemics with super-spreading, the majority of individuals infect relatively few secondary contacts. Some cases of super-spreading conform to the 20/80 rule, where approximately 20% of infected individuals are responsible for 80% of transmissions, although super-spreading can still be said to occur when super-spreaders account for a higher or lower percentage of transmissions. In epidemics with super-spreading, the majority of individuals infect relatively few secondary contacts.


The Dunedin Study has found 80% of crimes are committed by 20% of criminals. This statistic has been used to support both stop-and-frisk policies and broken windows policing, as catching those criminals committing minor crimes will supposedly net many criminals wanted for (or who would normally commit) larger ones.

The Dunedin Study has found 80% of crimes are committed by 20% of criminals. This statistic has been used to support both stop-and-frisk policies and broken windows policing, as catching those criminals committing minor crimes will supposedly net many criminals wanted for (or who would normally commit) larger ones.


Many video rental shops reported in 1988 that 80% of revenue came from 20% of videotapes. A video-chain executive discussed the "Gone with the Wind syndrome", however, in which every store had to offer classics like Gone with the Wind, Casablanca, or The African Queen to appear to have a large inventory, even if customers very rarely rented them.

Many video rental shops reported in 1988 that 80% of revenue came from 20% of videotapes. A video-chain executive discussed the "Gone with the Wind syndrome", however, in which every store had to offer classics like Gone with the Wind, Casablanca, or The African Queen to appear to have a large inventory, even if customers very rarely rented them.


The idea has a rule of thumb application in many places, but it is commonly misused. For example, it is a misuse to state a solution to a problem "fits the 80/20 rule" just because it fits 80% of the cases; it must also be that the solution requires only 20% of the resources that would be needed to solve all cases. Additionally, it is a misuse of the 80/20 rule to interpret a small number of categories or observations.

这个想法在很多地方都被当做经验法则来应用,但常常被误用。例如,仅仅因为一个问题的解决方案适用80%的原则,就声称其“符合帕累托原则” ,这是一种误用;该解决方案还必须只需要解决所有案例所需资源的20% 。此外,用帕累托原则来解释少数的类别或意见也是一种滥用。

Mathematical notes


This is a special case of the wider phenomenon of Pareto distributions. If the Pareto index α, which is one of the parameters characterizing a Pareto distribution, is chosen as α = log45 ≈ 1.16, then one has 80% of effects coming from 20% of causes.



It follows that one also has 80% of that top 80% of effects coming from 20% of that top 20% of causes, and so on. Eighty percent of 80% is 64%; 20% of 20% is 4%, so this implies a "64/4" law; and similarly implies a "51.2/0.8" law. Similarly for the bottom 80% of causes and bottom 20% of effects, the bottom 80% of the bottom 80% only cause 20% of the remaining 20%. This is broadly in line with the world population/wealth table above, where the bottom 60% of the people own 5.5% of the wealth, approximating to a 64/4 connection.

因此,前80%的影响中,有80%来自前20%的原因里的前20%,以此类推。80%的80%是64%,20%的20%是4%,所以这意味着一个“64/4”原则,同样意味着一个“51.2/0.8”原则。同样,对于底层80%的原因和底层20%的结果,底层80%的80%只造成剩下的20%的20% 。这与上面的世界人口财富表基本一致:底层60%的人拥有5.5%的财富,接近于64/4的联系。

This is a special case of the wider phenomenon of Pareto distributions. If the Pareto index α, which is one of the parameters characterizing a Pareto distribution, is chosen as α = log45 ≈ 1.16, then one has 80% of effects coming from 20% of causes.

The 64/4 correlation also implies a 32% 'fair' area between the 4% and 64%, where the lower 80% of the top 20% (16%) and upper 20% of the bottom 80% (also 16%) relates to the corresponding lower top and upper bottom of effects (32%). This is also broadly in line with the world population table above, where the second 20% control 12% of the wealth, and the bottom of the top 20% (presumably) control 16% of the wealth.

64/4的相关性还意味着在4%和64%之间有32%的“公平”区域,其中前20%的后80%(16%)和后80%的前20% (也是16%)造成了相应的“上层的下层”和“下层的上层”的效果(32%)。这也与上面的世界人口表基本一致,其中次富有的20%控制着12%的财富,而最富有的20%的底层(大概)控制着16%的财富。

It follows that one also has 80% of that top 80% of effects coming from 20% of that top 20% of causes, and so on. Eighty percent of 80% is 64%; 20% of 20% is 4%, so this implies a "64/4" law; and similarly implies a "51.2/0.8" law. Similarly for the bottom 80% of causes and bottom 20% of effects, the bottom 80% of the bottom 80% only cause 20% of the remaining 20%. This is broadly in line with the world population/wealth table above, where the bottom 60% of the people own 5.5% of the wealth, approximating to a 64/4 connection.

The term 80/20 is only a shorthand for the general principle at work. In individual cases, the distribution could just as well be, say, nearer to 90/10 or 70/30. There is no need for the two numbers to add up to the number 100, as they are measures of different things, (e.g., 'number of customers' vs 'amount spent'). However, each case in which they do not add up to 100%, is equivalent to one in which they do. For example, as noted above, the "64/4 law" (in which the two numbers do not add up to 100%) is equivalent to the "80/20 law" (in which they do add up to 100%). Thus, specifying two percentages independently does not lead to a broader class of distributions than what one gets by specifying the larger one and letting the smaller one be its complement relative to 100%. Thus, there is only one degree of freedom in the choice of that parameter.


The 64/4 correlation also implies a 32% 'fair' area between the 4% and 64%, where the lower 80% of the top 20% (16%) and upper 20% of the bottom 80% (also 16%) relates to the corresponding lower top and upper bottom of effects (32%). This is also broadly in line with the world population table above, where the second 20% control 12% of the wealth, and the bottom of the top 20% (presumably) control 16% of the wealth.

Adding up to 100 leads to a nice symmetry. For example, if 80% of effects come from the top 20% of sources, then the remaining 20% of effects come from the lower 80% of sources. This is called the "joint ratio", and can be used to measure the degree of imbalance: a joint ratio of 96:4 is extremely imbalanced, 80:20 is highly imbalanced (Gini index: 76%), 70:30 is moderately imbalanced (Gini index: 28%), and 55:45 is just slightly imbalanced (Gini index 14%).

100加起来就是一个完美的对称。例如,如果80%的影响来自前20%的来源,那么剩下的20%的影响来自后80%的来源。这就是所谓的“联合比率”,可以用来衡量不平衡的程度: 96:4的联合比率极不平衡,80:20的联合比率高度不平衡(基尼指数: 76%) ,70:30的联合比率中度不平衡(基尼指数: 28%) ,55:45的联合比率略不平衡(基尼指数14%)。

The term 80/20 is only a shorthand for the general principle at work. In individual cases, the distribution could just as well be, say, nearer to 90/10 or 70/30. There is no need for the two numbers to add up to the number 100, as they are measures of different things, (e.g., 'number of customers' vs 'amount spent'). However, each case in which they do not add up to 100%, is equivalent to one in which they do. For example, as noted above, the "64/4 law" (in which the two numbers do not add up to 100%) is equivalent to the "80/20 law" (in which they do add up to 100%). Thus, specifying two percentages independently does not lead to a broader class of distributions than what one gets by specifying the larger one and letting the smaller one be its complement relative to 100%. Thus, there is only one degree of freedom in the choice of that parameter.

The Pareto principle is an illustration of a "power law" relationship, which also occurs in phenomena such as brush fires and earthquakes.

The Pareto principle is an illustration of a "power law" relationship, which also occurs in phenomena such as brush fires and earthquakes.


Because it is self-similar over a wide range of magnitudes, it produces outcomes completely different from Normal or Gaussian distribution phenomena. This fact explains the frequent breakdowns of sophisticated financial instruments, which are modeled on the assumption that a Gaussian relationship is appropriate to something like stock price movements.

Because it is self-similar over a wide range of magnitudes, it produces outcomes completely different from Normal or Gaussian distribution phenomena. This fact explains the frequent breakdowns of sophisticated financial instruments, which are modeled on the assumption that a Gaussian relationship is appropriate to something like stock price movements.


Adding up to 100 leads to a nice symmetry. For example, if 80% of effects come from the top 20% of sources, then the remaining 20% of effects come from the lower 80% of sources. This is called the "joint ratio", and can be used to measure the degree of imbalance: a joint ratio of 96:4 is extremely imbalanced, 80:20 is highly imbalanced (Gini index: 76%), 70:30 is moderately imbalanced (Gini index: 28%), and 55:45 is just slightly imbalanced (Gini index 14%).

Equality measures


Using the "A : B" notation (for example, 0.8:0.2) and with A + B = 1, inequality measures like the Gini index (G) and the Hoover index (H) can be computed. In this case both are the same.

已知A+B=1,使用“A: B”符号(例如,0.8: 0.2),可以计算基尼指数(G)和胡佛指数(H)等不平等度量。在这种情况下,两者是相同的。

Gini coefficient and Hoover index


H=G=|2A-1|=|1-2B| \, 

H = G = | 2A-1 | = | 1-2B | ,

Using the "A : B" notation (for example, 0.8:0.2) and with A + B = 1, inequality measures like the Gini index (G) and the Hoover index (H) can be computed. In this case both are the same.

已知A+B=1,使用“A: B”符号(例如,0.8: 0.2),可以计算基尼指数(G)和胡佛指数(H)等不平等度量。在这种情况下,两者是相同的。

A:B = \left( \frac{1+H} 2 \right): \left( \frac{1-H} 2 \right)

A: B = left (frac {1 + H }2 right) : left (frac {1-H }2 right)

[math]\displaystyle{ H=G=|2A-1|=|1-2B| \, }[/math]

[math]\displaystyle{ A:B = \left( \frac{1+H} 2 \right): \left( \frac{1-H} 2 \right) }[/math]

See also




  1. Box, George E.P.; Meyer, R. Daniel (1986). "An Analysis for Unreplicated Fractional Factorials". Technometrics. 28 (1): 11–18. doi:10.1080/00401706.1986.10488093.
  2. Bunkley, Nick (March 3, 2008). "Joseph Juran, 103, Pioneer in Quality Control, Dies". The New York Times.
  3. Newman, MEJ (2005). "Power laws, Pareto Distributions, and Zipf's law" (PDF). Contemporary Physics. 46 (5): 323–351. arXiv:cond-mat/0412004. Bibcode:2005ConPh..46..323N. doi:10.1080/00107510500052444. S2CID 202719165. Retrieved 10 April 2011.
  4. Marshall, Perry (2013-10-09). "The 80/20 Rule of Sales: How to Find Your Best Customers". Entrepreneur (in English). Retrieved 2018-01-05.
  5. Pareto, Vilfredo; Page, Alfred N. (1971), Translation of Manuale di economia politica ("Manual of political economy"), A.M. Kelley, ISBN 978-0-678-00881-2
  6. Gorostiaga, Xabier (January 27, 1995), "World has become a 'champagne glass' globalization will fill it fuller for a wealthy few", National Catholic Reporter
  7. United Nations Development Program (1992), 1992 Human Development Report, New York: Oxford University Press
  8. Human Development Report 1992, Chapter 3, retrieved 2007-07-08
  9. Curtis Dubay (May 4, 2009) The Rich Pay More Taxes: Top 20 Percent Pay Record Share of Income Taxes, Heritage.org, accessed 12 April 2018
  10. Laura Sanders (April 6, 2018) Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax, Wall Street Journal, accessed 12 April 2018
  11. Emerging Technology from the arXiv (March 1, 2018) If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich? Turns out it’s just chance., TechnologyReview.com, accessed 1 January 2019
  12. Yakovenko, Victor M.; Silva, A. Christian (2005), Chatterjee, Arnab; Yarlagadda, Sudhakar; Chakrabarti, Bikas K. (eds.), "Two-class Structure of Income Distribution in the USA: Exponential Bulk and Power-law Tail", Econophysics of Wealth Distributions: Econophys-Kolkata I, New Economic Windows (in English), Springer Milan, pp. 15–23, doi:10.1007/88-470-0389-x_2, ISBN 978-88-470-0389-7
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Gen, M.; Cheng, R. (2002), Genetic Algorithms and Engineering Optimization, New York: Wiley
  14. Rooney, Paula (October 3, 2002), Microsoft's CEO: 80–20 Rule Applies To Bugs, Not Just Features, ChannelWeb
  15. Pressman, Roger S. (2010). Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach (7th ed.). Boston, Mass: McGraw-Hill, 2010. .
  16. Training and the 80-20 rule of Pareto's Principle, 21 November 2008
  17. Jeff Zimmerman (Jun 4, 2010). Applying the Pareto Principle (80-20 Rule) to Baseball, BeyondTheBoxScore.com, accessed 12 April 2018
  18. Woodcock, Kathryn (2010). Safety Evaluation Techniques. Toronto, ON: Ryerson University. pp. 86. http://www.ryerson.ca/woodcock/. 
  19. "Introduction to Risk-based Decision-Making" (PDF). USCG Safety Program. United States Coast Guard. Retrieved 14 January 2012.
  20. 脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。, pp. 107–108.
  21. The Pareto Principle of Prediction
  22. 22.0 22.1 Epstein, Joshua; Axtell, Robert (1996), Growing Artificial Societies: Social Science from the Bottom-Up, MIT Press, p. 208, ISBN 0-262-55025-3 The Pareto principle has many applications in quality control. It is the basis for the Pareto chart, one of the key tools used in total quality control and Six Sigma techniques. The Pareto principle serves as a baseline for ABC-analysis and XYZ-analysis, widely used in logistics and procurement for the purpose of optimizing stock of goods, as well as costs of keeping and replenishing that stock. The Pareto principle has many applications in quality control. It is the basis for the Pareto chart, one of the key tools used in total quality control and Six Sigma techniques. The Pareto principle serves as a baseline for ABC-analysis and XYZ-analysis, widely used in logistics and procurement for the purpose of optimizing stock of goods, as well as costs of keeping and replenishing that stock. 帕雷托原则在质量控制方面有很多应用,<ref>50MINUTES.COM (2015-08-17) (in en). The Pareto Principle for Business Management: Expand your business with the 80/20 rule. 50 Minutes. ISBN 9782806265869. https://books.google.com/books?id=QtVmCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA8&lpg=PA8&dq=The+Pareto+principle+has+many+applications+in+quality+control#v=onepage. 
  23. Myrl Weinberg: In health-care reform, the 20-80 solution | Contributors | projo.com | The Providence Journal -{zh-cn:互联网档案馆; zh-tw:網際網路檔案館; zh-hk:互聯網檔案館;}-存檔,存档日期2009-08-02.
  24. "Myrl Weinberg: In health-care reform, the 20-80 solution - Contributo…". archive.li. 2 August 2009. Archived from the original on 2 August 2009.
  25. Sawyer and Claxton, Bradley and Gary. "How do health expenditures vary across the population?". Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker. Peterson Center on Healthcare and the Kaiser Family Foundation. Retrieved 13 March 2019.
  26. Galvani, Alison P.; May, Robert M. (2005). "Epidemiology: Dimensions of superspreading". Nature. 438 (7066): 293–295. Bibcode:2005Natur.438..293G. doi:10.1038/438293a. PMC 7095140. PMID 16292292.
  27. Lloyd-Smith, JO; Schreiber, SJ; Kopp, PE; Getz, WM (2005). "Superspreading and the effect of individual variation on disease emergence". Nature. 438 (7066): 355–359. Bibcode:2005Natur.438..355L. doi:10.1038/nature04153. PMC 7094981. PMID 16292310.
  28. Nicola, Davis (2016), 'High social cost' adults can be predicted from as young as three, says study, The Guardian
  29. Kleinfield, N. R. (1988-05-01). "A Tight Squeeze at Video Stores". The New York Times (in English). ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2019-02-08.
  30. Bak, Per (1999), How Nature Works: the science of self-organized criticality, Springer, p. 89, ISBN 0-387-94791-4
  31. Taleb, Nassim (2007), The Black Swan, pp. 229–252, 274–285

Further reading


  • Klass, O. S.; Biham, O.; Levy, M.; Malcai, O.; Soloman, S. (2006), "The Forbes 400 and the Pareto wealth distribution", Economics Letters, 90 (2): 290–295, doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2005.08.020{{citation}}: CS1 maint: uses authors parameter (link)
  • Koch, R. (2004), Living the 80/20 Way: Work Less, Worry Less, Succeed More, Enjoy More, London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, ISBN 1-85788-331-4
  • Rushton, A.; Oxley, J.; Croucher, P. (2000), The handbook of logistics and distribution management (2nd ed.), London: Kogan Page, ISBN 978-0-7494-3365-9.

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