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添加185字节 、 2020年7月25日 (六) 21:17
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In addition to the identification and quantification of the above given molecules further techniques analyze the dynamics and interactions within a cell.The interactions studied include organismal, tissue, cell, and molecular interactions within the cell (interactomics). Currently, the authoritative molecular discipline in this field of study is protein-protein interactions (PPI), although the working definition does not preclude inclusion of other molecular disciplines. These molecular disciplines include; neuroelectrodynamics, an organismal network where the brain's computing function as a dynamic system includes underlying biophysical mechanisms and emerging computation by electrical interactions; fluxomics, measurements of molecular dynamic changes over time in a system such as a cell, tissue, or organism;
In addition to the identification and quantification of the above given molecules further techniques analyze the dynamics and interactions within a cell.The interactions studied include organismal, tissue, cell, and molecular interactions within the cell (interactomics). Currently, the authoritative molecular discipline in this field of study is protein-protein interactions (PPI), although the working definition does not preclude inclusion of other molecular disciplines. These molecular disciplines include; neuroelectrodynamics, an organismal network where the brain's computing function as a dynamic system includes underlying biophysical mechanisms and emerging computation by electrical interactions; fluxomics, measurements of molecular dynamic changes over time in a system such as a cell, tissue, or organism;
除了识别和定量化给定的分子之外,有进一步的技术来分析细胞内的动力学和相互作用。研究的相互作用包括生物、组织、细胞和细胞内分子的相互作用(相互作用组学)。目前,在这一领域的权威分子领域是蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用(PPI) ,虽然工作的定义并不排除包括其他分子学科。这些分子学科包括: 神经电动力学,这是一个有机体网络,其中大脑的计算功能作为一个动态系统,包括潜在的生物物理机制和新兴的电力相互作用的计算; 流体学,测量分子随着时间的动态变化在一个系统,如细胞,组织,或有机体;
除了识别和定量化上述给定的分子之外,有进一步的技术来分析细胞内的动力学和相互作用。研究的相互作用包括生物、组织、细胞和细胞内分子的相互作用(相互作用组学)。目前,在这一领域的权威分子学科[[用户:Jxzhou|Jxzhou]]([[用户讨论:Jxzhou|讨论]])authoritative molecular discipline这样翻译是否合适?[[用户:Jxzhou|Jxzhou]]([[用户讨论:Jxzhou|讨论]])是蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用(PPI) ,虽然工作的定义并不排除包括其他分子学科。这些分子学科包括: 神经电动力学,这是一个有机体网络,其中大脑的计算功能作为一个动态系统,包括潜在的生物物理机制和新兴的电力相互作用的计算;流体学,测量一个系统里分子随着时间的动态变化,如细胞、组织或有机体;

