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删除15字节 、 2020年7月25日 (六) 21:43
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In approaching a systems biology problem there are two main approaches. These are the top down and bottom up approach. The top down approach takes as much of the system into account as possible and relies largely on experimental results. The RNA-seq technique is an example of an experimental top down approach. Conversely, the bottom up approach is used to create detailed models while also incorporating experimental data. An example of the bottom up approach is the use of circuit models to describe a simple gene network.
In approaching a systems biology problem there are two main approaches. These are the top down and bottom up approach. The top down approach takes as much of the system into account as possible and relies largely on experimental results. The RNA-seq technique is an example of an experimental top down approach. Conversely, the bottom up approach is used to create detailed models while also incorporating experimental data. An example of the bottom up approach is the use of circuit models to describe a simple gene network.
在处理系统生物学问题时,有两种主要的方法。这些是自上而下和自下而上的方法。自上而下的方法尽可能多地考虑系统,并且在很大程度上依赖于实验结果。RNA-seq 技术是自顶向下实验方法的一个例子。相反,自底向上的方法用于创建详细的模型,同时也合并了实验数据。自底向上方法的一个例子是使用电路模型来描述一个简单的基因网络。
在处理系统生物学问题时,有两种主要的方法。它们分别是自上而下和自下而上的方法。自上而下的方法尽可能多把系统考虑在内,并且在很大程度上依赖于实验结果。RNA-seq 技术是自上而下实验方法的一个例子。相反,自下而上的方法用于创建详细的模型,同时也结合了实验数据。自下而上方法的一个例子是使用电路模型来描述一个简单的基因网络。
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Various technologies utilized to capture dynamic changes in mRNA, proteins, and post-translational modifications. Mechanobiology, forces and physical properties at all scales, their interplay with other regulatory mechanisms; biosemiotics, analysis of the system of sign relations of an organism or other biosystems; Physiomics, a systematic study of physiome in biology.
Various technologies utilized to capture dynamic changes in mRNA, proteins, and post-translational modifications. Mechanobiology, forces and physical properties at all scales, their interplay with other regulatory mechanisms; biosemiotics, analysis of the system of sign relations of an organism or other biosystems; Physiomics, a systematic study of physiome in biology.
各种技术用于捕获动态变化的信使核糖核酸,蛋白质,和翻译后修饰。机械生物学,所有尺度的力和物理性质,它们与其他调节机制的相互作用; 生物符号学,分析有机体或其他生物系统的符号关系系统; 生理组学,生物学中生理组的系统研究。
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Cancer systems biology is an example of the systems biology approach, which can be distinguished by the specific object of study (tumorigenesis and treatment of cancer). It works with the specific data  (patient samples, high-throughput data with particular attention to characterizing cancer genome in patient tumour samples) and tools (immortalized cancer cell lines, mouse models of tumorigenesis, xenograft models, high-throughput sequencing methods, siRNA-based gene knocking down high-throughput screenings, computational modeling of the consequences of somatic mutations and genome instability). The long-term objective of the systems biology of cancer is ability to better diagnose cancer, classify it and better predict the outcome of a suggested treatment, which is a basis for personalized cancer medicine and virtual cancer patient in more distant prospective. Significant efforts in computational systems biology of cancer have been made in creating realistic multi-scale in silico models of various tumours.<ref name="byrne2010">
Cancer systems biology is an example of the systems biology approach, which can be distinguished by the specific object of study (tumorigenesis and treatment of cancer). It works with the specific data  (patient samples, high-throughput data with particular attention to characterizing cancer genome in patient tumour samples) and tools (immortalized cancer cell lines, mouse models of tumorigenesis, xenograft models, high-throughput sequencing methods, siRNA-based gene knocking down high-throughput screenings, computational modeling of the consequences of somatic mutations and genome instability). The long-term objective of the systems biology of cancer is ability to better diagnose cancer, classify it and better predict the outcome of a suggested treatment, which is a basis for personalized cancer medicine and virtual cancer patient in more distant prospective. Significant efforts in computational systems biology of cancer have been made in creating realistic multi-scale in silico models of various tumours.<ref name="byrne2010">
癌症系统生物学是系统生物学方法的一个例子,它可以通过特定的研究对象(肿瘤发生和癌症治疗)来区分。它使用特定的数据(患者样本、高通量数据,特别注意在患者肿瘤样本中描述癌症基因组)和工具(永生化癌细胞系、肿瘤发生的小鼠模型、异种移植模型、高通量测序方法、基于 sirna 的基因敲除高通量筛选、体细胞突变后果的计算模型和基因体不稳定)。癌症系统生物学的长期目标是能够更好地诊断癌症,对癌症进行分类,并更好地预测建议的治疗结果,这是个性化癌症医学和虚拟癌症患者在更远的前景的基础。在癌症的计算系统生物学方面已经做出了重大的努力,在各种肿瘤的计算机模型中创造了现实的多尺度。< ref name ="byrne 2010">  
癌症系统生物学是系统生物学研究的一个例子,它可以通过特定的研究对象(肿瘤发生和癌症治疗)来区分。它使用特定的数据(患者样本、高通量数据,特别注意在患者肿瘤样本中描述癌症基因组)和工具(永生化癌细胞系、肿瘤发生的小鼠模型、异种移植模型、高通量测序方法、基于siRNA的基因敲除高通量筛选、体细胞突变后果的计算模型和基因不稳定性)。癌症系统生物学的长期目标是能够更好地诊断癌症,对癌症进行分类,并更好地预测建议的治疗结果,这是个性化癌症医学和虚拟癌症患者在更远的前景的基础。在癌症的计算系统生物学方面已经做出了重大的努力,在各种肿瘤的计算机模型中创造了真实的多尺度。< ref name ="byrne 2010">  
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The investigations are frequently combined with large-scale perturbation methods, including gene-based (RNAi, mis-expression of wild type and mutant genes) and chemical approaches using small molecule libraries. Robots and automated sensors enable such large-scale experimentation and data acquisition. These technologies are still emerging and many face problems that the larger the quantity of data produced, the lower the quality. A wide variety of quantitative scientists (computational biologists, statisticians, mathematicians, computer scientists and physicists) are working to improve the quality of these approaches and to create, refine, and retest the models to accurately reflect observations.
The investigations are frequently combined with large-scale perturbation methods, including gene-based (RNAi, mis-expression of wild type and mutant genes) and chemical approaches using small molecule libraries. Robots and automated sensors enable such large-scale experimentation and data acquisition. These technologies are still emerging and many face problems that the larger the quantity of data produced, the lower the quality. A wide variety of quantitative scientists (computational biologists, statisticians, mathematicians, computer scientists and physicists) are working to improve the quality of these approaches and to create, refine, and retest the models to accurately reflect observations.
这些研究经常与大规模的微扰方法结合,包括基于基因的(rna 干扰,野生型和突变型基因的错误表达)和使用小分子文库的化学方法。机器人和自动化传感器使这种大规模的实验和数据采集成为可能。这些技术仍在出现,许多面临的问题是,产生的数据量越大,质量就越低。各种各样的定量科学家(计算生物学家、统计学家、数学家、计算机科学家和物理学家)正在努力提高这些方法的质量,并创建、完善和重新测试模型,以准确地反映观测结果。
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The systems biology approach often involves the development of mechanistic models, such as the reconstruction of dynamic systems from the quantitative properties of their elementary building blocks. For instance, a cellular network can be modelled mathematically using methods coming from chemical kinetics and control theory. Due to the large number of parameters, variables and constraints in cellular networks, numerical and computational techniques are often used (e.g., flux balance analysis).
The systems biology approach often involves the development of mechanistic models, such as the reconstruction of dynamic systems from the quantitative properties of their elementary building blocks. For instance, a cellular network can be modelled mathematically using methods coming from chemical kinetics and control theory. Due to the large number of parameters, variables and constraints in cellular networks, numerical and computational techniques are often used (e.g., flux balance analysis).
== Bioinformatics and data analysis ==
== Bioinformatics and data analysis ==

