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添加49字节 、 2020年9月25日 (五) 19:45
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Homophily (from Ancient Greek: homoû, 'together' + philíē, 'friendship, love') is the tendency of individuals to associate and bond with similar others, as in the proverb "birds of a feather flock together." The presence of homophily has been discovered in a vast array of network studies: over  have observed homophily in some form or another, and they establish that similarity is associated with connection. The categories on which homophily occurs include age, gender, class, and organizational role.
Homophily (from Ancient Greek: homoû, 'together' + philíē, 'friendship, love') is the tendency of individuals to associate and bond with similar others, as in the proverb "birds of a feather flock together." The presence of homophily has been discovered in a vast array of network studies: over  have observed homophily in some form or another, and they establish that similarity is associated with connection. The categories on which homophily occurs include age, gender, class, and organizational role.
同相性(来自古希腊语: Homophily,“ together” + philí,“ friendship,love”)是指个体倾向于与相似的其他人交往和结合,就像谚语“物以类聚,人以群分”一样同质性的存在已经在大量的网络研究中被发现: 过多地观察到某种形式的同质性,并且他们建立了相似性与连接相关联。同质性发生的范畴包括年龄、性别、阶级和组织角色。
同质性(源自古希腊语:homoû,“ together” +philíē,“ friendship,love”)是个体趋向于与相似的其他人交往和联系的一种倾向,就像谚语“羽毛鸟聚在一起”。 在各种各样的网络研究中都发现了同质性的存在:过去以某种形式或其他形式观察到同质性,并且他们确定相似性与连接有关。 同形发生的类别包括年龄,性别,阶级和组织角色。

