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==Personal life==
==Personal life个人生活==
Douglas Hofstadter wrote a popular book in 1979 called  to celebrate the work and ideas of Gödel, along with those of artist M. C. Escher and composer Johann Sebastian Bach. The book partly explores the ramifications of the fact that Gödel's incompleteness theorem can be applied to any Turing-complete computational system, which may include the human brain.
Douglas Hofstadter wrote a popular book in 1979 called  to celebrate the work and ideas of Gödel, along with those of artist M. C. Escher and composer Johann Sebastian Bach. The book partly explores the ramifications of the fact that Gödel's incompleteness theorem can be applied to any Turing-complete computational system, which may include the human brain.
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===Religious views===
===Religious views宗教观点===
Gödel is played by Lou Jacobi in the 1994 film I.Q.
Gödel is played by Lou Jacobi in the 1994 film I.Q.
哥德尔由卢 · 雅各比在1994年的电影《智商》中扮演。
在1994年的电影《智商》中哥德尔由卢 · 雅各比扮演。
Gödel was a convinced [[theist]], in the Christian tradition.<ref>{{cite book|title=A to Z of Mathematicians|year=2005|publisher=Infobase Publishing|isbn=978-0-8160-5338-4|author=Tucker McElroy|page=[https://archive.org/details/tozofmathematici0000mcel/page/118 118]|quote=Gödel had a happy childhood, and was called "Mr. Why" by his family, due to his numerous questions. He was baptized as a Lutheran, and re-mained a theist (a believer in a personal God) throughout his life.|url=https://archive.org/details/tozofmathematici0000mcel/page/118}}</ref> He held the notion that God was personal.
Gödel was a convinced [[theist]], in the Christian tradition.<ref>{{cite book|title=A to Z of Mathematicians|year=2005|publisher=Infobase Publishing|isbn=978-0-8160-5338-4|author=Tucker McElroy|page=[https://archive.org/details/tozofmathematici0000mcel/page/118 118]|quote=Gödel had a happy childhood, and was called "Mr. Why" by his family, due to his numerous questions. He was baptized as a Lutheran, and re-mained a theist (a believer in a personal God) throughout his life.|url=https://archive.org/details/tozofmathematici0000mcel/page/118}}</ref> He held the notion that God was personal.
哥德尔在基督教传统中是一个有神论者。<ref>{{cite book|title=A to Z of Mathematicians|year=2005|publisher=Infobase Publishing|isbn=978-0-8160-5338-4|author=Tucker McElroy|page=[https://archive.org/details/tozofmathematici0000mcel/page/118 118]|quote=Gödel had a happy childhood, and was called "Mr. Why" by his family, due to his numerous questions. He was baptized as a Lutheran, and re-mained a theist (a believer in a personal God) throughout his life.|url=https://archive.org/details/tozofmathematici0000mcel/page/118}}</ref>他认为上帝是个人的。
He believed firmly in an afterlife, stating: "Of course this supposes that there are many relationships which today's science and received wisdom haven't any inkling of. But I am convinced of this [the afterlife], independently of any theology." It is "possible today to perceive, by pure reasoning" that it "is entirely consistent with known facts."  "If the world is rationally constructed and has meaning, then there must be such a thing [as an afterlife]."<ref>Hao Wang, "A Logical Journey: From Gödel to Philosophy", 1996, pp. 104–05.</ref>
He believed firmly in an afterlife, stating: "Of course this supposes that there are many relationships which today's science and received wisdom haven't any inkling of. But I am convinced of this [the afterlife], independently of any theology." It is "possible today to perceive, by pure reasoning" that it "is entirely consistent with known facts."  "If the world is rationally constructed and has meaning, then there must be such a thing [as an afterlife]."<ref>Hao Wang, "A Logical Journey: From Gödel to Philosophy", 1996, pp. 104–05.</ref>
他坚信来世是有来世的,他说:“当然,这是假设有许多关系,而今天的科学和接受的智慧没有任何迹象。但我相信这个[来世],独立于任何神学,“今天可以通过纯粹的推理来感知它”与已知的事实完全一致。“如果世界是理性构建并具有意义的,那么必然存在这样一种东西(作为来生)。”<ref>Hao Wang, "A Logical Journey: From Gödel to Philosophy", 1996, pp. 104–05.</ref>
In an unmailed answer to a questionnaire, Gödel described his religion as "baptized Lutheran (but not member of any religious congregation). My belief is ''[[Theism|theistic]]'', not [[Pantheism|pantheistic]], following [[Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz|Leibniz]] rather than [[Spinoza]]."<ref>Gödel's answer to a special questionnaire sent him by the sociologist Burke Grandjean. This answer is quoted directly in Wang 1987, p.&nbsp;18, and indirectly in Wang 1996, p.&nbsp;112. It's also quoted directly in Dawson 1997, p.&nbsp;6, who cites Wang 1987. The Grandjean questionnaire is perhaps the most extended autobiographical item in Gödel's papers. Gödel filled it out in pencil and wrote a cover letter, but he never returned it. "Theistic" is italicized in both Wang 1987 and Wang 1996. It is possible that this italicization is Wang's and not Gödel's. The quote follows Wang 1987, with two corrections taken from Wang 1996. Wang 1987 reads "Baptist Lutheran" where Wang 1996 has "baptized Lutheran". Wang 1987 has "rel. cong.", which in Wang 1996 is expanded to "religious congregation".</ref>  Describing religion(s) in general, Gödel said: "Religions are, for the most part, bad—but religion is not".<ref>Wang 1996 p.&nbsp;316</ref> According to his wife Adele, "Gödel, although he did not go to church, was religious and read the Bible in bed every Sunday morning",<ref>Wang 1996, p.&nbsp;51.</ref> while of Islam, he said, "I like Islam: it is a consistent [or consequential] idea of religion and open-minded."<ref>Wang 1996, p.&nbsp;148, 4.4.3. It is one of Gödel's observations, made between 16 November and 7 December 1975, which Wang found hard to classify under the main topics considered elsewhere in the book.</ref>
In an unmailed answer to a questionnaire, Gödel described his religion as "baptized Lutheran (but not member of any religious congregation). My belief is ''[[Theism|theistic]]'', not [[Pantheism|pantheistic]], following [[Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz|Leibniz]] rather than [[Spinoza]]."<ref>Gödel's answer to a special questionnaire sent him by the sociologist Burke Grandjean. This answer is quoted directly in Wang 1987, p.&nbsp;18, and indirectly in Wang 1996, p.&nbsp;112. It's also quoted directly in Dawson 1997, p.&nbsp;6, who cites Wang 1987. The Grandjean questionnaire is perhaps the most extended autobiographical item in Gödel's papers. Gödel filled it out in pencil and wrote a cover letter, but he never returned it. "Theistic" is italicized in both Wang 1987 and Wang 1996. It is possible that this italicization is Wang's and not Gödel's. The quote follows Wang 1987, with two corrections taken from Wang 1996. Wang 1987 reads "Baptist Lutheran" where Wang 1996 has "baptized Lutheran". Wang 1987 has "rel. cong.", which in Wang 1996 is expanded to "religious congregation".</ref>  Describing religion(s) in general, Gödel said: "Religions are, for the most part, bad—but religion is not".<ref>Wang 1996 p.&nbsp;316</ref> According to his wife Adele, "Gödel, although he did not go to church, was religious and read the Bible in bed every Sunday morning",<ref>Wang 1996, p.&nbsp;51.</ref> while of Islam, he said, "I like Islam: it is a consistent [or consequential] idea of religion and open-minded."<ref>Wang 1996, p.&nbsp;148, 4.4.3. It is one of Gödel's observations, made between
在对一份问卷的未加掩饰的回答中,哥德尔将他的宗教描述为“受洗的路德教(但不是任何宗教团体的成员)。我的信仰是“[[有神论|有神论]]”,而不是[[泛神论|泛神论]],追随[[Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz | Leibniz]],而不是[[Spinoza]]<ref>Gödel's answer to a special questionnaire sent him by the sociologist Burke Grandjean. This answer is quoted directly in Wang 1987, p.&nbsp;18, and indirectly in Wang 1996, p.&nbsp;112. It's also quoted directly in Dawson 1997, p.&nbsp;6, who cites Wang 1987. The Grandjean questionnaire is perhaps the most extended autobiographical item in Gödel's papers. Gödel filled it out in pencil and wrote a cover letter, but he never returned it. "Theistic" is italicized in both Wang 1987 and Wang 1996. It is possible that this italicization is Wang's and not Gödel's. The quote follows Wang 1987, with two corrections taken from Wang 1996. Wang 1987 reads "Baptist Lutheran" where Wang 1996 has "baptized Lutheran". Wang 1987 has "rel. cong.", which in Wang 1996 is expanded to "religious congregation".</ref>  在描述宗教时,哥德尔说:“在很大程度上宗教可能是坏的,但宗教不是”<ref>Wang 1996 p.&nbsp;316</ref>据他的妻子阿黛尔说,“哥德尔虽然没有去教堂,但他是虔诚的,每个星期天早上都在床上读圣经”,<ref>Wang 1996, p.&nbsp;51.</ref>谈到伊斯兰教,他说:“我喜欢伊斯兰教:它是一种始终如一的(或相应的)宗教思想和开放的思想。”<ref>Wang 1996, p.&nbsp;148, 4.4.3. It is one of Gödel's observations, made between16 November and 7 December 1975, which Wang found hard to classify under the main topics considered elsewhere in the book.</ref>
In German:
In German:
16 November and 7 December 1975, which Wang found hard to classify under the main topics considered elsewhere in the book.</ref>

