
添加10,791字节 、 2021年6月28日 (一) 16:20
第42行: 第42行:  
|[https://campus.swarma.org/course/1095 NetLogo多主体建模入门 (swarma.org)]
|[https://campus.swarma.org/course/1095 NetLogo多主体建模入门 (swarma.org)]
|[https://campus.swarma.org/course/1985 因果科学与Causal AI 专题 | 集智凯风研读营2020]
|[https://campus.swarma.org/course/1985 因果科学与Causal AI 专题 | [https://campus.swarma.org/course/1985 因果科学与Causal AI 专题 | 集智凯风研读营2020]
|本系列课程,是集智俱乐部举办的集智凯风研读营的专场录像,由6位研究者分享关于因果科学和 Casual AI 的前沿工作。希望通过大家的分享和讨论,能够让所有人都由浅入深的了解因果推理这个领域和研究内容,并且能对研究工作有所收益。
|本系列课程,是集智俱乐部举办的集智凯风研读营的专场录像,由6位研究者分享关于因果科学和 Casual AI 的前沿工作。希望通过大家的分享和讨论,能够让所有人都由浅入深的了解因果推理这个领域和研究内容,并且能对研究工作有所收益。
|[https://campus.swarma.org/course/1985 因果科学与Causal AI 专题 | 集智凯风研读营2020 (swarma.org)]
|[https://campus.swarma.org/course/1985 因果科学与Causal AI 专题 | [https://campus.swarma.org/course/1985 因果科学与Causal AI 专题 | 集智凯风研读营2020 (swarma.org)]
| [https: / campus.swarma.org course 1996 复杂系统自动建模专题 |[https://campus.swarma.org/course/1996 复杂系统自动建模专题 | 集智凯风研读营2020]
| [https: / campus.swarma.org course 1996 复杂系统自动建模专题 |[https://campus.swarma.org/course/1996 复杂系统自动建模专题 | 集智凯风研读营2020]
第144行: 第144行:  
网络科学的背景与研究意义:第 1 章
* 网络科学的背景与研究意义:第 1 章
* 网络科学基本概念:第 2 章
网络科学基本概念:第 2 章
* 网络拓扑性质:第 3-5 章
* 网络拓扑模型:第 6-8 章
网络拓扑性质:第 3-5 章
* 网络动力学:第 9-11 章
网络拓扑模型:第 6-8 章
网络动力学:第 9-11 章
第209行: 第205行:  
*第三章无标度性质,2018年初,Clauset和Barabási 剑拔弩张,各执一词,无标度网络到底是否广泛存在?原来它和幂律分布、80/20法则、Zipf律、自组织临界、分形有着千丝万缕的联系。
#第三章无标度性质,2018年初,Clauset和Barabási 剑拔弩张,各执一词,无标度网络到底是否广泛存在?原来它和幂律分布、80/20法则、Zipf律、自组织临界、分形有着千丝万缕的联系。
*第四章 BA 模型,巴拉巴西及其学生提出的增长和偏好连接是产生网络幂律度分布不可或缺的两个机制。这与许多先辈早期通向幂律之路工作得出的马太效应、富者愈富相一致。基于此,对于演化已经定型的网络,如秀丽隐杆线虫神经网络,除了度分布外或许还有别的重要指标,如高阶圈。
#第四章 BA 模型,巴拉巴西及其学生提出的增长和偏好连接是产生网络幂律度分布不可或缺的两个机制。这与许多先辈早期通向幂律之路工作得出的马太效应、富者愈富相一致。基于此,对于演化已经定型的网络,如秀丽隐杆线虫神经网络,除了度分布外或许还有别的重要指标,如高阶圈。
第361行: 第357行:     
==== 课程大纲 ====
==== 课程大纲 ====
分享一:因果科学:Do-演算相关算法(李奉治), <nowiki>https://github.com/L-F-Z</nowiki>
分享二:观测研究中的因果推断(况琨), <nowiki>https://kunkuang.github.io/</nowiki>
# 分享一:因果科学:Do-演算相关算法(李奉治), <nowiki>https://github.com/L-F-Z</nowiki>
# 分享二:观测研究中的因果推断(况琨), <nowiki>https://kunkuang.github.io/</nowiki>
分享三:教会机器因果推理的强人工智能之路(龚鹤扬), <nowiki>https://sites.google.com/view/minituring/</nowiki>
# 分享三:教会机器因果推理的强人工智能之路(龚鹤扬), <nowiki>https://sites.google.com/view/minituring/</nowiki>
# 分享四:因果推断和机器学习的融合(郭若城), <nowiki>https://www.public.asu.edu/~rguo12/</nowiki>
分享四:因果推断和机器学习的融合(郭若城), <nowiki>https://www.public.asu.edu/~rguo12/</nowiki>
# 分享五:基于观测数据的因果发现及因果关系启发式机器学习(黄碧薇), <nowiki>https://biweihuang.com</nowiki>
# 分享六:量子因果(郭启淏)
分享五:基于观测数据的因果发现及因果关系启发式机器学习(黄碧薇), <nowiki>https://biweihuang.com</nowiki>
==== 报名方式 ====
==== 报名方式 ====
第391行: 第383行:     
==== 课程大纲 ====
==== 课程大纲 ====
分享二:Neural Dynamics on Complex Networks(臧承熙)
# 分享一:复杂系统自动建模概述与展望(张江)
# 分享二:Neural Dynamics on Complex Networks(臧承熙)
# 分享三:复杂网络自动建模在大气污染中的应用(王硕)
# 分享四:标准化流技术简介(刘晶)
分享六:Gradient-Based Neural DAG Learning(李垚鑫)
# 分享五:神经网络归因(许菁)
# 分享六:Gradient-Based Neural DAG Learning(李垚鑫)
分享七:Relational State-Space Model for Stochastic Multi-Object Systems(黄龙吉)
# 分享七:Relational State-Space Model for Stochastic Multi-Object Systems(黄龙吉)
# 分享八:Scalable Gradients for Stochastic Differential Equations(杜伟韬)
分享八:Scalable Gradients for Stochastic Differential Equations(杜伟韬)
# 分享九:一个基于深度学习的通用网络重构和动力学学习方法(张章)
# 分享十:基于深度学习的轨迹数据挖掘(姚迪)
# 分享十一:Gumbel-softmax-based Optimization:A Simple General Framework for Optimization Problems on Graphs(李垚鑫)
# 分享十二:Temporal attention recurrent graph neural network(陈昱中)
# 分享十三:Wide neural networks and its tangent kernel(杜伟韬)
# 分享十四:对复杂系统连续变化自动建模——Neural Ordinary Differential Equations解读(张江)
分享十一:Gumbel-softmax-based Optimization:A Simple General Framework for Optimization Problems on Graphs(李垚鑫)
# 分享十五:图上的连续标准化流技术:Graph Continuous Flow(张章)
分享十二:Temporal attention recurrent graph neural network(陈昱中)
分享十三:Wide neural networks and its tangent kernel(杜伟韬)
分享十四:对复杂系统连续变化自动建模——Neural Ordinary Differential Equations解读(张江)
分享十五:图上的连续标准化流技术:Graph Continuous Flow(张章)
==== 报名方式 ====
==== 报名方式 ====
第531行: 第510行:     
=== [https://campus.swarma.org/course/1159 复杂网络 2020] ===
==== 课程介绍 ====
==== 讲师介绍 ====
* 樊瑛:北京师范大学系统科学学院教授、博士生导师。中国系统工程学会副秘书长、常务理事。研究方向为复杂性理论及其在各领域中的应用,目前主要关注复杂网络相关研究,并取得了一系列科研成果。曾获得2009年度教育部新世纪人才、2010年度北京市科学技术奖(三等)以及学校第11届励耘优秀青年教师奖和通鼎研究生教学奖,主讲的《复杂网络分析》课程2019年在中国大学慕课网上线,现已完成2期授课。
==== 课程大纲 ====
# 复杂网络简介
# 复杂网络的基本模型
# 复杂网络的统计性质
# 复杂网络中的社团结构
# 加权网络
# 复杂网络的机制和演化模型
# 网络上的动力学
# 二分网络
==== 报名方式 ====
[https://campus.swarma.org/course/1159 复杂网络 2020 (swarma.org)]
===[https://campus.swarma.org/course/1056 产学结合:自然语言处理及其应用]===
===[https://campus.swarma.org/course/1056 产学结合:自然语言处理及其应用]===
==== 课程介绍 ====
==== 课程介绍 ====
第551行: 第554行:  
==== 课程大纲 ====
==== 课程大纲 ====
* 语言模型(一)
# 语言模型(一)
* 语言模型(二)
# 语言模型(二)
* 机器翻译(一)
# 机器翻译(一)
* 机器翻译(二)
# 机器翻译(二)
* 机器翻译(三)
# 机器翻译(三)
* 语言模型(三)
# 语言模型(三)
* 情感分析(一)
# 情感分析(一)
* 情感分析(二)
# 情感分析(二)
* 文本理解(一)
# 文本理解(一)
* 文本理解(二)
# 文本理解(二)
* 知识图谱
# 知识图谱
* 文本生成
# 文本生成
==== 报名方式 ====
==== 报名方式 ====
第583行: 第586行:  
* 深度学习与 PyTorch
# 深度学习与 PyTorch
* 单车预测器——你的第一个神经网络
# 单车预测器——你的第一个神经网络
* 机器也懂感情——中文情绪分类器
# 机器也懂感情——中文情绪分类器
* 手写数字识别器——卷积神经网络
# 手写数字识别器——卷积神经网络
* 迁移学习与图像风格迁移
# 迁移学习与图像风格迁移
* 人工智能造假术——图像生成与对抗学习
# 人工智能造假术——图像生成与对抗学习
* 词汇的星空——词向量与Word2Vec
# 词汇的星空——词向量与Word2Vec
* LSTM作曲机——序列生成模型
# LSTM作曲机——序列生成模型
* 神经翻译机——端到端的机器翻译模型
# 神经翻译机——端到端的机器翻译模型
* AI游戏高手——深度强化学习
# AI游戏高手——深度强化学习
==== 报名方式 ====
==== 报名方式 ====
[https://campus.swarma.org/course/956 深度学习原理与PyTorch实战 (swarma.org)]
[https://campus.swarma.org/course/956 深度学习原理与PyTorch实战 (swarma.org)]
=== [https://campus.swarma.org/course/1641 动力系统分析] ===
==== 课程介绍 ====
==== 讲师介绍 ====
* 王大辉 北京师范大学系统科学学院教授,博士生导师,博士毕业于北京师范大学系统科学。专注于工作记忆容量、决策的神经动力学集智,神经系统的动力学行为,以及类脑智能算法的研究。研究方向:计算神经科学与类脑智能算法研究。个人页面:<nowiki>https://sss.bnu.edu.cn/tabid/246/ArticleID/2392/frtid/128/Default.aspx</nowiki>
==== 课程大纲 ====
# 动力系统分析引言
# 动力系统的定义
# 随机动力系统与动力系统解的性质
# 动力系统局部的几何性质
# 动力系统的渐近行为
# 动力系统稳定性初步
# 动力系统基本概念总结
# 平面动力系统
# 结构稳定性与中心流形
# 规范形的概念与计算
# 常见的局部分支类型
# 全局分支
# Smale 马蹄映射
# 一般符号动力系统
# 混沌系统
# Lorenz Equation 分析
# 复习
==== 报名方式 ====
[https://campus.swarma.org/course/1641 北京师范大学王大辉:动力系统分析(研究生) (swarma.org)]
=== [https://campus.swarma.org/course/1349 圣塔菲课程: Introdution to Complexity] ===
==== 课程介绍 ====
本课程是对复杂性科学的一个概览,包含 10 个章节,每节都会涵盖复杂系统的一个主要概念。具体内容可见课程大纲。
==== 讲师介绍 ====
* Melanie Mitchel Professor of Computer Science at Portland State University, and External Professor and Member of the Science Board at the Santa Fe Institute. Author or editor of five books and over 80 scholarly papers in the fields of artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and complex systems.
* Santa Fe Santa Fe Instructor
* Elizabeth Bradley Santa Fe Science Board, External Professor. Professor of Computer Science, University of Colorado. Her research interests include nonlinear dynamics, artificial intelligence, and control theory.
* John Rundle Professor of Physics and Earth and Planetary Science, UCD. External Professor, The Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM.Interest in the development of methods for earthquake forecasting based on studies of chaos and complexity in driven nonlinear systems, as well as on the use of realistic, large scale numerical simulations. More recently, he has developed an interest in viewing crashes in economic and financial systems as a kind of .Econoquake. that might be understood by analogy to earthquakes and other first order (nucleation) phase transitions. Personal Website: <nowiki>http://rundle.physics.ucdavis.edu</nowiki>
* Jim Crutchfield Professor of Physics at the University of California, Davis, where he directs a new research and graduate program at the Complexity Sciences Center. Prior to this he was Research Professor at the Santa Fe Institute for many years, where he directed the Dynamics of Learning Group and SFI’s Network Dynamics Program. His current research interests center on computational mechanics, the physics of complexity, statistical inference for nonlinear processes, genetic algorithms, evolutionary theory, machine learning, quantum dynamics, and distributed intelligence. He has published over 140 papers in these areas, most are available from his website: csc.ucdavis.edu/∼chaos.
* Stephanie Forrest Professor in CIDSE and Center Director in the Biodesign Institute. She is a computer scientist who studies the biology of computation and computation in biology, including biological modeling of immunological processes and evolutionary diseases, cybersecurity, software engineering, and evolutionary computation and an External Professor and Science Board member at the Santa Fe Institute. Professor Forrest is a member of the Adaptive Computation Group at UNM, where she studies adaptive systems, including genetic algorithms, computational immunology, biological modeling, and computer security. She is also a member of the Program in Interdisciplinary Biological & Biomedical Science (PIBBS) and the Center for Evolutionary and Theoretical Immunology (CETI).
* David Krakauer President and William H. Miller Professor of Complex Systems. David’s research focuses on the evolutionary history of information processing mechanisms in biology and culture. This includes genetic, neural, linguistic and cultural mechanisms. The research spans multiple levels of organization, seeking analogous patterns and principles in genetics, cell biology, microbiology and in organismal behavior and society. At the cellular level David has been interested in molecular processes, which rely on volatile, error-prone, asynchronous, mechanisms, which can be used as a basis for decision making and patterning. David also investigates how signaling interactions at higher levels, including microbial and organismal, are used to coordinate complex life cycles and social systems, and under what conditions we observe the emergence of proto-grammars. Much of this work is motivated by the search for 'noisy-design' principles in biology and culture emerging through evolutionary dynamics that span hierarchical structures.
* W. Brian Arthur 复杂性科学先驱、著名经济学家
* Mark Newman Research on statistical physics and the theory of complex systems, with a primary focus on networked systems, including social, biological, and computer networks, which are studied using a combination of empirical methods, analysis, and computer simulation. Among other topics, he and his collaborators have worked on mathematical models of network structure, computer algorithms for analyzing network data, and applications of network theory to a wide variety of specific problems, including the spread of disease through human populations and the spread of computer viruses among computers, the patterns of collaboration of scientists and business-people, citation networks of scientific articles and law cases, network navigation algorithms and the design of distributed databases, and the robustness of networks to the failure of their nodes.
* Geoffrey West 英国理论物理学家,城市科学的顶尖学者,圣塔菲研究所杰出教授和前任所长  数十年致力于“规模”的研究工作,其研究成果被应用在理解生命体、城市可持续发展、企业运营等众多领域
* Luis Bettencourt Professor of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Chicago and External Professor of Complex Systems at the Santa Fe Institute. He has worked extensively on complex systems theory and on cities and urbanization, in particular. His research emphasizes the creation of new interdisciplinary synthesis to describe cities in quantitative and predictive ways, informed by classical theory from various disciplines and the growing availability of empirical data worldwide.
==== 课程大纲 ====
# What is Complexity?
# Dynamics and Chaos
# Fractals
# Information, Order and Randomness
# Genetic Algorithms
# Cellular Automata
# Models of Biological Self-Organization
# Models of Cooperation in Social Systems
# Networks
# Scaling in Biology and Society
==== 报名方式 ====
[https://campus.swarma.org/course/1349 圣塔菲课程: Introdution to Complexity (swarma.org)]
=== [https://campus.swarma.org/course/1131 复杂性与临界现象 2020] ===
==== 课程介绍 ====
==== 讲师介绍 ====
* 陈晓松 北京师范大学系统科学学院教授,院长。从事统计物理与复杂系统研究,尤其关注复杂系统的相变与临界现象。研究方向包括复杂系统的统计物理、相变与临界现象、气候系统的统计物理等。个人页面:<nowiki>https://sss.bnu.edu.cn/tabid/47/ArticleID/2313/frtid/48/Default.aspx。</nowiki>
==== 课程大纲 ====
# 复杂系统与复杂性简介
# 统计系统理论
# 平衡态系统临界现象
# 非平衡与复杂系统临界现象
==== 报名方式 ====
[https://campus.swarma.org/course/1131 复杂性与临界现象 2020 (swarma.org)]
=== ... ... ===
第699行: 第787行:  
*[https://campus.swarma.org/course/1775 面向复杂系统的人工智能研究读书会]
*[https://campus.swarma.org/course/1775 面向复杂系统的人工智能研究读书会]
*[https://campus.swarma.org/course/1740 复杂系统自动建模读书会]
*[https://campus.swarma.org/course/1740 复杂系统自动建模读书会]
  更多课程请到集智学园官网学习:[Https://campus.swarma.org/ https://campus.swarma.org/]
  更多课程请到集智学园官网学习:[Https://campus.swarma.org/ https://campus.swarma.org/]
