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包容层次结构是对象类从一般到特定的分类。这类层次结构的其他名称是“分类层次结构”和“ IS-A 层次结构”。最后一个术语描述了每个级别之间的关系ーー较低级别的对象“是”较高级别的成员。上面概述的分类结构是一个包容性的层次结构。再次使用 Linnaean 分类的例子,可以看到,属于哺乳动物等级的物体“是”动物等级的成员; 更具体地说,人类“是”灵长类动物,灵长类动物“是”哺乳动物,等等。也可以抽象地将包含的层次结构定义为“概念”的层次结构。例如,根据林奈的等级划分,像动物这样的实体名称是对所有符合动物概念的物种进行分类的一种方法。
包容层次结构是对象类从一般到特定的分类。这类层次结构的其他名称是“分类层次结构”和“ IS-A 层次结构”。最后一个术语描述了每个级别之间的关系ーー较低级别的对象“是”较高级别的成员。上面概述的分类结构是一个包容性的层次结构。再次使用 Linnaean 分类的例子,可以看到,属于哺乳动物等级的物体“是”动物等级的成员; 更具体地说,人类“是”灵长类动物,灵长类动物“是”哺乳动物,等等。也可以抽象地将包含的层次结构定义为“概念”的层次结构。例如,根据林奈的等级划分,像动物这样的实体名称是对所有符合动物概念的物种进行分类的一种方法。
=====Compositional containment hierarchy=====
=====Compositional containment hierarchy=====

2020年8月20日 (四) 23:03的版本


A hierarchy (from the Greek ἱεραρχία hierarkhia, "rule of a high priest", from hierarkhes, "president of sacred rites") is an arrangement of items (objects, names, values, categories, etc.) in which the items are represented as being "above", "below", or "at the same level as" one another. Hierarchy is an important concept in a wide variety of fields, such as philosophy, mathematics, computer science, organizational theory, systems theory, and the social sciences (especially political philosophy).

A hierarchy (from the Greek ἱεραρχία hierarkhia, "rule of a high priest", from hierarkhes, "president of sacred rites") is an arrangement of items (objects, names, values, categories, etc.) in which the items are represented as being "above", "below", or "at the same level as" one another. Hierarchy is an important concept in a wide variety of fields, such as philosophy, mathematics, computer science, organizational theory, systems theory, and the social sciences (especially political philosophy).


A hierarchy can link entities either directly or indirectly, and either vertically or diagonally. The only direct links in a hierarchy, insofar as they are hierarchical, are to one's immediate superior or to one of one's subordinates, although a system that is largely hierarchical can also incorporate alternative hierarchies. Hierarchical links can extend "vertically" upwards or downwards via multiple links in the same direction, following a path. All parts of the hierarchy that are not linked vertically to one another nevertheless can be "horizontally" linked through a path by traveling up the hierarchy to find a common direct or indirect superior, and then down again. This is akin to two co-workers or colleagues; each reports to a common superior, but they have the same relative amount of authority. Organizational forms exist that are both alternative and complementary to hierarchy. Heterarchy is one such form.

A hierarchy can link entities either directly or indirectly, and either vertically or diagonally. The only direct links in a hierarchy, insofar as they are hierarchical, are to one's immediate superior or to one of one's subordinates, although a system that is largely hierarchical can also incorporate alternative hierarchies. Hierarchical links can extend "vertically" upwards or downwards via multiple links in the same direction, following a path. All parts of the hierarchy that are not linked vertically to one another nevertheless can be "horizontally" linked through a path by traveling up the hierarchy to find a common direct or indirect superior, and then down again. This is akin to two co-workers or colleagues; each reports to a common superior, but they have the same relative amount of authority. Organizational forms exist that are both alternative and complementary to hierarchy. Heterarchy is one such form.

层次结构可以直接或间接地连接实体,也可以垂直或对角地连接。层次结构中唯一的直接联系,只要它们是等级的,就是与一个人的直接上级或者与一个人的下级的直接联系,尽管一个主要是等级结构的系统也可以包含替代的等级结构。层次链接可以延伸“垂直”向上或向下通过多个链接在同一方向,遵循一个路径。层次结构中没有垂直相连的所有部分都可以通过一条路径“水平”相连,即沿着层次结构向上走,找到一个共同的直接或间接的上级,然后再向下。这类似于两个同事或同事; 每个人向一个共同的上级汇报,但他们拥有相同的相对权限。组织形式的存在是层次结构的替代和补充。异质结构就是这样一种形式。


Hierarchies have their own special vocabulary. These terms are easiest to understand when a hierarchy is diagrammed (see below).

Hierarchies have their own special vocabulary. These terms are easiest to understand when a hierarchy is diagrammed (see below).


In an organizational context, the following terms are often used related to hierarchies:[1][2]

In an organizational context, the following terms are often used related to hierarchies:


  • Object: one entity (e.g., a person, department or concept or element of arrangement or member of a set)
  • System: the entire set of objects that are being arranged hierarchically (e.g., an administration)
  • Dimension: another word for "system" from on-line analytical processing (e.g. cubes)
  • Member: an (element or object) at any (level or rank) in a (class-system, taxonomy or dimension)
  • Terms about Positioning
    • Level or Tier: a set of objects with the same rank OR importance
    • Ordering: the arrangement of the (ranks or levels)
    • Hierarchy: the arrangement of a particular set of members into (ranks or levels). Multiple hierarchies are possible per (dimension taxonomy or Classification-system), in which selected levels of the dimension are omitted to flatten the structure
  • Terms about Placement
    • Hierarch, the apex of the hierarchy, consisting of one single orphan (object or member) in the top level of a dimension. The root of an inverted-tree structure
    • Member, a (member or node) in any level of a hierarchy in a dimension to which (superior and subordinate) members are attached
    • Orphan, a member in any level of a dimension without a parent member. Often the apex of a disconnected branch. Orphans can be grafted back into the hierarchy by creating a relationship (interaction) with a parent in the immediately superior level
    • Leaf, a member in any level of a dimension without subordinates in the hierarchy
    • Neighbour: a member adjacent to another member in the same (level or rank). Always a peer.
    • Superior: a higher level or an object ranked at a higher level (A parent or an ancestor)
    • Subordinate: a lower level or an object ranked at a lower level (A child or a descendant)
    • Collection: all of the objects at one level (i.e. Peers)
    • Peer: an object with the same rank (and therefore at the same level)
    • Interaction: the relationship between an object and its direct superior or subordinate (i.e. a superior/inferior pair)
      • a direct interaction occurs when one object is on a level exactly one higher or one lower than the other (i.e., on a tree, the two objects have a line between them)
    • Distance: the minimum number of connections between two objects, i.e., one less than the number of objects that need to be "crossed" to trace a path from one object to another
    • Span: a qualitative description of the width of a level when diagrammed, i.e., the number of subordinates an object has
  • Terms about Nature
    • Attribute: a heritable characteristic of (members and their subordinates) in a level (e.g. hair-colour)
    • Attribute-value: the specific value of a heritable characteristic (e.g. Auburn)

In a mathematical context (in graph theory), the general terminology used is different.

In a mathematical context (in graph theory), the general terminology used is different.

在数学上下文中(在图论中) ,使用的一般术语是不同的。

Most hierarchies use a more specific vocabulary pertaining to their subject, but the idea behind them is the same. For example, with data structures, objects are known as nodes, superiors are called parents and subordinates are called children. In a business setting, a superior is a supervisor/boss and a peer is a colleague.

Most hierarchies use a more specific vocabulary pertaining to their subject, but the idea behind them is the same. For example, with data structures, objects are known as nodes, superiors are called parents and subordinates are called children. In a business setting, a superior is a supervisor/boss and a peer is a colleague.


Degree of branching

Degree of branching refers to the number of direct subordinates or children an object has (in graph theory, equivalent to the number of other vertices connected to via outgoing arcs, in a directed graph) a node has. Hierarchies can be categorized based on the "maximum degree", the highest degree present in the system as a whole. Categorization in this way yields two broad classes: linear and branching.

Degree of branching refers to the number of direct subordinates or children an object has (in graph theory, equivalent to the number of other vertices connected to via outgoing arcs, in a directed graph) a node has. Hierarchies can be categorized based on the "maximum degree", the highest degree present in the system as a whole. Categorization in this way yields two broad classes: linear and branching.

分支度是指一个对象有多少个直接的下级或子级(在图论中,相当于一个有向图中通过外向弧连接的其他顶点的数量)。层次结构可以根据“最大程度”进行分类,这是整个系统中存在的最高程度。以这种方式进行分类可以得到两大类: 线性和分支。

In a linear hierarchy, the maximum degree is 1.[1] In other words, all of the objects can be visualized in a line-up, and each object (excluding the top and bottom ones) has exactly one direct subordinate and one direct superior. Note that this is referring to the objects and not the levels; every hierarchy has this property with respect to levels, but normally each level can have an infinite number of objects. An example of a linear hierarchy is the hierarchy of life.

In a linear hierarchy, the maximum degree is 1. In other words, all of the objects can be visualized in a line-up, and each object (excluding the top and bottom ones) has exactly one direct subordinate and one direct superior. Note that this is referring to the objects and not the levels; every hierarchy has this property with respect to levels, but normally each level can have an infinite number of objects. An example of a linear hierarchy is the hierarchy of life.

在一个线性层次结构中,按 wp: r # pla,这应该是粗体 > ,最大程度是1。换句话说,所有的对象都可以在一个列表中可视化,每个对象(不包括顶部和底部的对象)只有一个直接下属和一个直接上级。注意,这指的是对象而不是级别; 每个层次结构对于级别都有这个属性,但通常每个级别可以有无限个对象。线性等级的一个例子是生命的等级。

In a branching hierarchy, one or more objects has a degree of 2 or more (and therefore the minimum degree is 2 or higher).[1] For many people, the word "hierarchy" automatically evokes an image of a branching hierarchy.[1] Branching hierarchies are present within numerous systems, including organizations and classification schemes. The broad category of branching hierarchies can be further subdivided based on the degree.

In a branching hierarchy, one or more objects has a degree of 2 or more (and therefore the minimum degree is 2 or higher). For many people, the word "hierarchy" automatically evokes an image of a branching hierarchy. Branching hierarchies are present within numerous systems, including organizations and classification schemes. The broad category of branching hierarchies can be further subdivided based on the degree.

在一个分支层次结构中,按照 wp: r # pla,这应该是粗体 > ,一个或多个对象具有2或更高的度(因此最小度为2或更高)。对于许多人来说,“层次”这个词自动唤起了分支层次结构的想象。分支层次结构存在于许多系统中,包括组织和分类方案。分支层次的广义范畴可以根据程度进一步细分。

A flat hierarchy is a branching hierarchy in which the maximum degree approaches infinity, i.e., that has a wide span.[2] Most often, systems intuitively regarded as hierarchical have at most a moderate span. Therefore, a flat hierarchy is often not viewed as a hierarchy at all. For example, diamonds and graphite are flat hierarchies of numerous carbon atoms that can be further decomposed into subatomic particles.

A flat hierarchy is a branching hierarchy in which the maximum degree approaches infinity, i.e., that has a wide span. Most often, systems intuitively regarded as hierarchical have at most a moderate span. Therefore, a flat hierarchy is often not viewed as a hierarchy at all. For example, diamonds and graphite are flat hierarchies of numerous carbon atoms that can be further decomposed into subatomic particles.

按照 wp: r # pla,这应该是粗体的扁平层次结构 < ! ! -- 是一个分支层次结构,其中最大度接近无穷大,也就是说,它的跨度很大。最常见的情况是,直观上被认为是分层的系统最多只有一个中等的跨度。因此,平面层次结构通常根本不被视为层次结构。例如,钻石和石墨是由许多碳原子组成的扁平层次结构,这些碳原子可以进一步分解成亚原子粒子。

An overlapping hierarchy is a branching hierarchy in which at least one object has two parent objects.[1] For example, a graduate student can have two co-supervisors to whom the student reports directly and equally, and who have the same level of authority within the university hierarchy (i.e., they have the same position or tenure status).

An overlapping hierarchy is a branching hierarchy in which at least one object has two parent objects. For example, a graduate student can have two co-supervisors to whom the student reports directly and equally, and who have the same level of authority within the university hierarchy (i.e., they have the same position or tenure status).

重叠的层次结构 < ! -- 按照 wp: r # pla,这应该是粗体 -- > 是一个分支层次结构,其中至少有一个对象具有两个父对象。例如,一个研究生可以有两个联合主管,学生可以直接和平等地向他们汇报工作,而且他们在大学等级制度中的权力水平相同(即,他们拥有相同的职位或终身职位)。

History of the term

Possibly the first use of the English word "hierarchy" cited by the Oxford English Dictionary was in 1881, when it was used in reference to the three orders of three angels as depicted by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (5th–6th centuries). Pseudo-Dionysius used the related Greek word (ἱεραρχία hierarchia) both in reference to the celestial hierarchy and the ecclesiastical hierarchy.[3] The Greek term ἱεραρχία means "rule of a high priest"[4] (from ἱεράρχης hierarches, meaning "president of sacred rites, high-priest"引用错误:没有找到与</ref>对应的<ref>标签 and that from ἱερεύς hiereus, "priest"[5] and ἀρχή arche, amongst others "first place or power, rule"[6]), and Dionysius is credited with first use of it as an abstract noun. Since hierarchical churches, such as the Roman Catholic (see Catholic Church hierarchy) and Eastern Orthodox churches, had tables of organization that were "hierarchical" in the modern sense of the word (traditionally with God as the pinnacle or head of the hierarchy), the term came to refer to similar organizational methods in secular settings.

Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, on Perseus Digital Library</ref> and that from ἱερεύς hiereus, "priest" and ἀρχή arche, amongst others "first place or power, rule"), and Dionysius is credited with first use of it as an abstract noun. Since hierarchical churches, such as the Roman Catholic (see Catholic Church hierarchy) and Eastern Orthodox churches, had tables of organization that were "hierarchical" in the modern sense of the word (traditionally with God as the pinnacle or head of the hierarchy), the term came to refer to similar organizational methods in secular settings.

亨利·乔治·李道尔,Robert Scott,希腊语-英语词典,关于珀尔修斯数字图书馆 </ref > 和那从 something 希雷斯,“牧师”和 something arche,其中包括“第一位置或权力,规则”) ,和 Dionysius 被记入第一次使用它作为抽象名词。由于等级制教会,如罗马天主教(见天主教会圣统制)和东正教教堂,有组织表是“等级”的现代意义上的话(传统上上帝作为顶峰或领导的等级) ,这个术语来指类似的组织方法在世俗的设置。

模板:AnchorVisually representing hierarchies

Visually representing hierarchies

= = = 视觉表现层次结构 = = = < ! -- 如果你更改这个部分的标题,请也更改文章中链接到它的 wikileink!-->

Maslow's hierarchy of human needs. This is an example of a hierarchy visualized with a triangle diagram.

Maslow's hierarchy of human needs. This is an example of a hierarchy visualized with a triangle diagram.]]


A hierarchy is typically depicted as a pyramid, where the height of a level represents that level's status and width of a level represents the quantity of items at that level relative to the whole.[7] For example, the few Directors of a company could be at the apex, and the base could be thousands of people who have no subordinates.

A hierarchy is typically depicted as a pyramid, where the height of a level represents that level's status and width of a level represents the quantity of items at that level relative to the whole. For example, the few Directors of a company could be at the apex, and the base could be thousands of people who have no subordinates.


These pyramids are typically diagrammed with a tree or triangle diagram (but note that not all triangle/pyramid diagrams are hierarchical; for example, the 1992 USDA food guide pyramid), both of which serve to emphasize the size differences between the levels. An example of a triangle diagram appears to the right. An organizational chart is the diagram of a hierarchy within an organization, and is depicted in tree form in 模板:Section link, below.

These pyramids are typically diagrammed with a tree or triangle diagram (but note that not all triangle/pyramid diagrams are hierarchical; for example, the 1992 USDA food guide pyramid), both of which serve to emphasize the size differences between the levels. An example of a triangle diagram appears to the right. An organizational chart is the diagram of a hierarchy within an organization, and is depicted in tree form in , below.

这些金字塔通常用树形或三角形图表绘制(但请注意,并非所有的三角形/金字塔图表都是层次分明的; 例如,1992年美国农业部食品指南金字塔) ,这两种图表都强调了各层次之间的大小差异。一个三角形图表的例子出现在右边。组织结构图是组织内部层次结构的图表,在下面的树形图中有所描述。

More recently, as computers have allowed the storage and navigation of ever larger data sets, various methods have been developed to represent hierarchies in a manner that makes more efficient use of the available space on a computer's screen. Examples include fractal maps, TreeMaps and Radial Trees.

More recently, as computers have allowed the storage and navigation of ever larger data sets, various methods have been developed to represent hierarchies in a manner that makes more efficient use of the available space on a computer's screen. Examples include fractal maps, TreeMaps and Radial Trees.


Visual hierarchy

In the design field, mainly graphic design, successful layouts and formatting of the content on documents are heavily dependent on the rules of visual hierarchy. Visual hierarchy is also important for proper organization of files on computers.

In the design field, mainly graphic design, successful layouts and formatting of the content on documents are heavily dependent on the rules of visual hierarchy. Visual hierarchy is also important for proper organization of files on computers.


An example of visually representing hierarchy is through the Nested clusters. The Nested clusters represents hierarchical relationships by using layers of information. The child element is within the parent element, such as in a Venn diagram. This structure of representing hierarchy is most effective in representing simple relationships. For example, when directing someone to open a file on a computer desktop, one may first direct them towards the main folder, then the subfolders within the main folder. They will keep opening files within the folders until the designated file is located.

An example of visually representing hierarchy is through the Nested clusters. The Nested clusters represents hierarchical relationships by using layers of information. The child element is within the parent element, such as in a Venn diagram. This structure of representing hierarchy is most effective in representing simple relationships. For example, when directing someone to open a file on a computer desktop, one may first direct them towards the main folder, then the subfolders within the main folder. They will keep opening files within the folders until the designated file is located.

可视化表示层次结构的一个示例是通过嵌套集群。嵌套集群通过使用信息层表示层次关系。子元素位于父元素中,例如在 Venn 图中。这种表示层次结构的结构在表示简单关系时最为有效。例如,当指示某人在计算机桌面上打开一个文件时,可以首先将他们指向主文件夹,然后是主文件夹中的子文件夹。他们会一直打开文件夹中的文件,直到找到指定的文件。

For more complicated hierarchies, the stair structure represents hierarchical relationships through the use of visual stacking. Visually imagine the top of a downward staircase beginning at the left and descending on the right. The child elements are towards the bottom of the stairs and the parent elements are at the top. This structure is effective when representing more complicated hierarchies where steps are not placed in obvious sequences. Further steps are concealed unless all of the steps are revealed in sequence. In the computer desktop example, a file that is being sought after can only be found once another file is opened. The link for the desired file is within another document. All the steps must be completed until the final destination is reached.

For more complicated hierarchies, the stair structure represents hierarchical relationships through the use of visual stacking. Visually imagine the top of a downward staircase beginning at the left and descending on the right. The child elements are towards the bottom of the stairs and the parent elements are at the top. This structure is effective when representing more complicated hierarchies where steps are not placed in obvious sequences. Further steps are concealed unless all of the steps are revealed in sequence. In the computer desktop example, a file that is being sought after can only be found once another file is opened. The link for the desired file is within another document. All the steps must be completed until the final destination is reached.


Informal representation

In plain English, a hierarchy can be thought of as a set in which:[1]

In plain English, a hierarchy can be thought of as a set in which:


  1. No element is superior to itself, and
No element is superior to itself, and


  1. One element, the hierarch, is superior to all of the other elements in the set.
One element, the hierarch, is superior to all of the other elements in the set.


The first requirement is also interpreted to mean that a hierarchy can have no circular relationships; the association between two objects is always transitive.

The first requirement is also interpreted to mean that a hierarchy can have no circular relationships; the association between two objects is always transitive.

第一个需求也被解释为层次结构不能有循环关系; 两个对象之间的关联总是可传递的。

The second requirement asserts that a hierarchy must have a leader or root that is common to all of the objects.

The second requirement asserts that a hierarchy must have a leader or root that is common to all of the objects.


Mathematical representation

Mathematically, in its most general form, a hierarchy is a partially ordered set or poset.引用错误:没有找到与</ref>对应的<ref>标签 The system in this case is the entire poset, which is constituted of elements. Within this system, each element shares a particular unambiguous property. Objects with the same property value are grouped together, and each of those resulting levels is referred to as a class.

|isbn=3-540-61534-2|year=1996|publisher=Springer|editor-last=Eklund|editor-first=Peter G.|editor2-last=Ellis|editor2-first=Gerard|editor3-last=Mann|editor3-first=Graham|series=Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 115|location=Germany}}</ref> The system in this case is the entire poset, which is constituted of elements. Within this system, each element shares a particular unambiguous property. Objects with the same property value are grouped together, and each of those resulting levels is referred to as a class.


"Hierarchy" is particularly used to refer to a poset in which the classes are organized in terms of increasing complexity.

"Hierarchy" is particularly used to refer to a poset in which the classes are organized in terms of increasing complexity.

“层次结构”特别用来指按照不断增加的复杂性来组织类的偏序集。< ! ——从数学上讲,等级可以被描述为一个组合对象。 -- >

Operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are often performed in a certain sequence or order. Usually, addition and subtraction are performed after multiplication and division has already been applied to a problem. The use of parenthesis is also a representation of hierarchy, for they show which operation is to be done prior to the following ones. For example:

Operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are often performed in a certain sequence or order. Usually, addition and subtraction are performed after multiplication and division has already been applied to a problem. The use of parenthesis is also a representation of hierarchy, for they show which operation is to be done prior to the following ones. For example:


(2 + 5) × (7 - 4).

(2 + 5) × (7 - 4).

(2 + 5) × (7 - 4).

In this problem, typically one would multiply 5 by 7 first, based on the rules of mathematical hierarchy. But when the parentheses are placed, one will know to do the operations within the parentheses first before continuing on with the problem. These rules are largely dominant in algebraic problems, ones that include several steps to solve. The use of hierarchy in mathematics is beneficial to quickly and efficiently solve a problem without having to go through the process of slowly dissecting the problem. Most of these rules are now known as the proper way into solving certain equations.

In this problem, typically one would multiply 5 by 7 first, based on the rules of mathematical hierarchy. But when the parentheses are placed, one will know to do the operations within the parentheses first before continuing on with the problem. These rules are largely dominant in algebraic problems, ones that include several steps to solve. The use of hierarchy in mathematics is beneficial to quickly and efficiently solve a problem without having to go through the process of slowly dissecting the problem. Most of these rules are now known as the proper way into solving certain equations.



Nested hierarchy

Nested hierarchy

= = = 嵌套层次结构 = = = = < ! -- 如果您更改此标题,请更改链接到该标题的文章中的 wiki 链接! -- >

Matryoshka dolls, also known as nesting dolls or Russian dolls. Each doll is encompassed inside another until the smallest one is reached. This is the concept of nesting. When the concept is applied to sets, the resulting ordering is a nested hierarchy.

Matryoshka dolls, also known as nesting dolls or Russian dolls. Each doll is encompassed inside another until the smallest one is reached. This is the concept of nesting. When the concept is applied to sets, the resulting ordering is a nested hierarchy.


A nested hierarchy or inclusion hierarchy is a hierarchical ordering of nested sets.[8] The concept of nesting is exemplified in Russian matryoshka dolls. Each doll is encompassed by another doll, all the way to the outer doll. The outer doll holds all of the inner dolls, the next outer doll holds all the remaining inner dolls, and so on. Matryoshkas represent a nested hierarchy where each level contains only one object, i.e., there is only one of each size of doll; a generalized nested hierarchy allows for multiple objects within levels but with each object having only one parent at each level. The general concept is both demonstrated and mathematically formulated in the following example:

A nested hierarchy or inclusion hierarchy is a hierarchical ordering of nested sets. The concept of nesting is exemplified in Russian matryoshka dolls. Each doll is encompassed by another doll, all the way to the outer doll. The outer doll holds all of the inner dolls, the next outer doll holds all the remaining inner dolls, and so on. Matryoshkas represent a nested hierarchy where each level contains only one object, i.e., there is only one of each size of doll; a generalized nested hierarchy allows for multiple objects within levels but with each object having only one parent at each level. The general concept is both demonstrated and mathematically formulated in the following example:

嵌套层次结构或包含层次结构是嵌套集的层次结构排序。嵌套的概念在俄罗斯套娃中得到了体现。每个娃娃都被另一个娃娃包围着,一直到外面的娃娃。外部的玩偶包含所有的内部玩偶,下一个外部的玩偶包含所有剩余的内部玩偶,等等。表示一个嵌套层次结构,其中每个层次只包含一个对象,也就是说,每个娃娃的大小只有一个; 一个广义的嵌套层次结构允许在层次中有多个对象,但每个对象在每个层次上只有一个父对象。一般概念在下面的例子中得到了证明和数学上的表述:

[math]\displaystyle{ \text{square} \subset \text{quadrilateral} \subset \text{polygon} \subset \text{shape} \, }[/math]
[math]\displaystyle{  \text{square} \subset \text{quadrilateral} \subset \text{polygon} \subset \text{shape} \,  }[/math]


A square can always also be referred to as a quadrilateral, polygon or shape. In this way, it is a hierarchy. However, consider the set of polygons using this classification. A square can only be a quadrilateral; it can never be a triangle, hexagon, etc.

A square can always also be referred to as a quadrilateral, polygon or shape. In this way, it is a hierarchy. However, consider the set of polygons using this classification. A square can only be a quadrilateral; it can never be a triangle, hexagon, etc.


Nested hierarchies are the organizational schemes behind taxonomies and systematic classifications. For example, using the original Linnaean taxonomy (the version he laid out in the 10th edition of Systema Naturae), a human can be formulated as:[9]

Nested hierarchies are the organizational schemes behind taxonomies and systematic classifications. For example, using the original Linnaean taxonomy (the version he laid out in the 10th edition of Systema Naturae), a human can be formulated as:

嵌套的层次结构是分类法和系统分类法背后的组织方案。例如,使用最初的林奈分类法(他在《自然系统》第10版中列出的版本) ,人类可以被规划为:

[math]\displaystyle{ \text{H. sapiens} \subset \text{Homo} \subset \text{Primates} \subset \text{Mammalia} \subset \text{Animalia} }[/math]
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{H. sapiens} \subset \text{Homo} \subset \text{Primates} \subset \text{Mammalia} \subset \text{Animalia} }[/math]


Taxonomies may change frequently (as seen in biological taxonomy), but the underlying concept of nested hierarchies is always the same.

Taxonomies may change frequently (as seen in biological taxonomy), but the underlying concept of nested hierarchies is always the same.

分类法可能会频繁更改(如在生物分类法中所见) ,但是嵌套层次结构的基本概念始终是相同的。

In many programming taxonomies and syntax models (as well as fractals in mathematics), nested hierarchies, including Russian dolls, are also used to illustrate the properties of self-similarity and recursion. Recursion itself is included as a subset of hierarchical programming, and recursive thinking can be synonymous with a form of hierarchical thinking and logic.[10]

In many programming taxonomies and syntax models (as well as fractals in mathematics), nested hierarchies, including Russian dolls, are also used to illustrate the properties of self-similarity and recursion. Recursion itself is included as a subset of hierarchical programming, and recursive thinking can be synonymous with a form of hierarchical thinking and logic.


Containment hierarchy

A containment hierarchy is a direct extrapolation of the nested hierarchy concept. All of the ordered sets are still nested, but every set must be "strict"—no two sets can be identical. The shapes example above can be modified to demonstrate this:

A containment hierarchy is a direct extrapolation of the nested hierarchy concept. All of the ordered sets are still nested, but every set must be "strict"—no two sets can be identical. The shapes example above can be modified to demonstrate this:


[math]\displaystyle{ \text{square} \subsetneq \text{quadrilateral} \subsetneq \text{polygon} \subsetneq \text{shape} \, }[/math]
[math]\displaystyle{  \text{square} \subsetneq \text{quadrilateral} \subsetneq \text{polygon} \subsetneq \text{shape} \,  }[/math]


The notation [math]\displaystyle{ x \subsetneq y \, }[/math] means x is a subset of y but is not equal to y.

The notation [math]\displaystyle{ x \subsetneq y \, }[/math] means x is a subset of y but is not equal to y.

符号 < math > x subsetneq y,</math > 表示 x 是 y 的子集,但不等于 y。

A general example of a containment hierarchy is demonstrated in class inheritance in object-oriented programming.

A general example of a containment hierarchy is demonstrated in class inheritance in object-oriented programming.


Two types of containment hierarchies are the subsumptive containment hierarchy and the compositional containment hierarchy. A subsumptive hierarchy "subsumes" its children, and a compositional hierarchy is "composed" of its children. A hierarchy can also be both subsumptive and compositional模板:Example needed.[11]

Two types of containment hierarchies are the subsumptive containment hierarchy and the compositional containment hierarchy. A subsumptive hierarchy "subsumes" its children, and a compositional hierarchy is "composed" of its children. A hierarchy can also be both subsumptive and compositional.


Subsumptive containment hierarchy

A subsumptive containment hierarchy is a classification of object classes from the general to the specific. Other names for this type of hierarchy are "taxonomic hierarchy" and "IS-A hierarchy".[12][13][14] The last term describes the relationship between each level—a lower-level object "is a" member of the higher class. The taxonomical structure outlined above is a subsumptive containment hierarchy. Using again the example of Linnaean taxonomy, it can be seen that an object that is part of the level Mammalia "is a" member of the level Animalia; more specifically, a human "is a" primate, a primate "is a" mammal, and so on. A subsumptive hierarchy can also be defined abstractly as a hierarchy of "concepts".[14] For example, with the Linnaean hierarchy outlined above, an entity name like Animalia is a way to group all the species that fit the conceptualization of an animal.

A subsumptive containment hierarchy is a classification of object classes from the general to the specific. Other names for this type of hierarchy are "taxonomic hierarchy" and "IS-A hierarchy". The last term describes the relationship between each level—a lower-level object "is a" member of the higher class. The taxonomical structure outlined above is a subsumptive containment hierarchy. Using again the example of Linnaean taxonomy, it can be seen that an object that is part of the level Mammalia "is a" member of the level Animalia; more specifically, a human "is a" primate, a primate "is a" mammal, and so on. A subsumptive hierarchy can also be defined abstractly as a hierarchy of "concepts". For example, with the Linnaean hierarchy outlined above, an entity name like Animalia is a way to group all the species that fit the conceptualization of an animal.

包容层次结构是对象类从一般到特定的分类。这类层次结构的其他名称是“分类层次结构”和“ IS-A 层次结构”。最后一个术语描述了每个级别之间的关系ーー较低级别的对象“是”较高级别的成员。上面概述的分类结构是一个包容性的层次结构。再次使用 Linnaean 分类的例子,可以看到,属于哺乳动物等级的物体“是”动物等级的成员; 更具体地说,人类“是”灵长类动物,灵长类动物“是”哺乳动物,等等。也可以抽象地将包含的层次结构定义为“概念”的层次结构。例如,根据林奈的等级划分,像动物这样的实体名称是对所有符合动物概念的物种进行分类的一种方法。

Compositional containment hierarchy

A compositional containment hierarchy is an ordering of the parts that make up a system—the system is "composed" of these parts.[15] Most engineered structures, whether natural or artificial, can be broken down in this manner.

A compositional containment hierarchy is an ordering of the parts that make up a system—the system is "composed" of these parts. Most engineered structures, whether natural or artificial, can be broken down in this manner.


The compositional hierarchy that every person encounters at every moment is the hierarchy of life. Every person can be reduced to organ systems, which are composed of organs, which are composed of tissues, which are composed of cells, which are composed of molecules, which are composed of atoms. In fact, the last two levels apply to all matter, at least at the macroscopic scale. Moreover, each of these levels inherit all the properties of their children.

The compositional hierarchy that every person encounters at every moment is the hierarchy of life. Every person can be reduced to organ systems, which are composed of organs, which are composed of tissues, which are composed of cells, which are composed of molecules, which are composed of atoms. In fact, the last two levels apply to all matter, at least at the macroscopic scale. Moreover, each of these levels inherit all the properties of their children.


In this particular example, there are also emergent properties—functions that are not seen at the lower level (e.g., cognition is not a property of neurons but is of the brain)—and a scalar quality (molecules are bigger than atoms, cells are bigger than molecules, etc.). Both of these concepts commonly exist in compositional hierarchies, but they are not a required general property. These level hierarchies are characterized by bi-directional causation.[8] Upward causation involves lower-level entities causing some property of a higher level entity; children entities may interact to yield parent entities, and parents are composed at least partly by their children. Downward causation refers to the effect that the incorporation of entity x into a higher-level entity can have on x's properties and interactions. Furthermore, the entities found at each level are autonomous.

In this particular example, there are also emergent properties—functions that are not seen at the lower level (e.g., cognition is not a property of neurons but is of the brain)—and a scalar quality (molecules are bigger than atoms, cells are bigger than molecules, etc.). Both of these concepts commonly exist in compositional hierarchies, but they are not a required general property. These level hierarchies are characterized by bi-directional causation. Upward causation involves lower-level entities causing some property of a higher level entity; children entities may interact to yield parent entities, and parents are composed at least partly by their children. Downward causation refers to the effect that the incorporation of entity x into a higher-level entity can have on xs properties and interactions. Furthermore, the entities found at each level are autonomous.

在这个特定的例子中,还有一些突发特性ーー在较低层次上看不到的功能(例如,认知不是神经元的特性,而是大脑的特性)ーー以及标量特性(分子比原子大,细胞比分子大,等等)。这两个概念通常都存在于组合层次结构中,但它们不是必需的一般属性。这些层次结构是拥有属性的双向因果关系。向上因果关系涉及较低层次的实体引起较高层次实体的某些属性; 儿童实体可能相互作用以产生父实体,父母至少部分由他们的子女组成。向下因果关系是指将实体 x 并入更高级别的实体可能对 x 的属性和交互产生的影响。此外,每个级别上的实体都是自治的。

Contexts and applications

Contexts and applications

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According to Kulish, V. V. (2002), almost every system of organization applied to the world is arranged hierarchically.[16] By their common definitions, every nation has a government and every government is hierarchical.[17][18] Socioeconomic systems are stratified into a social hierarchy (the social stratification of societies), and all systematic classification schemes (taxonomies) are hierarchical. Most organized religions, regardless of their internal governance structures, operate as a hierarchy under God. Many Christian denominations have an autocephalous ecclesiastical hierarchy of leadership. Families are viewed as a hierarchical structure in terms of cousinship (e.g., first cousin once removed, second cousin, etc.), ancestry (as depicted in a family tree) and inheritance (succession and heirship). All the requisites of a well-rounded life and lifestyle can be organized using Maslow's hierarchy of human needs. Learning must often follow a hierarchical scheme—to learn differential equations one must first learn calculus; to learn calculus one must first learn elementary algebra; and so on. Even nature itself has its own hierarchies, as numerous schemes such as Linnaean taxonomy, the organization of life, and biomass pyramids attempt to document. Hierarchies are so infused into daily life that they are viewed as trivial.[1][16]

According to Kulish, V. V. (2002), almost every system of organization applied to the world is arranged hierarchically. By their common definitions, every nation has a government and every government is hierarchical. Socioeconomic systems are stratified into a social hierarchy (the social stratification of societies), and all systematic classification schemes (taxonomies) are hierarchical. Most organized religions, regardless of their internal governance structures, operate as a hierarchy under God. Many Christian denominations have an autocephalous ecclesiastical hierarchy of leadership. Families are viewed as a hierarchical structure in terms of cousinship (e.g., first cousin once removed, second cousin, etc.), ancestry (as depicted in a family tree) and inheritance (succession and heirship). All the requisites of a well-rounded life and lifestyle can be organized using Maslow's hierarchy of human needs. Learning must often follow a hierarchical scheme—to learn differential equations one must first learn calculus; to learn calculus one must first learn elementary algebra; and so on. Even nature itself has its own hierarchies, as numerous schemes such as Linnaean taxonomy, the organization of life, and biomass pyramids attempt to document. Hierarchies are so infused into daily life that they are viewed as trivial.

根据 Kulish v. v. (2002) 的研究,几乎世界上所有的组织系统都是等级分明的。按照他们的共同定义,每个国家都有一个政府,每个政府都是层级制度。社会经济系统被划分为一个社会层级(社会阶层) ,所有的系统分类方案(分类法)都是分等级的。大多数有组织的宗教,不管它们的内部管理结构如何,都在上帝之下按照层级运作。许多基督教教派都有一个独立的教会领导层次。从表亲关系(例如,第一代表兄弟,第二代表兄弟等等)、祖先(由家谱描述)和继承(继承和继承权)的角度来看,家庭可以看作是一种等级结构。一个全面的生活和生活方式的所有必需品都可以用马斯洛的人类需求层次理论来组织。学习通常必须遵循一个层次框架——学习微分方程必须先学习微积分;学习微积分必须先学习初等代数等等。甚至自然本身也有它自己的层级,许多方案试图记录下来,例如林奈分类学、生命的组织和生物量金字塔。层级制度如此深入到日常生活中,以至于人们认为它们微不足道。

While the above examples are often clearly depicted in a hierarchical form and are classic examples, hierarchies exist in numerous systems where this branching structure is not immediately apparent. For example, most postal code systems are hierarchical. Using the Canadian postal code system as an example, the top level's binding concept is the "postal district", and consists of 18 objects (letters). The next level down is the "zone", where the objects are the digits 0–9. This is an example of an overlapping hierarchy, because each of these 10 objects has 18 parents. The hierarchy continues downward to generate, in theory, 7,200,000 unique codes of the format A0A 0A0 (the second and third letter position allow 20 objects each). Most library classification systems are also hierarchical. The Dewey Decimal System is regarded as infinitely hierarchical because there is no finite bound on the number of digits can be used after the decimal point.[19]

While the above examples are often clearly depicted in a hierarchical form and are classic examples, hierarchies exist in numerous systems where this branching structure is not immediately apparent. For example, most postal code systems are hierarchical. Using the Canadian postal code system as an example, the top level's binding concept is the "postal district", and consists of 18 objects (letters). The next level down is the "zone", where the objects are the digits 0–9. This is an example of an overlapping hierarchy, because each of these 10 objects has 18 parents. The hierarchy continues downward to generate, in theory, 7,200,000 unique codes of the format A0A 0A0 (the second and third letter position allow 20 objects each). Most library classification systems are also hierarchical. The Dewey Decimal System is regarded as infinitely hierarchical because there is no finite bound on the number of digits can be used after the decimal point.

虽然上面的例子通常以层次形式清楚地描述并且很经典,但是层次结构也存在于许多分支结构并不是很明显的系统中。例如,大多数邮政编码系统是分层的。以加拿大邮政编码系统为例,顶层的概念是“邮区 postal district”,由18个对象(字母)组成。下一层是“地区 zone”,其中的对象是数字0-9。这是重叠层次结构的一个例子,因为这10个对象中的每一个都有18个父对象。层次继续向下生成,理论上存在720万个 A0A 0A0 (第二个和第三个字母的位置每个允许20个对象)格式的唯一代码。大多数图书分类法系统也是分层级的。杜威十进制图书分类法被认为是无限层次的,因为在小数点之后可以使用的数字数量是没有限制的。

文件:Organizational chart.svg
A simple organizational hierarchy depicted in the form of a tree. Diagrams like this are called organizational charts.

organizational hierarchy depicted in the form of a tree. Diagrams like this are called organizational charts.]]


Organizations 组织

Organizations can be structured as a dominance hierarchy. In an organizational hierarchy, there is a single person or group with the most power and authority, and each subsequent level represents a lesser authority. Most organizations are structured in this manner, including governments, companies, militia and organized religions. The units or persons within an organization are depicted hierarchically in an organizational chart.

Organizations can be structured as a dominance hierarchy. In an organizational hierarchy, there is a single person or group with the most power and authority, and each subsequent level represents a lesser authority. Most organizations are structured in this manner, including governments, companies, militia and organized religions. The units or persons within an organization are depicted hierarchically in an organizational chart.

组织可以被构建成一个支配等级 dominance hierarchy。在一个组织的层次结构中,有一个人或一个群体拥有最大的权力和权威,每个后续的层次代表一个较小的权威。大多数组织都是这样构建的,包括政府、公司、民兵和有组织的宗教。组织中的单位或人员在组织结构图中按等级进行描述。

In a reverse hierarchy, the conceptual pyramid of authority is turned upside-down, so that the apex is at the bottom and the base is at the top. This mode represents the idea that members of the higher rankings are responsible for the members of the lower rankings.

In a reverse hierarchy, the conceptual pyramid of authority is turned upside-down, so that the apex is at the bottom and the base is at the top. This mode represents the idea that members of the higher rankings are responsible for the members of the lower rankings.

反向层次结构 reverse hierarchy中,权力的概念金字塔是颠倒的,因此顶点在底部,底部在顶部。这种模式代表了等级较高的成员对等级较低的成员负责的思想。

Life 生命

Empirically, we observe in nature a large proportion of the (complex) biological systems, they exhibit hierarchic structure. On theoretical grounds we could expect complex systems to be hierarchies in a world in which complexity had to evolve from simplicity. System hierarchies analysis performed in the 1950s,[20][21] laid the empirical foundations for a field that would be, from the 1980s, hierarchical ecology.[22][23][24][25][26]

Empirically, we observe in nature a large proportion of the (complex) biological systems, they exhibit hierarchic structure. On theoretical grounds we could expect complex systems to be hierarchies in a world in which complexity had to evolve from simplicity. System hierarchies analysis performed in the 1950s, laid the empirical foundations for a field that would be, from the 1980s, hierarchical ecology.


The theoretical foundations are summarized by Thermodynamics. When biological systems are modeled as physical systems, in its most general abstraction, they are thermodynamic open systems that exhibit self-organised behavior, and the set/subset relations between dissipative structures can be characterized in a hierarchy.

The theoretical foundations are summarized by Thermodynamics. When biological systems are modeled as physical systems, in its most general abstraction, they are thermodynamic open systems that exhibit self-organised behavior, and the set/subset relations between dissipative structures can be characterized in a hierarchy.


Computer graphic imaging 计算机图形成像

CGI and computer animation programs mostly use hierarchies for models. On a 3D model of a human for example, the chest is a parent of the upper left arm, which is a parent of the lower left arm, which is a parent of the hand. This is used in modeling and animation for almost everything built as a 3D digital model.

CGI and computer animation programs mostly use hierarchies for models. On a 3D model of a human for example, the chest is a parent of the upper left arm, which is a parent of the lower left arm, which is a parent of the hand. This is used in modeling and animation for almost everything built as a 3D digital model.

CGI 和计算机动画程序大多使用层次结构建模。例如在一个人体的三维模型中,胸部是左上臂的母体,而左上臂是左下臂的母体。层次结构用于几乎所有三维数字模型的建模和动画。

Linguistics 语言学

Many grammatical theories, such as phrase-structure grammar, involve hierarchy.

Many grammatical theories, such as phrase-structure grammar, involve hierarchy.


Direct–inverse languages such as Cree and Mapudungun distinguish subject and object on verbs not by different subject and object markers, but via a hierarchy of persons.

Direct–inverse languages such as Cree and Mapudungun distinguish subject and object on verbs not by different subject and object markers, but via a hierarchy of persons.

克里语(Cree)和马普敦根语(Mapudungun)等正动-反动语言 Direct–inverse languages不是通过不同的主语和宾语标记来区分动词的主语和宾语,而是通过人的层级来区分。

In this system, the three (or four with Algonquian languages) persons are placed in a hierarchy of salience. To distinguish which is subject and which object, inverse markers are used if the object outranks the subject.

In this system, the three (or four with Algonquian languages) persons are placed in a hierarchy of salience. To distinguish which is subject and which object, inverse markers are used if the object outranks the subject.


On the other hand, languages include a variety of phenomena that are not hierarchical. For example, the relationship between a pronoun and a prior noun phrase to which it refers, commonly crosses grammatical boundaries in non-hierarchical ways.

On the other hand, languages include a variety of phenomena that are not hierarchical. For example, the relationship between a pronoun and a prior noun phrase to which it refers, commonly crosses grammatical boundaries in non-hierarchical ways.


Music 音乐

The structure of a musical composition is often understood hierarchically (for example by Heinrich Schenker (1768–1835, see Schenkerian analysis), and in the (1985) Generative Theory of Tonal Music, by composer Fred Lerdahl and linguist Ray Jackendoff). The sum of all notes in a piece is understood to be an all-inclusive surface, which can be reduced to successively more sparse and more fundamental types of motion. The levels of structure that operate in Schenker's theory are the foreground, which is seen in all the details of the musical score; the middle ground, which is roughly a summary of an essential contrapuntal progression and voice-leading; and the background or Ursatz, which is one of only a few basic "long-range counterpoint" structures that are shared in the gamut of tonal music literature.

The structure of a musical composition is often understood hierarchically (for example by Heinrich Schenker (1768–1835, see Schenkerian analysis), and in the (1985) Generative Theory of Tonal Music, by composer Fred Lerdahl and linguist Ray Jackendoff). The sum of all notes in a piece is understood to be an all-inclusive surface, which can be reduced to successively more sparse and more fundamental types of motion. The levels of structure that operate in Schenker's theory are the foreground, which is seen in all the details of the musical score; the middle ground, which is roughly a summary of an essential contrapuntal progression and voice-leading; and the background or Ursatz, which is one of only a few basic "long-range counterpoint" structures that are shared in the gamut of tonal music literature.

音乐作品的结构通常是按层次来理解的(例如 Heinrich Schenker (1768-1835,见 Schenkerian 分析) ,以及 Fred Lerdahl 和语言学家 Ray Jackendoff 1985年的《调性音乐的生成理论》)。一段乐曲中所有音符的总和被理解为一个包含所有音符的曲面,它可以简化为更加稀疏和更加基本的运动类型。在申克的理论中运作的结构层次包括前景层次,这在音乐乐谱的所有细节中都可以看到;中间层次,大致上是对位进行和主音的总结; 背景层次,即 Ursatz,这是调性音乐著作中仅有的几个共享的基本“远距离对位”结构之一。

The pitches and form of tonal music are organized hierarchically, all pitches deriving their importance from their relationship to a tonic key, and secondary themes in other keys are brought back to the tonic in a recapitulation of the primary theme. Susan McClary connects this specifically in the sonata-allegro form to the feminist hierarchy of gender (see above) in her book Feminine Endings, even pointing out that primary themes were often previously called "masculine" and secondary themes "feminine."

The pitches and form of tonal music are organized hierarchically, all pitches deriving their importance from their relationship to a tonic key, and secondary themes in other keys are brought back to the tonic in a recapitulation of the primary theme. Susan McClary connects this specifically in the sonata-allegro form to the feminist hierarchy of gender (see above) in her book Feminine Endings, even pointing out that primary themes were often previously called "masculine" and secondary themes "feminine."

调性音乐的音高和形式是按等级组织的,所有音高的重要性来自于它们与主调的关系,其他调中的次要主题在主要主题的再现中被带回主调。苏珊·麦克拉里(Susan McClary)在她的《女性结局((Feminine Endings)一书中将这一点在奏鸣曲式中具体地与女性主义的性别层次结构(见上文)联系起来,甚至指出,主要的主题通常以前被称为“阳性” ,而次要主题被称为“阴性”。

Criticisms of views, concerning distinctions of type and categories well as distinguishability 关于类型和范畴的区别以及区别性的观点的批判

In the work of diverse theorists such as William James (1842–1910), Michel Foucault (1926–1984) and Hayden White, important critiques of hierarchical epistemology are advanced. James famously asserts in his work "Radical Empiricism" that clear distinctions of type and category are a constant but unwritten goal of scientific reasoning, so that when they are discovered, success is declared. But if aspects of the world are organized differently, involving inherent and intractable ambiguities, then scientific questions are often considered unresolved.

In the work of diverse theorists such as William James (1842–1910), Michel Foucault (1926–1984) and Hayden White, important critiques of hierarchical epistemology are advanced. James famously asserts in his work "Radical Empiricism" that clear distinctions of type and category are a constant but unwritten goal of scientific reasoning, so that when they are discovered, success is declared. But if aspects of the world are organized differently, involving inherent and intractable ambiguities, then scientific questions are often considered unresolved.

在威廉·詹姆斯(1842-1910)、米歇尔·福柯(1926-1984)和海登·怀特等不同理论家的著作中,提出了对等级认识论的重要批判。詹姆斯在他的著作“彻底经验主义 Radical Empiricism”中断言,明确类型和范畴的区分是科学推理的一个恒定但不成文的目标,因此当他们被发现的时候,就是宣告成功的时候。但是,如果世界的各个方面以不同的方式组织起来,涉及到固有的和难以解决的模糊性,那么科学问题通常被认为是没有解决的。

Hierarchy in ethics emerged in Western Europe, West Asia and North Africa around the 1600s. In this aspect, the term hierarchy refers to how distinguishable they are from real to unreal. Feminists, Marxists, anarchists, communists, critical theorists and others, all of whom have multiple interpretations, criticize the hierarchies commonly found within human society, especially in social relationships. Hierarchies are present in all parts of society: in businesses, schools, families, etc. These relationships are often viewed as necessary. Entities that stand in hierarchical arrangements are animals, humans, plants, etc.

Hierarchy in ethics emerged in Western Europe, West Asia and North Africa around the 1600s. In this aspect, the term hierarchy refers to how distinguishable they are from real to unreal. Feminists, Marxists, anarchists, communists, critical theorists and others, all of whom have multiple interpretations, criticize the hierarchies commonly found within human society, especially in social relationships. Hierarchies are present in all parts of society: in businesses, schools, families, etc. These relationships are often viewed as necessary. Entities that stand in hierarchical arrangements are animals, humans, plants, etc.


Ethics, behavioral psychology, philosophies of identity 伦理,行为心理学,同一哲学 philosophies of identity

Career-oriented purposes can be diagrammed using a hierarchy describing how less important actions support a larger goal.

Career-oriented purposes can be diagrammed using a hierarchy describing how less important actions support a larger goal.


In ethics, various virtues are enumerated and sometimes organized hierarchically according to certain brands of virtue theory.

In ethics, various virtues are enumerated and sometimes organized hierarchically according to certain brands of virtue theory.


In some of these random examples, there is an asymmetry of 'compositional' significance between levels of structure, so that small parts of the whole hierarchical array depend, for their meaning, on their membership in larger parts. There is a hierarchy of activities in human life: productive activity serves or is guided by the moral life; the moral life is guided by practical reason; practical reason (used in moral and political life) serves contemplative reason (whereby we contemplate God). Practical reason sets aside time and resources for contemplative reason.

In some of these random examples, there is an asymmetry of 'compositional' significance between levels of structure, so that small parts of the whole hierarchical array depend, for their meaning, on their membership in larger parts. There is a hierarchy of activities in human life: productive activity serves or is guided by the moral life; the moral life is guided by practical reason; practical reason (used in moral and political life) serves contemplative reason (whereby we contemplate God). Practical reason sets aside time and resources for contemplative reason.


Examples of other applications 其他应用的例子

<!-- 本节仅供直接举例说明等级制度,仅供上文未概述的例子参考。方法学属于下面的适当部分。相关概念列在“请参阅”部分。如果您不确定链接属于哪个位置,请将其放在“请参阅”部分。提示: 如果你不能很容易地说出它的层次结构是什么,它就不属于这里(但这并不意味着如果你能说出它的层次结构是什么,它就属于这里)。-->




Information-based 基于信息

= = = = = 信息为基础 = = = = < ! -- 是的,连字符是正确的,即使按照 wp: hyphen ー这个类别的逻辑标题是“信息为基础的层次结构” -- >


City planning-based

City planning-based 基于城市规划

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =



Linguistics-based 基于语言学

= = = 基于语言学的 = = = = = < ! -- 是的,连字符是正确的,即使按 wp: hyphen ー这个类别的逻辑标题是“基于语言学的层次” -- >




Power- or authority-based

Power- or authority-based 基于权利或权威

= = = 权力-或基于权威 = = = = = < ! -- 是的,连字符是正确的,即使按照 wp: hyphen ー这个类别的逻辑标题是“权力-或基于权威的层次结构” -- >

  • Administrative branch of government geographical hierarchies
  • Political party hierarchies 政党的层次结构



Value-based 基于价值

= = = = 基于价值的价值 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =




= = = 基于感知的感知 = = = = = < ! -- 是的,连字符是正确的,即使按照 wp: hyphen ー这个类别的逻辑标题是“基于感知的层级” -- >






= = = 历史为基础 = = = = < ! -- 是的,连字符是正确的,即使按 wp: hyphen ー这个类别的逻辑标题是“基于历史的层级” -- >



< ! -- wp: hyphen ー这个类别的逻辑标题是"科学层次">






= = = = 基于宗教的 = = = = = = = = = = 是的,连字符是正确的,即使按照 wp: hyphen ー这个类别的逻辑标题是“基于宗教和神话的等级制度” -- >

  • Levels of consciousness
  • Levels of spiritual development
  • Ages in the evolution of society
  • Deities
  • Angels
  • Devils and Demons

Methods using hierarchy

Methods using hierarchy

= = = = 使用层次结构的方法 = = = < ! -- 参见“ further applications” -- >


See also

See also

= = 也见 = = < ! -- 参见“ further applications” -- >


Strucure-related concepts

(For example, in 模板:Section link)

(For example, in )



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Dawkins, Richard (1976). Bateson, Paul Patrick Gordon; Hinde, Robert A. (eds.). Hierarchical organization: a candidate principle for ethology. Growing points in ethology: based on a conference sponsored by St. John's College and King's College, Cambridge. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. pp. 7–54. ISBN 0-521-29086-4.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Simon, Herbert A. (12 December 1962). "The Architecture of Complexity". Proc. Am. Philos. Soc. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: American Philosophical Society. 106 (6): 467–482. CiteSeerX ISSN 0003-049X. JSTOR 985254.模板:Registration required
  4. "hierarchy". Online Etymology Dictionary.
  5. ἱερεύς, Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, on Perseus Digital Library
  6. ἀρχή, Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, on Perseus Digital Library
  7. Douglas Lemke (2002). Regions of War and Peace. Cambridge: University of Cambridge. pp. 49. 
  8. 8.0 8.1 Lane, David (2006). "Hierarchy, Complexity, Society". In Pumain, Denise (ed.). Hierarchy in Natural and Social Sciences. New York, New York: Springer-Verlag. pp. 81–120. ISBN 978-1-4020-4126-6.
  9. Linnaei, Carl von (1959) (in Latin). Systema naturae per regna tria naturae :secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis (10th ed.). Stockholm: Impensis Direct. ISBN 0-665-53008-0. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/542#. Retrieved 2011-09-24. 
  10. Corballis, Michael (2011). The Recursive Mind. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0691145471. 
  11. Kopisch, Manfred; Günther, Andreas (1992). "Configuration of a passenger aircraft cabin based on conceptual hierarchy, constraints and flexible control". In Belli, Fevzi (ed.). Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems. Industrial and engineering applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems: 5th international conference, IEA/AIE-92, Paderborn, Germany, June 9–12, 1992 : proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series. Vol. 602. Springer. pp. 424–427. doi:10.1007/BFb0024994. ISBN 3-540-55601-X. ISSN 0302-9743.
  12. 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为Lehmann的引用提供文字
  13. "Compositional hierarchy". WebSphere Transformation Extender Design Studio. Archived from the original on 3 January 2013. Retrieved 9 October 2009.
  14. 14.0 14.1 Funke, Birger; Sebastian, Hans-Jürgen (1999). "An advanced modeling environment based on a hybrid AI-OR approach". In Polis, Michael P.; Dontchev, Asen L.; Kall, Peter et al.. Systems modelling and optimization: proceedings of the 18th IFIP TC7 conference. Research notes in mathematics series. 396. CRC Press. pp. 366–75. ISBN 978-0-8493-0607-5. https://books.google.com/books?id=ds2eIQ6XZy0C&pg=PA366. 
  15. Parsons, David (2002). Object Oriented Programming in C++. Cengage Learning. pp. 110–185. ISBN 0-8264-5428-3. 
  16. 16.0 16.1 Kulish, V. V. (2002). Hierarchical Methods: Hierarchy and hierarchical asymptotic methods in electrodynamics. 1. Springer. pp. xvii–xx; 49–71. ISBN 1-4020-0757-4. 
  17. Soanes, Catherine; Hawker, Sara (1991). "government". Compact Oxford English Dictionary. ISBN 978-0-19-861022-9. http://www.askoxford.com/concise_oed/government?view=uk. 
  18. Soanes, Catherine; Hawker, Sara (1991). "nation". Compact Oxford English Dictionary. ISBN 978-0-19-861022-9. http://www.askoxford.com/concise_oed/nation?view=uk. 
  19. Walker, Randy (May–June 2009). "Tracking Nuclear Sources" (PDF). wellservicingmagazine.com: 28–30. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defekte_Weblinks?dwl={{{url}}} Seite nicht mehr abrufbar], Suche in Webarchiven: Kategorie:Wikipedia:Weblink offline (andere Namensräume)[http://timetravel.mementoweb.org/list/2010/Kategorie:Wikipedia:Vorlagenfehler/Vorlage:Toter Link/URL_fehlt See also Wikipedia article.
  20. 脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。
  21. 脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。
  22. 脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。
  23. 脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。
  24. 脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。
  25. 脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。
  26. 脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。

Further reading

  • Ckurshumova, Wenzislava (2007). "Regulatory hierarchies in auxin signal transduction and vascular tissue development". Dissertation Abstracts International. University of Toronto. 68 (5): section B. ISBN 978-0-494-27682-2. Ph.D. dissertation.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  • Galindo, Cipriano; Fernández-Madrigal, Juan-Antonio (2007). Kacprzyk, Janusz. ed. Multiple Abstraction Hierarchies for Mobile Robot Operation in Large Environments. Studies in Computational Intelligence. Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3-540-72688-3. 
  • Rosenbaum, A. (2000) (in French). Les représentations hiérarchiques en philosophie. Paris: Desclee de Brouwer. 
  • Shahbaba, Babak (2007). "Improving classification models when a class hierarchy is available". Dissertation Abstracts International. University of Toronto. 68 (6): section B. ISBN 978-0-494-28076-8. Ph.D. dissertation.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: postscript (link)
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