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  • …1117/12.261175 |title=From crowd simulation to airbag deployment: Particle systems, a new paradigm of simulation |journal=Journal of Electronic Imaging |volu …{cite book |doi=10.1145/2159616.2159626 |chapter=Interactive simulation of dynamic crowd behaviors using general adaptation syndrome theory |title=Proceedings
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  • …ism of Membrane Potential Generation Observed in Both Living and Nonliving Systems | journal = Membranes | volume = 6 | issue = 1 | pages = 11 | date = Janua …更长的时间常数和更大的电压偏转<ref name=":0">{{Cite book|title=Development of the nervous system|last1=Sanes|first1=Dan H.|last2=Reh|first2=Thomas A | name-list-style = van
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  • …modeling] of [https://wiki.swarma.org/index.php/Economic_systems economic systems], whether [https://wiki.swarma.org/index.php/Agent-based_computational_eco …y economies], as [https://wiki.swarma.org/index.php/Dynamic_system dynamic system]s of interacting [https://wiki.swarma.org/index.php/Agent_(economics) agent
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  • …Theoretical reconstruction of the stoichiometry of ATP and NADH producing systems | journal = Bulletin of Mathematical Biology | volume = 63 | issue = 1 |… …架是维持细胞形状的支架系统)<ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Michie KA, Löwe J | title = Dynamic filaments of the bacterial cytoskeleton | journal = Annual Review of Bioche
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  • …on Content of Neural Signaling] | International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems 2020" (in English). doi:[https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3407197.3407204 10 …G 2014 Neuromorphic electronic circuits for building autonomous cognitive systems Proc. IEEE 102 1367–88.</ref>。
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  • …|title=Toward a unified theory of development : connectionism and dynamic systems theory re-considered |publisher=Oxford University Press |location=Oxford/N …onary Systems, University House, ANU |oclc=224846454|chapter=MicroMod-an L-systems approach to neural modelling |last1=Jelinek |first1=Herbert F. |last2=Karp
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  • # Du WB, Zhou XL, Zhu YB, Zheng Z, A dynamic allocation mechanism of delivering capacity in coupled networks, Chaos, Sol # Du WB, Zhou XL, Chen Z, Cai KQ, Cao XB, Traffic dynamics on coupled spatial networks, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2014, 68:72-77
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  • …or=Meron, E |title=From Patterns to Function in Living Systems: Dryland Ecosystems as a Case Study|journal=Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics |volume …2=Sundarram|first2=Sandhya|last3=Luss|first3=Dan|date=September 2004|title=Dynamics of Transversal Hot Zones in Shallow Packed-Bed Reactors†|journal=The Jou
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  • …ast3=Draheim |first3=Dirk |title=Frameworks for Collective Intelligence: A Systematic Literature Review |journal=ACM Computing Surveys |date=5 February 2020 …Theoretic Learning in Distributed Control|date=2017|publisher=Handbook of Dynamic Game Theory|url=https://www.ece.ucsb.edu/~jrmarden/files/Learning-Chapter.p
    106 KB(7,760个字) - 2023年8月9日 (三) 16:08
  • …e-and-conquer''';在此基础上,加上一个存储子问题结果的查找表时(以避免重复解子问题而产生额外的计算时间),就产生了称为''' 动态规划dynamic programming '''或''' 记忆化 memoization'''的方法。 public class FileSystem {
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  • * Graphviz:来自美国电话电报公司的开放源码绘图系统<ref>"Graphviz and Dynagraph – Static and Dynamic Graph Drawing Tools", by John Ellson, Emden R. Gansner, Eleftherios Koutsof …eedings of the 27th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '09) |url= http://www.win.tue.nl/~dholten/papers/directed_edges_chi.p
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  • …al. 2004, Gathercole et al. 2004). They are linked to different neural subsystems. WM relies more on dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, whereas maintaining inf ….C. | last2 = Shiffrin | first2 = R.M. | title = Human Memory: A Proposed System and its Control Processes | volume = 2 |pages = 89–195| editor1 = Kenneth
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  • * 线性系统中的最小相关变量 Minimum Relevant Variables In Linear System
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  • …|doi=10.1002/9783527626359.ch3|arxiv=0706.3351|series=Reviews of Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity|publisher=Wiley|pages=69–110|isbn=9783527626359|chapter=R …, Ninth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems (ALife IX). Pp|volume=2004|pages=160–173|year=2004|bibcode=2004nlin.....
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  • # 贾小双 Social Dynamic of Urban Life …Shang*, Michael Small, and Wei-sheng Yan. “Fitness networks for real world systems via modified preferential attachment.” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics
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  • …下载]||[https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.08144 Google's Neural Machine Translation System: Bridging the Gap between Human and Machine Translation] # Dynamic Memory Network
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  • * Dynamics of firm financial evolution and bankruptcy prediction …-World Network with an Elite-Clique: Bringing Embeddedness Theory into the Dynamic Evolution of a Venture Capital Network
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  • [[File:Diagram of Dynamic Causal Modelling - Causal Modelling and Brain Connectivity in Functional Ma …itle=Philosophical roots of model validation: Two paradigms|journal=System Dynamics Review|language=en|volume=6|issue=2|pages=148–166|doi=10.1002/sdr.426006
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