
添加336字节 、 2020年7月17日 (五) 11:11
→‎Challenges 翻译1
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==Challenges 挑战==
Computational sociology, as with any field of study, faces a set of challenges.<ref name="MCSS">Conte, Rosaria, et al. "[https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1140%252Fepjst%252Fe2012-01697-8.pdf Manifesto of computational social science]." The European Physical Journal Special Topics 214.1 (2012): 325-346.</ref> These challenges need to be handled meaningfully so as to make the maximum impact on society.
Computational sociology, as with any field of study, faces a set of challenges.<ref name="MCSS">Conte, Rosaria, et al. "[https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1140%252Fepjst%252Fe2012-01697-8.pdf Manifesto of computational social science]." The European Physical Journal Special Topics 214.1 (2012): 325-346.</ref> These challenges need to be handled meaningfully so as to make the maximum impact on society.
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Computational sociology, as with any field of study, faces a set of challenges. These challenges need to be handled meaningfully so as to make the maximum impact on society.
Computational sociology, as with any field of study, faces a set of challenges. These challenges need to be handled meaningfully so as to make the maximum impact on society.
计算社会学和其他研究领域一样面临着一系列的挑战。必须有意义地处理这些挑战(--[[用户:嘉树|嘉树]]([[用户讨论:嘉树|讨论]]) meaningfully怎么翻译才比较通顺?),以便对社会产生最大的影响。
===Levels and their interactions===
===Levels and their interactions 层级和层级的交互关系===
Each society that is formed tends to be in one level or the other and there exists tendencies of interactions between and across these levels. Levels need not only be micro-level or macro-level in nature. There can be intermediate levels in which a society exists say - groups, networks, communities etc.<ref name="MCSS" />
Each society that is formed tends to be in one level or the other and there exists tendencies of interactions between and across these levels. Levels need not only be micro-level or macro-level in nature. There can be intermediate levels in which a society exists say - groups, networks, communities etc.<ref name="MCSS" />
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Each society that is formed tends to be in one level or the other and there exists tendencies of interactions between and across these levels. Levels need not only be micro-level or macro-level in nature. There can be intermediate levels in which a society exists say - groups, networks, communities etc.
Each society that is formed tends to be in one level or the other and there exists tendencies of interactions between and across these levels. Levels need not only be micro-level or macro-level in nature. There can be intermediate levels in which a society exists say - groups, networks, communities etc.
形成的每个社会都处于某种层次上,并且这些层次之间有相互作用的倾向。社会中的级别不仅可以分为微观或宏观的层次,还可以存在中间的层次,比如群体、网络、社区等。(--[[用户:嘉树|嘉树]]([[用户讨论:嘉树|讨论]]) 合并了英文的原句)
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The question however arises as to how to identify these levels and how they come into existence? And once they are in existence how do they interact within themselves and with other levels?
The question however arises as to how to identify these levels and how they come into existence? And once they are in existence how do they interact within themselves and with other levels?
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If we view entities (agents) as nodes and the connections between them as the edges, we see the formation of networks. The connections in these networks do not come about based on just objective relationships between the entities, rather they are decided upon by factors chosen by the participating entities. The challenge with this process is that, it is difficult to identify when a set of entities will form a network. These networks may be of trust networks, co-operation networks, dependence networks etc. There have been cases where heterogeneous set of entities have shown to form strong and meaningful networks among themselves.
If we view entities (agents) as nodes and the connections between them as the edges, we see the formation of networks. The connections in these networks do not come about based on just objective relationships between the entities, rather they are decided upon by factors chosen by the participating entities. The challenge with this process is that, it is difficult to identify when a set of entities will form a network. These networks may be of trust networks, co-operation networks, dependence networks etc. There have been cases where heterogeneous set of entities have shown to form strong and meaningful networks among themselves.
如果我们把'''实体 Entities'''('''主体 Agents''')看作节点,把它们之间的连接看作边,我们就看到了网络的形成。这些网络中的连接并非只是基于实体之间的客观关系,而是由实体选择的因素决定的。这个过程的困难之处在于,很难确定一组实体何时形成网络。这些网络可以是信任网络、合作网络、依赖网络等。在一些情况下,异质的实体集在它们之间形成了强大而有意义的网络。
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As discussed previously, societies fall into levels and in one such level, the individual level, a micro-macro link refers to the interactions which create higher-levels. There are a set of questions that needs to be answered regarding these Micro-Macro links. How they are formed? When do they converge? What is the feedback pushed to the lower levels and how are they pushed?
As discussed previously, societies fall into levels and in one such level, the individual level, a micro-macro link refers to the interactions which create higher-levels. There are a set of questions that needs to be answered regarding these Micro-Macro links. How they are formed? When do they converge? What is the feedback pushed to the lower levels and how are they pushed?
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Another major challenge in this category concerns the validity of information and their sources. In recent years there has been a boom in information gathering and processing. However, little attention was paid to the spread of false information between the societies. Tracing back the sources and finding ownership of such information is difficult.
Another major challenge in this category concerns the validity of information and their sources. In recent years there has been a boom in information gathering and processing. However, little attention was paid to the spread of false information between the societies. Tracing back the sources and finding ownership of such information is difficult.
===Culture modeling===
===Culture modeling 文化建模===
The evolution of the networks and levels in the society brings about cultural diversity.<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Centola|first1=D.|last2=Gonz´alez-Avella|first2=J. C.|last3=Egu´ıluz|first3=V. M.|last4=San Miguel|first4=M.|title=Journal of Conflict Resolution|issue=2007|pages=51}}</ref> A thought which arises however is that, when people tend to interact and become more accepting of other cultures and beliefs, how is it that diversity still persists? Why is there no convergence? A major challenge is how to model these diversities. Are there external factors like mass media, locality of societies etc. which influence the evolution or persistence of cultural diversities?{{Citation needed|reason=Sounds just like personal thoughts|date=May 2017}}
The evolution of the networks and levels in the society brings about cultural diversity.<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Centola|first1=D.|last2=Gonz´alez-Avella|first2=J. C.|last3=Egu´ıluz|first3=V. M.|last4=San Miguel|first4=M.|title=Journal of Conflict Resolution|issue=2007|pages=51}}</ref> A thought which arises however is that, when people tend to interact and become more accepting of other cultures and beliefs, how is it that diversity still persists? Why is there no convergence? A major challenge is how to model these diversities. Are there external factors like mass media, locality of societies etc. which influence the evolution or persistence of cultural diversities?{{Citation needed|reason=Sounds just like personal thoughts|date=May 2017}}
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The evolution of the networks and levels in the society brings about cultural diversity. A thought which arises however is that, when people tend to interact and become more accepting of other cultures and beliefs, how is it that diversity still persists? Why is there no convergence? A major challenge is how to model these diversities. Are there external factors like mass media, locality of societies etc. which influence the evolution or persistence of cultural diversities?
The evolution of the networks and levels in the society brings about cultural diversity. A thought which arises however is that, when people tend to interact and become more accepting of other cultures and beliefs, how is it that diversity still persists? Why is there no convergence? A major challenge is how to model these diversities. Are there external factors like mass media, locality of societies etc. which influence the evolution or persistence of cultural diversities?
===Experimentation and evaluation===
===Experimentation and evaluation 实验和评估===
Any study or modelling when combined with experimentation needs to be able to address the questions being asked. [[Computational social science]] deals with large scale data and the challenge becomes much more evident as the scale grows. How would one design informative simulations on a large scale? And even if a large scale simulation is brought up, how is the evaluation supposed to be performed?
Any study or modelling when combined with experimentation needs to be able to address the questions being asked. [[Computational social science]] deals with large scale data and the challenge becomes much more evident as the scale grows. How would one design informative simulations on a large scale? And even if a large scale simulation is brought up, how is the evaluation supposed to be performed?
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Any study or modelling when combined with experimentation needs to be able to address the questions being asked. Computational social science deals with large scale data and the challenge becomes much more evident as the scale grows. How would one design informative simulations on a large scale? And even if a large scale simulation is brought up, how is the evaluation supposed to be performed?
Any study or modelling when combined with experimentation needs to be able to address the questions being asked. Computational social science deals with large scale data and the challenge becomes much more evident as the scale grows. How would one design informative simulations on a large scale? And even if a large scale simulation is brought up, how is the evaluation supposed to be performed?
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