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In 1974, Baddeley and Hitch introduced the multicomponent model of working memory. The theory proposed a model containing three components: the central executive, the phonological loop, and the visuospatial sketchpad with the central executive functioning as a control center of sorts, directing info between the phonological and visuospatial components. The central executive is responsible for, among other things, directing attention to relevant information, suppressing irrelevant information and inappropriate actions, and coordinating cognitive processes when more than one task is simultaneously performed. A "central executive" is responsible for supervising the integration of information and for coordinating subordinate systems responsible for the short-term maintenance of information. One subordinate system, the phonological loop (PL), stores phonological information (that is, the sound of language) and prevents its decay by continuously refreshing it in a rehearsal loop. It can, for example, maintain a seven-digit telephone number for as long as one repeats the number to oneself again and again. The other subordinate system, the visuospatial sketchpad, stores visual and spatial information. It can be used, for example, for constructing and manipulating visual images and for representing mental maps. The sketchpad can be further broken down into a visual subsystem (dealing with such phenomena as shape, colour, and texture), and a spatial subsystem (dealing with location).
In 1974, Baddeley and Hitch introduced the multicomponent model of working memory. The theory proposed a model containing three components: the central executive, the phonological loop, and the visuospatial sketchpad with the central executive functioning as a control center of sorts, directing info between the phonological and visuospatial components. The central executive is responsible for, among other things, directing attention to relevant information, suppressing irrelevant information and inappropriate actions, and coordinating cognitive processes when more than one task is simultaneously performed. A "central executive" is responsible for supervising the integration of information and for coordinating subordinate systems responsible for the short-term maintenance of information. One subordinate system, the phonological loop (PL), stores phonological information (that is, the sound of language) and prevents its decay by continuously refreshing it in a rehearsal loop. It can, for example, maintain a seven-digit telephone number for as long as one repeats the number to oneself again and again. The other subordinate system, the visuospatial sketchpad, stores visual and spatial information. It can be used, for example, for constructing and manipulating visual images and for representing mental maps. The sketchpad can be further broken down into a visual subsystem (dealing with such phenomena as shape, colour, and texture), and a spatial subsystem (dealing with location).
1974年,巴德利 Baddeley和希池 Hitch提出了工作记忆的多元模型,是一个包含三个组件的模型:中央执行器组件、语音回路组件、视觉绘板组件,其中中央执行器作为某种控制中心,负责疏导语音回路和视觉绘板之间的信息传递。中央处理器还负责对有关信息的注意力引导,对无关信息及不当行为的抑制,对多任务同时执行时认知程序的协调等。中央执行器还负责监督信息的整合、以及对负责短期信息维护的子系统间的协调。语音回路(PL)存储语音信息并不断刷新以防止其衰退,例如一个7位数的电话号码只要持续刷新就可一直保持。而视觉绘板存储视觉和空间信息,例如构建、操控视觉图像、及展现精神世界。视觉绘板还可进一步分为视觉子系统(处理形状、颜色和纹理等现象)和空间子系统(处理位置)。
1974年,巴德利 Baddeley和希池 Hitch提出了'''<font color="#ff8000">工作记忆多元模型 Multicomponent Model of Working Memory</font>''',是一个包含三个组件的模型:中央执行器组件、语音回路组件、视觉绘板组件,其中'''<font color="#ff8000">中央执行器 Central Executive</font>'''作为某种控制中心,负责疏导语音回路和视觉绘板之间的信息传递。中央处理器还负责对有关信息的注意力引导,对无关信息及不当行为的抑制,对多任务同时执行时认知程序的协调等。中央执行器还负责监督信息的整合、以及对负责短期信息维护的子系统间的协调。'''<font color="#ff8000">语音回路(PL) Phonological Loop (PL)</font>'''存储语音信息并不断刷新以防止其衰退,例如一个7位数的电话号码只要持续刷新就可一直保持。而'''<font color="#ff8000">视觉绘板 Visuospatial Sketchpad</font>'''存储视觉和空间信息,例如构建、操控视觉图像、及展现精神世界。视觉绘板还可进一步分为视觉子系统(处理形状、颜色和纹理等现象)和空间子系统(处理位置)。
