
添加14字节 、 2020年8月16日 (日) 15:48
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The assumption that the contents of short-term or working memory decay over time, unless decay is prevented by rehearsal, goes back to the early days of experimental research on short-term memory. It is also an important assumption in the multi-component theory of working memory. The most elaborate decay-based theory of working memory to date is the "time-based resource sharing model". This theory assumes that representations in working memory decay unless they are refreshed. Refreshing them requires an attentional mechanism that is also needed for any concurrent processing task. When there are small time intervals in which the processing task does not require attention, this time can be used to refresh memory traces. The theory therefore predicts that the amount of forgetting depends on the temporal density of attentional demands of the processing task—this density is called "cognitive load". The cognitive load depends on two variables, the rate at which the processing task requires individual steps to be carried out, and the duration of each step. For example, if the processing task consists of adding digits, then having to add another digit every half second places a higher cognitive load on the system than having to add another digit every two seconds. In a series of experiments, Barrouillet and colleagues have shown that memory for lists of letters depends neither on the number of processing steps nor the total time of processing but on cognitive load.
The assumption that the contents of short-term or working memory decay over time, unless decay is prevented by rehearsal, goes back to the early days of experimental research on short-term memory. It is also an important assumption in the multi-component theory of working memory. The most elaborate decay-based theory of working memory to date is the "time-based resource sharing model". This theory assumes that representations in working memory decay unless they are refreshed. Refreshing them requires an attentional mechanism that is also needed for any concurrent processing task. When there are small time intervals in which the processing task does not require attention, this time can be used to refresh memory traces. The theory therefore predicts that the amount of forgetting depends on the temporal density of attentional demands of the processing task—this density is called "cognitive load". The cognitive load depends on two variables, the rate at which the processing task requires individual steps to be carried out, and the duration of each step. For example, if the processing task consists of adding digits, then having to add another digit every half second places a higher cognitive load on the system than having to add another digit every two seconds. In a series of experiments, Barrouillet and colleagues have shown that memory for lists of letters depends neither on the number of processing steps nor the total time of processing but on cognitive load.
短期记忆或工作记忆的内容会随着时间的推移而衰退,除非通过刷新来防止衰退,这种假设可追溯到短期记忆早期的实验研究。这也是工作记忆多分量理论中的一个重要假设。迄今为止,最详尽的基于衰减假设的工作记忆理论是“基于时间的资源共享模型”。这个理论假设工作记忆中不断衰退的表征需要刷新维持,而刷新需要注意力机制,而注意力又对于任何并发进程任务都是必需的。当进程任务存在不需要注意力的微小时间间隔时,该时间可刷新记忆痕迹。因此,该理论预测遗忘量取决于进程任务临时所需注意力的密度,这种密度叫做“认知负荷”。认知负荷取决于两个变量,一是进程任务需要单个步骤执行的速率,二是每个步骤的持续时间。例如,如果处理任务包括添加数字,那么每半秒添加一个数字会比每两秒添加一个数字给系统带来更大的认知负荷。在一系列的实验中,巴鲁耶 Barrouillet 及其同事已证明字母列表的记忆并不取决于处理步骤数量或者处理总时间,而是取决于认知负荷。
该理论假设短期记忆或工作记忆的内容会随着时间的推移而衰退,除非通过刷新来防止衰退,这种理论可追溯到短期记忆早期的实验研究。这也是工作记忆多分量理论中的一个重要假设。迄今为止,最详尽的基于衰减假设的工作记忆理论是“基于时间的资源共享模型”。这个理论假设工作记忆中不断衰退的表征需要刷新维持,而刷新需要注意力机制,而注意力又对于任何并发进程任务都是必需的。当进程任务存在不需要注意力的微小时间间隔时,该时间可刷新记忆痕迹。因此,该理论预测遗忘量取决于进程任务临时所需注意力的密度,这种密度叫做“认知负荷”。认知负荷取决于两个变量,一是进程任务需要单个步骤执行的速率,二是每个步骤的持续时间。例如,如果处理任务包括添加数字,那么每半秒添加一个数字会比每两秒添加一个数字给系统带来更大的认知负荷。在一系列的实验中,巴鲁耶 Barrouillet 及其同事已证明字母列表的记忆并不取决于处理步骤数量或者处理总时间,而是取决于认知负荷。
==== 资源理论 Resource theories====
==== 资源理论 Resource theories====
