
添加825字节 、 2020年8月28日 (五) 23:45
第153行: 第153行:  
== Graph classes defined by cycles ==
== Graph classes defined by cycles 根据环定义的图类 ==
Several important classes of graphs can be defined by or characterized by their cycles. These include:
Several important classes of graphs can be defined by or characterized by their cycles. These include:
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Several important classes of graphs can be defined by or characterized by their cycles. These include:
Several important classes of graphs can be defined by or characterized by their cycles. These include:
* [[Bipartite graph]], a graph without odd cycles (cycles with an odd number of vertices).
* [[Bipartite graph]], a graph without odd cycles (cycles with an odd number of vertices).
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* [[Triangle-free graph]], a graph without three-vertex cycles
* [[Triangle-free graph]], a graph without three-vertex cycles
* 二分图Bipartite graph,其中无奇数环(具有奇数个顶点的环)。
* 仙人掌图Cactus graph,其中每个非平凡的双向连通分量都是一个环。
* 环图Cycle graph,由一个环组成的图。
* 弦图Chordal graph,其中每个导出环都是三角形。
* 有向无环图Directed acyclic graph,无环的有向图。
* 线完美图Line perfect graph,其中每个奇环都是三角形。
* 完美图Perfect graph,无导出环或大于3的奇数路径长度的环。
* 伪森林Pseudoforest,其中每个连通分量最多只有一个环。
* 绞窄图Strangulated graph,其中每个边环都是三角形。
* 强连通图Strongly connected graph,一种有向图,其中每个边都是环的一部分。
* 无三角形图Triangle-free graph,无三个顶点环的图
== See also ==
== See also ==
