
添加1,446字节 、 2020年10月7日 (三) 18:34
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{{short description|Thought experiment devised by the physicist Erwin Schrödinger}}
{{short description|Thought experiment devised by the physicist Erwin Schrödinger}}<br>
模板:简短说明 由物理学家欧文·薛定谔设计的思维实验
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[[File:Schrodingers cat.svg|thumb|upright=1.5|Schrödinger's cat: a cat, a flask of poison, and a [[radioactive]] source are placed in a sealed box. If an internal monitor (e.g. [[Geiger counter]]) detects radioactivity (i.e. a single atom decaying), the flask is shattered, releasing the poison, which kills the cat. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that after a while, the cat is ''simultaneously'' alive ''and'' dead. Yet, when one looks in the box, one sees the cat ''either'' alive ''or'' dead, not both alive ''and'' dead.  This poses the question of when exactly quantum superposition ends and reality collapses into one possibility or the other.]]
[[File:Schrodingers cat.svg|thumb|upright=1.5|Schrödinger's cat: a cat, a flask of poison, and a [[radioactive]] source are placed in a sealed box. If an internal monitor (e.g. [[Geiger counter]]) detects radioactivity (i.e. a single atom decaying), the flask is shattered, releasing the poison, which kills the cat. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that after a while, the cat is ''simultaneously'' alive ''and'' dead. Yet, when one looks in the box, one sees the cat ''either'' alive ''or'' dead, not both alive ''and'' dead.  This poses the question of when exactly quantum superposition ends and reality collapses into one possibility or the other.]]<br>
文件:薛定谔的猫:将一只猫,一瓶毒药和放射源放置在密封的盒子里。如果内部监测器(例如'''<font color="ff8000">盖革计数器Geiger counter</font>''')检测到放射性(即单个原子衰变),则烧瓶会破碎,释放出毒药,从而杀死猫。量子力学的'''<font color="ff8000">哥本哈根诠释Copenhagen interpretation</font>'''表明,一段时间之后,这只猫既是死的又是活的。然而,当人们往箱子里看时,看到的猫不是活着的就是死了的,而不是既活着又死了的猫。这就提出了一个问题,即确切的量子叠加何时结束而现实何时坍缩成一种或另一种可能性。
Schrödinger's cat: a cat, a flask of poison, and a [[radioactive source are placed in a sealed box. If an internal monitor (e.g. Geiger counter) detects radioactivity (i.e. a single atom decaying), the flask is shattered, releasing the poison, which kills the cat. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that after a while, the cat is simultaneously alive and dead. Yet, when one looks in the box, one sees the cat either alive or dead, not both alive and dead.  This poses the question of when exactly quantum superposition ends and reality collapses into one possibility or the other.]]
Schrödinger's cat: a cat, a flask of poison, and a [[radioactive source are placed in a sealed box. If an internal monitor (e.g. Geiger counter) detects radioactivity (i.e. a single atom decaying), the flask is shattered, releasing the poison, which kills the cat. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that after a while, the cat is simultaneously alive and dead. Yet, when one looks in the box, one sees the cat either alive or dead, not both alive and dead.  This poses the question of when exactly quantum superposition ends and reality collapses into one possibility or the other.]]
薛定谔的猫: 一只猫,一瓶毒药和一个[放射源被放置在一个密封的盒子里。如果一个内部监控器(例如:。盖革计数器)检测放射性(即放射性。一个原子在衰变) ,烧瓶破碎,释放出毒素,致猫于死地。哥本哈根诠释量子力学》暗示,过了一段时间,猫既活着又死了。然而,当人们往盒子里看的时候,他们看到的不是活的就是死的,不是活的就是死的。这就提出了这样一个问题: 态叠加原理何时结束,现实何时瓦解成一种可能或另一种可能
薛定谔的猫:将一只猫,一瓶毒药和放射源放置在密封的盒子里。如果内部监测器(例如盖革计数器)检测到放射性(即单个原子衰变),则烧瓶会破碎,释放出毒药,从而杀死猫。量子力学的'''<font color="ff8000">哥本哈根诠释Copenhagen interpretation</font>'''表明,一段时间之后,这只猫既是死的又是活的。然而,当人们往箱子里看时,看到的猫不是活着的就是死了的,而不是既活着又死了的猫。这就提出了一个问题,即确切的量子叠加何时结束而现实何时塌陷成一种或另一种可能性。
'''Schrödinger's cat''' is a [[thought experiment]], sometimes described as a [[paradox]], devised by Austrian physicist [[Erwin Schrödinger]] in 1935, though the idea originated from [[Albert Einstein]].<ref name="Schrodinger1935">
'''Schrödinger's cat''' is a [[thought experiment]], sometimes described as a [[paradox]], devised by Austrian physicist [[Erwin Schrödinger]] in 1935, though the idea originated from [[Albert Einstein]].<ref name="Schrodinger1935">
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Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox, devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935, though the idea originated from Albert Einstein.<ref name="Schrodinger1935">
Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox, devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935, though the idea originated from Albert Einstein.<ref name="Schrodinger1935">
的猫是一个思想实验,有时被描述为一个悖论,由奥地利物理学家埃尔温·薛定谔在1935年设计,尽管这个想法起源于 Albert Einstein。 1935"
薛定谔的猫是一个'''<font color="ff8000">思维实验thought experiment</font>''',有时被称为'''<font color="ff8000">悖论paradox</font>''',由奥地利物理学家埃尔温·薛定谔于1935年提出,尽管该想法起源于阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦。
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</ref> It illustrates what he saw as the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics applied to everyday objects. The scenario presents a hypothetical cat that may be simultaneously both alive and dead,<ref name="Moring">{{cite book
</ref> It illustrates what he saw as the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics applied to everyday objects. The scenario presents a hypothetical cat that may be simultaneously both alive and dead,<ref name="Moring">{{cite book
/ ref 它举例说明了他所看到的应用于日常物品的哥本哈根诠释量子力学问题。这个场景呈现了一只假想的猫,它可能同时活着和死去,ref name"moring"{ cite book
/ ref 它说明了他所看到的将'''<font color="ff8000">量子力学quantum mechanics</font>'''的哥本哈根诠释应用于日常物品所产生的问题。这个场景呈现了一只假想的猫,它可能同时活着和死去。ref name"moring"{ cite book<br>
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}}</ref> a state known as a quantum superposition, as a result of being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur.
}}</ref> a state known as a quantum superposition, as a result of being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur.
} / ref 一个被称为态叠加原理的状态,由于链接到一个可能发生也可能不发生的随机亚原子事件。
} / ref 一种被称为量子叠加的状态,是与可能或不可能发生的随机亚原子时间相联系的结果。
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The thought experiment is also often featured in theoretical discussions of the interpretations of quantum mechanics, particularly in situations involving the measurement problem. Schrödinger coined the term Verschränkung (entanglement) in the course of developing the thought experiment.
The thought experiment is also often featured in theoretical discussions of the interpretations of quantum mechanics, particularly in situations involving the measurement problem. Schrödinger coined the term Verschränkung (entanglement) in the course of developing the thought experiment.
==Origin and motivation==
==Origin and motivation==<br>
[[File:Schroedinger cat.jpg|thumb|left|A life-size—and moveable—cat figure in the garden of Huttenstrasse 9, Zurich, where Erwin Schrödinger lived 1921–1926. A visitor to the house cannot know in advance where the cat will be.<ref>{{cite web |last1=Suarez |first1=Antoine |title=The limits of quantum superposition: Should "Schrödinger's cat" and "Wigner's friend" be considered "miracle" narratives? |url=https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334031988 |website=ResearchGate |accessdate=27 February 2020 |page=3 |date=2019}}</ref>]]
[[File:Schroedinger cat.jpg|thumb|left|A life-size—and moveable—cat figure in the garden of Huttenstrasse 9, Zurich, where Erwin Schrödinger lived 1921–1926. A visitor to the house cannot know in advance where the cat will be.<ref>{{cite web |last1=Suarez |first1=Antoine |title=The limits of quantum superposition: Should "Schrödinger's cat" and "Wigner's friend" be considered "miracle" narratives? |url=https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334031988 |website=ResearchGate |accessdate=27 February 2020 |page=3 |date=2019}}</ref>]]
埃尔温·薛定谔1921年至1926年间在苏黎世所居住的Huttenstrasse 9号的花园里有一个真人大小、可移动的猫形雕像。来这里拜访的客人是无法提前知道猫的位置的。
A life-size—and moveable—cat figure in the garden of Huttenstrasse 9, Zurich, where Erwin Schrödinger lived 1921–1926. A visitor to the house cannot know in advance where the cat will be.
A life-size—and moveable—cat figure in the garden of Huttenstrasse 9, Zurich, where Erwin Schrödinger lived 1921–1926. A visitor to the house cannot know in advance where the cat will be.
1921年至1926年,埃尔温·薛定谔在苏黎世的 Huttenstrasse 9花园里,一只真人大小的可移动的猫形象。来访者不可能事先知道猫在哪里。
埃尔温·薛定谔1921年至1926年间在苏黎世所居住的Huttenstrasse 9号的花园里有一个真人大小、可移动的猫形雕像。来这里拜访的客人是无法提前知道猫的位置的。
Schrödinger intended his thought experiment as a discussion of the [[EPR paradox|EPR article]]—named after its authors [[Albert Einstein|Einstein]], [[Boris Podolsky|Podolsky]], and [[Nathan Rosen|Rosen]]—in 1935.<ref>[http://prola.aps.org/abstract/PR/v47/i10/p777_1 Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20060208145129/http://prola.aps.org/abstract/PR/v47/i10/p777_1 |date=2006-02-08 }} A. Einstein, B. Podolsky, and N. Rosen, Phys. Rev. 47, 777 (1935)</ref> The EPR article highlighted the counterintuitive nature of [[quantum superposition]]s, in which a quantum system such as an [[atom]] or [[photon]] can exist as a combination of multiple states corresponding to different possible outcomes.
Schrödinger intended his thought experiment as a discussion of the [[EPR paradox|EPR article]]—named after its authors [[Albert Einstein|Einstein]], [[Boris Podolsky|Podolsky]], and [[Nathan Rosen|Rosen]]—in 1935.<ref>[http://prola.aps.org/abstract/PR/v47/i10/p777_1 Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20060208145129/http://prola.aps.org/abstract/PR/v47/i10/p777_1 |date=2006-02-08 }} A. Einstein, B. Podolsky, and N. Rosen, Phys. Rev. 47, 777 (1935)</ref> The EPR article highlighted the counterintuitive nature of [[quantum superposition]]s, in which a quantum system such as an [[atom]] or [[photon]] can exist as a combination of multiple states corresponding to different possible outcomes.
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Schrödinger intended his thought experiment as a discussion of the EPR article—named after its authors Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen—in 1935. The EPR article highlighted the counterintuitive nature of quantum superpositions, in which a quantum system such as an atom or photon can exist as a combination of multiple states corresponding to different possible outcomes.
Schrödinger intended his thought experiment as a discussion of the EPR article—named after its authors Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen—in 1935. The EPR article highlighted the counterintuitive nature of quantum superpositions, in which a quantum system such as an atom or photon can exist as a combination of multiple states corresponding to different possible outcomes.
薛定谔打算把他的思想实验作为对 EPR 文章的讨论,EPR 文章以其作者爱因斯坦、波多尔斯基和罗森的名字命名,时间是1935年。的文章强调了量子叠加的违反直觉的本质,在量子叠加中,一个量子系统,比如原子或者光子,可以作为对应不同可能结果的多个状态的组合而存在。
薛定谔打算把他的思维实验作为对 EPR 文章(以其作者爱因斯坦、波多尔斯基和罗森的名字命名)的讨论在1935年进行了讨论。EPR文章强调了量子叠加的反直觉性质,在量子叠加中,一个量子系统,比如原子或者光子,可以作为对应不同可能结果的多个状态的组合而存在。
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The prevailing theory, called the Copenhagen interpretation, says that a quantum system remains in superposition until it interacts with, or is observed by the external world. When this happens, the superposition collapses into one or another of the possible definite states. The EPR experiment shows that a system with multiple particles separated by large distances can be in such a superposition. Schrödinger and Einstein exchanged letters about Einstein's EPR article, in the course of which Einstein pointed out that the  state of an unstable keg of gunpowder will, after a while, contain a superposition of both exploded and unexploded states.
The prevailing theory, called the Copenhagen interpretation, says that a quantum system remains in superposition until it interacts with, or is observed by the external world. When this happens, the superposition collapses into one or another of the possible definite states. The EPR experiment shows that a system with multiple particles separated by large distances can be in such a superposition. Schrödinger and Einstein exchanged letters about Einstein's EPR article, in the course of which Einstein pointed out that the  state of an unstable keg of gunpowder will, after a while, contain a superposition of both exploded and unexploded states.
流行的理论被称为哥本哈根诠释理论,认为量子系统在与外部世界相互作用或被外部世界观察到之前一直处于叠加状态。当这种情况发生时,叠加态折叠成一个或另一个可能的定态。电子顺磁共振(EPR)实验表明,一个多粒子被大距离分离的系统可以处于这种叠加状态。薛定谔和爱因斯坦就爱因斯坦的 EPR 文章互相通信,在这篇文章中,爱因斯坦指出,一个不稳定的火药桶的状态过一段时间后,将包含一个爆炸和未爆炸状态的叠加态。
流行的理论是被称为哥本哈根诠释的理论,它认为量子系统在与外部世界相互作用或被外部世界观察之前一直处于叠加状态。发生这种情况时,叠加态会坍缩成一种或多种可能的定态。电子顺磁共振(EPR)实验表明,具有多个相距较远距离的多个粒子的系统可能处于这种叠加状态。薛定谔和爱因斯坦就爱因斯坦的 EPR 文章互相通信。在此过程中,爱因斯坦指出,不稳定的火药桶的状态会在一段时间后包含爆炸状态和未爆炸状态的叠加。
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To further illustrate, Schrödinger described how one could, in principle, create a superposition in a large-scale system by making it dependent on a quantum particle that was in a superposition.  He proposed a scenario with a cat in a locked steel chamber, wherein the cat's life or death depended on the state of a radioactive atom, whether it had decayed and emitted radiation or not. According to Schrödinger, the Copenhagen interpretation implies that the cat remains both alive and dead until the state has been observed. Schrödinger did not wish to promote the idea of dead-and-alive cats as a serious possibility; on the contrary, he intended the example to illustrate the absurdity of the existing view of quantum mechanics.
To further illustrate, Schrödinger described how one could, in principle, create a superposition in a large-scale system by making it dependent on a quantum particle that was in a superposition.  He proposed a scenario with a cat in a locked steel chamber, wherein the cat's life or death depended on the state of a radioactive atom, whether it had decayed and emitted radiation or not. According to Schrödinger, the Copenhagen interpretation implies that the cat remains both alive and dead until the state has been observed. Schrödinger did not wish to promote the idea of dead-and-alive cats as a serious possibility; on the contrary, he intended the example to illustrate the absurdity of the existing view of quantum mechanics.
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However, since Schrödinger's time, other interpretations of the mathematics of quantum mechanics have been advanced by physicists, some of which regard the "alive and dead" cat superposition as quite real.    Intended as a critique of the Copenhagen interpretation (the prevailing orthodoxy in 1935), the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment remains a defining touchstone for modern interpretations of quantum mechanics. Physicists often use the way each interpretation deals with Schrödinger's cat as a way of illustrating and comparing the particular features, strengths, and weaknesses of each interpretation.
However, since Schrödinger's time, other interpretations of the mathematics of quantum mechanics have been advanced by physicists, some of which regard the "alive and dead" cat superposition as quite real.    Intended as a critique of the Copenhagen interpretation (the prevailing orthodoxy in 1935), the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment remains a defining touchstone for modern interpretations of quantum mechanics. Physicists often use the way each interpretation deals with Schrödinger's cat as a way of illustrating and comparing the particular features, strengths, and weaknesses of each interpretation.
然而,自从薛定谔时代以来,物理学家已经提出了其他关于量子力学数学的解释,其中一些认为“活的和死的”猫叠加是相当真实的。作为对哥本哈根诠释的批判(1935年盛行的正统学说) ,薛定谔的猫思想实验仍然是现代量子力学诠释的定义试金石。物理学家经常使用每种解释处理薛定谔猫的方式来说明和比较每种解释的特点、优点和缺点。
但是,自从薛定谔时代以来,物理学家对量子力学数学进行了其他解释,其中一些解释认为“活死”的猫叠加是十分真实的。作为对哥本哈根诠释的批判(1935年盛行的正统观念) ,薛定谔的猫思维实验仍然是现代量子力学诠释的决定性的试金石。物理学家经常使用每种解释处理薛定谔猫的方式来说明和比较每种解释的特点、优缺点。
==Thought experiment==
==Thought experiment==<br>
Schrödinger wrote:<ref name="Schrodinger1935" /><ref>{{cite journal|last1=Trimmer|first1=John D.|title=The Present Situation in Quantum Mechanics: A Translation of Schrödinger's "Cat Paradox" Paper|journal=Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society|date=1980|volume=124|issue=5|pages=323–338|jstor=986572}} Reproduced with some inaccuracies here:
Schrödinger wrote:<ref name="Schrodinger1935" /><ref>{{cite journal|last1=Trimmer|first1=John D.|title=The Present Situation in Quantum Mechanics: A Translation of Schrödinger's "Cat Paradox" Paper|journal=Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society|date=1980|volume=124|issue=5|pages=323–338|jstor=986572}} Reproduced with some inaccuracies here:
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==See also==
==See also==<br>
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* [[Basis function]]
*基本功能 [[Basis function]]
* [[Complementarity (physics)]]
*互补性(物理) [[Complementarity (physics)]]
* [[Consensus reality]]
*共识现实 [[Consensus reality]]
* [[Double-slit experiment]]
*双缝实验 [[Double-slit experiment]]
* [[Elitzur–Vaidman bomb tester]]
*Elitzur–Vaidman炸弹测试仪 [[Elitzur–Vaidman bomb tester]]
* [[Half-life]]
*半衰期 [[Half-life]]
* [[Heisenberg cut]]
*海森堡切 [[Heisenberg cut]]
* [[Maxwell's Demon]]
*麦克斯韦的恶魔 [[Maxwell's Demon]]
* [[Measurement problem]]
*测量问题 [[Measurement problem]]
* [[Micro black hole]]
*微黑洞 [[Micro black hole]]
* [[Modal realism]]
*情态现实主义 [[Modal realism]]
* [[Observer effect (physics)]]
*观察者效应(物理) [[Observer effect (physics)]]
* [[Schroedinbug]]
* [[Schroedinbug]]
* [[Schrödinger's cat in popular culture]]
*流行文化中的薛定谔的猫 [[Schrödinger's cat in popular culture]]
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