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[更多信息请查看编程游戏 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programming_game]
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programming_game 更多信息请查看编程游戏]
Program-based simulations contain organisms with a complex DNA language, usually [[Turing complete]].  This language is more often in the form of a computer program than actual biological DNA.  Assembly derivatives are the most common languages used. An organism "lives" when its code is executed, and there are usually various methods allowing [[self-replication]]. Mutations are generally implemented as random changes to the code. Use of [[cellular automata]] is common but not required. Another example could be an [[artificial intelligence]] and [[Multi-agent system|multi-agent system/program]].
Program-based simulations contain organisms with a complex DNA language, usually Turing complete.  This language is more often in the form of a computer program than actual biological DNA.  Assembly derivatives are the most common languages used. An organism "lives" when its code is executed, and there are usually various methods allowing self-replication. Mutations are generally implemented as random changes to the code. Use of cellular automata is common but not required. Another example could be an artificial intelligence and multi-agent system/program.
基于程序的模拟包含具有复杂DNA语言(通常为'''图灵完备 Turing complete''')的生物。这种语言通常是计算机程序的形式,而不是实际的生物DNA。汇编派生词是最常用的语言。生物体在执行其代码时会“存活”,通常有多种方法可以进行自我复制。变异通常是通过随机更改代码来实现的。[[元胞自动机]]是常见工具,但不是唯一的。也有人用[[人工智能]]和[[多主体系统]]来进行研究。
基于程序的模拟包含具有复杂DNA语言(通常为'''图灵完备 Turing complete''')的生物。这种语言通常是计算机程序的形式,而不是实际的生物DNA。汇编派生词是最常用的语言。生物体在执行其代码时会“存活”,通常有多种方法可以进行自我复制。变异通常是通过随机更改代码来实现的。[[元胞自动机]]是常见工具,但不是唯一的。也有人用[[人工智能]]和[[多主体系统]]来进行研究。