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数据产品是一种计算机应用程序,它接收数据输入并产生输出,将它们反馈回到环境中。它可能基于一个模型或算法。一个例子是一种可以分析客户购买历史并推荐客户可能喜欢的其他物品的应用程序。<ref name="Schutt & O'Neil"/>
数据产品是一种计算机应用程序,它接收数据输入并产生输出,将它们反馈回到环境中。它可能基于一个模型或算法。一个例子是一种可以分析客户购买历史并推荐客户可能喜欢的其他物品的应用程序。<ref name="Schutt & O'Neil"/>
===Communication 交流===
[[File:Social Network Analysis Visualization.png|thumb|250px|[[Data visualization]] to understand the results of a data analysis.<ref>{{Cite journal | volume = 10| issue = 3| last = Grandjean| first = Martin| title = La connaissance est un réseau| journal =Les Cahiers du Numérique| date = 2014| pages = 37–54| url = http://www.martingrandjean.ch/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Grandjean-2014-Connaissance-reseau.pdf| doi=10.3166/lcn.10.3.37-54}}</ref>]]
[[File:Social Network Analysis Visualization.png|thumb|250px|[[Data visualization]] to understand the results of a data analysis.]]
[[Data visualization to understand the results of a data analysis.]]
[[Data visualization to understand the results of a data analysis.]]
[用于了解数据分析结果的数据可视化<ref>{{Cite journal | volume = 10| issue = 3| last = Grandjean| first = Martin| title = La connaissance est un réseau| journal =Les Cahiers du Numérique| date = 2014| pages = 37–54| url = http://www.martingrandjean.ch/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Grandjean-2014-Connaissance-reseau.pdf| doi=10.3166/lcn.10.3.37-54}}</ref>]
{{Main|Data visualization}}
数据被分析后可以用多种格式报告给分析的用户,以支持他们的需求。这些用户可能会有一些反馈,从而需要进行额外的分析。因此,大部分的分析周期是迭代的。<ref name="Schutt & O'Neil"/>
Once the data are analyzed, it may be reported in many formats to the users of the analysis to support their requirements. The users may have feedback, which results in additional analysis. As such, much of the analytical cycle is iterative.<ref name="Schutt & O'Neil"/>
Once the data are analyzed, it may be reported in many formats to the users of the analysis to support their requirements. The users may have feedback, which results in additional analysis. As such, much of the analytical cycle is iterative.
在决定如何传达结果的时候,分析师可能会考虑'''数据可视化 data visualization'''技术来帮助清晰有效地向听众传达信息。数据可视化使用信息显示(如表格和图表)来帮助传递数据中的关键信息。表格对查找特定数字的用户很有帮助,而图表(例如柱状图或折线图)可以帮助解释数据中的定量信息。
When determining how to communicate the results, the analyst may consider [[data visualization]] techniques to help clearly and efficiently communicate the message to the audience. Data visualization uses [[information displays]] (such as tables and charts) to help communicate key messages contained in the data. Tables are helpful to a user who might look up specific numbers, while charts (e.g., bar charts or line charts) may help explain the quantitative messages contained in the data.
When determining how to communicate the results, the analyst may consider data visualization techniques to help clearly and efficiently communicate the message to the audience. Data visualization uses information displays (such as tables and charts) to help communicate key messages contained in the data. Tables are helpful to a user who might look up specific numbers, while charts (e.g., bar charts or line charts) may help explain the quantitative messages contained in the data.
在决定如何传达结果的时候,分析师可能会考虑'''<font color='#ff8000'>数据可视化</font>'''技术来帮助清晰有效地向听众传达信息。数据可视化使用信息显示(如表格和图表)来帮助传递数据中的关键信息。表格对查找特定数字的用户很有帮助,而图表(例如柱状图或折线图)可以帮助解释数据中的定量信息。
==Quantitative messages 定量数据==
==Quantitative messages 定量数据==