
添加430字节 、 2020年11月5日 (四) 20:44
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'''<font color="#ff8000"> 量子退火或绝热量子计算</font>'''依赖于绝热定理进行计算。对于一个简单的'''<font color="#ff8000"> 哈密顿量</font>''',一个系统被放置在'''<font color="#ff8000"> 基态</font>''',这个'''<font color="#ff8000"> 哈密顿量</font>'''慢慢演化成一个更复杂的哈密顿量,它的基态代表问题的解。绝热定理指出,如果演化足够慢,系统在整个演化过程中将始终处于'''<font color="#ff8000"> 基态</font>'''。
'''<font color="#ff8000"> 量子退火或绝热量子计算</font>'''依赖于绝热定理进行计算。对于一个简单的'''<font color="#ff8000"> 哈密顿量</font>''',一个系统被放置在'''<font color="#ff8000"> 基态</font>''',这个'''<font color="#ff8000"> 哈密顿量</font>'''慢慢演化成一个更复杂的哈密顿量,它的基态代表问题的解。绝热定理指出,如果演化足够慢,系统在整个演化过程中将始终处于'''<font color="#ff8000"> 基态</font>'''。
=== Quantum annealing and adiabatic optimization ===
=== Quantum annealing and adiabatic optimization量子退火与绝热优化 ===
[[Quantum annealing]] or [[Adiabatic quantum computation]] relies on the adiabatic theorem to undertake calculations. A system is placed in the ground state for a simple Hamiltonian, which is slowly evolved to a more complicated Hamiltonian whose ground state represents the solution to the problem in question. The adiabatic theorem states that if the evolution is slow enough the system will stay in its ground state at all times through the process.
[[Quantum annealing]] or [[Adiabatic quantum computation]] relies on the adiabatic theorem to undertake calculations. A system is placed in the ground state for a simple Hamiltonian, which is slowly evolved to a more complicated Hamiltonian whose ground state represents the solution to the problem in question. The adiabatic theorem states that if the evolution is slow enough the system will stay in its ground state at all times through the process.
The Quantum algorithm for linear systems of equations, or "HHL Algorithm", named after its discoverers Harrow, Hassidim, and Lloyd, is expected to provide speedup over classical counterparts.
The Quantum algorithm for linear systems of equations, or "HHL Algorithm", named after its discoverers Harrow, Hassidim, and Lloyd, is expected to provide speedup over classical counterparts.
以其发现者 Harrow,Hassidim 和 Lloyd 命名的线性方程组的量子算法,或称“ HHL 算法” ,预计将提供比经典算法更快的速度。
以其发现者 '''<font color="#ff8000"> 哈罗Harrow,哈西迪姆Hassidim和劳埃德Lloyd</font>'''命名的线性方程组的量子算法,或称'''<font color="#ff8000"> “ HHL 算法”</font>''',预计将提供比经典算法更快的速度。
=== Solving linear equations ===
=== Solving linear equations ===
