
删除1字节 、 2020年11月30日 (一) 19:14
第121行: 第121行:  
*Two systems are in ''thermal equilibrium'' when their [[temperature]]s are the same. 当两个系统的'''<font color="#ff8000">温度 Temperature</font>'''相同时,它们就处于''热平衡状态''
*Two systems are in ''thermal equilibrium'' when their [[temperature]]s are the same. 当两个系统的'''<font color="#ff8000">温度 Temperature</font>'''相同时,它们就处于''热平衡状态''
*Two systems are in ''mechanical equilibrium'' when their [[pressure]]s are the same. 当两个体系的'''<font color="#ff8000">压力 Pressure</font>'''相同时,它们就处于''力学平衡''
*Two systems are in ''mechanical equilibrium'' when their [[pressure]]s are the same. 当两个体系的'''<font color="#ff8000">压力 Pressure</font>'''相同时,它们就处于''机械平衡''
*Two systems are in ''diffusive equilibrium'' when their [[chemical potential]]s are the same. 当两个题体系的'''<font color="#ff8000">化学势 Chemical Potential</font>'''相同时,它们就处于''扩散平衡''
*Two systems are in ''diffusive equilibrium'' when their [[chemical potential]]s are the same. 当两个题体系的'''<font color="#ff8000">化学势 Chemical Potential</font>'''相同时,它们就处于''扩散平衡''
第127行: 第127行:  
*All [[forces]] are balanced and there is no significant external driving force.
*All [[forces]] are balanced and there is no significant external driving force.
所有的'''<font color="#ff8000">力 Force</font>'''都是平衡的,没有明显的外部驱动力
所有的'''<font color="#ff8000">力 Force</font>'''都是平衡的,没有明显的外部驱动力
==Relation of exchange equilibrium between systems==
==Relation of exchange equilibrium between systems==
