
删除4,150字节 、 2021年8月8日 (日) 16:28
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{{short description|Probability distribution}}
{{Redirect|Binomial model|the binomial model in options pricing|Binomial options pricing model}}
|2= zh-cn:泊松; zh-tw:卜瓦松; zh-hk:泊松;
{{see also|Negative binomial distribution}}
|4= zh-hans:矩; zh-tw:動差;zh-hant:矩
<!-- EDITORS! Please see [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Probability#Standards]] for a discussion of standards used for probability distribution articles such as this one.
{{Infobox 機率分佈
|name      =二項分布
<!-- EDITORS! Please see Wikipedia:WikiProject Probability#Standards for a discussion of standards used for probability distribution articles such as this one.
|type      =質量
< ! – 本文编辑,参见讨论概率分布使用标准的文章[[Wikipedia: WikiProject Probability # standards]]。
{{Probability distribution
{{Probability distribution
<font color="#ff8000">概率分布 Probability distribution </font>
  | name      = Binomial distribution
  | name      = Binomial distribution
名称 = <font color="#ff8000">二项分布 Binomial distribution </font>
  | type      = mass
  | type      = mass
类型 = 质量,这里指<font color="#ff8000">离散型 discrete</font>
   | pdf_image  = [[File:Binomial distribution pmf.svg|300px|Probability mass function for the binomial distribution]]
   | pdf_image  = [[File:Binomial distribution pmf.svg|300px|Probability mass function for the binomial distribution]]
  | pdf_image  = Probability mass function for the binomial distribution
| 概率质量函数图像 = '''<font color="#ff8000">二项分布的概率质量函数 Probability mass function for the binomial distribution </font>'''
   | cdf_image  = [[File:Binomial distribution cdf.svg|300px|Cumulative distribution function for the binomial distribution]]
   | cdf_image  = [[File:Binomial distribution cdf.svg|300px|Cumulative distribution function for the binomial distribution]]
   | notation  = ''B''(''n'', ''p'')
   | cdf_image  = Cumulative distribution function for the binomial distribution
|parameters =<math>n \geq 0</math> 试验次数 ([[整数]])<br /><math>0\leq p \leq 1</math> 成功概率 ([[实数]])
|support    =<math>k \in \{0,\dots,n\}\!</math>
| 累积分布函数图像 =  '''<font color="#ff8000">二项分布的累积分布函数 Cumulative distribution function for the binomial distribution </font>'''
|pdf        =<math>{n\choose k} p^k (1-p)^{n-k} \!</math>
  | notation  = <math>B(n,p)</math>
|cdf        =<math>I_{1-p}(n-\lfloor k\rfloor, 1+\lfloor k\rfloor) \!</math>
|mean      =<math>n\,p\!</math>
  | notation  = B(n,p)
|median    =<math>\{\lfloor np\rfloor, \lceil (n+1)p \rceil\}</math>之一
|mode      =<math>\lfloor (n+1)\,p\rfloor\!</math>或<math>\lfloor (n+1)\,p\rfloor\!-1</math>
| 符号 = <math>B(n,p)</math>
|variance  =<math>n\,p\,(1-p)\!</math>
|skewness  =<math>\frac{1-2\,p}{\sqrt{n\,p\,(1-p)}}\!</math>
  | parameters = <math>n \in \{0, 1, 2, \ldots\}</math> &ndash; number of trials<br /><math>p \in [0,1]</math> &ndash; success probability for each trial<br /><math>q = 1 - p</math>
|kurtosis  =<math>\frac{1-6\,p\,(1-p)}{n\,p\,(1-p)}\!</math>
|entropy    =<math>\frac{1}{2} \ln \left( 2 \pi n e p (1-p) \right) + O \left( \frac{1}{n} \right)\!</math>
  | parameters = n \in \{0, 1, 2, \ldots\} &ndash; number of trials<br />p \in [0,1] &ndash; success probability for each trial<br />q = 1 - p
|mgf        =<math>(1-p + p\,e^t)^n \!</math>
|char      =<math>(1-p + p\,e^{i\,t})^n \!</math>
| 参数 = <br /><math>n \in \{0, 1, 2, \ldots\}</math> &ndash; --- 试验次数; <br /><math>p \in [0,1]</math> &ndash; -- 每个试验的成功概率; <br /><math>q = 1 - p</math>
  | support    = <math>k \in \{0, 1, \ldots, n\}</math> &ndash; number of successes
  | support    = k \in \{0, 1, \ldots, n\} &ndash; number of successes
| 支持 = <br /><math>k \in \{0, 1, \ldots, n\}</math> &ndash;  --- 成功的数量
  | pdf        = <math>\binom{n}{k} p^k q^{n-k}</math>
  | pdf        = \binom{n}{k} p^k q^{n-k}
|<font color="#ff8000">概率质量函数 Probability mass function </font> = <math>\binom{n}{k} p^k q^{n-k}</math>
  | cdf        = <math>I_{q}(n - k, 1 + k)</math>
  | cdf        = I_{q}(n - k, 1 + k)
| <font color="#ff8000">累积分布函数 Cumulative distribution function </font> = <math>I_{q}(n - k, 1 + k)</math>
  | mean      = <math>np</math>
  | mean      = np
<font color="#ff8000">平均值 mean</font> = <math>np</math>
  | median    = <math>\lfloor np \rfloor</math> or <math>\lceil np \rceil</math>
  | median    = \lfloor np \rfloor or \lceil np \rceil
<font color="#ff8000">中位数 median</font> = <math>\lfloor np \rfloor</math> 或 <math>\lceil np \rceil</math>
  | mode      = <math>\lfloor (n + 1)p \rfloor</math> or <math>\lceil (n + 1)p \rceil - 1</math>
  | mode      = \lfloor (n + 1)p \rfloor or \lceil (n + 1)p \rceil - 1
| <font color="#ff8000">模 mode</font> = <math>\lfloor (n + 1)p \rfloor</math> 或 <math>\lceil (n + 1)p \rceil - 1</math>
  | variance  = <math>npq</math>
  | variance  = npq
| <font color="#ff8000">方差 variance</font> = <math>npq</math>
  | skewness  = <math>\frac{q-p}{\sqrt{npq}}</math>
  | skewness  = \frac{q-p}{\sqrt{npq}}
| <font color="#ff8000">偏度 skewness</font> = <math>\frac{q-p}{\sqrt{npq}}</math>
  | kurtosis  = <math>\frac{1-6pq}{npq}</math>
  | kurtosis  = \frac{1-6pq}{npq}
| <font color="#ff8000">峰度 kurtosis</font> = <math>\frac{1-6pq}{npq}</math>
  | entropy    = <math>\frac{1}{2} \log_2 (2\pi enpq) + O \left( \frac{1}{n} \right)</math><br /> in [[Shannon (unit)|shannons]]. For [[nat (unit)|nats]], use the natural log in the log.
  | entropy    = \frac{1}{2} \log_2 (2\pi enpq) + O \left( \frac{1}{n} \right)<br /> in shannons. For nats, use the natural log in the log.
|  <font color="#ff8000">熵 entropy</font> = <math>\frac{1}{2} \log_2 (2\pi enpq) + O \left( \frac{1}{n} \right)</math>用<font color="#ff8000">香农熵 Shannon entropy</font>测量。对于<font color="#ff8000">分布式消息队列系统 NATS </font>,使用日志中的自然日志。
  | mgf        = <math>(q + pe^t)^n</math>
  | mgf        = (q + pe^t)^n
| <font color="#ff8000">矩量母函数 Moment Generating Function</font> = <math>(q + pe^t)^n</math>
  | char      = <math>(q + pe^{it})^n</math>
  | char      = (q + pe^{it})^n
| <font color="#ff8000">特征函数 characteristic function</font> = <math>(q + pe^{it})^n</math>
  | pgf        = <math>G(z) = [q + pz]^n</math>
  | pgf        = G(z) = [q + pz]^n
| <font color="#ff8000">概率母函数 probability generating function</font> = <math>G(z) = [q + pz]^n</math>
  | fisher    = <math> g_n(p) = \frac{n}{pq} </math><br />(for fixed <math>n</math>)
  | fisher    =  g_n(p) = \frac{n}{pq} <br />(for fixed n)
| <font color="#ff8000">费雪信息量 fisher information</font> =  <math> g_n(p) = \frac{n}{pq} </math><br />(对于固定的 <math>n</math>)
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===例子 ===
假设抛出一枚<font color="#ff8000">有偏硬币 biased coin </font>时,正面朝上的概率为0.3。在6次抛掷中恰好看到4个正面的概率是
假设抛出一枚<font color="#ff8000">有偏硬币 biased coin </font>时,正面朝上的概率为0.3。在6次抛掷中恰好看到4个正面的概率是
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== 属性 ==
===期望值和方差 ===
如果''X'' ~ ''B''(''n'', ''p''),即''X''是一个服从二项分布的随机变量,n 是实验的总数,p 是每个实验得到成功结果的概率,那么''X''的期望值是:
如果''X'' ~ ''B''(''n'', ''p''),即''X''是一个服从二项分布的随机变量,n 是实验的总数,p 是每个实验得到成功结果的概率,那么''X''的期望值是:
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* 如果''np''是一个整数,那么它的均值,中位数和模相同且等于''np''。<ref>{{cite journal|last=Neumann|first=P.|year=1966|title=Über den Median der Binomial- and Poissonverteilung|journal=Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden|volume=19|pages=29–33|language=German}}</ref><ref>Lord, Nick. (July 2010). "Binomial averages when the mean is an integer", [[The Mathematical Gazette]] 94, 331-332.</ref>
*如果''np''是一个整数,那么它的均值,中位数和模相同且等于''np''。<ref>{{cite journal|last=Neumann|first=P.|year=1966|title=Über den Median der Binomial- and Poissonverteilung|journal=Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden|volume=19|pages=29–33|language=German}}</ref><ref>Lord, Nick. (July 2010). "Binomial averages when the mean is an integer", [[The Mathematical Gazette]] 94, 331-332.</ref>
* 任何中位数''m''都必须满足⌊''np''⌋&nbsp;≤&nbsp;''m''&nbsp;≤&nbsp;⌈''np''⌉。<ref name="KaasBuhrman">{{cite journal|first1=R.|last1=Kaas|first2=J.M.|last2=Buhrman|title=Mean, Median and Mode in Binomial Distributions|journal=Statistica Neerlandica|year=1980|volume=34|issue=1|pages=13–18|doi=10.1111/j.1467-9574.1980.tb00681.x}}</ref>
*任何中位数''m''都必须满足⌊''np''⌋&nbsp;≤&nbsp;''m''&nbsp;≤&nbsp;⌈''np''⌉。<ref name="KaasBuhrman">{{cite journal|first1=R.|last1=Kaas|first2=J.M.|last2=Buhrman|title=Mean, Median and Mode in Binomial Distributions|journal=Statistica Neerlandica|year=1980|volume=34|issue=1|pages=13–18|doi=10.1111/j.1467-9574.1980.tb00681.x}}</ref>
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  F(k;n,p) \geq \frac{1}{\sqrt{8n\tfrac{k}{n}(1-\tfrac{k}{n})}} \exp\left(-nD\left(\frac{k}{n}\parallel p\right)\right),
  <nowiki>F(k;n,p) \geq \frac{1}{\sqrt{8n\tfrac{k}{n}(1-\tfrac{k}{n})}} \exp\left(-nD\left(\frac{k}{n}\parallel p\right)\right),</nowiki>
* 中位数是唯一的并且等于''m''&nbsp;=&nbsp;[[Rounding|round]](''np''),此时|''m''&nbsp;−&nbsp;''np''|&nbsp;≤&nbsp;min{''p'',&nbsp;1&nbsp;−&nbsp;''p''}(<math>''p''&nbsp;=&nbsp;{{sfrac|1|2}}</math>和 ''n'' 是奇数的情况除外)
*中位数是唯一的并且等于''m''&nbsp;=&nbsp;[[Rounding|round]](''np''),此时|''m''&nbsp;−&nbsp;''np''|&nbsp;≤&nbsp;min{''p'',&nbsp;1&nbsp;−&nbsp;''p''}(<math>''p''&nbsp;=&nbsp;{{sfrac|1|2}}</math>和 ''n'' 是奇数的情况除外)
  F(k;n,p) \geq \frac1{\sqrt{2n}} \exp\left(-nD\left(\frac{k}{n}\parallel p\right)\right).
  <nowiki>F(k;n,p) \geq \frac1{\sqrt{2n}} \exp\left(-nD\left(\frac{k}{n}\parallel p\right)\right).</nowiki>
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For p = 1/2 and k ≥ 3n/8 for even n, it is possible to make the denominator constant:
For p = 1/2 and k ≥ 3n/8 for even n, it is possible to make the denominator constant:
对于''p''&nbsp;=&nbsp;1/2且''n''是奇数,任意''m''满足{{sfrac|1|2}} (''n''&nbsp;−&nbsp;1)&nbsp;≤&nbsp;''m''&nbsp;≤&nbsp; {{sfrac|1|2}} (''n''&nbsp;+&nbsp;1)是一个二项分布的中位数。如果''p''&nbsp;=&nbsp;1/2且''n'' 是偶数,那么''m''&nbsp;=&nbsp;''n''/2是唯一的中位数:
对于''p''&nbsp;=&nbsp;1/2且''n''是奇数,任意''m''满足 (''n''&nbsp;−&nbsp;1)&nbsp;≤&nbsp;''m''&nbsp;≤&nbsp;(''n''&nbsp;+&nbsp;1)是一个二项分布的中位数。如果''p''&nbsp;=&nbsp;1/2且''n'' 是偶数,那么''m''&nbsp;=&nbsp;''n''/2是唯一的中位数:
<math>F(k;n,p) \geq \frac1{\sqrt{2n}} \exp\left(-nD\left(\frac{k}{n}\parallel p\right)\right);</math>
<math>F(k;n,p) \geq \frac1{\sqrt{2n}} \exp\left(-nD\left(\frac{k}{n}\parallel p\right)\right);</math>
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== 统计推断 ==
  可以加上0.5/n 的连续校正。
  可以加上0.5/n 的连续校正。
=== 参数估计 ===
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当''n''已知时,参数''p''可以用成功的比例来估计:<math> \widehat{p} = \frac{x}{n}.</math>。这个估计是用极大似然估计法和矩估计方法来计算的。这个估计是无偏的、一致的且有最小的方差,由Lehmann-Scheffé定理证明,因为它是基于最小充分完备统计量(即:''x'')。它的概率和均方误差(MSE)也是一致估计。
当''n''已知时,参数''p''可以用成功的比例来估计:<math> \widehat{p} = \frac{x}{n}.</math>。这个估计是用极大似然估计法和矩估计方法来计算的。这个估计是无偏的、一致的且有最小的方差,由Lehmann-Scheffé定理证明,因为它是基于最小充分完备统计量(即:''x'')。它的概率和均方误差(MSE)也是一致估计。
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对于使用标准均匀分布作为非信息性的先验概率的特殊情况(<math>\operatorname{Beta}(\alpha=1, \beta=1) = U(0,1)</math>),后验均值估计变为<math>\widehat{p_b} = \frac{x+1}{n+2}</math> (后验模式应只能得出标准估计量)。这种方法被称为继承法则,它是18世纪 Pierre-Simon Laplace提出的。
对于使用标准均匀分布作为非信息性的先验概率的特殊情况(<math>\operatorname{Beta}(\alpha=1, \beta=1) = U(0,1)</math>),后验均值估计变为<math>\widehat{p_b} = \frac{x+1}{n+2}</math> (后验模式应只能得出标准估计量)。这种方法被称为继承法则,它是18世纪 Pierre-Simon Laplace提出的。
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===值信区间 ===
=== 值信区间 ===
{{Main|Binomial proportion confidence interval}}
{{Main|Binomial proportion confidence interval}}
  <nowiki>\sin^2 \left(\arcsin \left(\sqrt{\widehat{p\,}}\right) \pm \frac{z}{2\sqrt{n}} \right).</nowiki>
  \sin^2 \left(\arcsin \left(\sqrt{\widehat{p\,}}\right) \pm \frac{z}{2\sqrt{n}} \right).
:<math>\sin^2 \left(\arcsin \left(\sqrt{\widehat{p\,}}\right) \pm \frac{z}{2\sqrt{n}} \right).</math>
:<math>\sin^2 \left(\arcsin \left(\sqrt{\widehat{p\,}}\right) \pm \frac{z}{2\sqrt{n}} \right).</math>
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* ''n''<sub>1</sub> is the number of successes out of ''n'', the total number of trials
*''n''<sub>1</sub> is the number of successes out of ''n'', the total number of trials
* ''n''<sub>1</sub>是''n''中的成功次数,即试验的总次数。
* <math> \widehat{p\,} = \frac{n_1}{n}</math> is the proportion of successes
*<math> \widehat{p\,} = \frac{n_1}{n}</math> is the proportion of successes
*<math> \widehat{p\,} = \frac{n_1}{n}</math>是成功的比例。
*<math> \widehat{p\,} = \frac{n_1}{n}</math>是成功的比例。
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* <math>z</math> is the <math>1 - \tfrac{1}{2}\alpha</math> [[quantile]] of a [[standard normal distribution]] (i.e., [[probit]]) corresponding to the target error rate <math>\alpha</math>. For example, for a 95% confidence level the error <math>\alpha</math>&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.05, so <math>1 - \tfrac{1}{2}\alpha</math>&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.975 and <math>z</math>&nbsp;=&nbsp;1.96.
*<math>z</math> is the <math>1 - \tfrac{1}{2}\alpha</math> [[quantile]] of a [[standard normal distribution]] (i.e., [[probit]]) corresponding to the target error rate <math>\alpha</math>. For example, for a 95% confidence level the error <math>\alpha</math>&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.05, so <math>1 - \tfrac{1}{2}\alpha</math>&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.975 and <math>z</math>&nbsp;=&nbsp;1.96.
* <math>z</math>是<font color="#ff8000">标准正态分布 standard normal distribution </font>的<math>1 - \tfrac{1}{2}\alpha</math>分位数(即概率)对应的目标错误率 <math>\alpha</math>。例如,95%的<font color="#ff8000">置信度 confidence level </font>的错误率为<math>\alpha</math>&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.05,因此 <math>1 - \tfrac{1}{2}\alpha</math>&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.975 并且<math>z</math>&nbsp;=&nbsp;1.96.
*<math>z</math>是<font color="#ff8000">标准正态分布 standard normal distribution </font>的<math>1 - \tfrac{1}{2}\alpha</math>分位数(即概率)对应的目标错误率 <math>\alpha</math>。例如,95%的<font color="#ff8000">置信度 confidence level </font>的错误率为<math>\alpha</math>&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.05,因此 <math>1 - \tfrac{1}{2}\alpha</math>&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.975 并且<math>z</math>&nbsp;=&nbsp;1.96.
==== Wald 法 ====
====Wald 法====
  <math>\frac{p}{z^2}{2n}\widehat{p\,} + \frac{z^2}{2n} + z</math>
  <math>\frac{p}{z^2}{2n}\widehat{p\,} + \frac{z^2}{2n} + z</math>
第557行: 第428行:  
<math> \sqrt{\frac{p}{n}\widehat{p\,}(1 - \widehat{p\,}){n} </math>
<math> \sqrt{\frac{p}{n}\widehat{p\,}(1 - \widehat{p\,}){n} </math>
==== 阿格里斯蒂-库尔方法 ====
<math>        \frac{z^2}{4 n^2}</math>
<math>        \frac{z^2}{4 n^2}</math>
<ref name=Agresti1988>{{Citation |last1=Agresti |first1=Alan |last2=Coull |first2=Brent A. |date=May 1998 |title=Approximate is better than 'exact' for interval estimation of binomial proportions |url = http://www.stat.ufl.edu/~aa/articles/agresti_coull_1998.pdf |journal=The American Statistician |volume=52 |issue=2 |pages=119–126 |accessdate=2015-01-05 |doi=10.2307/2685469 |jstor=2685469 }}</ref>
<ref name="Agresti1988">{{Citation |last1=Agresti |first1=Alan |last2=Coull |first2=Brent A. |date=May 1998 |title=Approximate is better than 'exact' for interval estimation of binomial proportions |url = http://www.stat.ufl.edu/~aa/articles/agresti_coull_1998.pdf |journal=The American Statistician |volume=52 |issue=2 |pages=119–126 |accessdate=2015-01-05 |doi=10.2307/2685469 |jstor=2685469 }}</ref>
:: <math> \tilde{p} \pm z \sqrt{ \frac{ \tilde{p} ( 1 - \tilde{p} )}{ n + z^2 } } .</math>
::<math> \tilde{p} \pm z \sqrt{ \frac{ \tilde{p} ( 1 - \tilde{p} )}{ n + z^2 } } .</math>
<math>1 + \frac{z^2}{n}</math>
<math>1 + \frac{z^2}{n}</math>
第571行: 第442行:       −
:: <math> \tilde{p}= \frac{ n_1 + \frac{1}{2} z^2}{ n + z^2 } </math>
::<math> \tilde{p}= \frac{ n_1 + \frac{1}{2} z^2}{ n + z^2 } </math>
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==== 弧线法 ====
设X&nbsp;~&nbsp;B(n,p1)和Y&nbsp;~&nbsp;B(m,p2)是独立的。设T = (X/n)/(Y/m)。
设X&nbsp;~&nbsp;B(n,p1)和Y&nbsp;~&nbsp;B(m,p2)是独立的。设T = (X/n)/(Y/m)。
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==== 威尔逊法 ====
If X&nbsp;~&nbsp;B(n,&nbsp;p) and Y&nbsp;|&nbsp;X&nbsp;~&nbsp;B(X,&nbsp;q) (the conditional distribution of Y, given&nbsp;X), then Y is a simple binomial random variable with distribution Y&nbsp;~&nbsp;B(n,&nbsp;pq).
If X&nbsp;~&nbsp;B(n,&nbsp;p) and Y&nbsp;|&nbsp;X&nbsp;~&nbsp;B(X,&nbsp;q) (the conditional distribution of Y, given&nbsp;X), then Y is a simple binomial random variable with distribution Y&nbsp;~&nbsp;B(n,&nbsp;pq).
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<math>    1 + \frac{z^2}{n}</math>
<math>    1 + \frac{z^2}{n}</math>
<math>\Pr[Y = m] &= \binom{n}{m} p^m q^m \left( \sum_{k=m}^n \binom{n-m}{k-m} p^{k-m} (1-p)^{n-k} (1-q)^{k-m} \right) \\[2pt]}</math><ref>{{cite book
<math>\Pr[Y = m] &= \binom{n}{m} p^m q^m \left( \sum_{k=m}^n \binom{n-m}{k-m} p^{k-m} (1-p)^{n-k} (1-q)^{k-m} \right) \\[2pt]}</math><ref><nowiki>{{cite book</nowiki>
<math>  &= \binom{n}{m} (pq)^m \left( \sum_{k=m}^n \binom{n-m}{k-m} \left(p(1-q)\right)^{k-m} (1-p)^{n-k}  \right)</math>
<math>  &= \binom{n}{m} (pq)^m \left( \sum_{k=m}^n \binom{n-m}{k-m} \left(p(1-q)\right)^{k-m} (1-p)^{n-k}  \right)</math>
| chapter = Confidence intervals
| chapter =Confidence intervals
| chapter-url = http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/prc/section2/prc241.htm
| chapter-url =http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/prc/section2/prc241.htm
After substituting  i = k - m  in the expression above, we get
After substituting  i = k - m  in the expression above, we get
| title = Engineering Statistics Handbook
| title =Engineering Statistics Handbook
  \Pr[Y = m] = \binom{n}{m} (pq)^m \left( \sum_{i=0}^{n-m} \binom{n-m}{i} (p - pq)^i (1-p)^{n-m - i} \right)  
  \Pr[Y = m] = \binom{n}{m} (pq)^m \left( \sum_{i=0}^{n-m} \binom{n-m}{i} (p - pq)^i (1-p)^{n-m - i} \right)  
| publisher = NIST/Sematech
| publisher =NIST/Sematech
Notice that the sum (in the parentheses) above equals  (p - pq + 1 - p)^{n-m}  by the binomial theorem. Substituting this in finally yields
Notice that the sum (in the parentheses) above equals  (p - pq + 1 - p)^{n-m}  by the binomial theorem. Substituting this in finally yields
| year = 2012
| year =2012
| access-date = 2017-07-23
| access-date =2017-07-23
<math>  \Pr[Y=m] &=  \binom{n}{m} (pq)^m (p - pq + 1 - p)^{n-m}\\[4pt]</math>
<math>  \Pr[Y=m] &=  \binom{n}{m} (pq)^m (p - pq + 1 - p)^{n-m}\\[4pt]</math>
<math> &= \binom{n}{m} (pq)^m (1-pq)^{n-m}</math>  
<math> &= \binom{n}{m} (pq)^m (1-pq)^{n-m}</math>  
==== 比较 ====
因此<math>Y \sim B(n, pq)</math>为所需值。
因此<math>Y \sim B(n, pq)</math>为所需值。
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伯努利分布是二项分布的一个特例,其中n&nbsp;=&nbsp;1。在符号上,X&nbsp;~&nbsp;B(1,&nbsp;p)与X&nbsp;~&nbsp;Bernoulli(p)具有相同的意义。反之,任何二项分布B(n,&nbsp;p)是 n 个伯努利试验和的分布,每个试验的概率 p 相同。
伯努利分布是二项分布的一个特例,其中n&nbsp;=&nbsp;1。在符号上,X&nbsp;~&nbsp;B(1,&nbsp;p)与X&nbsp;~&nbsp;Bernoulli(p)具有相同的意义。反之,任何二项分布B(n,&nbsp;p)是 n 个伯努利试验和的分布,每个试验的概率 p 相同。
== 相关分布==
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基本近似通常随着 n 的增加而改进(至少20) ,当 p 不接近0或1时更好。经验法则可以用来判断 n 是否足够大,p的极值是否远离0或1:
基本近似通常随着 n 的增加而改进(至少20) ,当 p 不接近0或1时更好。经验法则可以用来判断 n 是否足够大,p的极值是否远离0或1:
This result was first derived by Katz and coauthors in 1978.<ref name=Katz1978>{{cite journal |last1=Katz |first1=D. |displayauthors=1 |first2=J. |last2=Baptista |first3=S. P. |last3=Azen |first4=M. C. |last4=Pike |year=1978 |title=Obtaining confidence intervals for the risk ratio in cohort studies |journal=Biometrics |volume=34 |issue=3 |pages=469–474 |doi=10.2307/2530610 |jstor=2530610 }}</ref>
This result was first derived by Katz and coauthors in 1978.<ref name="Katz1978">{{cite journal |last1=Katz |first1=D. |displayauthors=1 |first2=J. |last2=Baptista |first3=S. P. |last3=Azen |first4=M. C. |last4=Pike |year=1978 |title=Obtaining confidence intervals for the risk ratio in cohort studies |journal=Biometrics |volume=34 |issue=3 |pages=469–474 |doi=10.2307/2530610 |jstor=2530610 }}</ref>
这个结果最早是由卡兹 Katz和合著者在1978年得出的。<ref name=Katz1978>{{cite journal |last1=Katz |first1=D. |displayauthors=1 |first2=J. |last2=Baptista |first3=S. P. |last3=Azen |first4=M. C. |last4=Pike |year=1978 |title=Obtaining confidence intervals for the risk ratio in cohort studies |journal=Biometrics |volume=34 |issue=3 |pages=469–474 |doi=10.2307/2530610 |jstor=2530610 }}</ref>
这个结果最早是由卡兹 Katz和合著者在1978年得出的。<ref name="Katz1978">{{cite journal |last1=Katz |first1=D. |displayauthors=1 |first2=J. |last2=Baptista |first3=S. P. |last3=Azen |first4=M. C. |last4=Pike |year=1978 |title=Obtaining confidence intervals for the risk ratio in cohort studies |journal=Biometrics |volume=34 |issue=3 |pages=469–474 |doi=10.2307/2530610 |jstor=2530610 }}</ref>
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伯努利分布是二项分布的特例,其中''n''&nbsp;=&nbsp;1.从符号上看,''X''&nbsp;~&nbsp;B(1,&nbsp;''p'')与''X''&nbsp;~&nbsp;Bernoulli(''p'')具有相同的意义。相反,任何二项分布,B(''n'',&nbsp;''p'')是''n''个伯努利试验的和的分布,每个概率''p''相同。<ref>{{cite web|last1=Taboga|first1=Marco|title=Lectures on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics|url=https://www.statlect.com/probability-distributions/binomial-distribution#hid3|website=statlect.com|accessdate=18 December 2017}}</ref>
伯努利分布是二项分布的特例,其中''n''&nbsp;=&nbsp;1.从符号上看,''X''&nbsp;~&nbsp;B(1,&nbsp;''p'')与''X''&nbsp;~&nbsp;Bernoulli(''p'')具有相同的意义。相反,任何二项分布,B(''n'',&nbsp;''p'')是''n''个伯努利试验的和的分布,每个概率''p''相同。<ref>{{cite web|last1=Taboga|first1=Marco|title=Lectures on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics|url=https://www.statlect.com/probability-distributions/binomial-distribution#hid3|website=statlect.com|accessdate=18 December 2017}}</ref>
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