讨论:亚里士多德 Aristotle

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此词条由Solitude初步翻译。 由CecileLi初步审校

Aristotle (模板:IPAc-en;模板:Sfn 模板:Lang-grc-gre Aristotélēs, 模板:IPA-grc; 384–322 BC) was a Greek philosopher and polymath during the Classical period in Ancient Greece. Taught by Plato, he was the founder of the Lyceum, the Peripatetic school of philosophy, and the Aristotelian tradition. His writings cover many subjects including physics, biology, zoology, metaphysics, logic, ethics, aesthetics, poetry, theatre, music, rhetoric, psychology, linguistics, economics, politics, and government. Aristotle provided a complex synthesis of the various philosophies existing prior to him. It was above all from his teachings that the West inherited its intellectual lexicon, as well as problems and methods of inquiry. As a result, his philosophy has exerted a unique influence on almost every form of knowledge in the West and it continues to be a subject of contemporary philosophical discussion.

Aristotle (/ærɪsˈtɒtəl/;Greek: Ἀριστοτέλης Aristotélēs, pronounced [aristotélɛːs]; 384–322 BC) was a Greek philosopher and polymath during the Classical period in Ancient Greece. Taught by Plato, he was the founder of the Lyceum, the Peripatetic school of philosophy, and the Aristotelian tradition. His writings cover many subjects including physics, biology, zoology, metaphysics, logic, ethics, aesthetics, poetry, theatre, music, rhetoric, psychology, linguistics, economics, politics, and government. Aristotle provided a complex synthesis of the various philosophies existing prior to him. It was above all from his teachings that the West inherited its intellectual lexicon, as well as problems and methods of inquiry. As a result, his philosophy has exerted a unique influence on almost every form of knowledge in the West and it continues to be a subject of contemporary philosophical discussion.

亚里士多德(Aristotle /ærɪsˈtɒtəl/;Greek: Ἀριστοτέλης Aristotélēs, pronounced [aristotélɛːs]; 384–322 BC)是古希腊古典时期的哲学家和博物学家。在 柏拉图 Plato的指导下,他创立了吕克昂学院、哲学逍遥学派和亚里士多德传统。他的著作涉及许多学科,包括 物理学 physics 生物学 biology 动物学 zoology 形而上学 metaphysics 逻辑学 logic 伦理学 ethics 美学 aesthetics 诗歌 poetry 戏剧 theatre 音乐 music 修辞学 rhetoric 心理学 psychology 语言学 linguistics 经济学 economics 政治学 politics政府论 government。亚里士多德对在他之前存在的各种哲学进行了复杂的综合。最重要的是,正是从他的教诲中,西方世界继承了他的知识词汇、问题,和研究方法。因此,他的哲学对西方几乎所有的知识领域都产生了独特的影响,并且继续成为当代哲学讨论的主题。

Little is known about his life. Aristotle was born in the city of Stagira in Northern Greece. His father, Nicomachus, died when Aristotle was a child, and he was brought up by a guardian. At seventeen or eighteen years of age he joined Plato's Academy in Athens and remained there until the age of thirty-seven (c. 347 BC).模板:Sfn Shortly after Plato died, Aristotle left Athens and, at the request of Philip II of Macedon, tutored Alexander the Great beginning in 343 BC.模板:Sfn He established a library in the Lyceum which helped him to produce many of his hundreds of books on papyrus scrolls. Though Aristotle wrote many elegant treatises and dialogues for publication, only around a third of his original output has survived, none of it intended for publication.模板:Sfn

Little is known about his life. Aristotle was born in the city of Stagira in Northern Greece. His father, Nicomachus, died when Aristotle was a child, and he was brought up by a guardian. At seventeen or eighteen years of age he joined Plato's Academy in Athens and remained there until the age of thirty-seven (c. 347 BC). Shortly after Plato died, Aristotle left Athens and, at the request of Philip II of Macedon, tutored Alexander the Great beginning in 343 BC. He established a library in the Lyceum which helped him to produce many of his hundreds of books on papyrus scrolls. Though Aristotle wrote many elegant treatises and dialogues for publication, only around a third of his original output has survived, none of it intended for publication.


Aristotle's views on physical science profoundly shaped medieval scholarship. Their influence extended from Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages into the Renaissance, and were not replaced systematically until the Enlightenment and theories such as classical mechanics were developed. Some of Aristotle's zoological observations found in his biology, such as on the hectocotyl (reproductive) arm of the octopus, were disbelieved until the 19th century. His works contain the earliest known formal study of logic, studied by medieval scholars such as Peter Abelard and John Buridan. Aristotle's influence on logic also continued well into the 19th century.

Aristotle's views on physical science profoundly shaped medieval scholarship. Their influence extended from Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages into the Renaissance, and were not replaced systematically until the Enlightenment and theories such as classical mechanics were developed. ’’’ Some of Aristotle's zoological observations found in his biology, such as on the hectocotyl (reproductive) arm of the octopus, were disbelieved until the 19th century. ’’’ His works contain the earliest known formal study of logic, studied by medieval scholars such as Peter Abelard and John Buridan. Aristotle's influence on logic also continued well into the 19th century.

亚里士多德关于物理学的观点深刻地影响了中世纪的学术研究。他们的影响从古代晚期和中世纪早期一直延伸到文艺复兴时期,直到启蒙运动和经典力学等理论的发展才被系统地取代。亚里士多德在他的生物学中发现的一些动物学观察,例如章鱼的八轴臂(繁殖臂),直到19世纪才被人们所相信。他的著作包含了已知最早的逻辑学研究,中世纪学者如彼得·阿伯拉尔 Peter Abelard 和约翰·布里丹 John Buridan 研究过。亚里士多德对逻辑学的影响一直延续到19世纪。

He influenced Judeo-Islamic philosophies (800–1400) during the Middle Ages, as well as Christian theology, especially the Neoplatonism of the Early Church and the scholastic tradition of the Catholic Church. Aristotle was revered among medieval Muslim scholars as "The First Teacher" and among medieval Christians like Thomas Aquinas as simply "The Philosopher". His ethics, though always influential, gained renewed interest with the modern advent of virtue ethics, such as in the thinking of Alasdair MacIntyre and Philippa Foot.

He influenced Judeo-Islamic philosophies (800–1400) during the Middle Ages, as well as Christian theology, especially the Neoplatonism of the Early Church and the scholastic tradition of the Catholic Church. Aristotle was revered among medieval Muslim scholars as "The First Teacher" and among medieval Christians like Thomas Aquinas as simply "The Philosopher". His ethics, though always influential, gained renewed interest with the modern advent of virtue ethics, such as in the thinking of Alasdair MacIntyre and Philippa Foot.

他影响了中世纪的犹太-伊斯兰哲学(800-1400),也影响了基督教神学,特别是早期教会的新柏拉图主义和天主教会的经院传统。亚里士多德在中世纪的穆斯林学者中被尊为“第一导师” ,在托马斯·阿奎那 Thomas Aquinas 等中世纪基督徒中被尊为“哲学家”。他的伦理学,虽然一直就很有影响力,但随着现代美德伦理学的出现,例如阿拉斯代尔·麦金泰尔 Alasdair MacIntyre 和菲利帕·福特Philippa Foot的思想,他的伦理学又进一步重新引起了人们的兴趣。


School of Aristotle in Mieza, Macedonia, Greece

In general, the details of Aristotle's life are not well-established. The biographies written in ancient times are often speculative and historians only agree on a few salient points.模板:Efn-ua

In general, the details of Aristotle's life are not well-established. The biographies written in ancient times are often speculative and historians only agree on a few salient points.


Aristotle, whose name means "the best purpose" in Ancient Greek,模板:Sfn was born in 384 BC in Stagira, Chalcidice, about 55 km (34 miles) east of modern-day Thessaloniki.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn His father Nicomachus was the personal physician to King Amyntas of Macedon. Both of Aristotle's parents died when he was about thirteen, and Proxenus of Atarneus became his guardian.模板:Sfn Although little information about Aristotle's childhood has survived, he probably spent some time within the Macedonian palace, making his first connections with the Macedonian monarchy.模板:Sfn

Aristotle, whose name means "the best purpose" in Ancient Greek,was born in 384 BC in Stagira, Chalcidice, about 55 km (34 miles) east of modern-day Thessaloniki.His father Nicomachus was the personal physician to King Amyntas of Macedon. Both of Aristotle's parents died when he was about thirteen, and Proxenus of Atarneus became his guardian.Although little information about Aristotle's childhood has survived, he probably spent some time within the Macedonian palace, making his first connections with the Macedonian monarchy.

亚里士多德的名字在古希腊语中意为“最好的目的”,他出生于公元前384年,位于查尔基迪斯的斯塔吉拉,距现代塞萨洛尼基东约55公里(34英里)。他的父亲尼科马修斯 Nicomachus是马其顿国王阿米尼塔斯 Amyntas的私人医生。亚里士多德的父母均在他十三岁时去世,而来自阿塔尼厄斯的普罗齐诺斯 Proxenus成为了他的监护人。尽管关于亚里士多德童年的信息很少,但他可能在马其顿宫殿里呆过一段时间,与马其顿君主政体初次接触。

At the age of seventeen or eighteen, Aristotle moved to Athens to continue his education at Plato's Academy.模板:Sfn He probably experienced the Eleusinian Mysteries as he wrote when describing the sights one viewed at the Eleusinian Mysteries, "to experience is to learn" [παθείν μαθεĩν].模板:Sfn Aristotle remained in Athens for nearly twenty years before leaving in 348/47 BC. The traditional story about his departure records that he was disappointed with the Academy's direction after control passed to Plato's nephew Speusippus, although it is possible that he feared the anti-Macedonian sentiments in Athens at that time and left before Plato died.模板:Sfn Aristotle then accompanied Xenocrates to the court of his friend Hermias of Atarneus in Asia Minor. After the death of Hermias, Aristotle travelled with his pupil Theophrastus to the island of Lesbos, where together they researched the botany and zoology of the island and its sheltered lagoon. While in Lesbos, Aristotle married Pythias, either Hermias's adoptive daughter or niece. She bore him a daughter, whom they also named Pythias. In 343 BC, Aristotle was invited by Philip II of Macedon to become the tutor to his son Alexander.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn

At the age of seventeen or eighteen, Aristotle moved to Athens to continue his education at Plato's Academy.He probably experienced the Eleusinian Mysteries as he wrote when describing the sights one viewed at the Eleusinian Mysteries, "to experience is to learn" [παθείν μαθεĩν].Aristotle remained in Athens for nearly twenty years before leaving in 348/47 BC. The traditional story about his departure records that he was disappointed with the Academy's direction after control passed to Plato's nephew Speusippus, although it is possible that he feared the anti-Macedonian sentiments in Athens at that time and left before Plato died.Aristotle then accompanied Xenocrates to the court of his friend Hermias of Atarneus in Asia Minor. After the death of Hermias, Aristotle travelled with his pupil Theophrastus to the island of Lesbos, where together they researched the botany and zoology of the island and its sheltered lagoon. While in Lesbos, Aristotle married Pythias, either Hermias's adoptive daughter or niece. She bore him a daughter, whom they also named Pythias. In 343 BC, Aristotle was invited by Philip II of Macedon to become the tutor to his son Alexander.

在十七八岁时,亚里士多德移居雅典,在柏拉图学院继续他的学业。他可能经历过厄琉息斯秘仪,因为他所描述过在厄琉息斯秘仪观察到的景象:“经历就是学习”[ παεθν αθν μθν ]。亚里士多德在公元前348/347年离开之前,在雅典呆了将近20年。关于他离开的故事记载,在柏拉图的侄子斯皮普斯 Speusippus掌管学院后,他对学院发展方向感到失望,尽管他也可能是害怕当时雅典的反马其顿情绪,因此在柏拉图去世之前离开了。随后,亚里士多德陪同齐诺克利特 Xenocrates来到小亚细亚的他的朋友阿塔尼厄斯的赫米亚 Hermias的宫廷。赫米亚死后,亚里士多德和他的学生泰奥弗拉斯特斯 Theophrastus前往莱斯博斯岛,在那里他们一起研究了岛上及其环礁湖的植物学和动物学。在莱斯博斯岛的时候,亚里士多德与赫米亚的养女或侄女皮提亚斯 Pythias结婚。她为他生了一个女儿,他们也给她起名叫Pythias。公元前343年,腓力二世邀请亚里士多德成为他儿子亚历山大 Alexander的家庭教师。

Portrait bust of Aristotle; an Imperial Roman (1st or 2nd century AD) copy of a lost bronze sculpture made by Lysippos

Portrait bust of Aristotle; an Imperial Roman (1st or 2nd century AD) copy of a lost bronze sculpture made by Lysippos

Aristotle的肖像半身像; 罗马帝国时期(公元1世纪或2世纪)利西波斯仿制的失落青铜雕像

Aristotle was appointed as the head of the royal academy of Macedon. During Aristotle's time in the Macedonian court, he gave lessons not only to Alexander, but also to two other future kings: Ptolemy and Cassander.模板:Sfn Aristotle encouraged Alexander toward eastern conquest, and Aristotle's own attitude towards Persia was unabashedly ethnocentric. In one famous example, he counsels Alexander to be "a leader to the Greeks and a despot to the barbarians, to look after the former as after friends and relatives, and to deal with the latter as with beasts or plants".模板:Sfn By 335 BC, Aristotle had returned to Athens, establishing his own school there known as the Lyceum. Aristotle conducted courses at the school for the next twelve years. While in Athens, his wife Pythias died and Aristotle became involved with Herpyllis of Stagira, who bore him a son whom he named after his father, Nicomachus. If we believed the Suda (an uncritical compilation from the Middle Ages) he may also had an erômenos, Palaephatus of Abydus.模板:Sfn

Aristotle was appointed as the head of the royal academy of Macedon. During Aristotle's time in the Macedonian court, he gave lessons not only to Alexander, but also to two other future kings: Ptolemy and Cassander. Aristotle encouraged Alexander toward eastern conquest, and Aristotle's own attitude towards Persia was unabashedly ethnocentric. In one famous example, he counsels Alexander to be "a leader to the Greeks and a despot to the barbarians, to look after the former as after friends and relatives, and to deal with the latter as with beasts or plants". By 335 BC, Aristotle had returned to Athens, establishing his own school there known as the Lyceum. Aristotle conducted courses at the school for the next twelve years. While in Athens, his wife Pythias died and Aristotle became involved with Herpyllis of Stagira, who bore him a son whom he named after his father, Nicomachus. If we believed the Suda (an uncritical compilation from the Middle Ages) ’’’ he may also had an erômenos, Palaephatus of Abydus.’’’

亚里士多德被任命为马其顿皇家学院院长。亚里士多德在马其顿宫廷的时候,他不仅向亚历山大授课,还向未来的另外两位国王授课: 托勒密 Ptolemy卡山德 Cassander。亚里士多德鼓励亚历山大去征服东方,而亚里士多德本人对波斯的态度是毫不掩饰的种族主义。在一个著名的例子中,他建议亚历山大成为“希腊人的领袖,野蛮人的暴君,像对待亲友一样对待前者,像对待动物或植物一样对待后者”。到公元前335年,亚里士多德回到雅典,在那里建立了他自己的学校,被称为吕克昂。在接下来的十二年里,亚里士多德在学校里开设课程。在雅典期间,他的妻子Pythias去世,亚里士多德与斯塔吉拉的赫皮利斯 Herpyllis有染,赫皮利斯为他生了一个儿子,亚里士多德以他父亲Nicomachus的名字给他取名。如果我们相信苏达 Suda(中世纪的一个不严谨的汇编) 中的记载,他可能也有一个情人:Palaephatus of Abydus

This period in Athens, between 335 and 323 BC, is when Aristotle is believed to have composed many of his works.模板:Sfn He wrote many dialogues, of which only fragments have survived. Those works that have survived are in treatise form and were not, for the most part, intended for widespread publication; they are generally thought to be lecture aids for his students. His most important treatises include Physics, Metaphysics, Nicomachean Ethics, Politics, On the Soul and Poetics. Aristotle studied and made significant contributions to "logic, metaphysics, mathematics, physics, biology, botany, ethics, politics, agriculture, medicine, dance and theatre."模板:Sfn

This period in Athens, between 335 and 323 BC, is when Aristotle is believed to have composed many of his works. He wrote many dialogues, of which only fragments have survived. Those works that have survived are in treatise form and were not, for the most part, intended for widespread publication; they are generally thought to be lecture aids for his students. His most important treatises include Physics, Metaphysics, Nicomachean Ethics, Politics, On the Soul and Poetics. Aristotle studied and made significant contributions to "logic, metaphysics, mathematics, physics, biology, botany, ethics, politics, agriculture, medicine, dance and theatre."

公元前335年至公元前323年的雅典时期,被认为是亚里士多德创作的黄金时期。他写了许多对话录,其中只有一些片段留存了下来。那些留存下来的作品都是论文形式的,而且大部分并不打算广泛出版; 它们通常被认为是他的学生的讲课辅助工具。他最重要的论著包括《物理学》、《形而上学》、《尼各马可伦理学》、《政治学》、《论灵魂》和《诗学》。亚里士多德对“逻辑学、形而上学、数学、物理学、生物学、植物学、伦理学、政治学、农业、医学、舞蹈和戏剧学”都有研究,并作出了重大贡献

Near the end of his life, Alexander and Aristotle became estranged over Alexander's relationship with Persia and Persians. A widespread tradition in antiquity suspected Aristotle of playing a role in Alexander's death, but the only evidence of this is an unlikely claim made some six years after the death.模板:Sfn Following Alexander's death, anti-Macedonian sentiment in Athens was rekindled. In 322 BC, Demophilus and Eurymedon the Hierophant reportedly denounced Aristotle for impiety,模板:Sfn prompting him to flee to his mother's family estate in Chalcis, on Euboea, at which occasion he was said to have stated: "I will not allow the Athenians to sin twice against philosophy"模板:Sfn模板:Sfn模板:Sfn – a reference to Athens's trial and execution of Socrates. He died on Euboea of natural causes later that same year, having named his student Antipater as his chief executor and leaving a will in which he asked to be buried next to his wife.模板:Sfn

Near the end of his life, Alexander and Aristotle became estranged over Alexander's relationship with Persia and Persians. A widespread tradition in antiquity suspected Aristotle of playing a role in Alexander's death, but the only evidence of this is an unlikely claim made some six years after the death. Following Alexander's death, anti-Macedonian sentiment in Athens was rekindled. In 322 BC, Demophilus and Eurymedon the Hierophant reportedly denounced Aristotle for impiety, prompting him to flee to his mother's family estate in Chalcis, on Euboea, at which occasion he was said to have stated: "I will not allow the Athenians to sin twice against philosophy" – a reference to Athens's trial and execution of Socrates. He died on Euboea of natural causes later that same year, having named his student Antipater as his chief executor and leaving a will in which he asked to be buried next to his wife.

在他生命的最后阶段,亚历山大和亚里士多德因为亚历山大与波斯和波斯人的关系而变得疏远。古代有一个广泛流传的传说,怀疑亚里士多德在亚历山大的死亡中扮演了一个角色,但是唯一的证据是在亚历山大死亡大约六年后提出的一个不太可能的断言。亚历山大死后,雅典的反马其顿情绪重新燃起。公元前322年,据说德摩菲勒斯 Demophilus赫拉菲顿 Eurymedon谴责亚里士多德不敬神,促使他逃往他母亲在埃维厄岛哈尔基斯的家族庄园,传闻当时他说: “我不允许雅典人两次违背哲学”——指的是雅典对苏格拉底的审判和处决。同年晚些时候,他在埃维厄岛自然去世,指定他的学生安提帕特 Antipater为他的首席遗嘱执行人,并留下一份遗嘱,要求与妻子葬在一起。



With the Prior Analytics, Aristotle is credited with the earliest study of formal logic,模板:Sfn and his conception of it was the dominant form of Western logic until 19th-century advances in mathematical logic.模板:Sfn Kant stated in the Critique of Pure Reason that with Aristotle logic reached its completion.模板:Sfn

With the Prior Analytics, Aristotle is credited with the earliest study of formal logic, and his conception of it was the dominant form of Western logic until 19th-century advances in mathematical logic. Kant stated in the Critique of Pure Reason that with Aristotle logic reached its completion.

由于《先验分析学》一书,亚里士多德被认为是最早研究形式逻辑的人,并且他对形式逻辑的构想是19世纪数理逻辑发展之前西方逻辑的主导形式。康德 Kant在《纯粹理性批判》中指出,有了亚里士多德,逻辑学才得以完善。


What we today call Aristotelian logic with its types of syllogism (methods of logical argument),模板:Sfn Aristotle himself would have labelled "analytics". The term "logic" he reserved to mean dialectics. Most of Aristotle's work is probably not in its original form, because it was most likely edited by students and later lecturers. The logical works of Aristotle were compiled into a set of six books called the Organon around 40 BC by Andronicus of Rhodes or others among his followers.模板:Sfn The books are:

What we today call Aristotelian logic with its types of syllogism (methods of logical argument), Aristotle himself would have labelled "analytics". The term "logic" he reserved to mean dialectics. Most of Aristotle's work is probably not in its original form, because it was most likely edited by students and later lecturers. The logical works of Aristotle were compiled into a set of six books called the Organon around 40 BC by Andronicus of Rhodes or others among his followers. The books are:

今天我们所称的亚里士多德逻辑学及其三段论(逻辑论证的方法) ,亚里士多德本人将其称为“分析学”。他把“逻辑”一词保留为“辩证法”的意思。亚里士多德的大部分著作可能都不是原貌,因为它很可能是由学生和后来的讲师编辑的。大约在公元前40年左右,亚里士多德的逻辑学著作被罗德岛的安东尼库斯 Andronicus及其追随者中的其他人汇编成了一套6本书,名为《工具论》。这些书是:

  1. 《范畴篇 Categories》
  2. 《解释篇 On Interpretation》
  3. 《先验分析篇 Prior Analytics》
  4. 《后验分析篇 Posterior Analytics》
  5. 《论题篇 Topics》
  6. 《辩谬篇 On Sophistical Refutations》

The order of the books (or the teachings from which they are composed) is not certain, but this list was derived from analysis of Aristotle's writings. It goes from the basics, the analysis of simple terms in the Categories, the analysis of propositions and their elementary relations in On Interpretation, to the study of more complex forms, namely, syllogisms (in the Analytics)模板:Sfn模板:Sfn and dialectics (in the Topics and Sophistical Refutations). The first three treatises form the core of the logical theory stricto sensu: the grammar of the language of logic and the correct rules of reasoning. The Rhetoric is not conventionally included, but it states that it relies on the Topics.模板:Sfn

The order of the books (or the teachings from which they are composed) is not certain, but this list was derived from analysis of Aristotle's writings. It goes from the basics, the analysis of simple terms in the Categories, the analysis of propositions and their elementary relations in On Interpretation, to the study of more complex forms, namely, syllogisms (in the Analytics) and dialectics (in the Topics and Sophistical Refutations). The first three treatises form the core of the logical theory stricto sensu: the grammar of the language of logic and the correct rules of reasoning. The Rhetoric is not conventionally included, but it states that it relies on the Topics.

这些书的顺序(或者说它们所组成的课程)并不确定,但是这个清单是通过对亚里士多德著作的分析中得出的。它从基础知识,《范畴篇》中对简单术语的分析,《解释篇》中对命题及其基本关系的分析,到研究更复杂的形式,即三段论(在《分析篇》中)和辩证法(在《论题篇与辩谬篇》中)。前三篇论述构成了严格意义上的逻辑理论的核心: 逻辑语言的语法和正确的推理规则。《修辞学》没有按照惯例包括在内,但它指出它依赖于《论题篇》。


The word "metaphysics" appears to have been coined by the first century AD editor who assembled various small selections of Aristotle's works to the treatise we know by the name Metaphysics.模板:Sfn Aristotle called it "first philosophy", and distinguished it from mathematics and natural science (physics) as the contemplative (theoretikē) philosophy which is "theological" and studies the divine. He wrote in his Metaphysics (1026a16):

The word "metaphysics" appears to have been coined by the first century AD editor who assembled various small selections of Aristotle's works to the treatise we know by the name Metaphysics. Aristotle called it "first philosophy", and distinguished it from mathematics and natural science (physics) as the contemplative (theoretikē) philosophy which is "theological" and studies the divine. He wrote in his Metaphysics (1026a16):

“形而上学”一词似乎是由公元前一世纪的一位编辑创造的,他把亚里士多德的作品中的一些小片段汇编成我们所知的《形而上学》这篇论文。亚里士多德称之为“第一哲学” ,并把它与数学和自然科学(物理学)区别开来,是一种沉思的(理论)哲学,即“神学”和研究神性。他在《形而上学》(1026a16)中写道:

if there were no other independent things besides the composite natural ones, the study of nature would be the primary kind of knowledge; but if there is some motionless independent thing, the knowledge of this precedes it and is first philosophy, and it is universal in just this way, because it is first. And it belongs to this sort of philosophy to study being as being, both what it is and what belongs to it just by virtue of being.模板:Sfn


物质 (substance)

Aristotle examines the concepts of substance (ousia) and essence (to ti ên einai, "the what it was to be") in his Metaphysics (Book VII), and he concludes that a particular substance is a combination of both matter and form, a philosophical theory called hylomorphism. In Book VIII, he distinguishes the matter of the substance as the substratum, or the stuff of which it is composed. For example, the matter of a house is the bricks, stones, timbers etc., or whatever constitutes the potential house, while the form of the substance is the actual house, namely 'covering for bodies and chattels' or any other differentia that let us define something as a house. The formula that gives the components is the account of the matter, and the formula that gives the differentia is the account of the form.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn

Aristotle examines the concepts of substance (ousia) and essence (to ti ên einai, "the what it was to be") in his Metaphysics (Book VII), and he concludes that a particular substance is a combination of both matter and form, a philosophical theory called hylomorphism. In Book VIII, he distinguishes the matter of the substance as the substratum, or the stuff of which it is composed. For example, the matter of a house is the bricks, stones, timbers etc., or whatever constitutes the potential house, while the form of the substance is the actual house, namely 'covering for bodies and chattels' or any other differentia that let us define something as a house. The formula that gives the components is the account of the matter, and the formula that gives the differentia is the account of the form.


Immanent realism


Like his teacher Plato, Aristotle's philosophy aims at the universal. Aristotle's ontology places the universal (katholou) in particulars (kath' hekaston), things in the world, whereas for Plato the universal is a separately existing form which actual things imitate. For Aristotle, "form" is still what phenomena are based on, but is "instantiated" in a particular substance.模板:Sfn

Like his teacher Plato, Aristotle's philosophy aims at the universal. Aristotle's ontology places the universal (katholou) in particulars (kath' hekaston), things in the world, whereas for Plato the universal is a separately existing form which actual things imitate. For Aristotle, "form" is still what phenomena are based on, but is "instantiated" in a particular substance.


Plato argued that all things have a universal form, which could be either a property or a relation to other things. When we look at an apple, for example, we see an apple, and we can also analyse a form of an apple. In this distinction, there is a particular apple and a universal form of an apple. Moreover, we can place an apple next to a book, so that we can speak of both the book and apple as being next to each other. Plato argued that there are some universal forms that are not a part of particular things. For example, it is possible that there is no particular good in existence, but "good" is still a proper universal form. Aristotle disagreed with Plato on this point, arguing that all universals are instantiated at some period of time, and that there are no universals that are unattached to existing things. In addition, Aristotle disagreed with Plato about the location of universals. Where Plato spoke of the world of forms, a place where all universal forms subsist, Aristotle maintained that universals exist within each thing on which each universal is predicated. So, according to Aristotle, the form of apple exists within each apple, rather than in the world of the forms.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn

Plato argued that all things have a universal form, which could be either a property or a relation to other things. When we look at an apple, for example, we see an apple, and we can also analyse a form of an apple. In this distinction, there is a particular apple and a universal form of an apple. Moreover, we can place an apple next to a book, so that we can speak of both the book and apple as being next to each other. Plato argued that there are some universal forms that are not a part of particular things. For example, it is possible that there is no particular good in existence, but "good" is still a proper universal form. Aristotle disagreed with Plato on this point, arguing that all universals are instantiated at some period of time, and that there are no universals that are unattached to existing things. In addition, Aristotle disagreed with Plato about the location of universals. Where Plato spoke of the world of forms, a place where all universal forms subsist, Aristotle maintained that universals exist within each thing on which each universal is predicated. So, according to Aristotle, the form of apple exists within each apple, rather than in the world of the forms.

Plato认为,一切事物都有一个普遍的形式,这个形式可以是一种属性,也可以是与其他事物的关系。例如,当我们看一个苹果时,我们看到的是一个苹果,也可以分析出一个苹果的形式。在这种区分中,有一个特殊的苹果和一个苹果的普遍形式。此外,我们还可以把苹果放在一本书旁边,这样我们就可以把书和苹果都说成是相邻的。柏拉图认为,有一些普遍形式不是特定事物的一部分。例如,有可能没有特定的善存在,但 "善 "仍然是一种恰当的普遍形式。Aristotle在这一点上不同意柏拉图的观点,认为所有的普遍性都是在某个时期被实例化的,不存在不依附于现存事物的普遍性。此外,m在普遍性的位置问题上也与柏拉图意见相左。Plato所说的形式世界,是所有普遍形式都存在的地方,而m则认为,普遍性存在于每个普遍性所依托的每个事物之中。所以,根据m的观点,苹果的形式存在于每个苹果之内,而不是存在于形式世界之中。

Potentiality and actuality



With regard to the change (kinesis) and its causes now, as he defines in his Physics and On Generation and Corruption 319b–320a, he distinguishes the coming to be from:

With regard to the change (kinesis) and its causes now, as he defines in his Physics and On Generation and Corruption 319b–320a, he distinguishes the coming to be from:

关于现在的变化(运动)及其原因,正如他在《物理学》和《论生成与腐败》319b-320a 中所定义的那样,他将变化的来源区分为:

  1. growth and diminution, which is change in quantity;
growth and diminution, which is change in quantity;


  1. locomotion, which is change in space; and
locomotion, which is change in space; and

运动,即空间的变化; 以及

  1. alteration, which is change in quality.
alteration, which is change in quality.


Aristotle argued that a capability like playing the flute could be acquired – the potential made actual – by learning.

Flute-player dolphin Alcesti Group MAN.jpg | thumb | Aristotle argued that a capability like playing the flute could be acquired – Potentiality and actuality (Aristotle)|the potential made actual


The coming to be is a change where nothing persists of which the resultant is a property. In that particular change he introduces the concept of potentiality (dynamis) and actuality (entelecheia) in association with the matter and the form. Referring to potentiality, this is what a thing is capable of doing, or being acted upon, if the conditions are right and it is not prevented by something else. For example, the seed of a plant in the soil is potentially (dynamei) plant, and if it is not prevented by something, it will become a plant. Potentially beings can either 'act' (poiein) or 'be acted upon' (paschein), which can be either innate or learned. For example, the eyes possess the potentiality of sight (innate – being acted upon), while the capability of playing the flute can be possessed by learning (exercise – acting). Actuality is the fulfilment of the end of the potentiality. Because the end (telos) is the principle of every change, and for the sake of the end exists potentiality, therefore actuality is the end. Referring then to our previous example, we could say that an actuality is when a plant does one of the activities that plants do.模板:Sfn

The coming to be is a change where nothing persists of which the resultant is a property. In that particular change he introduces the concept of potentiality (dynamis) and actuality (entelecheia) in association with the matter and the form. Referring to potentiality, this is what a thing is capable of doing, or being acted upon, if the conditions are right and it is not prevented by something else. For example, the seed of a plant in the soil is potentially (dynamei) plant, and if it is not prevented by something, it will become a plant. Potentially beings can either 'act' (poiein) or 'be acted upon' (paschein), which can be either innate or learned. For example, the eyes possess the potentiality of sight (innate – being acted upon), while the capability of playing the flute can be possessed by learning (exercise – acting). Actuality is the fulfilment of the end of the potentiality. Because the end (telos) is the principle of every change, and for the sake of the end exists potentiality, therefore actuality is the end. Referring then to our previous example, we could say that an actuality is when a plant does one of the activities that plants do.

形成是一种变化,其中没有任何东西持续存在,其结果是一种属性。在这种特殊的变化中,他引入了与物质和形式相相关的潜在性(动力)和现实性(真实性)的概念。所谓潜在性,是指一个事物在条件合适且不受其他事物阻碍的情况下,能够做什么或被什么所影响。例如,土壤中植物的种子是潜在的(dynamei )植物,如果不受某种东西的阻止,它就会成为植物。潜在的生命可以 "行动"(poiein)或 "被行动"(paschein),这可以是天生的,也可以是后天的。例如,眼睛具有视觉潜能(先天行为) ,而长笛演奏能力可以通过学习(练习作用)来实现。实际性是潜能最终的实现。因为目的是一切变化的原则,而为了目的而存在着潜能,所以现实性就是目的。那么,参照我们前面的例子,我们可以说,实际性是指植物做了植物所做的活动之一。

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In summary, the matter used to make a house has potentiality to be a house and both the activity of building and the form of the final house are actualities, which is also a final cause or end. Then Aristotle proceeds and concludes that the actuality is prior to potentiality in formula, in time and in substantiality. With this definition of the particular substance (i.e., matter and form), Aristotle tries to solve the problem of the unity of the beings, for example, "what is it that makes a man one"? Since, according to Plato there are two Ideas: animal and biped, how then is man a unity? However, according to Aristotle, the potential being (matter) and the actual one (form) are one and the same.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn

In summary, the matter used to make a house has potentiality to be a house and both the activity of building and the form of the final house are actualities, which is also a final cause or end. Then Aristotle proceeds and concludes that the actuality is prior to potentiality in formula, in time and in substantiality. With this definition of the particular substance (i.e., matter and form), Aristotle tries to solve the problem of the unity of the beings, for example, "what is it that makes a man one"? Since, according to Plato there are two Ideas: animal and biped, how then is man a unity? However, according to Aristotle, the potential being (matter) and the actual one (form) are one and the same.




Aristotle's immanent realism means his epistemology is based on the study of things that exist or happen in the world, and rises to knowledge of the universal, whereas for Plato epistemology begins with knowledge of universal Forms (or ideas) and descends to knowledge of particular imitations of these.模板:Sfn Aristotle uses induction from examples alongside deduction, whereas Plato relies on deduction from a priori principles.模板:Sfn

Aristotle's immanent realism means his epistemology is based on the study of things that exist or happen in the world, and rises to knowledge of the universal, whereas for Plato epistemology begins with knowledge of universal Forms (or ideas) and descends to knowledge of particular imitations of these. Aristotle uses induction from examples alongside deduction, whereas Plato relies on deduction from a priori principles.


Natural philosophy


Aristotle's "natural philosophy" spans a wide range of natural phenomena including those now covered by physics, biology and other natural sciences.模板:Sfn In Aristotle's terminology, "natural philosophy" is a branch of philosophy examining the phenomena of the natural world, and includes fields that would be regarded today as physics, biology and other natural sciences. Aristotle's work encompassed virtually all facets of intellectual inquiry. Aristotle makes philosophy in the broad sense coextensive with reasoning, which he also would describe as "science". Note, however, that his use of the term science carries a different meaning than that covered by the term "scientific method". For Aristotle, "all science (dianoia) is either practical, poetical or theoretical" (Metaphysics 1025b25). His practical science includes ethics and politics; his poetical science means the study of fine arts including poetry; his theoretical science covers physics, mathematics and metaphysics.模板:Sfn

Aristotle's "natural philosophy" spans a wide range of natural phenomena including those now covered by physics, biology and other natural sciences. In Aristotle's terminology, "natural philosophy" is a branch of philosophy examining the phenomena of the natural world, and includes fields that would be regarded today as physics, biology and other natural sciences. Aristotle's work encompassed virtually all facets of intellectual inquiry. Aristotle makes philosophy in the broad sense coextensive with reasoning, which he also would describe as "science". Note, however, that his use of the term science carries a different meaning than that covered by the term "scientific method". For Aristotle, "all science (dianoia) is either practical, poetical or theoretical" (Metaphysics 1025b25). His practical science includes ethics and politics; his poetical science means the study of fine arts including poetry; his theoretical science covers physics, mathematics and metaphysics.




The four classical elements (fire, air, water, earth) of Empedocles and Aristotle illustrated with a burning log. The log releases all four elements as it is destroyed.
The four classical elements (fire, air, water, earth) of Empedocles and Aristotle illustrated with a burning log. The log releases all four elements as it is destroyed.

恩培多克勒Empedocles 和Aristotle的四元素(火、气、水、土)用燃烧的圆木来说明。日志在被销毁时释放所有四个元素。]

Five elements


In his On Generation and Corruption, Aristotle related each of the four elements proposed earlier by Empedocles, Earth, Water, Air, and Fire, to two of the four sensible qualities, hot, cold, wet, and dry. In the Empedoclean scheme, all matter was made of the four elements, in differing proportions. Aristotle's scheme added the heavenly Aether, the divine substance of the heavenly spheres, stars and planets.模板:Sfn

In his On Generation and Corruption, Aristotle related each of the four elements proposed earlier by Empedocles, Earth, Water, Air, and Fire, to two of the four sensible qualities, hot, cold, wet, and dry. In the Empedoclean scheme, all matter was made of the four elements, in differing proportions. Aristotle's scheme added the heavenly Aether, the divine substance of the heavenly spheres, stars and planets.

在《论世代与腐败》一书中,Aristotle将Empedocles早期提出的四种元素---- 土、水、空气和火---- 中的每一种都与四种可感知的性质中的两种相联系,即热、冷、湿和干。在恩培多克林计划中,所有物质都由四种元素以不同的比例组成。亚里士多德的方案增加了天上的以太,即天上的球体、星体和行星的神圣物质。

{ | class = “ wikitable”
Aristotle's elements模板:Sfn Aristotle's elements
+ Aristotle的元素 Element 模板:Font color/模板:Font color 模板:Font color/模板:Font color Motion Modern state
of matter
Element / / Motion Modern state
of matter
元素!热/ 冷 湿/ 干 运动 物质的现代状态
Earth 模板:Font color 模板:Font color Down Solid Cold|Dry Down Solid

地球 冷 干燥 向下 固体

Water 模板:Font color 模板:Font color Down Liquid Cold|Wet Down Liquid

水 冷 湿 向下 液体

Air 模板:Font color 模板:Font color Up Gas Hot|Wet Up Gas

空气 热 湿 向上 气体

Fire 模板:Font color 模板:Font color Up Plasma Hot|Dry Up Plasma

火 热 干燥 向上 等离子体

Aether (divine
(in heavens)
Aether (divine
(in heavens)
| (神圣的物质) | | | ー | | 圆形的 < br > (在天堂) | | | ー





Aristotle describes two kinds of motion: "violent" or "unnatural motion", such as that of a thrown stone, in the Physics (254b10), and "natural motion", such as of a falling object, in On the Heavens (300a20). In violent motion, as soon as the agent stops causing it, the motion stops also; in other words, the natural state of an object is to be at rest,模板:Sfn模板:Efn-ua since Aristotle does not address friction.模板:Sfn With this understanding, it can be observed that, as Aristotle stated, heavy objects (on the ground, say) require more force to make them move; and objects pushed with greater force move faster.模板:Sfn模板:Efn-ua This would imply the equation模板:Sfn

Aristotle describes two kinds of motion: "violent" or "unnatural motion", such as that of a thrown stone, in the Physics (254b10), and "natural motion", such as of a falling object, in On the Heavens (300a20). In violent motion, as soon as the agent stops causing it, the motion stops also; in other words, the natural state of an object is to be at rest,}} since Aristotle does not address friction. With this understanding, it can be observed that, as Aristotle stated, heavy objects (on the ground, say) require more force to make them move; and objects pushed with greater force move faster.}} This would imply the equation

Aristotle描述了两种运动。"剧烈运动 "或 "非自然运动",如《物理学》(254b10)中的抛石运动,以及 "自然运动",如《论天》(300a20)中的坠物运动。在剧烈运动中,只要媒介停止引起运动,运动也就停止了,换句话说,物体的自然状态是静止的,因为Aristotle没有提到摩擦。有了这种理解,就可以观察到,正如Aristotle所说的,重的物体(比如在地上)需要更多的力来使它们移动;受到更大力推动的物体移动得更快。这就意味着这个方程这就意味着这个方程式

[math]\displaystyle{ F=mv }[/math],
[math]\displaystyle{ F=mv }[/math],

incorrect in modern physics.模板:Sfn

incorrect in modern physics.


Natural motion depends on the element concerned: the aether naturally moves in a circle around the heavens,模板:Efn-ua while the 4 Empedoclean elements move vertically up (like fire, as is observed) or down (like earth) towards their natural resting places.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn模板:Efn-ua

Natural motion depends on the element concerned: the aether naturally moves in a circle around the heavens,}} while the 4 Empedoclean elements move vertically up (like fire, as is observed) or down (like earth) towards their natural resting places.


Aristotle's laws of motion. In Physics he states that objects fall at a speed proportional to their weight and inversely proportional to the density of the fluid they are immersed in.模板:Sfn This is a correct approximation for objects in Earth's gravitational field moving in air or water.模板:Sfn

Aristotle's laws of motion. In Physics he states that objects fall at a speed proportional to their weight and inversely proportional to the density of the fluid they are immersed in. This is a correct approximation for objects in Earth's gravitational field moving in air or water.]]


In the Physics (215a25), Aristotle effectively states a quantitative law, that the speed, v, of a falling body is proportional (say, with constant c) to its weight, W, and inversely proportional to the density,模板:Efn-ua ρ, of the fluid in which it is falling:模板:Sfn模板:Sfn

In the Physics (215a25), Aristotle effectively states a quantitative law, that the speed, v, of a falling body is proportional (say, with constant c) to its weight, W, and inversely proportional to the density,}} ρ, of the fluid in which it is falling:


[math]\displaystyle{ v=c\frac{W}{\rho} }[/math]
[math]\displaystyle{ v=c\frac{W}{\rho} }[/math]

[ math > v = c frac { w }{ rho } </math >

Aristotle implies that in a vacuum the speed of fall would become infinite, and concludes from this apparent absurdity that a vacuum is not possible.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn Opinions have varied on whether Aristotle intended to state quantitative laws. Henri Carteron held the "extreme view"模板:Sfn that Aristotle's concept of force was basically qualitative,模板:Sfn but other authors reject this.模板:Sfn

Aristotle implies that in a vacuum the speed of fall would become infinite, and concludes from this apparent absurdity that a vacuum is not possible. Opinions have varied on whether Aristotle intended to state quantitative laws. Henri Carteron held the "extreme view" that Aristotle's concept of force was basically qualitative, but other authors reject this.

Aristotle暗示,在真空中下落的速度将是无限的,并从这个明显的荒谬得出结论,真空是不可能的。对于Aristotle是否有意阐述数量法则,人们的意见不一。亨利·卡特隆(Henri Carteron)持“极端观点”,认为Aristotle的力概念基本上是定性的,但其他作者反对这种观点。

Archimedes corrected Aristotle's theory that bodies move towards their natural resting places; metal boats can float if they displace enough water; floating depends in Archimedes' scheme on the mass and volume of the object, not as Aristotle thought its elementary composition.模板:Sfn

Archimedes corrected Aristotle's theory that bodies move towards their natural resting places; metal boats can float if they displace enough water; floating depends in Archimedes' scheme on the mass and volume of the object, not as Aristotle thought its elementary composition.

阿基米德Archimedes纠正了Aristotle的理论,即物体会朝着它们自然休息的地方移动; 金属船只如果置换了足够多的水就能浮起来; 在Archimedes的理论中,浮力取决于物体的质量和体积,而不是Aristotle认为的物体的基本构成。

Aristotle's writings on motion remained influential until the Early Modern period. John Philoponus (in the Middle Ages) and Galileo are said to have shown by experiment that Aristotle's claim that a heavier object falls faster than a lighter object is incorrect.模板:Sfn A contrary opinion is given by Carlo Rovelli, who argues that Aristotle's physics of motion is correct within its domain of validity, that of objects in the Earth's gravitational field immersed in a fluid such as air. In this system, heavy bodies in steady fall indeed travel faster than light ones (whether friction is ignored, or not模板:Sfn), and they do fall more slowly in a denser medium.模板:Sfn模板:Efn-ua

Aristotle's writings on motion remained influential until the Early Modern period. John Philoponus (in the Middle Ages) and Galileo are said to have shown by experiment that Aristotle's claim that a heavier object falls faster than a lighter object is incorrect. A contrary opinion is given by Carlo Rovelli, who argues that Aristotle's physics of motion is correct within its domain of validity, that of objects in the Earth's gravitational field immersed in a fluid such as air. In this system, heavy bodies in steady fall indeed travel faster than light ones (whether friction is ignored, or not), and they do fall more slowly in a denser medium.

Aristotle关于运动的著作直到近代早期仍有影响。据说约翰•菲洛波努斯John Philoponus(中世纪)和伽利略Galileo通过实验表明,Aristotle关于较重的物体比较轻的物体下落得快的说法是不正确的。卡罗.罗维利Carlo Rovelli给出了相反的意见,他认为Aristotle的运动物理学在其有效领域内是正确的,即在地球引力场中浸泡在空气等流体中的物体。在这一体系中,处于稳定下落的重体确实比轻体走得快(无论是否忽略摩擦力),而且在密度较大的介质中,重体下落的速度确实较慢。

Newton's "forced" motion corresponds to Aristotle's "violent" motion with its external agent, but Aristotle's assumption that the agent's effect stops immediately it stops acting (e.g., the ball leaves the thrower's hand) has awkward consequences: he has to suppose that surrounding fluid helps to push the ball along to make it continue to rise even though the hand is no longer acting on it, resulting in the Medieval theory of impetus.模板:Sfn

Newton's "forced" motion corresponds to Aristotle's "violent" motion with its external agent, but Aristotle's assumption that the agent's effect stops immediately it stops acting (e.g., the ball leaves the thrower's hand) has awkward consequences: he has to suppose that surrounding fluid helps to push the ball along to make it continue to rise even though the hand is no longer acting on it, resulting in the Medieval theory of impetus.

牛顿Newton的“被迫”运动相当于亚里士多德的“暴力”运动及其外部因素,但Aristotle的假设,该因素的影响立即停止(例如,球离开投掷者的手),这就产生了尴尬的后果: 他必须假设周围的液体帮助推动球前进,使球继续上升,即使手不再作用于球,也会产生中世纪的推动力理论。

Four causes


Aristotle argued by analogy with woodwork that a thing takes its form from four causes: in the case of a table, the wood used (material cause), its design (formal cause), the tools and techniques used (efficient cause), and its decorative or practical purpose (final cause).模板:Sfn
Aristotle argued by analogy with woodwork that a thing takes its form from [[four causes: in the case of a table, the wood used (material cause), its design (formal cause), the tools and techniques used (efficient cause), and its decorative or practical purpose (final cause).


Aristotle suggested that the reason for anything coming about can be attributed to four different types of simultaneously active factors. His term aitia is traditionally translated as "cause", but it does not always refer to temporal sequence; it might be better translated as "explanation", but the traditional rendering will be employed here.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn

Aristotle suggested that the reason for anything coming about can be attributed to four different types of simultaneously active factors. His term aitia is traditionally translated as "cause", but it does not always refer to temporal sequence; it might be better translated as "explanation", but the traditional rendering will be employed here.


  • Material cause describes the material out of which something is composed. Thus the material cause of a table is wood. It is not about action. It does not mean that one domino knocks over another domino.模板:Sfn


  • The formal cause is its form, i.e., the arrangement of that matter. It tells us what a thing is, that a thing is determined by the definition, form, pattern, essence, whole, synthesis or archetype. It embraces the account of causes in terms of fundamental principles or general laws, as the whole (i.e., macrostructure) is the cause of its parts, a relationship known as the whole-part causation. Plainly put, the formal cause is the idea in the mind of the sculptor that brings the sculpture into being. A simple example of the formal cause is the mental image or idea that allows an artist, architect, or engineer to create a drawing.模板:Sfn


  • The efficient cause is "the primary source", or that from which the change under consideration proceeds. It identifies 'what makes of what is made and what causes change of what is changed' and so suggests all sorts of agents, nonliving or living, acting as the sources of change or movement or rest. Representing the current understanding of causality as the relation of cause and effect, this covers the modern definitions of "cause" as either the agent or agency or particular events or states of affairs. In the case of two dominoes, when the first is knocked over it causes the second also to fall over. In the case of animals, this agency is a combination of how it develops from the egg, and how its body functions.模板:Sfn In the case of animals, this agency is a combination of how it develops from the egg, and how its body functions.模板:Sfn

有效原因是 "主要来源",或者说,所考虑的变化是从这里开始的。它确定了 "是什么造就了什么,是什么引起了被改变的东西的变化",因此暗示了各种代理人,无论是非生物的还是生物的,都是变化或运动或休息的来源。代表目前对因果关系的理解是因果关系,这涵盖了现代对 "原因 "的定义,要么是代理人或机构,要么是特定的事件或事态。在两个多米诺骨牌的情况下,当第一个骨牌被撞倒时,会导致第二个骨牌也倒下。就动物而言,该机构是鸡蛋如何发育以及其身体功能的综合体。

  • The final cause (telos) is its purpose, the reason why a thing exists or is done, including both purposeful and instrumental actions and activities. The final cause is the purpose or function that something is supposed to serve. This covers modern ideas of motivating causes, such as volition.模板:Sfn In the case of living things, it implies adaptation to a particular way of life. In the case of living things, it implies adaptation to a particular way of life.模板:Sfn





Aristotle describes experiments in optics using a camera obscura in Problems, book 15. The apparatus consisted of a dark chamber with a small aperture that let light in. With it, he saw that whatever shape he made the hole, the sun's image always remained circular. He also noted that increasing the distance between the aperture and the image surface magnified the image.模板:Sfn

Aristotle describes experiments in optics using a camera obscura in Problems, book 15. The apparatus consisted of a dark chamber with a small aperture that let light in. With it, he saw that whatever shape he made the hole, the sun's image always remained circular. He also noted that increasing the distance between the aperture and the image surface magnified the image.


Chance and spontaneity



According to Aristotle, spontaneity and chance are causes of some things, distinguishable from other types of cause such as simple necessity. Chance as an incidental cause lies in the realm of accidental things, "from what is spontaneous". There is also more a specific kind of chance, which Aristotle names "luck", that only applies to people's moral choices.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn

According to Aristotle, spontaneity and chance are causes of some things, distinguishable from other types of cause such as simple necessity. Chance as an incidental cause lies in the realm of accidental things, "from what is spontaneous". There is also more a specific kind of chance, which Aristotle names "luck", that only applies to people's moral choices.



天文学 模板:Further

In astronomy, Aristotle refuted Democritus's claim that the Milky Way was made up of "those stars which are shaded by the earth from the sun's rays," pointing out correctly that if "the size of the sun is greater than that of the earth and the distance of the stars from the earth many times greater than that of the sun, then... the sun shines on all the stars and the earth screens none of them."模板:Sfn

In astronomy, Aristotle refuted Democritus's claim that the Milky Way was made up of "those stars which are shaded by the earth from the sun's rays," pointing out correctly that if "the size of the sun is greater than that of the earth and the distance of the stars from the earth many times greater than that of the sun, then... the sun shines on all the stars and the earth screens none of them."

在天文学上,Aristotle驳斥了德谟克利特Democritus关于银河系是由 "那些被地球遮挡住太阳光线的恒星 "组成的说法,正确地指出,如果 "太阳的大小大于地球的大小,恒星与地球的距离比太阳的距离大许多倍,那么......太阳照耀着所有的恒星,而地球却没有屏蔽任何一颗恒星"。

Aristotle noted that the ground level of the Aeolian islands changed before a volcanic eruption.
Aristotle noted that the ground level of the [[Aeolian islands changed before a volcanic eruption.



地质学 模板:Further

Aristotle was one of the first people to record any geological observations. He stated that geological change was too slow to be observed in one person's lifetime.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn

Aristotle was one of the first people to record any geological observations. He stated that geological change was too slow to be observed in one person's lifetime.


The geologist Charles Lyell noted that Aristotle described such change, including "lakes that had dried up" and "deserts that had become watered by rivers", giving as examples the growth of the Nile delta since the time of Homer, and "the upheaving of one of the Aeolian islands, previous to a volcanic eruption."'模板:Sfn

The geologist Charles Lyell noted that Aristotle described such change, including "lakes that had dried up" and "deserts that had become watered by rivers", giving as examples the growth of the Nile delta since the time of Homer, and "the upheaving of one of the Aeolian islands, previous to a volcanic eruption."'

地质学家查尔斯•莱尔Charles Lyell指出,Aristotle描述了这种变化,包括 "已经干涸的湖泊 "和 "被河流浇灌的沙漠",他举例说,自荷马时代以来,尼罗河三角洲的增长,以及 "伊奥利亚群岛中的一个岛屿在火山喷发颠覆"。



Among many pioneering zoological observations, Aristotle described the reproductive hectocotyl arm of the octopus (bottom left).


Empirical research

实证研究 Aristotle was the first person to study biology systematically,模板:Sfn and biology forms a large part of his writings. He spent two years observing and describing the zoology of Lesbos and the surrounding seas, including in particular the Pyrrha lagoon in the centre of Lesbos.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn His data in History of Animals, Generation of Animals, Movement of Animals, and Parts of Animals are assembled from his own observations,[1] statements given by people with specialized knowledge such as beekeepers and fishermen, and less accurate accounts provided by travellers from overseas.模板:Sfn His apparent emphasis on animals rather than plants is a historical accident: his works on botany have been lost, but two books on plants by his pupil Theophrastus have survived.模板:Sfn

Aristotle was the first person to study biology systematically, and biology forms a large part of his writings. He spent two years observing and describing the zoology of Lesbos and the surrounding seas, including in particular the Pyrrha lagoon in the centre of Lesbos. His data in History of Animals, Generation of Animals, Movement of Animals, and Parts of Animals are assembled from his own observations, statements given by people with specialized knowledge such as beekeepers and fishermen, and less accurate accounts provided by travellers from overseas. His apparent emphasis on animals rather than plants is a historical accident: his works on botany have been lost, but two books on plants by his pupil Theophrastus have survived.


Aristotle reports on the sea-life visible from observation on Lesbos and the catches of fishermen. He describes the catfish, electric ray, and frogfish in detail, as well as cephalopods such as the octopus and paper nautilus. His description of the hectocotyl arm of cephalopods, used in sexual reproduction, was widely disbelieved until the 19th century.模板:Sfn He gives accurate descriptions of the four-chambered fore-stomachs of ruminants,模板:Sfn and of the ovoviviparous embryological development of the hound shark.模板:Sfn

Aristotle reports on the sea-life visible from observation on Lesbos and the catches of fishermen. He describes the catfish, electric ray, and frogfish in detail, as well as cephalopods such as the octopus and paper nautilus. His description of the hectocotyl arm of cephalopods, used in sexual reproduction, was widely disbelieved until the 19th century. He gives accurate descriptions of the four-chambered fore-stomachs of ruminants, and of the ovoviviparous embryological development of the hound shark.


He notes that an animal's structure is well matched to function, so, among birds, the heron, which lives in marshes with soft mud and lives by catching fish, has a long neck and long legs, and a sharp spear-like beak, whereas ducks that swim have short legs and webbed feet.模板:Sfn Darwin, too, noted these sorts of differences between similar kinds of animal, but unlike Aristotle used the data to come to the theory of evolution.模板:Sfn Aristotle's writings can seem to modern readers close to implying evolution, but while Aristotle was aware that new mutations or hybridizations could occur, he saw these as rare accidents. For Aristotle, accidents, like heat waves in winter, must be considered distinct from natural causes. He was thus critical of Empedocles's materialist theory of a "survival of the fittest" origin of living things and their organs, and ridiculed the idea that accidents could lead to orderly results.模板:Sfn To put his views into modern terms, he nowhere says that different species can have a common ancestor, or that one kind can change into another, or that kinds can become extinct.模板:Sfn

He notes that an animal's structure is well matched to function, so, among birds, the heron, which lives in marshes with soft mud and lives by catching fish, has a long neck and long legs, and a sharp spear-like beak, whereas ducks that swim have short legs and webbed feet. Darwin, too, noted these sorts of differences between similar kinds of animal, but unlike Aristotle used the data to come to the theory of evolution. Aristotle's writings can seem to modern readers close to implying evolution, but while Aristotle was aware that new mutations or hybridizations could occur, he saw these as rare accidents. For Aristotle, accidents, like heat waves in winter, must be considered distinct from natural causes. He was thus critical of Empedocles's materialist theory of a "survival of the fittest" origin of living things and their organs, and ridiculed the idea that accidents could lead to orderly results. To put his views into modern terms, he nowhere says that different species can have a common ancestor, or that one kind can change into another, or that kinds can become extinct.

他指出,动物的结构与功能是相匹配的,因此,在鸟类中,栖息在泥沼中以捕鱼为生的苍鹭有长长的脖子和长腿,还有像矛一样锋利的喙,而游泳的鸭子有短腿和蹼足。达尔文也注意到了类似动物之间的这些差异,但与Aristotle不同的是,他利用这些数据得出了进化论。对现代读者来说,Aristotle的著作似乎暗示了进化论,但当Aristotle意识到可能会发生新的突变或杂交时,他把这些看作是罕见的意外。对亚里士多德来说,对Aristotle来说,意外就像冬天的热浪一样,必须区别于自然原因来考虑。因此,他对Empedocles关于生物及其器官 "适者生存 "起源的唯物主义理论持批判态度,并嘲笑了意外事故可以导致有序结果的观点。用现代的术语来说,他没有说过不同的物种可以有一个共同的祖先,也没有说过一种物种可以变为另一种物种,也没有说过物种可以灭绝。

Scientific style


Aristotle inferred growth laws from his observations on animals, including that brood size decreases with body mass, whereas gestation period increases. He was correct in these predictions, at least for mammals: data are shown for mouse and elephant.


Aristotle did not do experiments in the modern sense.模板:Sfn He used the ancient Greek term pepeiramenoi to mean observations, or at most investigative procedures like dissection.模板:Sfn In Generation of Animals, he finds a fertilized hen's egg of a suitable stage and opens it to see the embryo's heart beating inside.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn

Aristotle did not do experiments in the modern sense. He used the ancient Greek term pepeiramenoi to mean observations, or at most investigative procedures like dissection. In Generation of Animals, he finds a fertilized hen's egg of a suitable stage and opens it to see the embryo's heart beating inside.


Instead, he practiced a different style of science: systematically gathering data, discovering patterns common to whole groups of animals, and inferring possible causal explanations from these.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn This style is common in modern biology when large amounts of data become available in a new field, such as genomics. It does not result in the same certainty as experimental science, but it sets out testable hypotheses and constructs a narrative explanation of what is observed. In this sense, Aristotle's biology is scientific.模板:Sfn

Instead, he practiced a different style of science: systematically gathering data, discovering patterns common to whole groups of animals, and inferring possible causal explanations from these. This style is common in modern biology when large amounts of data become available in a new field, such as genomics. It does not result in the same certainty as experimental science, but it sets out testable hypotheses and constructs a narrative explanation of what is observed. In this sense, Aristotle's biology is scientific.


From the data he collected and documented, Aristotle inferred quite a number of rules relating the life-history features of the live-bearing tetrapods (terrestrial placental mammals) that he studied. Among these correct predictions are the following. Brood size decreases with (adult) body mass, so that an elephant has fewer young (usually just one) per brood than a mouse. Lifespan increases with gestation period, and also with body mass, so that elephants live longer than mice, have a longer period of gestation, and are heavier. As a final example, fecundity decreases with lifespan, so long-lived kinds like elephants have fewer young in total than short-lived kinds like mice.模板:Sfn模板:-

From the data he collected and documented, Aristotle inferred quite a number of rules relating the life-history features of the live-bearing tetrapods (terrestrial placental mammals) that he studied. Among these correct predictions are the following. Brood size decreases with (adult) body mass, so that an elephant has fewer young (usually just one) per brood than a mouse. Lifespan increases with gestation period, and also with body mass, so that elephants live longer than mice, have a longer period of gestation, and are heavier. As a final example, fecundity decreases with lifespan, so long-lived kinds like elephants have fewer young in total than short-lived kinds like mice.


Classification of living things

生物分类 模板:Further

Aristotle recorded that the embryo of a dogfish was attached by a cord to a kind of placenta (the yolk sac), like a higher animal; this formed an exception to the linear scale from highest to lowest.模板:Sfn
Aristotle recorded that the embryo of a dogfish was attached by a cord to a kind of placenta (the yolk sac), like a higher animal; this formed an exception to the linear scale from highest to lowest.


Aristotle distinguished about 500 species of animals,模板:Sfn模板:Sfn arranging these in the History of Animals in a graded scale of perfection, a scala naturae, with man at the top. His system had eleven grades of animal, from highest potential to lowest, expressed in their form at birth: the highest gave live birth to hot and wet creatures, the lowest laid cold, dry mineral-like eggs. Animals came above plants, and these in turn were above minerals.模板:Sfn see also:模板:Sfn He grouped what the modern zoologist would call vertebrates as the hotter "animals with blood", and below them the colder invertebrates as "animals without blood". Those with blood were divided into the live-bearing (mammals), and the egg-laying (birds, reptiles, fish). Those without blood were insects, crustacea (non-shelled – cephalopods, and shelled) and the hard-shelled molluscs (bivalves and gastropods). He recognised that animals did not exactly fit into a linear scale, and noted various exceptions, such as that sharks had a placenta like the tetrapods. To a modern biologist, the explanation, not available to Aristotle, is convergent evolution.模板:Sfn He believed that purposive final causes guided all natural processes; this teleological view justified his observed data as an expression of formal design.模板:Sfn

Aristotle distinguished about 500 species of animals, arranging these in the History of Animals in a graded scale of perfection, a scala naturae, with man at the top. His system had eleven grades of animal, from highest potential to lowest, expressed in their form at birth: the highest gave live birth to hot and wet creatures, the lowest laid cold, dry mineral-like eggs. Animals came above plants, and these in turn were above minerals. see also: He grouped what the modern zoologist would call vertebrates as the hotter "animals with blood", and below them the colder invertebrates as "animals without blood". Those with blood were divided into the live-bearing (mammals), and the egg-laying (birds, reptiles, fish). Those without blood were insects, crustacea (non-shelled – cephalopods, and shelled) and the hard-shelled molluscs (bivalves and gastropods). He recognised that animals did not exactly fit into a linear scale, and noted various exceptions, such as that sharks had a placenta like the tetrapods. To a modern biologist, the explanation, not available to Aristotle, is convergent evolution. He believed that purposive final causes guided all natural processes; this teleological view justified his observed data as an expression of formal design.


{ | class = “ wikitable” style = “ font-size: 80% ; ”
Aristotle's Scala naturae (highest to lowest)
+ Aristotle的斯卡拉自然史(最高到最低)
Group Examples
(given by Aristotle)
Blood Legs Souls
组! !示例 < br > (由亚里士多德给出) ! !血液! !腿部! !灵魂(理性,敏感,植物性) ! !品质 < br > (热-冷 ,< br >湿 -干)
Aristotle's Scala naturae (highest to lowest)
Group Examples
(given by Aristotle)
Blood Legs Souls
(模板:Font color模板:Font color,
模板:Font color模板:Font color)
Man Man with blood 2 legs R, S, V ,

人 人 带血 2条腿 R,S,V 热,湿

Man Man with blood 2 legs R, S, V 模板:Font color, 模板:Font color Live-bearing tetrapods Cat, hare with blood 4 legs S, V ,

四足动物 猫,野兔 带血 4条腿 S,V 热,湿

Live-bearing tetrapods Cat, hare with blood 4 legs S, V 模板:Font color, 模板:Font color Cetaceans Dolphin, whale with blood none S, V ,

鲸类 海豚,鲸鱼,带血, 没有 S,V 热,湿

Cetaceans Dolphin, whale with blood none S, V 模板:Font color, 模板:Font color Birds Bee-eater, nightjar with blood 2 legs S, V , , except eggs

鸟类,蜂虎鸟,夜鹰,带血, 两条腿,热,湿,干鸡蛋除外

Birds Bee-eater, nightjar with blood 2 legs S, V 模板:Font color, 模板:Font color, except 模板:Font color eggs Egg-laying tetrapods Chameleon, crocodile with blood 4 legs S, V , except scales, eggs

产卵四足动物,变色龙,鳄鱼,,带血,4条腿,S,V 寒冷,潮湿,除了鳞片,蛋

Egg-laying tetrapods Chameleon, crocodile with blood 4 legs S, V 模板:Font color, 模板:Font color except scales, eggs Snakes Water snake, Ottoman viper with blood none S, V , except scales, eggs

蛇,水蛇,奥斯曼毒蛇,带血,没有,S,V 寒冷,潮湿,除了鳞片和蛋

Snakes Water snake, Ottoman viper with blood none S, V 模板:Font color, 模板:Font color except scales, eggs Egg-laying fishes Sea bass, parrotfish with blood none S, V , , including eggs

产卵鱼,鲈鱼,鹦嘴鱼,带血, 没有,S,V 寒冷,潮湿包括卵

Egg-laying fishes Sea bass, parrotfish with blood none S, V 模板:Font color, 模板:Font color, including eggs (Among the egg-laying fishes):
placental selachians
Shark, skate with blood none S, V , , but placenta like tetrapods


(Among the egg-laying fishes):
placental selachians
Shark, skate with blood none S, V 模板:Font color, 模板:Font color, but placenta like tetrapods Crustaceans Shrimp, crab without many legs S, V , except shell

甲壳类动物虾,蟹,没有,多腿,S,V 寒冷,潮湿除外壳

Crustaceans Shrimp, crab without many legs S, V 模板:Font color, 模板:Font color except shell Cephalopods Squid, octopus without tentacles S, V ,

头足类动物,鱿鱼,章鱼,没有 触须,S,V 寒冷,潮湿

Cephalopods Squid, octopus without tentacles S, V 模板:Font color, 模板:Font color Hard-shelled animals Cockle, trumpet snail without none S, V , (mineral shell)

硬壳动物,海扇类,喇叭螺 没有,没有 S,V寒冷,干燥(矿物克)

Hard-shelled animals Cockle, trumpet snail without none S, V 模板:Font color, 模板:Font color (mineral shell) Larva-bearing insects Ant, cicada without 6 legs S, V ,


Larva-bearing insects Ant, cicada without 6 legs S, V 模板:Font color, 模板:Font color Spontaneously-generating Sponges, worms without none S, V , or , from earth

从地球上自发产生的,海绵,蠕虫 没有 没有 S,V 寒冷,潮湿或干燥,来自地球

Spontaneously-generating Sponges, worms without none S, V 模板:Font color, 模板:Font color or 模板:Font color, from earth Plants Fig without none V ,

植物,无花果,没有,没有 V 寒冷,干燥

Plants Fig without none V 模板:Font color, 模板:Font color Minerals Iron without none none ,

矿物,铁,没有,没有,没有 寒冷,干燥

|Minerals||Iron||without||none||none||模板:Font color, 模板:Font color







Aristotle proposed a three-part structure for souls of plants, animals, and humans, making humans unique in having all three types of soul.

Aristotle proposed a three-part structure for souls of plants, animals, and humans, making humans unique in having all three types of soul.


Aristotle's psychology, given in his treatise On the Soul (peri psychēs), posits three kinds of soul ("psyches"): the vegetative soul, the sensitive soul, and the rational soul. Humans have a rational soul. The human soul incorporates the powers of the other kinds: Like the vegetative soul it can grow and nourish itself; like the sensitive soul it can experience sensations and move locally. The unique part of the human, rational soul is its ability to receive forms of other things and to compare them using the nous (intellect) and logos (reason).模板:Sfn

Aristotle's psychology, given in his treatise On the Soul (peri psychēs), posits three kinds of soul ("psyches"): the vegetative soul, the sensitive soul, and the rational soul. Humans have a rational soul. The human soul incorporates the powers of the other kinds: Like the vegetative soul it can grow and nourish itself; like the sensitive soul it can experience sensations and move locally. The unique part of the human, rational soul is its ability to receive forms of other things and to compare them using the nous (intellect) and logos (reason).

Aristotle的心理学,在他的论文《论灵魂》(peri psychēs)中,提出了三种灵魂("psyches"):植物性灵魂、敏感性灵魂和理性灵魂。人类有一个理性的灵魂。人类的灵魂融合了其他种类的力量。像植物性灵魂一样,它可以生长和滋养自己;像敏感的灵魂一样,它可以体验感觉和局部移动。人的理性灵魂的独特之处在于它能接受其他事物的形式,并能用nous(智力)和logos(理智)来比较它们。

For Aristotle, the soul is the form of a living being. Because all beings are composites of form and matter, the form of living beings is that which endows them with what is specific to living beings, e.g. the ability to initiate movement (or in the case of plants, growth and chemical transformations, which Aristotle considers types of movement).模板:Sfn In contrast to earlier philosophers, but in accordance with the Egyptians, he placed the rational soul in the heart, rather than the brain.模板:Sfn Notable is Aristotle's division of sensation and thought, which generally differed from the concepts of previous philosophers, with the exception of Alcmaeon.模板:Sfn

For Aristotle, the soul is the form of a living being. Because all beings are composites of form and matter, the form of living beings is that which endows them with what is specific to living beings, e.g. the ability to initiate movement (or in the case of plants, growth and chemical transformations, which Aristotle considers types of movement). In contrast to earlier philosophers, but in accordance with the Egyptians, he placed the rational soul in the heart, rather than the brain. Notable is Aristotle's division of sensation and thought, which generally differed from the concepts of previous philosophers, with the exception of Alcmaeon.




According to Aristotle in On the Soul, memory is the ability to hold a perceived experience in the mind and to distinguish between the internal "appearance" and an occurrence in the past.模板:Sfn In other words, a memory is a mental picture (phantasm) that can be recovered. Aristotle believed an impression is left on a semi-fluid bodily organ that undergoes several changes in order to make a memory. A memory occurs when stimuli such as sights or sounds are so complex that the nervous system cannot receive all the impressions at once. These changes are the same as those involved in the operations of sensation, Aristotelian 'common sense', and thinking.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn

According to Aristotle in On the Soul, memory is the ability to hold a perceived experience in the mind and to distinguish between the internal "appearance" and an occurrence in the past. In other words, a memory is a mental picture (phantasm) that can be recovered. Aristotle believed an impression is left on a semi-fluid bodily organ that undergoes several changes in order to make a memory. A memory occurs when stimuli such as sights or sounds are so complex that the nervous system cannot receive all the impressions at once. These changes are the same as those involved in the operations of sensation, Aristotelian 'common sense', and thinking.

根据Aristotle在《论灵魂》一书中的观点,记忆是指将感知到的经验保存在脑海中,并将内部的 "表象 "与过去发生的事情区分开来的能力。换句话说,记忆是一种可以恢复的心理图景(幻象)。Aristotle认为,印象是在半流体的身体器官上留下的,经过几次变化,才能形成记忆。当景物或声音等刺激物非常复杂,以至于神经系统不能同时接受所有的印象时,就会产生记忆。这些变化与感觉、Aristotle的 "常识 "和思维的操作一样。

Aristotle uses the term 'memory' for the actual retaining of an experience in the impression that can develop from sensation, and for the intellectual anxiety that comes with the impression because it is formed at a particular time and processing specific contents. Memory is of the past, prediction is of the future, and sensation is of the present. Retrieval of impressions cannot be performed suddenly. A transitional channel is needed and located in our past experiences, both for our previous experience and present experience.模板:Sfn

Aristotle uses the term 'memory' for the actual retaining of an experience in the impression that can develop from sensation, and for the intellectual anxiety that comes with the impression because it is formed at a particular time and processing specific contents. Memory is of the past, prediction is of the future, and sensation is of the present. Retrieval of impressions cannot be performed suddenly. A transitional channel is needed and located in our past experiences, both for our previous experience and present experience.

Aristotle用 "记忆 "一词,是指在印象中实际保留一种经验,而这种经验可以从感觉中发展出来,同时,由于印象是在特定的时间和加工特定的内容中形成的,因此,这种印象会带来知识上的焦虑。记忆是过去的,预测是未来的,感觉是现在的。印象的检索不能突然进行。需要一个过渡通道,位于我们过去的经验中,既是我们以前的经验,也是现在的经验。

Because Aristotle believes people receive all kinds of sense perceptions and perceive them as impressions, people are continually weaving together new impressions of experiences. To search for these impressions, people search the memory itself.模板:Sfn Within the memory, if one experience is offered instead of a specific memory, that person will reject this experience until they find what they are looking for. Recollection occurs when one retrieved experience naturally follows another. If the chain of "images" is needed, one memory will stimulate the next. When people recall experiences, they stimulate certain previous experiences until they reach the one that is needed.模板:Sfn Recollection is thus the self-directed activity of retrieving the information stored in a memory impression.模板:Sfn Only humans can remember impressions of intellectual activity, such as numbers and words. Animals that have perception of time can retrieve memories of their past observations. Remembering involves only perception of the things remembered and of the time passed.模板:Sfn

Because Aristotle believes people receive all kinds of sense perceptions and perceive them as impressions, people are continually weaving together new impressions of experiences. To search for these impressions, people search the memory itself. Within the memory, if one experience is offered instead of a specific memory, that person will reject this experience until they find what they are looking for. Recollection occurs when one retrieved experience naturally follows another. If the chain of "images" is needed, one memory will stimulate the next. When people recall experiences, they stimulate certain previous experiences until they reach the one that is needed. Recollection is thus the self-directed activity of retrieving the information stored in a memory impression. Only humans can remember impressions of intellectual activity, such as numbers and words. Animals that have perception of time can retrieve memories of their past observations. Remembering involves only perception of the things remembered and of the time passed.

因为Aristotle认为,人们接受各种感觉知觉,并把它们当作印象来认识,所以人们不断地把新的经验印象编织在一起。为了寻找这些印象,人们搜索记忆本身。在记忆中,如果提供一种经验而不是特定的记忆,那么这个人就会拒绝这种经验,直到找到他们所要找的东西。当一个检索到的经验自然而然地跟在另一个经验后面时,就会出现回忆。如果需要 "图像 "的链条,一个记忆会刺激下一个记忆。当人们回忆经验时,他们会刺激以前的某些经验,直到达到需要的经验。因此,回忆是检索存储在记忆印象中的信息的自发活动。只有人类能记住数字、文字等智力活动的印象。有时间知觉的动物可以检索过去观察的记忆。记忆只涉及对所记事物和所过时间的感知。

Senses, perception, memory, dreams, action in Aristotle's psychology. Impressions are stored in the sensorium (the heart), linked by his laws of association (similarity, contrast, and contiguity).
Senses, perception, memory, dreams, action in Aristotle's psychology. Impressions are stored in the sensorium (the heart), linked by his laws of association (similarity, contrast, and contiguity).


Aristotle believed the chain of thought, which ends in recollection of certain impressions, was connected systematically in relationships such as similarity, contrast, and contiguity, described in his laws of association. Aristotle believed that past experiences are hidden within the mind. A force operates to awaken the hidden material to bring up the actual experience. According to Aristotle, association is the power innate in a mental state, which operates upon the unexpressed remains of former experiences, allowing them to rise and be recalled.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn

Aristotle believed the chain of thought, which ends in recollection of certain impressions, was connected systematically in relationships such as similarity, contrast, and contiguity, described in his laws of association. Aristotle believed that past experiences are hidden within the mind. A force operates to awaken the hidden material to bring up the actual experience. According to Aristotle, association is the power innate in a mental state, which operates upon the unexpressed remains of former experiences, allowing them to rise and be recalled.




Aristotle describes sleep in On Sleep and Wakefulness.模板:Sfn Sleep takes place as a result of overuse of the senses模板:Sfn or of digestion,模板:Sfn so it is vital to the body.模板:Sfn While a person is asleep, the critical activities, which include thinking, sensing, recalling and remembering, do not function as they do during wakefulness. Since a person cannot sense during sleep they can not have desire, which is the result of sensation. However, the senses are able to work during sleep,模板:Sfn albeit differently,模板:Sfn unless they are weary.模板:Sfn

Aristotle describes sleep in On Sleep and Wakefulness. Sleep takes place as a result of overuse of the senses or of digestion, so it is vital to the body. While a person is asleep, the critical activities, which include thinking, sensing, recalling and remembering, do not function as they do during wakefulness. Since a person cannot sense during sleep they can not have desire, which is the result of sensation. However, the senses are able to work during sleep, albeit differently, unless they are weary.


Dreams do not involve actually sensing a stimulus. In dreams, sensation is still involved, but in an altered manner.模板:Sfn Aristotle explains that when a person stares at a moving stimulus such as the waves in a body of water, and then look away, the next thing they look at appears to have a wavelike motion. When a person perceives a stimulus and the stimulus is no longer the focus of their attention, it leaves an impression.模板:Sfn When the body is awake and the senses are functioning properly, a person constantly encounters new stimuli to sense and so the impressions of previously perceived stimuli are ignored.模板:Sfn However, during sleep the impressions made throughout the day are noticed as there are no new distracting sensory experiences.模板:Sfn So, dreams result from these lasting impressions. Since impressions are all that are left and not the exact stimuli, dreams do not resemble the actual waking experience.模板:Sfn During sleep, a person is in an altered state of mind. Aristotle compares a sleeping person to a person who is overtaken by strong feelings toward a stimulus. For example, a person who has a strong infatuation with someone may begin to think they see that person everywhere because they are so overtaken by their feelings. Since a person sleeping is in a suggestible state and unable to make judgements, they become easily deceived by what appears in their dreams, like the infatuated person.模板:Sfn This leads the person to believe the dream is real, even when the dreams are absurd in nature.模板:Sfn In De Anima iii 3, Aristotle ascribes the ability to create, to store, and to recall images in the absence of perception to the faculty of imagination, phantasia.模板:Sfn

Dreams do not involve actually sensing a stimulus. In dreams, sensation is still involved, but in an altered manner. Aristotle explains that when a person stares at a moving stimulus such as the waves in a body of water, and then look away, the next thing they look at appears to have a wavelike motion. When a person perceives a stimulus and the stimulus is no longer the focus of their attention, it leaves an impression. When the body is awake and the senses are functioning properly, a person constantly encounters new stimuli to sense and so the impressions of previously perceived stimuli are ignored. However, during sleep the impressions made throughout the day are noticed as there are no new distracting sensory experiences. So, dreams result from these lasting impressions. Since impressions are all that are left and not the exact stimuli, dreams do not resemble the actual waking experience. During sleep, a person is in an altered state of mind. Aristotle compares a sleeping person to a person who is overtaken by strong feelings toward a stimulus. For example, a person who has a strong infatuation with someone may begin to think they see that person everywhere because they are so overtaken by their feelings. Since a person sleeping is in a suggestible state and unable to make judgements, they become easily deceived by what appears in their dreams, like the infatuated person. This leads the person to believe the dream is real, even when the dreams are absurd in nature. In De Anima iii 3, Aristotle ascribes the ability to create, to store, and to recall images in the absence of perception to the faculty of imagination, phantasia.


One component of Aristotle's theory of dreams disagrees with previously held beliefs. He claimed that dreams are not foretelling and not sent by a divine being. Aristotle reasoned naturalistically that instances in which dreams do resemble future events are simply coincidences.模板:Sfn Aristotle claimed that a dream is first established by the fact that the person is asleep when they experience it. If a person had an image appear for a moment after waking up or if they see something in the dark it is not considered a dream because they were awake when it occurred. Secondly, any sensory experience that is perceived while a person is asleep does not qualify as part of a dream. For example, if, while a person is sleeping, a door shuts and in their dream they hear a door is shut, this sensory experience is not part of the dream. Lastly, the images of dreams must be a result of lasting impressions of waking sensory experiences.模板:Sfn

One component of Aristotle's theory of dreams disagrees with previously held beliefs. He claimed that dreams are not foretelling and not sent by a divine being. Aristotle reasoned naturalistically that instances in which dreams do resemble future events are simply coincidences. Aristotle claimed that a dream is first established by the fact that the person is asleep when they experience it. If a person had an image appear for a moment after waking up or if they see something in the dark it is not considered a dream because they were awake when it occurred. Secondly, any sensory experience that is perceived while a person is asleep does not qualify as part of a dream. For example, if, while a person is sleeping, a door shuts and in their dream they hear a door is shut, this sensory experience is not part of the dream. Lastly, the images of dreams must be a result of lasting impressions of waking sensory experiences.


Practical philosophy

实践哲学 Aristotle's practical philosophy covers areas such as ethics, politics, economics, and rhetoric.模板:Sfn

Aristotle's practical philosophy covers areas such as ethics, politics, economics, and rhetoric.


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Virtues and their accompanying vices
+ 美德及伴随的恶习
Too little Virtuous mean Too much 太少了 均值 太多了
Virtues and their accompanying vices模板:Sfn
Too little Virtuous mean Too much Humbleness High-mindedness Vainglory

谦虚 胸怀大志 虚荣

Humbleness High-mindedness Vainglory
Humbleness High-mindedness Vainglory Lack of purpose Right ambition Over-ambition

缺乏目标 正确的野心 过于野心勃勃

Lack of purpose Right ambition Over-ambition Spiritlessness Good temper Irascibility

无精打采 脾气好 脾气暴躁

Spiritlessness Good temper Irascibility Rudeness Civility Obsequiousness


Rudeness Civility Obsequiousness Cowardice Courage Rashness


Cowardice Courage Rashness Insensibility Self-control Intemperance

麻木不仁| | 自我控制 | | 放纵

Insensibility Self-control Intemperance Sarcasm Sincerity Boastfulness

讽刺 真诚 自夸

Sarcasm Sincerity Boastfulness Boorishness Wit Buffoonery

粗鲁 机智 滑稽

Boorishness Wit Buffoonery
Boorishness Wit Buffoonery Shamelessness Modesty Shyness

无耻 谦虚,羞怯

Shamelessness Modesty Shyness Callousness Just resentment Spitefulness


Callousness Just resentment Spitefulness Pettiness Generosity Vulgarity


Pettiness Generosity Vulgarity Meanness Liberality Wastefulness




Just war theory

公理战役理论 Aristotelian just war theory is not well regarded in the present day, especially his view that warfare was justified to enslave "natural slaves". In Aristotelian philosophy, the abolition of what he considers "natural slavery" would undermine civic freedom. The pursuit of freedom is inseparable from pursuing mastery over "those who deserve to be slaves". According to The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle's Politics the targets of this aggressive warfare were non-Greeks, noting Aristotle's view that "our poets say 'it is proper for Greeks to rule non-Greeks'".模板:Sfn

Aristotelian just war theory is not well regarded in the present day, especially his view that warfare was justified to enslave "natural slaves". In Aristotelian philosophy, the abolition of what he considers "natural slavery" would undermine civic freedom. The pursuit of freedom is inseparable from pursuing mastery over "those who deserve to be slaves". According to The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle's Politics the targets of this aggressive warfare were non-Greeks, noting Aristotle's view that "our poets say 'it is proper for Greeks to rule non-Greeks'".

Aristotle的公理战役理论在今天并不受欢迎,特别是他认为战争是为了奴役 "自然奴隶 "而进行的正义战争。在Aristotle的哲学中,他认为“自然奴隶制”的废除会破坏公民自由。追求自由与追求掌握 "应该成为奴隶的人 "是分不开的。根据《剑桥亚里士多德政治指南》,这种侵略战争的对象是非希腊人,指出Aristotle的观点是 "我们的诗人说'希腊人统治非希腊人是合适的'"。

Aristotle generally has a favourable opinion of war, extolling it as a chance for virtue and writing that "the leisure that accompanies peace" tends to make people "arrogant". War to "avoid becoming enslaved to others" is justified as self-defense. He writes that war "compels people to be just and temperate", however, in order to be just "war must be chosen for the sake of peace" (with the exception of wars of aggression discussed above).模板:Sfn

Aristotle generally has a favourable opinion of war, extolling it as a chance for virtue and writing that "the leisure that accompanies peace" tends to make people "arrogant". War to "avoid becoming enslaved to others" is justified as self-defense. He writes that war "compels people to be just and temperate", however, in order to be just "war must be chosen for the sake of peace" (with the exception of wars of aggression discussed above).

Aristotle一般对战争持赞成态度,赞美战争是美德的机会,并写道:"伴随和平而来的闲暇 "容易使人 "傲慢"。为了 "避免成为他人的奴隶 "而进行的战争,是正当的自卫。他写道,战争 "迫使人们变得公正和节制",然而,为了公正,"必须为了和平而选择战争"(上文讨论的侵略战争除外)。



Aristotle considered ethics to be a practical rather than theoretical study, i.e., one aimed at becoming good and doing good rather than knowing for its own sake. He wrote several treatises on ethics, including most notably, the Nicomachean Ethics.模板:Sfn

Aristotle considered ethics to be a practical rather than theoretical study, i.e., one aimed at becoming good and doing good rather than knowing for its own sake. He wrote several treatises on ethics, including most notably, the Nicomachean Ethics.


Aristotle taught that virtue has to do with the proper function (ergon) of a thing. An eye is only a good eye in so much as it can see, because the proper function of an eye is sight. Aristotle reasoned that humans must have a function specific to humans, and that this function must be an activity of the psuchē (soul) in accordance with reason (logos). Aristotle identified such an optimum activity (the virtuous mean, between the accompanying vices of excess or deficiency模板:Sfn) of the soul as the aim of all human deliberate action, eudaimonia, generally translated as "happiness" or sometimes "well being". To have the potential of ever being happy in this way necessarily requires a good character (ēthikē aretē), often translated as moral or ethical virtue or excellence.模板:Sfn

Aristotle taught that virtue has to do with the proper function (ergon) of a thing. An eye is only a good eye in so much as it can see, because the proper function of an eye is sight. Aristotle reasoned that humans must have a function specific to humans, and that this function must be an activity of the psuchē (soul) in accordance with reason (logos). Aristotle identified such an optimum activity (the virtuous mean, between the accompanying vices of excess or deficiency) of the soul as the aim of all human deliberate action, eudaimonia, generally translated as "happiness" or sometimes "well being". To have the potential of ever being happy in this way necessarily requires a good character (ēthikē aretē), often translated as moral or ethical virtue or excellence.

Aristotle教导说,美德与事物的适当功能(ergon)有关。一只眼睛只有在它能看见的范围内才是一只好眼睛,因为眼睛的适当功能是视觉。Aristotle推理说,人必须有一种人类特有的功能,这种功能必须是符合理性(logos)的psuchē(灵魂)的活动。Aristotle把灵魂的这种最佳活动(在过剩或不足的与之相伴的恶习之间的良性平均)确定为人类一切刻意行动的目标,即eudaimonia,一般译为 "幸福",有时也译为 "安康"。要想以这种方式拥有永远幸福的潜力,必然需要良好的品格(ēthikē aretē),通常被译为道德或伦理的美德或卓越。

Aristotle taught that to achieve a virtuous and potentially happy character requires a first stage of having the fortune to be habituated not deliberately, but by teachers, and experience, leading to a later stage in which one consciously chooses to do the best things. When the best people come to live life this way their practical wisdom (phronesis) and their intellect (nous) can develop with each other towards the highest possible human virtue, the wisdom of an accomplished theoretical or speculative thinker, or in other words, a philosopher.模板:Sfn

Aristotle taught that to achieve a virtuous and potentially happy character requires a first stage of having the fortune to be habituated not deliberately, but by teachers, and experience, leading to a later stage in which one consciously chooses to do the best things. When the best people come to live life this way their practical wisdom (phronesis) and their intellect (nous) can develop with each other towards the highest possible human virtue, the wisdom of an accomplished theoretical or speculative thinker, or in other words, a philosopher.




In addition to his works on ethics, which address the individual, Aristotle addressed the city in his work titled Politics. Aristotle considered the city to be a natural community. Moreover, he considered the city to be prior in importance to the family which in turn is prior to the individual, "for the whole must of necessity be prior to the part".模板:Sfn He famously stated that "man is by nature a political animal" and argued that humanity's defining factor among others in the animal kingdom is its rationality.模板:Sfn Aristotle conceived of politics as being like an organism rather than like a machine, and as a collection of parts none of which can exist without the others. Aristotle's conception of the city is organic, and he is considered one of the first to conceive of the city in this manner.模板:Sfn

In addition to his works on ethics, which address the individual, Aristotle addressed the city in his work titled Politics. Aristotle considered the city to be a natural community. Moreover, he considered the city to be prior in importance to the family which in turn is prior to the individual, "for the whole must of necessity be prior to the part". He famously stated that "man is by nature a political animal" and argued that humanity's defining factor among others in the animal kingdom is its rationality. Aristotle conceived of politics as being like an organism rather than like a machine, and as a collection of parts none of which can exist without the others. Aristotle's conception of the city is organic, and he is considered one of the first to conceive of the city in this manner.


Aristotle's classifications of political constitutions
Aristotle's classifications of political constitutions


The common modern understanding of a political community as a modern state is quite different from Aristotle's understanding. Although he was aware of the existence and potential of larger empires, the natural community according to Aristotle was the city (polis) which functions as a political "community" or "partnership" (koinōnia). The aim of the city is not just to avoid injustice or for economic stability, but rather to allow at least some citizens the possibility to live a good life, and to perform beautiful acts: "The political partnership must be regarded, therefore, as being for the sake of noble actions, not for the sake of living together." This is distinguished from modern approaches, beginning with social contract theory, according to which individuals leave the state of nature because of "fear of violent death" or its "inconveniences."模板:Efn-ua

The common modern understanding of a political community as a modern state is quite different from Aristotle's understanding. Although he was aware of the existence and potential of larger empires, the natural community according to Aristotle was the city (polis) which functions as a political "community" or "partnership" (koinōnia). The aim of the city is not just to avoid injustice or for economic stability, but rather to allow at least some citizens the possibility to live a good life, and to perform beautiful acts: "The political partnership must be regarded, therefore, as being for the sake of noble actions, not for the sake of living together." This is distinguished from modern approaches, beginning with social contract theory, according to which individuals leave the state of nature because of "fear of violent death" or its "inconveniences."

现代人对作为现代国家的政治共同体的普遍理解与Aristotle的理解大相径庭。尽管他意识到更大帝国的存在和潜力,但Aristotle认为的自然共同体是作为政治 "共同体 "或 "伙伴关系"(koinōnia)的城市(城邦)。城市的目的不仅仅是为了避免不公正,也不仅仅是为了经济稳定,而是至少要让一些公民有可能过上好的生活,有可能做出美好的行为。"因此,政治伙伴关系必须被视为是为了高尚的行为,而不是为了共同生活。" 这有别于从社会契约论开始的现代方法,根据这种方法,个人因为 "害怕暴力死亡 "或其 "不便 "而离开自然状态。

In Protrepticus, the character 'Aristotle' states:模板:Sfn

In Protrepticus, the character 'Aristotle' states:

在《 劝勉篇 》中,Aristotle这样写道:

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Aristotle made substantial contributions to economic thought, especially to thought in the Middle Ages.模板:Sfn In Politics, Aristotle addresses the city, property, and trade. His response to criticisms of private property, in Lionel Robbins's view, anticipated later proponents of private property among philosophers and economists, as it related to the overall utility of social arrangements.模板:Sfn Aristotle believed that although communal arrangements may seem beneficial to society, and that although private property is often blamed for social strife, such evils in fact come from human nature. In Politics, Aristotle offers one of the earliest accounts of the origin of money.模板:Sfn Money came into use because people became dependent on one another, importing what they needed and exporting the surplus. For the sake of convenience, people then agreed to deal in something that is intrinsically useful and easily applicable, such as iron or silver.模板:Sfn

Aristotle made substantial contributions to economic thought, especially to thought in the Middle Ages. In Politics, Aristotle addresses the city, property, and trade. His response to criticisms of private property, in Lionel Robbins's view, anticipated later proponents of private property among philosophers and economists, as it related to the overall utility of social arrangements. Aristotle believed that although communal arrangements may seem beneficial to society, and that although private property is often blamed for social strife, such evils in fact come from human nature. In Politics, Aristotle offers one of the earliest accounts of the origin of money. Money came into use because people became dependent on one another, importing what they needed and exporting the surplus. For the sake of convenience, people then agreed to deal in something that is intrinsically useful and easily applicable, such as iron or silver.

Aristotle对经济思想,特别是对中世纪的思想做出了实质性的贡献。在《政治学》中,Aristotle论述了城市、财产和贸易问题。在莱昂内尔•罗宾斯Lionel Robbins看来,他对私有财产批评的回应,预见到了后来哲学家和经济学家中私有财产的支持者,因为它关系到社会安排的整体效用。Aristotle认为,虽然公有制安排看似对社会有益,虽然私有财产常常被指责为社会纷争的原因,但这种弊端其实来自于人性。在《政治学》中,Aristotle对货币的起源提出了一个最早的说法。货币之所以会被使用,是因为人们开始相互依赖,进口自己需要的东西,出口多余的东西。为了方便起见,人们便同意用铁或银等本质上有用且容易适用的东西进行交易。

Aristotle's discussions on retail and interest was a major influence on economic thought in the Middle Ages. He had a low opinion of retail, believing that contrary to using money to procure things one needs in managing the household, retail trade seeks to make a profit. It thus uses goods as a means to an end, rather than as an end unto itself. He believed that retail trade was in this way unnatural. Similarly, Aristotle considered making a profit through interest unnatural, as it makes a gain out of the money itself, and not from its use.模板:Sfn

Aristotle's discussions on retail and interest was a major influence on economic thought in the Middle Ages. He had a low opinion of retail, believing that contrary to using money to procure things one needs in managing the household, retail trade seeks to make a profit. It thus uses goods as a means to an end, rather than as an end unto itself. He believed that retail trade was in this way unnatural. Similarly, Aristotle considered making a profit through interest unnatural, as it makes a gain out of the money itself, and not from its use.


Aristotle gave a summary of the function of money that was perhaps remarkably precocious for his time. He wrote that because it is impossible to determine the value of every good through a count of the number of other goods it is worth, the necessity arises of a single universal standard of measurement. Money thus allows for the association of different goods and makes them "commensurable".模板:Sfn He goes on to state that money is also useful for future exchange, making it a sort of security. That is, "if we do not want a thing now, we shall be able to get it when we do want it".模板:Sfn

Aristotle gave a summary of the function of money that was perhaps remarkably precocious for his time. He wrote that because it is impossible to determine the value of every good through a count of the number of other goods it is worth, the necessity arises of a single universal standard of measurement. Money thus allows for the association of different goods and makes them "commensurable". He goes on to state that money is also useful for future exchange, making it a sort of security. That is, "if we do not want a thing now, we shall be able to get it when we do want it".

Aristotle总结了货币的功能,对于他那个时代来说,这个概念可能是非常早熟的。他写道,由于不可能通过计算每件商品的价值来确定它的价值,因此有必要制定一个统一的衡量标准。因此,货币可以把不同的商品联系起来,使它们 "可通约"。他接着说,货币对于未来的交换也是有用的,使它成为一种保障。也就是说,"如果我们现在不想要一件东西,那么当我们想要的时候,我们就能够得到它"。

Rhetoric and poetics


The Blind Oedipus Commending his Children to the Gods (1784) by Bénigne Gagneraux. In his Poetics, Aristotle uses the tragedy Oedipus Tyrannus by Sophocles as an example of how the perfect tragedy should be structured, with a generally good protagonist who starts the play prosperous, but loses everything through some hamartia (fault).模板:Sfn

The Blind Oedipus Commending his Children to the Gods (1784) by Bénigne Gagneraux. In his Poetics, Aristotle uses the tragedy Oedipus Tyrannus by Sophocles as an example of how the perfect tragedy should be structured, with a generally good protagonist who starts the play prosperous, but loses everything through some hamartia (fault).

《失明的俄狄浦斯向神明夸奖他的孩子们》(1784年),作者是贝尼涅•加格纳罗Bénigne Gagneraux。在他的《诗学》中,Aristotle以索福克勒斯Sophocles的悲剧《俄狄浦斯——暴君》为例,说明完美的悲剧应该如何结构,剧中的主人公一般都是好的,他在剧中一开始很繁荣,但由于一些过失而失去了一切。

Aristotle's Rhetoric proposes that a speaker can use three basic kinds of appeals to persuade his audience: ethos (an appeal to the speaker's character), pathos (an appeal to the audience's emotion), and logos (an appeal to logical reasoning).模板:Sfn He also categorizes rhetoric into three genres: epideictic (ceremonial speeches dealing with praise or blame), forensic (judicial speeches over guilt or innocence), and deliberative (speeches calling on an audience to make a decision on an issue).模板:Sfn Aristotle also outlines two kinds of rhetorical proofs: enthymeme (proof by syllogism) and paradeigma (proof by example).模板:Sfn

Aristotle's Rhetoric proposes that a speaker can use three basic kinds of appeals to persuade his audience: ethos (an appeal to the speaker's character), pathos (an appeal to the audience's emotion), and logos (an appeal to logical reasoning). He also categorizes rhetoric into three genres: epideictic (ceremonial speeches dealing with praise or blame), forensic (judicial speeches over guilt or innocence), and deliberative (speeches calling on an audience to make a decision on an issue). Aristotle also outlines two kinds of rhetorical proofs: enthymeme (proof by syllogism) and paradeigma (proof by example).


Aristotle writes in his Poetics that epic poetry, tragedy, comedy, dithyrambic poetry, painting, sculpture, music, and dance are all fundamentally acts of mimesis ("imitation"), each varying in imitation by medium, object, and manner.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn He applies the term mimesis both as a property of a work of art and also as the product of the artist's intention模板:Sfn and contends that the audience's realisation of the mimesis is vital to understanding the work itself.模板:Sfn Aristotle states that mimesis is a natural instinct of humanity that separates humans from animals模板:Sfn模板:Sfn and that all human artistry "follows the pattern of nature".模板:Sfn Because of this, Aristotle believed that each of the mimetic arts possesses what Stephen Halliwell calls "highly structured procedures for the achievement of their purposes."模板:Sfn For example, music imitates with the media of rhythm and harmony, whereas dance imitates with rhythm alone, and poetry with language. The forms also differ in their object of imitation. Comedy, for instance, is a dramatic imitation of men worse than average; whereas tragedy imitates men slightly better than average. Lastly, the forms differ in their manner of imitation – through narrative or character, through change or no change, and through drama or no drama.模板:Sfn

Aristotle writes in his Poetics that epic poetry, tragedy, comedy, dithyrambic poetry, painting, sculpture, music, and dance are all fundamentally acts of mimesis ("imitation"), each varying in imitation by medium, object, and manner. He applies the term mimesis both as a property of a work of art and also as the product of the artist's intention and contends that the audience's realisation of the mimesis is vital to understanding the work itself. Aristotle states that mimesis is a natural instinct of humanity that separates humans from animals and that all human artistry "follows the pattern of nature". Because of this, Aristotle believed that each of the mimetic arts possesses what Stephen Halliwell calls "highly structured procedures for the achievement of their purposes." For example, music imitates with the media of rhythm and harmony, whereas dance imitates with rhythm alone, and poetry with language. The forms also differ in their object of imitation. Comedy, for instance, is a dramatic imitation of men worse than average; whereas tragedy imitates men slightly better than average. Lastly, the forms differ in their manner of imitation – through narrative or character, through change or no change, and through drama or no drama.

Aristotle在他的《诗学》中写道,史诗、悲剧、喜剧、二律诗、绘画、雕塑、音乐和舞蹈从根本上说都是模仿行为(“模仿”) ,每一种都因媒介、对象和方式的不同而不同。他把拟态一词既作为艺术作品的一种属性,又作为艺术家意图的产物,认为观众对拟态的实现对理解作品本身至关重要。亚里士多德指出,拟态是人类区别于动物的一种自然本能,人类的一切艺术创作都 "遵循自然的模式"。正因为如此,Aristotle认为,每一种模仿艺术都拥有斯蒂芬•哈利维尔所说的 "实现其目的的高度结构化的程序"。例如,音乐是以节奏与和谐为媒介进行模仿的,而舞蹈则仅以节奏进行模仿,诗歌则以语言进行模仿。在模仿的对象上,形式也有所不同。比如喜剧是模仿比一般人差的人的戏剧性;而悲剧则是模仿比一般人稍好的人。最后,形式在模仿的方式上也有不同——通过叙事或人物,通过变化或不变化,通过戏剧或不戏剧。

While it is believed that Aristotle's Poetics originally comprised two books – one on comedy and one on tragedy – only the portion that focuses on tragedy has survived. Aristotle taught that tragedy is composed of six elements: plot-structure, character, style, thought, spectacle, and lyric poetry.模板:Sfn The characters in a tragedy are merely a means of driving the story; and the plot, not the characters, is the chief focus of tragedy. Tragedy is the imitation of action arousing pity and fear, and is meant to effect the catharsis of those same emotions. Aristotle concludes Poetics with a discussion on which, if either, is superior: epic or tragic mimesis. He suggests that because tragedy possesses all the attributes of an epic, possibly possesses additional attributes such as spectacle and music, is more unified, and achieves the aim of its mimesis in shorter scope, it can be considered superior to epic.模板:Sfn Aristotle was a keen systematic collector of riddles, folklore, and proverbs; he and his school had a special interest in the riddles of the Delphic Oracle and studied the fables of Aesop.模板:Sfn

While it is believed that Aristotle's Poetics originally comprised two books – one on comedy and one on tragedy – only the portion that focuses on tragedy has survived. Aristotle taught that tragedy is composed of six elements: plot-structure, character, style, thought, spectacle, and lyric poetry. The characters in a tragedy are merely a means of driving the story; and the plot, not the characters, is the chief focus of tragedy. Tragedy is the imitation of action arousing pity and fear, and is meant to effect the catharsis of those same emotions. Aristotle concludes Poetics with a discussion on which, if either, is superior: epic or tragic mimesis. He suggests that because tragedy possesses all the attributes of an epic, possibly possesses additional attributes such as spectacle and music, is more unified, and achieves the aim of its mimesis in shorter scope, it can be considered superior to epic. Aristotle was a keen systematic collector of riddles, folklore, and proverbs; he and his school had a special interest in the riddles of the Delphic Oracle and studied the fables of Aesop.

虽然人们认为Aristotle的《诗学》最初是由两部书组成——一部论述喜剧,一部论述悲剧,但只有集中论述悲剧的部分留存了下来。Aristotle认为悲剧由六个要素组成: 情节结构、人物、风格、思想、景观和抒情诗。悲剧中的人物只是推动故事发展的一种手段; 悲剧的主要焦点是情节,而不是人物。悲剧是对引起怜悯和恐惧的行为的模仿,是为了达到宣泄这些相同情感的效果。Aristotle在《诗学》的最后,讨论了史诗和悲剧模仿哪一个更优越。他认为,由于悲剧具有史诗的所有属性,可能还具有诸如景观和音乐等额外的属性,更加统一,并在较短的范围内达到了模仿的目的,因此可以认为它优于史诗。Aristotle热衷于系统地收集谜语、民间传说和谚语; 他和他的学派对特尔菲神谕的谜语特别感兴趣,并研究了伊索寓言。

Views on women



Aristotle's analysis of procreation describes an active, ensouling masculine element bringing life to an inert, passive female element. On this ground, proponents of feminist metaphysics have accused Aristotle of misogyny模板:Sfn and sexism.模板:Sfn However, Aristotle gave equal weight to women's happiness as he did to men's, and commented in his Rhetoric that the things that lead to happiness need to be in women as well as men.模板:Efn-ua

Aristotle's analysis of procreation describes an active, ensouling masculine element bringing life to an inert, passive female element. On this ground, proponents of feminist metaphysics have accused Aristotle of misogyny and sexism. However, Aristotle gave equal weight to women's happiness as he did to men's, and commented in his Rhetoric that the things that lead to happiness need to be in women as well as men.





更多信息:受Aristotle影响的作家名单 More than 2300 years after his death, Aristotle remains one of the most influential people who ever lived.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn He contributed to almost every field of human knowledge then in existence, and he was the founder of many new fields. According to the philosopher Bryan Magee, "it is doubtful whether any human being has ever known as much as he did".模板:Sfn Among countless other achievements, Aristotle was the founder of formal logic,模板:Sfn pioneered the study of zoology, and left every future scientist and philosopher in his debt through his contributions to the scientific method.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn模板:Sfn Taneli Kukkonen, writing in The Classical Tradition, observes that his achievement in founding two sciences is unmatched, and his reach in influencing "every branch of intellectual enterprise" including Western ethical and political theory, theology, rhetoric and literary analysis is equally long. As a result, Kukkonen argues, any analysis of reality today "will almost certainly carry Aristotelian overtones ... evidence of an exceptionally forceful mind."模板:Sfn Jonathan Barnes wrote that "an account of Aristotle's intellectual afterlife would be little less than a history of European thought".模板:Sfn

More than 2300 years after his death, Aristotle remains one of the most influential people who ever lived. He contributed to almost every field of human knowledge then in existence, and he was the founder of many new fields. According to the philosopher Bryan Magee, "it is doubtful whether any human being has ever known as much as he did". Among countless other achievements, Aristotle was the founder of formal logic, pioneered the study of zoology, and left every future scientist and philosopher in his debt through his contributions to the scientific method. Taneli Kukkonen, writing in The Classical Tradition, observes that his achievement in founding two sciences is unmatched, and his reach in influencing "every branch of intellectual enterprise" including Western ethical and political theory, theology, rhetoric and literary analysis is equally long. As a result, Kukkonen argues, any analysis of reality today "will almost certainly carry Aristotelian overtones ... evidence of an exceptionally forceful mind." Jonathan Barnes wrote that "an account of Aristotle's intellectual afterlife would be little less than a history of European thought".

Aristotle去世2300多年后,他仍然是有史以来最有影响力的人物之一。他对当时存在的人类知识的几乎每一个领域都做出了贡献,他还是许多新领域的创始人。哲学家布莱恩 · 马吉Bryan Magee认为,“很怀疑是否有人像他一样知道这么多。”。在无数的成就中,Aristotle是形式逻辑的创始人,开创了动物学研究,他对科学方法的贡献让每一个未来的科学家和哲学家都感激不尽。狄克礼•库克宁Taneli Kukkonen 在《古典传统》一书中写道,他在创立两门科学方面的成就是无与伦比的,他在影响“知识事业的每一个分支” ,包括西方伦理和政治理论、神学、修辞学和文学分析的影响也同样长久。因此,Kukkonen 认为,今天对现实的任何分析“几乎肯定会带有Aristotle的色彩... ... 证明他的思想异常强大。”乔纳森•巴恩斯Jonathan Barnes写道: “对Aristotle的知识后世的描述将不亚于一部欧洲思想史。”。

On his successor, Theophrastus


Frontispiece to a 1644 version of Theophrastus's Historia Plantarum, originally written around 300 BC

Frontispiece to a 1644 version of Theophrastus's Historia Plantarum, originally written around 300 BC


Aristotle's pupil and successor, Theophrastus, wrote the History of Plants, a pioneering work in botany. Some of his technical terms remain in use, such as carpel from carpos, fruit, and pericarp, from pericarpion, seed chamber.模板:Sfn Theophrastus was much less concerned with formal causes than Aristotle was, instead pragmatically describing how plants functioned.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn

Aristotle's pupil and successor, Theophrastus, wrote the History of Plants, a pioneering work in botany. Some of his technical terms remain in use, such as carpel from carpos, fruit, and pericarp, from pericarpion, seed chamber. Theophrastus was much less concerned with formal causes than Aristotle was, instead pragmatically describing how plants functioned.


On later Greek philosophers

关于后来的希腊哲学家 模板:Further

The immediate influence of Aristotle's work was felt as the Lyceum grew into the Peripatetic school. Aristotle's notable students included Aristoxenus, Dicaearchus, Demetrius of Phalerum, Eudemos of Rhodes, Harpalus, Hephaestion, Mnason of Phocis, Nicomachus, and Theophrastus. Aristotle's influence over Alexander the Great is seen in the latter's bringing with him on his expedition a host of zoologists, botanists, and researchers. He had also learned a great deal about Persian customs and traditions from his teacher. Although his respect for Aristotle was diminished as his travels made it clear that much of Aristotle's geography was clearly wrong, when the old philosopher released his works to the public, Alexander complained "Thou hast not done well to publish thy acroamatic doctrines; for in what shall I surpass other men if those doctrines wherein I have been trained are to be all men's common property?"模板:Sfn

The immediate influence of Aristotle's work was felt as the Lyceum grew into the Peripatetic school. Aristotle's notable students included Aristoxenus, Dicaearchus, Demetrius of Phalerum, Eudemos of Rhodes, Harpalus, Hephaestion, Mnason of Phocis, Nicomachus, and Theophrastus. Aristotle's influence over Alexander the Great is seen in the latter's bringing with him on his expedition a host of zoologists, botanists, and researchers. He had also learned a great deal about Persian customs and traditions from his teacher. Although his respect for Aristotle was diminished as his travels made it clear that much of Aristotle's geography was clearly wrong, when the old philosopher released his works to the public, Alexander complained "Thou hast not done well to publish thy acroamatic doctrines; for in what shall I surpass other men if those doctrines wherein I have been trained are to be all men's common property?"

当吕克昂学院发展成为逍遥学派时,Aristotle的作品随即产生了影响。Aristotle著名的学生包括阿里斯托克西努斯Aristoxenus、狄卡伊尔库斯Dicaearchus、法勒鲁姆的德米特里Demetrius of Phalerum、罗得岛的尤德莫斯Eudemos of Rhodes、哈帕卢斯Harpalus、 赫菲谢耳Hephaestion、 弗西斯的姆纳松Mnason of Phocis、尼各马库斯Nicomachus和Theophrastus。Aristotle对Alexandria大帝的影响体现在Alexandria大帝远征时带来的大批动物学家、植物学家和研究人员。他还从他的老师那里学到了很多关于波斯风俗和传统的知识。尽管他对Aristotle的尊敬有所减弱,因为他的远征清楚地表明,Aristotle的许多地理学说显然是错误的,但当这位老哲学家将他的作品公之于众时,Alexandria抱怨道: “你发表你的晦涩难懂的学说并不好,因为如果我所接受的这些学说成为所有人的共同财产,那么我还能在什么方面超越其他人呢? ”

On Hellenistic science


模板:Details 更多信息:古希腊医学

After Theophrastus, the Lyceum failed to produce any original work. Though interest in Aristotle's ideas survived, they were generally taken unquestioningly.模板:Sfn It is not until the age of Alexandria under the Ptolemies that advances in biology can be again found.

After Theophrastus, the Lyceum failed to produce any original work. Though interest in Aristotle's ideas survived, they were generally taken unquestioningly. It is not until the age of Alexandria under the Ptolemies that advances in biology can be again found.


The first medical teacher at Alexandria, Herophilus of Chalcedon, corrected Aristotle, placing intelligence in the brain, and connected the nervous system to motion and sensation. Herophilus also distinguished between veins and arteries, noting that the latter pulse while the former do not.模板:Sfn Though a few ancient atomists such as Lucretius challenged the teleological viewpoint of Aristotelian ideas about life, teleology (and after the rise of Christianity, natural theology) would remain central to biological thought essentially until the 18th and 19th centuries. Ernst Mayr states that there was "nothing of any real consequence in biology after Lucretius and Galen until the Renaissance."模板:Sfn

The first medical teacher at Alexandria, Herophilus of Chalcedon, corrected Aristotle, placing intelligence in the brain, and connected the nervous system to motion and sensation. Herophilus also distinguished between veins and arteries, noting that the latter pulse while the former do not. Though a few ancient atomists such as Lucretius challenged the teleological viewpoint of Aristotelian ideas about life, teleology (and after the rise of Christianity, natural theology) would remain central to biological thought essentially until the 18th and 19th centuries. Ernst Mayr states that there was "nothing of any real consequence in biology after Lucretius and Galen until the Renaissance."

亚历山大的第一位医学老师,来自查尔斯顿的赫罗菲菲罗斯Herophilus,纠正了Aristotle的错误,将智慧置于大脑,并将神经系统与运动和感觉联系起来。Herophilus还区分了静脉和动脉,指出后者有脉搏,而前者没有。尽管少数古代原子论者,如 卢克莱修斯Lucretius挑战了Aristotle关于生命的心学观点,但心学(以及基督教兴起后的自然神学)在18、19世纪之前基本上仍然是生物学思想的核心。恩斯特 · 迈尔Ernst Mayr 说,“在Lucretius和盖伦Galen之后,直到文艺复兴时期,生物学上没有任何实质性的结果。”

On Byzantine scholars



Greek Christian scribes played a crucial role in the preservation of Aristotle by copying all the extant Greek language manuscripts of the corpus. The first Greek Christians to comment extensively on Aristotle were Philoponus, Elias, and David in the sixth century, and Stephen of Alexandria in the early seventh century.模板:Sfn John Philoponus stands out for having attempted a fundamental critique of Aristotle's views on the eternity of the world, movement, and other elements of Aristotelian thought.模板:Sfn Philoponus questioned Aristotle's teaching of physics, noting its flaws and introducing the theory of impetus to explain his observations.模板:Sfn

Greek Christian scribes played a crucial role in the preservation of Aristotle by copying all the extant Greek language manuscripts of the corpus. The first Greek Christians to comment extensively on Aristotle were Philoponus, Elias, and David in the sixth century, and Stephen of Alexandria in the early seventh century. John Philoponus stands out for having attempted a fundamental critique of Aristotle's views on the eternity of the world, movement, and other elements of Aristotelian thought. Philoponus questioned Aristotle's teaching of physics, noting its flaws and introducing the theory of impetus to explain his observations.

希腊基督教抄写员抄写了所有现存的希腊语手稿,对保存Aristotle的著作起到了至关重要的作用。第一个广泛评论Aristotle的希腊基督徒是六世纪的斐洛波诺斯Philoponus、以利亚Elias和大卫David,以及七世纪初的亚历山大•斯蒂芬Stephen of Alexandria 。John Philoponus站出来,因为他试图对Aristotle关于世界永恒、运动和Aristotle思想的其他要素观点进行根本性的批判。Philoponus质疑Aristotle的物理学教学,指出其缺陷,并引入了动力理论来解释他的观察。

After a hiatus of several centuries, formal commentary by Eustratius and Michael of Ephesus reappeared in the late eleventh and early twelfth centuries, apparently sponsored by Anna Comnena.模板:Sfn

After a hiatus of several centuries, formal commentary by Eustratius and Michael of Ephesus reappeared in the late eleventh and early twelfth centuries, apparently sponsored by Anna Comnena.

在中断了几个世纪之后,以弗所的 尤斯特拉修斯和米迦勒 Michael 的正式评论在11世纪末和12世纪初重新出现,显然是由 安娜•康姆纳Anna Comnena 发起的。

On the medieval Islamic world



Islamic portrayal of Aristotle, c. 1220
Islamic portrayal of Aristotle, c. 1220


Aristotle was one of the most revered Western thinkers in early Islamic theology. Most of the still extant works of Aristotle,模板:Sfn as well as a number of the original Greek commentaries, were translated into Arabic and studied by Muslim philosophers, scientists and scholars. Averroes, Avicenna and Alpharabius, who wrote on Aristotle in great depth, also influenced Thomas Aquinas and other Western Christian scholastic philosophers. Alkindus greatly admired Aristotle's philosophy,模板:Sfn and Averroes spoke of Aristotle as the "exemplar" for all future philosophers.模板:Sfn Medieval Muslim scholars regularly described Aristotle as the "First Teacher".模板:Sfn The title "teacher" was first given to Aristotle by Muslim scholars, and was later used by Western philosophers (as in the famous poem of Dante) who were influenced by the tradition of Islamic philosophy.模板:Sfn

Aristotle was one of the most revered Western thinkers in early Islamic theology. Most of the still extant works of Aristotle, as well as a number of the original Greek commentaries, were translated into Arabic and studied by Muslim philosophers, scientists and scholars. Averroes, Avicenna and Alpharabius, who wrote on Aristotle in great depth, also influenced Thomas Aquinas and other Western Christian scholastic philosophers. Alkindus greatly admired Aristotle's philosophy, and Averroes spoke of Aristotle as the "exemplar" for all future philosophers. Medieval Muslim scholars regularly described Aristotle as the "First Teacher". The title "teacher" was first given to Aristotle by Muslim scholars, and was later used by Western philosophers (as in the famous poem of Dante) who were influenced by the tradition of Islamic philosophy.

Aristotle是早期伊斯兰教神学派别最受尊敬的西方思想家之一。现存的Aristotle的大部分著作,以及一些希腊原文注释,被翻译成阿拉伯语,被穆斯林哲学家,科学家和学者研究。阿维罗伊斯Averroes、阿维森纳Avicenna和阿尔法拉比乌斯Alpharabius对Aristotle的著述颇有深度,他们也影响了托马斯 · 阿奎那Thomas Aquinas和其他西方基督教哲学家。阿尔金杜斯Alkindus非常推崇亚里士多德的哲学,Avicenna称Aristotle是未来所有哲学家的“典范”。中世纪的穆斯林学者经常把亚里士多德称为“第一导师”。“老师”这个头衔最初是由穆斯林学者赋予Aristotle的,后来受到伊斯兰哲学传统的影响,西方哲学家也使用这个称号(如但丁的著名诗歌)。

On medieval Europe



Aristotle ridden by Phyllis by Hans Baldung, 1515

菲利斯骑在亚里士多德身上,汉斯 · 巴尔顿,1515


With the loss of the study of ancient Greek in the early medieval Latin West, Aristotle was practically unknown there from c. AD 600 to c. 1100 except through the Latin translation of the Organon made by Boethius. In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, interest in Aristotle revived and Latin Christians had translations made, both from Arabic translations, such as those by Gerard of Cremona,模板:Sfn and from the original Greek, such as those by James of Venice and William of Moerbeke. After the Scholastic Thomas Aquinas wrote his Summa Theologica, working from Moerbeke's translations and calling Aristotle "The Philosopher",模板:Sfn the demand for Aristotle's writings grew, and the Greek manuscripts returned to the West, stimulating a revival of Aristotelianism in Europe that continued into the Renaissance.模板:Sfn These thinkers blended Aristotelian philosophy with Christianity, bringing the thought of Ancient Greece into the Middle Ages. Scholars such as Boethius, Peter Abelard, and John Buridan worked on Aristotelian logic.模板:Sfn

With the loss of the study of ancient Greek in the early medieval Latin West, Aristotle was practically unknown there from c. AD 600 to c. 1100 except through the Latin translation of the Organon made by Boethius. In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, interest in Aristotle revived and Latin Christians had translations made, both from Arabic translations, such as those by Gerard of Cremona, and from the original Greek, such as those by James of Venice and William of Moerbeke. After the Scholastic Thomas Aquinas wrote his Summa Theologica, working from Moerbeke's translations and calling Aristotle "The Philosopher", the demand for Aristotle's writings grew, and the Greek manuscripts returned to the West, stimulating a revival of Aristotelianism in Europe that continued into the Renaissance. These thinkers blended Aristotelian philosophy with Christianity, bringing the thought of Ancient Greece into the Middle Ages. Scholars such as Boethius, Peter Abelard, and John Buridan worked on Aristotelian logic.

随着中世纪早期拉丁美洲对古希腊文研究的缺失,Aristotle在公元600年到公元1100年期间几乎不为人所知,除了通过对波伊提乌斯Boethius《工具论》的拉丁文翻译。在12世纪和13世纪,人们对亚里士多德重新有了兴趣,拉丁基督徒也有译本,既有阿拉伯译本,如克雷莫纳的杰拉德,也有原希腊译本,如威尼斯的雅各和莫尔比克的威廉。在经院哲学家Thomas Aquinas 根据莫尔贝克Moerbeke的译本写了《神学年鉴》后,人们对Aristotle作品的需求增加了,希腊手稿也回到了西方,刺激了Aristotle主义在欧洲的复兴,并持续到文艺复兴时期。这些思想家将亚里士多德哲学与基督教相结合,将古希腊思想带入中世纪。Boethius、彼得 · 阿贝拉尔Peter Abelard和约翰 · 布里丹John Buridan等学者致力于亚里士多德逻辑学。

The medieval English poet Chaucer describes his student as being happy by having

The medieval English poet Chaucer describes his student as being happy by having

中世纪英国诗人乔叟这样描述他的学生: 因为拥有他而感到快乐

{{quote | <poem>at his beddes heed Twenty bookes, clad in blak or reed, /* Styling for Template:Quote */ .templatequote { overflow: hidden; margin: 1em 0; padding: 0 40px; } .templatequote .templatequotecite {

   line-height: 1.5em;
   /* @noflip */
   text-align: left;
   /* @noflip */
   padding-left: 1.6em;
   margin-top: 0;


他宁可在他的床头前 摆上二十本书,黑的或红的封面, 那是亚里士多德和他的哲学

A cautionary medieval tale held that Aristotle advised his pupil Alexander to avoid the king's seductive mistress, Phyllis, but was himself captivated by her, and allowed her to ride him. Phyllis had secretly told Alexander what to expect, and he witnessed Phyllis proving that a woman's charms could overcome even the greatest philosopher's male intellect. Artists such as Hans Baldung produced a series of illustrations of the popular theme.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn

A cautionary medieval tale held that Aristotle advised his pupil Alexander to avoid the king's seductive mistress, Phyllis, but was himself captivated by her, and allowed her to ride him. Phyllis had secretly told Alexander what to expect, and he witnessed Phyllis proving that a woman's charms could overcome even the greatest philosopher's male intellect. Artists such as Hans Baldung produced a series of illustrations of the popular theme.

在一个中世纪的警世故事中,Aristotle建议他的学生亚历山大避开国王的情妇菲利斯,但他自己却被她迷住了,允许她骑在他身上。菲利斯Phyllis秘密地告诉亚历山大接下来会发生什么,他目睹了Phyllis证明了一个女人的魅力可以战胜哪怕是最伟大的哲学家的男性智慧。艺术家如汉斯•巴尔顿Hans Baldung创作了一系列插图的流行主题。

The Italian poet Dante says of Aristotle in The Divine Comedy:

The Italian poet Dante says of Aristotle in The Divine Comedy:


{ | class = “ wikable” style = “ font-size: 85% ; ”
seder tra filosofica famiglia. [咒语]。
L'Inferno, Canto IV. 131–135
但丁《地狱篇》 ,第四章。131–135 地狱
L'Inferno, Canto IV. 131–135
<poem>vidi 'l maestro di color che sanno <poem>vidi 'l maestro di color che sanno
<poem>vidi 'l maestro di color che sanno

seder tra filosofica famiglia.

Tutti lo miran, tutti onor li fanno:

quivi vid'ïo Socrate e Platone

che 'nnanzi a li altri più presso li stanno;</poem>||<poem> I saw the Master there of those who know,


Amid the philosophic family,


By all admired, and by all reverenced;


There Plato too I saw, and Socrates,


Who stood beside him closer than the rest.



</诗歌 >



On Early Modern scientists


William Harvey's De Motu Cordis, 1628, showed that the blood circulated, contrary to classical era thinking.
William Harvey's De Motu Cordis, 1628, showed that the blood circulated, contrary to classical era thinking.

[威廉 · 哈维(William Harvey)的于1628年出版的《De Motu Cordis》表明,血液循环与古典时代的思想相反。

In the Early Modern period, scientists such as William Harvey in England and Galileo Galilei in Italy reacted against the theories of Aristotle and other classical era thinkers like Galen, establishing new theories based to some degree on observation and experiment. Harvey demonstrated the circulation of the blood, establishing that the heart functioned as a pump rather than being the seat of the soul and the controller of the body's heat, as Aristotle thought.模板:Sfn Galileo used more doubtful arguments to displace Aristotle's physics, proposing that bodies all fall at the same speed whatever their weight.模板:Sfn

In the Early Modern period, scientists such as William Harvey in England and Galileo Galilei in Italy reacted against the theories of Aristotle and other classical era thinkers like Galen, establishing new theories based to some degree on observation and experiment. Harvey demonstrated the circulation of the blood, establishing that the heart functioned as a pump rather than being the seat of the soul and the controller of the body's heat, as Aristotle thought. Galileo used more doubtful arguments to displace Aristotle's physics, proposing that bodies all fall at the same speed whatever their weight.

在近代早期,英国的威廉 · 哈维William Harvey和意大利的伽利略 · 伽利雷Galileo Galilei等科学家反对Aristotle和其他古典时代思想家如盖伦的理论,一定程度上建立了以观察和实验为基础的新理论。哈维证明了血液循环,证明了心脏作为一个泵的功能,而不是像Aristotle认为的那样,是灵魂的所在地和身体热量的控制器。伽利略用更多值得怀疑的论点来取代Aristotle的物理学,他提出物体不论重量大小,下落的速度都是一样的。

On 19th-century thinkers


The 19th-century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche has been said to have taken nearly all of his political philosophy from Aristotle.模板:Sfn Aristotle rigidly separated action from production, and argued for the deserved subservience of some people ("natural slaves"), and the natural superiority (virtue, arete) of others. It was Martin Heidegger, not Nietzsche, who elaborated a new interpretation of Aristotle, intended to warrant his deconstruction of scholastic and philosophical tradition.模板:Sfn

The 19th-century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche has been said to have taken nearly all of his political philosophy from Aristotle. Aristotle rigidly separated action from production, and argued for the deserved subservience of some people ("natural slaves"), and the natural superiority (virtue, arete) of others. It was Martin Heidegger, not Nietzsche, who elaborated a new interpretation of Aristotle, intended to warrant his deconstruction of scholastic and philosophical tradition.

据说19世纪德国哲学家弗里德里希·尼采Friedrich Nietzsche的政治哲学几乎全部来自于Aristotle。Aristotle严格地将行动与生产分离开来,并主张某些人(“自然奴隶”)应得的服从,而另一些人的自然优越感(美德,受到尊重)。是马丁·海德格尔Martin Heidegger而不是Nietzsche,阐述了对Aristotle的新诠释,意图证明他对学术和哲学传统的解构。

The English mathematician George Boole fully accepted Aristotle's logic, but decided "to go under, over, and beyond" it with his system of algebraic logic in his 1854 book The Laws of Thought. This gives logic a mathematical foundation with equations, enables it to solve equations as well as check validity, and allows it to handle a wider class of problems by expanding propositions of any number of terms, not just two.模板:Sfn

The English mathematician George Boole fully accepted Aristotle's logic, but decided "to go under, over, and beyond" it with his system of algebraic logic in his 1854 book The Laws of Thought. This gives logic a mathematical foundation with equations, enables it to solve equations as well as check validity, and allows it to handle a wider class of problems by expanding propositions of any number of terms, not just two.

英国数学家乔治 · 布尔George Boole 完全接受Aristotle的逻辑学,但在他1854年出版的著作《思想法则》中,他决定用他的代数逻辑系统“超越”它。这就使逻辑学有了方程的数学基础,使它既能解方程,又能检验有效性,并使它能处理更广泛的一类问题,将任意数项的命题扩大,而不仅仅是两个命题。

Modern rejection and rehabilitation


"That most enduring of romantic images, Aristotle tutoring the future conqueror Alexander".模板:Sfn Illustration by 模板:Interlanguage link, 1866

"That most enduring of romantic images, Aristotle tutoring the future conqueror Alexander". Illustration by , 1866

“最经久不衰的浪漫主义形象,是Aristotle教导未来的征服者亚历山大”。插图: 1866

During the 20th century, Aristotle's work was widely criticized. The philosopher Bertrand Russellargued that "almost every serious intellectual advance has had to begin with an attack on some Aristotelian doctrine". Russell called Aristotle's ethics "repulsive", and labelled his logic "as definitely antiquated as Ptolemaic astronomy". Russell stated that these errors made it difficult to do historical justice to Aristotle, until one remembered what an advance he made upon all of his predecessors.模板:Sfn

During the 20th century, Aristotle's work was widely criticized. The philosopher Bertrand Russell argued that "almost every serious intellectual advance has had to begin with an attack on some Aristotelian doctrine". Russell called Aristotle's ethics "repulsive", and labelled his logic "as definitely antiquated as Ptolemaic astronomy". Russell stated that these errors made it difficult to do historical justice to Aristotle, until one remembered what an advance he made upon all of his predecessors.

在20世纪,Aristotle的著作受到广泛的批评。哲学家伯特兰·罗素Bertrand Russell认为,“几乎每一次重大的知识进步都必须从攻击Aristotle的某些学说开始”。Aristotle的伦理学是“令人厌恶”的 ,并称他的逻辑学“和托勒密Ptolemaic的天文学一样过时”。Russell指出,这些错误使得人们很难公正地看待Aristotle,直到人们想起他对他所有的前辈所做的进步。

The Dutch historian of science Eduard Jan Dijksterhuis wrote that Aristotle and his predecessors showed the difficulty of science by "proceed[ing] so readily to frame a theory of such a general character" on limited evidence from their senses.模板:Sfn In 1985, the biologist Peter Medawar could still state in "pure seventeenth century"模板:Sfn tones that Aristotle had assembled "a strange and generally speaking rather tiresome farrago of hearsay, imperfect observation, wishful thinking and credulity amounting to downright gullibility".模板:Sfn模板:Sfn

The Dutch historian of science Eduard Jan Dijksterhuis wrote that Aristotle and his predecessors showed the difficulty of science by "proceed[ing] so readily to frame a theory of such a general character" on limited evidence from their senses. In 1985, the biologist Peter Medawar could still state in "pure seventeenth century" tones that Aristotle had assembled "a strange and generally speaking rather tiresome farrago of hearsay, imperfect observation, wishful thinking and credulity amounting to downright gullibility".

荷兰科学史家迪克斯特休伊斯爱德华·简 Eduard Jan Dijksterhuis写道,Aristotle和他的前辈们通过 "如此轻易地根据他们的感官提供的有限证据来构筑这样一种一般性的理论",显示了科学的困难。1985年,生物学家彼得•梅达瓦Peter Medawar仍然可以用 "纯正的十七世纪 "的语气说,Aristotle集合了 "一种奇怪的、一般说来相当令人厌烦的传闻、不完善的观察、一厢情愿的想法和相当于完全轻信的可信度"。

By the start of the 21st century, however, Aristotle was taken more seriously: Kukkonen noted that "In the best 20th-century scholarship Aristotle comes alive as a thinker wrestling with the full weight of the Greek philosophical tradition."模板:Sfn Alasdair MacIntyre has attempted to reform what he calls the Aristotelian tradition in a way that is anti-elitist and capable of disputing the claims of both liberals and Nietzscheans.模板:Sfn Kukkonen observed, too, that "that most enduring of romantic images, Aristotle tutoring the future conqueror Alexander" remained current, as in the 2004 film Alexander, while the "firm rules" of Aristotle's theory of drama have ensured a role for the Poetics in Hollywood.模板:Sfn

By the start of the 21st century, however, Aristotle was taken more seriously: Kukkonen noted that "In the best 20th-century scholarship Aristotle comes alive as a thinker wrestling with the full weight of the Greek philosophical tradition." Alasdair MacIntyre has attempted to reform what he calls the Aristotelian tradition in a way that is anti-elitist and capable of disputing the claims of both liberals and Nietzscheans. Kukkonen observed, too, that "that most enduring of romantic images, Aristotle tutoring the future conqueror Alexander" remained current, as in the 2004 film Alexander, while the "firm rules" of Aristotle's theory of drama have ensured a role for the Poetics in Hollywood.

然而,到了21世纪初,Aristotle受到了更多的重视。Kukkonen指出,"在20世纪最好的学术研究中,Aristotle作为一个思想家与希腊哲学传统的全部重量相抗衡,活灵活现。" 阿拉斯戴尔•麦金泰尔Alasdair MacIntyre试图以一种反精英主义的方式改革他所谓的亚里士多德传统,并能够与自由主义者和尼采主义者的主张相争 。Kukkonen 还指出,“Aristotle对未来的征服者亚历山大的指导,是最经久不衰的浪漫主义形象” ,正如2004年的电影《亚历山大》一样,而Aristotle戏剧理论的“坚定规则”确保了《诗学》在好莱坞的地位。

Biologists continue to be interested in Aristotle's thinking. Armand Marie Leroi has reconstructed Aristotle's biology,模板:Sfn while Niko Tinbergen's four questions, based on Aristotle's four causes, are used to analyse animal behaviour; they examine function, phylogeny, mechanism, and ontogeny.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn

Biologists continue to be interested in Aristotle's thinking. Armand Marie Leroi has reconstructed Aristotle's biology, while Niko Tinbergen's four questions, based on Aristotle's four causes, are used to analyse animal behaviour; they examine function, phylogeny, mechanism, and ontogeny.

生物学家继续对Aristotle的思想感兴趣。阿曼德 · 玛丽 · 莱罗伊Armand Marie Leroi重建了Aristotle的生物学,而尼科 · 廷伯根Niko Tinbergen根据Aristotle的四个原因提出的四个问题,被用来分析动物行为; 他们研究功能、系统发育、机制和个体发育。

Surviving works


Corpus Aristotelicum


First page of a 1566 edition of the Nicomachean Ethics in Greek and Latin
First page of a 1566 edition of the Nicomachean Ethics in Greek and Latin


The works of Aristotle that have survived from antiquity through medieval manuscript transmission are collected in the Corpus Aristotelicum. These texts, as opposed to Aristotle's lost works, are technical philosophical treatises from within Aristotle's school. Reference to them is made according to the organization of Immanuel Bekker's Royal Prussian Academy edition (Aristotelis Opera edidit Academia Regia Borussica, Berlin, 1831–1870), which in turn is based on ancient classifications of these works.模板:Sfn

The works of Aristotle that have survived from antiquity through medieval manuscript transmission are collected in the Corpus Aristotelicum. These texts, as opposed to Aristotle's lost works, are technical philosophical treatises from within Aristotle's school. Reference to them is made according to the organization of Immanuel Bekker's Royal Prussian Academy edition (Aristotelis Opera edidit Academia Regia Borussica, Berlin, 1831–1870), which in turn is based on ancient classifications of these works.

Aristotle的著作是通过中世纪手稿传播而从古代流传下来的,现收藏在亚里士多德文集中。这些文本,相对于Aristotle失传的著作,是Aristotle派内部的技术性哲学论著。参考他们是根据伊曼纽尔贝克的普鲁士皇家学院版(Aristotle的歌剧编辑委员会学术区,柏林,1831-1870年)的编排 ,而这一编排又是基于古代对这些著作的分类来进行的。

Loss and preservation

损失和保存 模板:See

Aristotle wrote his works on papyrus scrolls, the common writing medium of that era.模板:Efn-ua His writings are divisible into two groups: the "exoteric", intended for the public, and the "esoteric", for use within the Lyceum school.模板:Sfn模板:Efn-ua模板:Sfn Aristotle's "lost" works stray considerably in characterization from the surviving Aristotelian corpus. Whereas the lost works appear to have been originally written with a view to subsequent publication, the surviving works mostly resemble lecture notes not intended for publication.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn Cicero's description of Aristotle's literary style as "a river of gold" must have applied to the published works, not the surviving notes.模板:Efn-ua A major question in the history of Aristotle's works is how the exoteric writings were all lost, and how the ones we now possess came to us.模板:Sfn The consensus is that Andronicus of Rhodes collected the esoteric works of Aristotle's school which existed in the form of smaller, separate works, distinguished them from those of Theophrastus and other Peripatetics, edited them, and finally compiled them into the more cohesive, larger works as they are known today.模板:Sfn模板:Sfn

Aristotle wrote his works on papyrus scrolls, the common writing medium of that era.}His writings are divisible into two groups: the "exoteric", intended for the public, and the "esoteric", for use within the Lyceum school. Aristotle's "lost" works stray considerably in characterization from the surviving Aristotelian corpus. Whereas the lost works appear to have been originally written with a view to subsequent publication, the surviving works mostly resemble lecture notes not intended for publication. Cicero's description of Aristotle's literary style as "a river of gold" must have applied to the published works, not the surviving notes.A major question in the history of Aristotle's works is how the exoteric writings were all lost, and how the ones we now possess came to us. The consensus is that Andronicus of Rhodes collected the esoteric works of Aristotle's school which existed in the form of smaller, separate works, distinguished them from those of Theophrastus and other Peripatetics, edited them, and finally compiled them into the more cohesive, larger works as they are known today.

Aristotle把他的作品写在纸莎草纸卷上,这是当时常见的书写媒介。他的著作可分为两类: 面向公众的“通俗”著作,以及在吕克昂学院内部使用的“深奥”著作。Aristotle的 "遗失 "的作品在表征上与现存的亚里士多德文集大相径庭。遗失的作品似乎最初是为了以后的出版而写的,而现存的作品则大多类似于不打算出版的讲义。Aristotle的文学风格描述为“黄金之河” ,这一定适用于已出版的作品,而不是现存的笔记。Aristotle著作史上的一个主要问题是,那些公开的著作是如何全部丢失的,而我们现在拥有的那些著作又是如何来到我们这里的。人们一致认为,罗德岛的Andronicus收集了亚里士多德学派的,以较小的、独立的作品形式存在的深奥作品,将它们与Theophrastus和其他学派的作品区分开来,对它们进行编辑,最后将它们汇编成今天人们所熟知的更具凝聚力的、更大的作品。







Aristotle has been depicted by major artists including Lucas Cranach the Elder,模板:Sfn Justus van Gent, Raphael, Paolo Veronese, Jusepe de Ribera,模板:Sfn Rembrandt,模板:Sfn and Francesco Hayez over the centuries. Among the best known is Raphael's fresco The School of Athens, in the Vatican's Apostolic Palace, where the figures of Plato and Aristotle are central to the image, at the architectural vanishing point, reflecting their importance.模板:Sfn Rembrandt's Aristotle with a Bust of Homer, too, is a celebrated work, showing the knowing philosopher and the blind Homer from an earlier age: as the art critic Jonathan Jones writes, "this painting will remain one of the greatest and most mysterious in the world, ensnaring us in its musty, glowing, pitch-black, terrible knowledge of time."模板:Sfn模板:Sfn

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Aristotle has been depicted by major artists including Lucas Cranach the Elder, Justus van Gent, Raphael, Paolo Veronese, Jusepe de Ribera, Rembrandt, and Francesco Hayez over the centuries. Among the best known is Raphael's fresco The School of Athens, in the Vatican's Apostolic Palace, where the figures of Plato and Aristotle are central to the image, at the architectural vanishing point, reflecting their importance. Rembrandt's Aristotle with a Bust of Homer, too, is a celebrated work, showing the knowing philosopher and the blind Homer from an earlier age: as the art critic Jonathan Jones writes, "this painting will remain one of the greatest and most mysterious in the world, ensnaring us in its musty, glowing, pitch-black, terrible knowledge of time."

几个世纪以来,包括老卢卡斯·克拉纳赫Lucas Cranach the Elder,贾斯特斯•范绅士 Justus van Gent,Raphael,保罗·委罗内塞 Paolo Veronese,胡塞佩·德·里贝拉,伦勃朗Rembrandt,和 弗朗西斯科·海兹Francesco Hayez 等主要艺术家都曾描绘过Aristotle的形象。其中最著名的是Raphael在梵蒂冈使徒宫的壁画《雅典学校》 ,Plato和Aristotle的形象是图像的中心,处于建筑的消失点,反映了他们的重要性。Rembrandt的《亚里士多德与荷马半身像》也是一幅著名的作品,展示了早年的知识渊博的哲学家和盲人荷马: 正如艺术评论家乔纳森 · 琼斯 Jonathan Jones所写的,“这幅画仍将是世界上最伟大、最神秘的画作之一,让我们沉浸于发霉、发光、漆黑、可怕的时间知识中"。

File:Aristotle in Nuremberg Chronicle.jpg | Nuremberg Chronicle anachronistically shows Aristotle in a medieval scholar's clothing. Ink and watercolour on paper, 1493

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Aristotle in Nuremberg Chronicle.jpg | Nuremberg Chronicle anachronistically shows Aristotle in a medieval scholar's clothing. Ink and watercolour on paper, 1493


File:Gent, Justus van - Aristotle - c. 1476.jpg | Aristotle by Justus van Gent. Oil on panel, c. 1476

File:Gent, Justus van - Aristotle - c. 1476.jpg | Aristotle by Justus van Gent. Oil on panel, c. 1476


File:Lucas Cranach d.Ä. - Phyllis und Aristotle (1530).jpg | Phyllis and Aristotle by Lucas Cranach the Elder. Oil on panel, 1530

File:Lucas Cranach d.Ä. - Phyllis und Aristotle (1530).jpg | Phyllis and Aristotle by Lucas Cranach the Elder. Oil on panel, 1530

Phyllis 和Aristotle( 老卢卡斯·克拉纳赫)画板油画,1530

File:Biblioteka Marciana, Aristotel.jpg | Aristotle by Paolo Veronese, Biblioteka Marciana. Oil on canvas, 1560s

File:Biblioteka Marciana, Aristotel.jpg | Aristotle by Paolo Veronese, Biblioteka Marciana. Oil on canvas, 1560s


File:Turchi-AristoteIMG 1713.JPG | Aristotle and Campaspe,模板:Efn-ua Alessandro Turchi (attrib.) Oil on canvas, 1713

File:Turchi-AristoteIMG 1713.JPG | Aristotle and Campaspe, Alessandro Turchi (attrib.) Oil on canvas, 1713


File:Aristotle by Jusepe de Ribera.jpg | Aristotle by Jusepe de Ribera. Oil on canvas, 1637

File:Aristotle by Jusepe de Ribera.jpg | Aristotle by Jusepe de Ribera. Oil on canvas, 1637


File:Rembrandt - Aristotle with a Bust of Homer - WGA19232.jpg | Aristotle with a Bust of Homer by Rembrandt. Oil on canvas, 1653

File:Rembrandt - Aristotle with a Bust of Homer - WGA19232.jpg | Aristotle with a Bust of Homer by Rembrandt. Oil on canvas, 1653


File:Johann Jakob Dorner d Ä (attr) Aristoteles.jpg | Aristotle by Johann Jakob Dorner the Elder. Oil on canvas, by 1813

File:Johann Jakob Dorner d Ä (attr) Aristoteles.jpg | Aristotle by Johann Jakob Dorner the Elder. Oil on canvas, by 1813


File:Francesco Hayez 001.jpg | Aristotle by Francesco Hayez. Oil on canvas, 1811

File:Francesco Hayez 001.jpg | Aristotle by Francesco Hayez. Oil on canvas, 1811

亚里士多德 (弗朗西斯科·海兹)。帆布油画,1811年



File:Aristoteles Louvre.jpg|Roman copy of 1st or 2nd century from original bronze by Lysippos. Louvre Museum

File:Aristoteles Louvre.jpg|Roman copy of 1st or 2nd century from original bronze by Lysippos. Louvre Museum

1世纪或2世纪的罗马复制品,出自 利西波斯 的青铜原件。卢浮宫博物馆

File:DSC00218 - Aristotele - Copia romana del 117-138 dC. - Foto di G. Dall'Orto.jpg|Roman copy of 117-138 AD of Greek original. Palermo Regional Archeology Museum

File:DSC00218 - Aristotele - Copia romana del 117-138 dC. - Foto di G. Dall'Orto.jpg|Roman copy of 117-138 AD of Greek original. Palermo Regional Archeology Museum

117-138 dC.- Foto di g. Dall‘ Orto.jpg | 公元117-138年希腊原版的罗马复制品。巴勒莫地区考古博物馆

File:Formella 21, platone e aristotele o la filosofia, luca della robbia, 1437-1439.JPG|Relief of Aristotle and Plato by Luca della Robbia, Florence Cathedral, 1437-1439

File:Formella 21, platone e aristotele o la filosofia, luca della robbia, 1437-1439.JPG|Relief of Aristotle and Plato by Luca della Robbia, Florence Cathedral, 1437-1439


File:Llyfrgell Sant Deiniol and Gladstone's Library Hawarden Penarlâg 05.JPG|Stone statue in niche, Gladstone's Library, Hawarden, Wales, 1899

File:Llyfrgell Sant Deiniol and Gladstone's Library Hawarden Penarlâg 05.JPG|Stone statue in niche, Gladstone's Library, Hawarden, Wales, 1899


File:Uni Freiburg - Philosophen 4.jpg|Bronze statue, University of Freiburg, Germany, 1915

File:Uni Freiburg - Philosophen 4.jpg|Bronze statue, University of Freiburg, Germany, 1915




The Aristotle Mountains in Antarctica are named after Aristotle. He was the first person known to conjecture, in his book Meteorology, the existence of a landmass in the southern high-latitude region and called it Antarctica.模板:Sfn Aristoteles is a crater on the Moon bearing the classical form of Aristotle's name.模板:Sfn

The Aristotle Mountains in Antarctica are named after Aristotle. He was the first person known to conjecture, in his book Meteorology, the existence of a landmass in the southern high-latitude region and called it Antarctica. Aristoteles is a crater on the Moon bearing the classical form of Aristotle's name.


See also






  1. "Darwin's Ghosts, By Rebecca Stott". independent.co.uk. 2 June 2012. Retrieved 19 June 2012.


  • "Aristoteles". Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. United States Geological Survey. Retrieved 19 March 2018.
  • Aristotle. "Metaphysics". classics.mit.edu. The Internet Classics Archive. Retrieved 30 January 2019.
  • Aristotle. "Meteorology". classics.mit.edu. The Internet Classics Archive. Retrieved 30 January 2019.
  • Aristotle. "On the Soul". classics.mit.edu. The Internet Classics Archive. Retrieved 30 January 2019.
  • Aristotle. "Physics". classics.mit.edu. The Internet Classics Archive. Retrieved 31 January 2019.
  • Aristotle. "Poetics". classics.mit.edu. The Internet Classics Archive. Retrieved 30 January 2019.
  • Aristotle. "Politics". classics.mit.edu. The Internet Classics Archive. Retrieved 30 January 2019.
  • Aristotle (1948). Monroe, Arthur E.. ed. Politics-Ethics, In Early Economic Thought: Selections from Economic Literature Prior to Adam Smith. Harvard University Press. 
  • Aristotle (2009) [1995]. Politics. Translated by Ernest Barker and revised with introduction and notes by R.F. Stalley (1st ed.). Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-953873-7. 
  • Aristotle (1999). Aristotle's Metaphysics. Green Lion Press. 
  • Averroes (1953). Crawford, F. Stuart. ed. Commentarium Magnum in Aristotelis De Anima Libros. Mediaeval Academy of America. OCLC 611422373. 
  • Carteron, Henri (1923) (in French). Notion de Force dans le Systeme d'Aristote. J. Vrin. 
  • Cicero, Marcus Tullius (1874). "Book II, chapter XXXVIII, §119". In Reid, James S.. The Academica of Cicero 106–43 BC. Macmillan. 
  • Cohen, S. Marc (8 October 2000). "Aristotle's Metaphysics". Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The Metaphysics Research Lab Center for the Study of Language and Information. Retrieved 14 November 2018.
  • Dijksterhuis, Eduard Jan (1969). The Mechanization of the World Picture. Princeton University Press. 
  • Drabkin, Israel E. (1938). "Notes on the Laws of Motion in Aristotle". The American Journal of Philology. 59 (1): 60–84. doi:10.2307/290584. JSTOR 90584.
  • Ebenstein, Alan; Ebenstein, William (2002). Introduction to Political Thinkers. Wadsworth Group. 
  • Freeland, Cynthia A. (1998). Feminist Interpretations of Aristotle. Penn State University Press. ISBN 978-0-271-01730-3. 
  • Guthrie, W. (2010). A History of Greek Philosophy Vol. 1. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-29420-1. 
  • Jones, W. T. (1980). The Classical Mind: A History of Western Philosophy. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. ISBN 978-0-15-538312-8. 
  • Kantor, J. R. (1963). The Scientific Evolution of Psychology, Volume I. Principia Press. ISBN 978-0-911188-25-7. 
  • Knight, Kelvin (2007). Aristotelian Philosophy: Ethics & Politics from Aristotle to MacIntyre. Polity Press. ISBN 978-0-7456-1977-4. 
  • Kraut, Richard (1 May 2001). "Aristotle's Ethics". Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved 19 March 2018.
  • Kukkonen, Taneli (2010). Grafton, Anthony. ed. The classical tradition. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-03572-0. 
  • Modrak, Deborah (2009). "Dreams and Method in Aristotle". Skepsis: A Journal for Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Research. 20: 169–81.
  • Nasr, Seyyed Hossein (1996). The Islamic Intellectual Tradition in Persia. Curzon Press. ISBN 978-0-7007-0314-2. 
  • Robbins, Lionel (2000). A History of Economic Thought: The LSE Lectures. Princeton University Press. 
  • Shute, Clarence (1941). The Psychology of Aristotle: An Analysis of the Living Being. Columbia University Press. OCLC 936606202. 
  • Sorabji, R. (2006). Aristotle on Memory (2nd ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. p. 54. "And this is exactly why we hunt for the successor, starting in our thoughts from the present or from something else, and from something similar, or opposite, or neighbouring. By this means recollection occurs..." 
  • Staley, Kevin (1989). "Al-Kindi on Creation: Aristotle's Challenge to Islam". Journal of the History of Ideas. 50 (3): 355–370. doi:10.2307/2709566. JSTOR 2709566.
  • Stewart, Jessica (2019). "The Story Behind Raphael's Masterpiece 'The School of Athens'". My Modern Met. Retrieved 29 March 2019. Plato's gesture toward the sky is thought to indicate his Theory of Forms. ... Conversely, Aristotle's hand is a visual representation of his belief that knowledge comes from experience. Empiricism, as it is known, theorizes that humans must have concrete evidence to support their ideas

The secondary literature on Aristotle is vast. The following is only a small selection.


Further reading

The secondary literature on Aristotle is vast. The following is only a small selection.

  • Ackrill, J. L. (1997). Essays on Plato and Aristotle, Oxford University Press.
  • Ackrill, J.L. (1981). Aristotle the Philosopher. Oxford University Press. 
  • Ammonius (1991). Cohen, S. Marc; Matthews, Gareth B. eds. On Aristotle's Categories. Cornell University Press. ISBN 978-0-8014-2688-9. 
  • Aristotle (1908–1952). The Works of Aristotle Translated into English Under the Editorship of W.D. Ross, 12 vols. Clarendon Press.  These translations are available in several places online; see External links.

External links

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