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删除75字节 、 2024年9月9日 (星期一)
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For these three Markov chains, the state space is X={1,2,3,4}, so the size of their TPM is 4×4.
For these three Markov chains, the state space is X={1,2,3,4}, so the size of their TPM is 4×4.
==EI of Markov Chains==
==EI of Markov Chains==
In a Markov chain, the state variable at any time Xt​ can be considered as the cause, and the state variable at the next time Xt+1​ can be considered as the effect. Thus, the state transition matrix of a Markov chain is its causal mechanism. Therefore, we can apply the definition of Effective Information to Markov chains.
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Here, X~t​,X~t+1​ are the states at times t and t+1 after intervening to make Xt​ uniformly distributed, and pij​ is the probability of transitioning from state i to state j. From this equation, it is clear that EI is merely a function of the probability transition matrix P.
==Vector Form of EI in Markov Chains==
We can also represent the transition probability matrix P as a concatenation of N row vectors, i.e.:
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Where Pi​ is the i-th row vector of matrix P, and it satisfies the normalization condition for conditional probabilities: ∣∣Pi​∣∣1​=1, where ∣∣⋅∣∣1​ denotes the L1​-norm of a vector. Then, EI can be written as follows:{{NumBlk|:|
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|{{EquationRef|2}}}}将矩阵每列求均值,可得到平均转移向量<math>\overline{P}=\sum_{k=1}^N P_k/N</math>。[math]D_{KL}[/math]便是两个分布的[[KL散度]]。因此,EI是转移矩阵每个行转移向量[math]P_i[/math]与平均转移向量[math]\bar{P}[/math]的[[KL散度]]的均值。
By averaging the columns of the matrix, we obtain the average transition vector P=∑k=1N​Pk​/N. DKL​ is the KL divergence between two distributions. Therefore, EI is the average KL divergence between each row transition vector Pi​ and the average transition vector P.
For the three state transition matrices listed above, their respective EI values are: 2 bits, 1 bit, and 0 bits. This shows that if more 0s or 1s appear in the transition probability matrix (i.e., if more of the row vectors are one-hot vectors, where one position is 1 and the others are 0), the EI value will be higher. In other words, the more deterministic the jump from one time to the next, the higher the EI value tends to be. However, this observation is not entirely precise, and more exact conclusions are provided in the following sections.

