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删除1,030字节 、 2021年11月6日 (六) 09:54
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三体问题是N体问题的一个特例,它描述了n个物体在其中一种物理力(如重力)下如何运动。这些问题具有收敛幂级数形式的全局解析解,比如,Karl F.Sundman证明n=3的情况,qaudong Wang证明n>3的情况。然而,Sundman级数和Wang级数收敛速度太慢,无法用于实际目的;<ref>[[Florin Diacu]]. [http://www.math.uvic.ca/faculty/diacu/diacuNbody.pdf "The Solution of the ''n''-body Problem"], ''[[The Mathematical Intelligencer]]'', 1996.</ref> 因此,目前有必要通过数值分析以数值积分的形式来近似解,或者在某些情况下,采用经典三角级数近似。原子系统,例如原子、离子和分子,可以用量子N体问题来处理。在经典物理系统中,N体问题通常是指一个星系或一个星系团;行星系统,如恒星、行星及其卫星,也可以被视为N体系统。一些应用可以方便地用扰动理论来处理,其中系统被认为是一个两体问题加上导致偏离假设的无扰动两体轨道的附加力。
The three-body problem is a special case of the n-body problem, which describes how n objects will move under one of the physical forces, such as gravity. These problems have a global analytical solution in the form of a convergent power series, as was proven by Karl F. Sundman for n = 3 and by Qiudong Wang for n > 3 (see n-body problem for details). However, the Sundman and Wang series converge so slowly that they are useless for practical purposes;[27] therefore, it is currently necessary to approximate solutions by numerical analysis in the form of numerical integration or, for some cases, classical trigonometric series approximations (see n-body simulation). Atomic systems, e.g. atoms, ions, and molecules, can be treated in terms of the quantum n-body problem. Among classical physical systems, the n-body problem usually refers to a galaxy or to a cluster of galaxies; planetary systems, such as stars, planets, and their satellites, can also be treated as n-body systems. Some applications are conveniently treated by perturbation theory, in which the system is considered as a two-body problem plus additional forces causing deviations from a hypothetical unperturbed two-body trajectory.
三体问题是N体问题的一个特例,它描述了n个物体在其中一种物理力(如重力)下如何运动。这些问题具有收敛幂级数形式的全局解析解,比如,Karl F.Sundman证明n=3的情况,qaudong Wang证明n>3的情况。然而,Sundman级数和Wang级数收敛速度太慢,无法用于实际目的;因此,目前有必要通过数值分析以数值积分的形式来近似解,或者在某些情况下,采用经典三角级数近似。原子系统,例如原子、离子和分子,可以用量子N体问题来处理。在经典物理系统中,N体问题通常是指一个星系或一个星系团;行星系统,如恒星、行星及其卫星,也可以被视为N体系统。一些应用可以方便地用扰动理论来处理,其中系统被认为是一个两体问题加上导致偏离假设的无扰动两体轨道的附加力。

