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Later, other relationships such as sea creatures producing sulfur and iodine in approximately the same quantities as required by land creatures emerged and helped bolster the hypothesis.<ref>{{cite journal | first1=W.D. | last1=Hamilton | first2=T.M. | last2=Lenton | title=Spora and Gaia: how microbes fly with their clouds | journal=Ethology Ecology & Evolution | volume=10 | pages=1–16 | date=1998 | issue=1 | url=http://ejour-fup.unifi.it/index.php/eee/article/viewFile/787/733 | format=PDF | doi=10.1080/08927014.1998.9522867 | ref=harv | url-status=dead | archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20110723055017/http://ejour-fup.unifi.it/index.php/eee/article/viewFile/787/733 | archivedate=2011-07-23 }}</ref>
后来,其他关系,如海洋生物产生的硫和碘的数量与陆地生物所需的数量大致相同,也有助于支持这一假设。<ref>{{cite journal | first1=W.D. | last1=Hamilton | first2=T.M. | last2=Lenton | title=Spora and Gaia: how microbes fly with their clouds | journal=Ethology Ecology & Evolution | volume=10 | pages=1–16 | date=1998 | issue=1 | url=http://ejour-fup.unifi.it/index.php/eee/article/viewFile/787/733 | format=PDF | doi=10.1080/08927014.1998.9522867 | ref=harv | url-status=dead | archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20110723055017/http://ejour-fup.unifi.it/index.php/eee/article/viewFile/787/733 | archivedate=2011-07-23 }}</ref>
1971年,微生物学家林恩·马古拉斯 Lynn Margulis博士加入了洛夫洛克,致力于将最初的假设充实到科学证明的概念中,<ref name="Turney, Jon 2003">{{cite book |author=Turney, Jon |title=Lovelock and Gaia: Signs of Life |publisher=Icon Books |location=UK |date=2003 |isbn=978-1-84046-458-0 |url-access=registration |url=https://archive.org/details/lovelockgaiasign0000turn }}</ref>这位美国生物学家对真核生物细胞器起源理论的倡导,以及她对内共生理论的贡献,也引起了科学界的批评。玛古利斯在她的书《共生星球》中把八章的最后一章献给了盖亚。然而,她反对盖亚的广泛拟人化,并强调盖亚“不是一个有机体”,而是“有机体间相互作用的一种新兴特性”。她将盖亚定义为“一系列相互作用的生态系统,它们构成了地球表面一个巨大的生态系统。句号”。这本书中最令人难忘的“口号”实际上是由一位玛古利斯的学生打趣的:“从太空看,盖亚只是共生体。”。
詹姆斯·洛夫洛克 James Lovelock称他的第一个提议为盖亚假说,但也使用了盖亚理论一词。洛夫洛克说,最初的公式是基于观察,但仍然缺乏科学的解释。盖亚假说后来得到了许多科学实验的支持,<ref name="J1990">{{cite journal | author = J. E. Lovelock | title = Hands up for the Gaia hypothesis | date = 1990 | journal = [[Nature (journal)|Nature]] | volume = 344 | issue = 6262 | pages = 100–2 | doi = 10.1038/344100a0|bibcode = 1990Natur.344..100L | ref = harv}}</ref>并提供了许多有用的预测。<ref name="Volk2003">{{cite book |author=Volk, Tyler |title=Gaia's Body: Toward a Physiology of Earth |publisher=[[MIT Press]] |location=Cambridge, Massachusetts |date=2003 |isbn=978-0-262-72042-7 }}</ref>事实上,更广泛的研究证明了最初的假说是错误的,因为不是生命本身,而是整个地球系统在起调节作用。 <ref name="vanishing255"/>
In 1971 [[microbiologist]] Dr. [[Lynn Margulis]] joined Lovelock in the effort of fleshing out the initial hypothesis into scientifically proven concepts, contributing her knowledge about how microbes affect the atmosphere and the different layers in the surface of the planet.<ref name="Turney, Jon 2003">{{cite book |author=Turney, Jon |title=Lovelock and Gaia: Signs of Life |publisher=Icon Books |location=UK |date=2003 |isbn=978-1-84046-458-0 |url-access=registration |url=https://archive.org/details/lovelockgaiasign0000turn }}</ref> The American biologist had also awakened criticism from the scientific community with her advocacy of the theory on the origin of [[eukaryote|eukaryotic]] [[organelle]]s and her contributions to the [[endosymbiotic theory]], nowadays accepted. Margulis dedicated the last of eight chapters in her book, ''The Symbiotic Planet'', to Gaia. However, she objected to the widespread personification of Gaia and stressed that Gaia is "not an organism", but "an emergent property of interaction among organisms". She defined Gaia as "the series of interacting ecosystems that compose a single huge ecosystem at the Earth's surface. Period". The book's most memorable "slogan" was actually quipped by a student of Margulis': "Gaia is just symbiosis as seen from space".
1971年,微生物学家林恩 马古拉斯博士加入了洛夫洛克,致力于将最初的假设充实到科学证明的概念中,这位美国生物学家对真核生物细胞器起源理论的倡导,以及她对内共生理论的贡献,也引起了科学界的批评。玛古利斯在她的书《共生星球》中把八章的最后一章献给了盖亚。然而,她反对盖亚的广泛拟人化,并强调盖亚“不是一个有机体”,而是“有机体间相互作用的一种新兴特性”。她将盖亚定义为“一系列相互作用的生态系统,它们构成了地球表面一个巨大的生态系统。句号”。这本书中最令人难忘的“口号”实际上是由一位玛古利斯的学生打趣的:“从太空看,盖亚只是共生体。”。
James Lovelock called his first proposal the ''Gaia hypothesis'' but has also used the term ''Gaia theory''. Lovelock states that the initial formulation was based on observation, but still lacked a scientific explanation. The Gaia hypothesis has since been supported by a number of scientific experiments<ref name="J1990">{{cite journal | author = J. E. Lovelock | title = Hands up for the Gaia hypothesis | date = 1990 | journal = [[Nature (journal)|Nature]] | volume = 344 | issue = 6262 | pages = 100–2 | doi = 10.1038/344100a0|bibcode = 1990Natur.344..100L | ref = harv}}</ref> and provided a number of useful predictions.<ref name="Volk2003">{{cite book |author=Volk, Tyler |title=Gaia's Body: Toward a Physiology of Earth |publisher=[[MIT Press]] |location=Cambridge, Massachusetts |date=2003 |isbn=978-0-262-72042-7 }}</ref> In fact, wider research proved the original hypothesis wrong, in the sense that it is not life alone but the whole Earth system that does the regulating.<ref name="vanishing255"/>
詹姆斯 洛夫洛克称他的第一个提议为盖亚假说,但也使用了盖亚理论一词。洛夫洛克说,最初的公式是基于观察,但仍然缺乏科学的解释。盖亚假说后来得到了许多科学实验的支持,并提供了许多有用的预测。事实上,更广泛的研究证明了最初的假说是错误的,因为不是生命本身,而是整个地球系统在起调节作用。
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Kirchner发现了两种选择“软弱的盖亚”断言,为了所有生命的繁衍,生命往往会使环境变得稳定根据基什内尔的说法,“强大的盖亚 Strong Gaia”断言,生命趋向于使环境稳定,“使”所有生命繁荣昌盛。基什内尔声称,强大的盖亚是不稳定的,因此不科学。 <ref>{{cite journal | bibcode=1989RvGeo..27..223K | doi = 10.1029/RG027i002p00223 | title=The Gaia hypothesis: Can it be tested? | date=1989 | last1=Kirchner | first1=James W. | journal=Reviews of Geophysics | volume=27 | issue=2 | pages=223 | ref=harv}}</ref>
Kirchner发现了两种选择“软弱的盖亚”断言,为了所有生命的繁衍,生命往往会使环境变得稳定根据基什内尔的说法,“强大的盖亚 Strong Gaia”断言,生命趋向于使环境稳定,“使”所有生命繁荣昌盛。基什内尔声称,强大的盖亚是不稳定的,因此不科学。 <ref>{{cite journal | bibcode=1989RvGeo..27..223K | doi = 10.1029/RG027i002p00223 | title=The Gaia hypothesis: Can it be tested? | date=1989 | last1=Kirchner | first1=James W. | journal=Reviews of Geophysics | volume=27 | issue=2 | pages=223 | ref=harv}}</ref>
然而,Lovelock和其他支持盖亚假说的科学家,确实试图反驳这种说法,即这个假设是不科学的,因为不可能通过受控实验来检验它。例如,针对盖亚假说是目的论的指控,Lovelock和安德鲁·沃森提出了雏菊世界模型(及其修改作为反驳这些批评的证据。<ref name="daisyworld"/>Lovelock说,雏菊世界模型“证明了全球环境的自我调节可以通过不同方式改变当地环境的生活类型之间的竞争产生”。 <ref>{{cite journal | pmid=10968941 | date=2000 | last1=Lenton | first1=TM | last2=Lovelock | first2=JE |title=Daisyworld is Darwinian: Constraints on adaptation are important for planetary self-regulation | volume=206 | issue=1 | pages=109–14 | doi=10.1006/jtbi.2000.2105 | journal=Journal of Theoretical Biology | ref=harv}}</ref>
然而,Lovelock和其他支持盖亚假说的科学家,确实试图反驳这种说法,即这个假设是不科学的,因为不可能通过受控实验来检验它。例如,针对盖亚假说是目的论的指控,Lovelock和安德鲁·沃森提出了雏菊世界模型(及其修改作为反驳这些批评的证据。<ref name="daisyworld"/>Lovelock说,雏菊世界模型“证明了全球环境的自我调节可以通过不同方式改变当地环境的生活类型之间的竞争产生”。 <ref>{{cite journal | pmid=10968941 | date=2000 | last1=Lenton | first1=TM | last2=Lovelock | first2=JE |title=Daisyworld is Darwinian: Constraints on adaptation are important for planetary self-regulation | volume=206 | issue=1 | pages=109–14 | doi=10.1006/jtbi.2000.2105 | journal=Journal of Theoretical Biology | ref=harv}}</ref>
