
添加89字节 、 2024年9月9日 (星期一)
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==Properties of the EI Function==
==Properties of the EI Function==
From Equation 2, we can see that in the transition probability matrix P, EI is a function of each element, representing the conditional probabilities of transitioning from one state to another. Thus, a natural question arises: What mathematical properties does this function have? Does it have extreme points, and if so, where are they? Is it convex? What are its maximum and minimum values?
From Equation 2, we can see that in the transition probability matrix P, EI is a function of each element, representing the conditional probabilities of transitioning from one state to another. Thus, a natural question arises: What mathematical properties does this function have? Does it have extreme points, and if so, where are they? Is it convex? What are its maximum and minimum values?
===Domain ===
In the case of Markov chains with discrete states and discrete time, the domain of EI is clearly the transition probability matrix P. P is a matrix composed of N×N elements, each representing a probability value pij​∈[0,1]. Additionally, each row must satisfy the normalization condition, meaning for any ∀i∈[1,N], the sum of the row's probabilities equals:{{NumBlk|:|
In the case of Markov chains with discrete states and discrete time, the domain of EI is clearly the transition probability matrix P. P is a matrix composed of N×N elements, each representing a probability value pij​∈[0,1]. Additionally, each row must satisfy the normalization condition, meaning for any ∀i∈[1,N], the sum of the row's probabilities equals:{{NumBlk|:|
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EI_{max}=\log N
EI_{max}=\log N
==Analytical Solution of the Simplest Markov Chain==
We consider the simplest 2x2 Markov chain matrix:
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其中 [math]p[/math] [math]q[/math] 为取值 [math][0,1][/math] 的参数。
Here, [math]p[/math] and [math]q[/math] are parameters that take values in the range [math][0,1][/math].
The EI (Effective Information) of this transition probability matrix, which depends on p and q, can be calculated using the following analytical solution:
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下图展示了不同[math]p[/math] [math]q[/math]取值的 EI 的变化。
The diagram below shows how EI changes with different values of [math]p[/math] and [math]q[/math].
It is clear from the graph that when p+q=1, meaning that all the row vectors are identical, EI reaches its minimum value of 0. Otherwise, as p and q increase along the direction perpendicular to p+q=1, EI increases, with the maximum value being 1.
==Causal Emergence==
With the metric of Effective Information (EI) in place, we can now discuss causal emergence in Markov chains. For a Markov chain, an observer can adopt a multi-scale perspective to distinguish between micro and macro levels. First, the original Markov transition matrix P defines the micro-level dynamics. Second, after a coarse-graining process that maps microstates into macrostates (typically by grouping microstates together), the observer can obtain a macro-level transition matrix P′, which describes the transition probabilities between macrostates. We can compute EI for both dynamics. If the macro-level EI is greater than the micro-level EI, we say that the system exhibits causal emergence.
A new metric can be defined to directly measure the degree of causal emergence:
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这里[math]P[/math]为微观状态的马尔科夫概率转移矩阵,维度为:[math]N\times N[/math],这里N为微观的状态数;而[math]P'[/math]为对[math]P[/math]做粗粒化操作之后得到的宏观态的马尔科夫概率转移矩阵,维度为[math]M\times M[/math],其中[math]M<N[/math]为宏观状态数。
Here, P is the microstate Markov transition matrix with dimensions N×N, where N is the number of microstates. P′ is the macro-state transition matrix obtained after coarse-graining, with dimensions M×M, where M<N represents the number of macrostates.
