


查看(前100个 | 后100个)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500

  1. 2016研读营之统计物理,网络与机器学习
  2. 2017年集智俱乐部研读营
  3. 2018研读营之张量网络与机器学习
  4. 80/20原则
  5. AI&Society系列沙龙活动
  6. AIXI模型
  7. AI视野系列思考
  8. AP算法
  9. A model of task-deletion mechanism based on the priority queueing system of Barabási
  10. Anaconda编程环境
  11. ArXiv
  12. Atypical Combinations and Scientific Impact
  13. B-Z反应
  14. BA网络模型
  15. Backpressure routing
  16. Banavar的推理运算
  17. Bernhard Schölkopf
  18. Bibcode
  19. Causal Inference: What If
  20. Causal Inference for Statistics, Social, and Biomedical Sciences
  21. Causal Inference in Statistics: A Primer
  22. Causality: Model, Reasoning, and Inference
  23. Causation, Prediction, and Search
  24. Cavity method and belief propagation for the Ising model
  25. CiteSeerX
  26. Clickstream network datasets
  27. Column generation
  28. Counterfactuals and causal inference
  29. Crooks涨落定理
  30. D-分离
  31. DataList
  32. Deepwalk
  33. Digital object identifier
  34. Docker
  35. Donald Rubin
  36. Do演算
  37. Drift plus penalty
  38. EM算法
  39. ER随机图模型
  40. Elements of Causal Inference: Foundations and Learning Algorithms
  41. Elias Bareinboim
  42. Ermentrout-Kopell规范模型
  43. Everett
  44. Flocking
  45. Floy模拟模型
  46. Floy鸟群模拟模型
  47. From dynamics to equilibrium
  48. Google 机器学习术语表——初学 AI 必备资料
  49. HITS算法 HITS algorithm
  50. HMM隐性马可夫模型
  51. Handle System
  52. ISING模型的重整化
  53. International Standard Serial Number
  54. Ising模型与最大熵分布
  55. James Evans
  56. James Robins
  57. Judea Pearl
  58. Julia集
  59. Jupyter Notebook编程环境
  60. Jure leskovec
  61. K-S熵
  62. K-means聚类 k-means clustering
  63. KS定理
  64. KS检验
  65. KnowledgeHierarchy
  66. K近邻聚类
  67. L-系统
  68. LFR算法
  69. Last universal common ancestor
  70. Legendre变换
  71. Lenia
  72. Logistic回归
  73. Logistic映射
  74. Lotka–Volterra方程式
  75. Luca Maria Gambardella
  76. Lyapunov optimization
  77. L系统
  78. M.C.埃舍尔的数学艺术欣赏
  79. Marco Dorigo
  80. Matjaz Perc
  81. McCulloch & Pitts神经网络
  82. Mean-field approximation and the Curie-Weiss model
  83. NP-难问题
  84. NP完全
  85. Nature (journal)
  86. P/NP问题
  87. PageRank
  88. PageRank算法
  89. Pareto分布
  90. Per Bak
  91. Peter Spirtes
  92. Physics-informed neural networks
  93. Protocell
  94. PubMed Central
  95. PubMed Identifier
  96. Python的元胞自动机模拟
  97. Queueing theory
  98. RNA世界
  99. Reading club of the Self-generating Structure(RCSGS)
  100. SVM支持向量机

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